How to establish a Server PC to host my website? - server

So I am interested in server PCs and I want to buy one, and I will choose very powerful. But I don't know how to establish the hard disk to be connected to the internet. I want other people to see it when they write it's domain in the search. I am just searching for advice.

I went back over your question and this thread and this is what I recommend. You are looking to create a hosting environment for others from what I am understanding. Regardless the platform you select (linux or windows) having a beefy machine is going to be key to this. I would recommend at a minimum for hardware the following specifications. I recommend building a dedicated server with multiple Quad Core processors, 32 GB RAM, 2 or more TB Disk, with provision for backups. If you call say Dell or one of the other big server providers, they can custom-create a build for you that will accommodate your needs. That configuration would be a start; your final build may be beefier according to your needs and budget.


filemaker 15 Pro server preformance

I creating a database in Filemaker, the database is about 1GB and includes around 500 photos.
Filemaker maker server is having performance issues, its crashes and takes it’s time when searching though the database. My IT department recommended to raise the cache memory.
I raised the memory 252MB but it's still struggling to give a consistent performance. The database shows now peaks in the CPU.
What can cause this problem?
Verify at that your server meets the minimum requirements for your version.
For starters:
Increase the cache to 50% of the total memory available to FileMaker server.
Verify that the hard disk is unfragmented and has plenty of free space.
FM Server should be extremely stable.
FMS only does two things:
reads data from the disk and sends it to the network
takes data from the network and writes it to the disk
Performance bottlenecks are always disk and network. FMS is relatively easy on CPU and RAM unless Web Direct is being used.
Things to check:
Are users connecting through ethernet or wifi? (Wifi is slow and unreliable.)
Is FMS running in a virtual machine?
Is the machine running a supported operating system?
Is the database using Web Direct? (Use a 2-machine deployment for web direct.)
Is there anything else running on the machine? (Disable virus and indexing.)
Make sure users are accessing the live databases through FMP client and not through file sharing.
How are the database being backed up? NEVER let anything other than FMS see the live files. Only let OS-level backup processes see backup copies, never the live files.
Make sure all the energy saving options on the server are DISABLED. You do NOT want the CPU or disks sleeping or powering down.
Put the server onto an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). Bad power could be causing problems.

My website is almost finished, how to proceed

I have a social networking site which is almost ready. On the site people would upload images and put information about themselves for their profile and would also post messages (which can include images). I am wondering exactly how to proceed (hosting, servers etc.), I am a relative beginner at all this stuff so I am not sure exactly what route to take. I am thinking of maybe hosting from home initially from my Personal Computer and maybe expand by acquiring servers to stack (which I am not exactly sure how to do honestly) if we grow. Since the site is aimed at a small proportion of the population, I am not expecting huge growth in traffic but I want to be prepared for spikes, albeit small ones. I was wondering if maybe it is possible to just host it off my computer and store the the database (MySQL) in a removable disk along with the images. I was also thinking about cloud hosting, which seems to be the most common, but I was wondering if that really is the best thing to do, given this is a social networking site. I know this question is very vague and broad, but since I am a beginner I really have no clue how to proceed. What is the best thing to do? Thank you so much!
Hosting from personal computers is a bad idea for few reasons - your internet bandwidth limits the speed of the website, you need to maintain 24/7 interest connectivity/ power and all the resources.
I suggest you to start with AWS, get a free account of AWS, which comes with a basic level machine free for 12 months, more details here (
Deploy a machine in EC2,
Install the webserver and MySQL tools into the machine
Host your files in this machine.
Refer this machine public ip to your domain service provider(where you bought your domain. Example: Godaddy)
Deploying a machine and configuring the server takes a while, but its worth, it and the best part is its FREE for 12 months, so you need not worry about the pricing, connectivity and bandwidth.
Also when you think the traffic is more, you can upgrade your server with few clicks with no config changes.

Does the creation of virtual machines on a single piece of hardware improve scalability?

Please excuse my ignorance. I don't know anything and am just trying to learn.
I've been thinking and it appears to me that spinning off more virtual machines on a single computer so you can run separate services on each VM instance only creates isolation between those services so that if one VM instance were crash, it wouldn't affect the others.
If the same service were installed on each of the VM's, then it also provides for availability.
But it does not help the scalability of your services because each VM on the same hardware must share the same limited hardware resources such as disk, memory, CPU, and network interface cards.
Am I thinking right? Sorry if this isn't the right forum to ask this sort of a question. If someplace else is more appropriate, please feel free to move it there.
Virtualization is a thing of the post. Now it's all about containerization. I would suggest you to look into Docker and specifically docker-compose
Try visiting, and also
Hope It helps.
Virtual Machines have the advantage that you can adjust the parameters of usage. You can change virtual hardware, memory, disk-space and CPU-usage.
This makes the VM scalable related to the needs.
And if the Host-Machine is getting to weak to serve the requirements you can move the VM on another Host-Machine.
If you want to run a server with maximum available resources it's better to do it without VM but with the best hardware you can get / pay because the VM adds an additional level to computing and is using resources too.

Virtualization and why it is good for programmers

Why does it help to know about virtualization from a programmer's perspective? Except testing and developing on several different platforms without the need of switching between operating systems is there a particular reason why virtualization is important for a programmer? Are there any details that must be kept in mind before developing on virtual instances?
I use it for testing our installer, because it is important to check whether the application will work on a clean installation of the operating system.
I used to do these tests by keeping a hard drive with a fresh operating system installation and making a copy of that disk for (almost) every new test run. This was very time consuming, and the virtual machine solution has saved me a lot of time. Note that this even allows you to do remote debugging as easily as when using two non-virtual machines.
Note: If you're interested, I'm using VirtualBox, which is a very good and free virtualization tool.
If you develop a driver or something very close to the hardware with a high risk to crash the machine, you will be glad to be working on a virtual machine.
Reverting to an old state is easier than to repair a damaged OS.
One of the main advantages is having your entire development environment as a single image file. I have a perfectly configured version of Windows Server, Visual Studio, ReSharper, etc. I can easily try a new version of something on a copy of this virtual machine without worrying about it causing problems.
I can also back up my entire dev environment to transfer it to another physical machine very easily. I've been through 3 machines in this office alone so that was a lifesaver in itself.
The only real trade-off I see is performance. You generally have to use less physical CPU cores than you actually have and less memory. With a sufficiently powerful machine this is not much of a problem though.
Edit: As nader said, I/O is obviously important for most projects as well. Although developing on a virtual machine does mean a fairly large I/O penalty compared with a native OS install, in practice I rarely find it to be a problem. The superior random access capabilities of SSDs are helping to mitigate this drawback as well.
Being able to completely reset the state of the system is very useful to debug applications which modify their environment - If the actions are repeated after a reset, and they're constrained to the sandbox environment of the VM, you are pretty much guaranteed to get the same result.
We have a large number of different versions / customer customisations of our software, and its not possible for 2 installs of our software to coexist on the same machine. Virtualisation allows us to replace the 50-60 physical machines that we need to maintain for testing and problem reproduction with 2-3 virtual servers - it takes around 10 miniutes to make a copy of a VHD template we have and create a new virtual machine, and as long as you allocate 1-2Gb of RAM the performance is comparable to that of a (slow) physical machine.
Virtual machines are also great for build machines.
Personally I do all of my development on my deskop machine for best performance, and remote debug into VMs. I dont run virtual machines on my desktop as it uses up too much RAM, we have dedicated virtual servers for that.
Good for developing, because you have same server configuration in virtual machine like on production server.
From a user space application there should be no difference developing for a virtualised OS versus a normal OS. There may be some gotchas if your code makes explicit assumptions of the machines memory size and number of processors and believes what the hypervisor tells you.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the ease of deployment. All you need to do is get the build down on the virtual O/S and then you can copy the image to as many new servers (running some kind of virtualization solution [like VMWare]) as you want, easily scaling your application.
Record the state of a bug in a program, and send it to the developer (along with the entire "machine").
Testing your code on various O.S, some of which you don't have.
Working in a more protected environment, making sure that the code doesn't harm your system -useful for understanding dangerous programs, like viruses, and developing security against it, for writing potentially wrong hard-drive programs, and anything that can have catastrophic effects on your system.
Easily Write your own O.S without the need to write on 'real' boot sectors, a potentially harmful act (Hope this is not new...).
Quickly use tools and programs not found on your own O.S.
Demonstrate a program at various times, by restoring a virtual machine,
quicker and less prone to failure, than trying to recreate the state at the minutes before the demo.
Less directly connected to programing, but surfing vie a virtual machine (for example to see documentation) has the added value that your own important system (and code) is less likely to be harmed by malicious programs.
From my experience in most cases the answer is typically "no" (When testing and targeting multiple platforms is removed) Both are huge reasons to be familiar with "desktop" VM solutions. Others have done an excellent job of listing rare exceptions like debugging kernel codes.
There are some quirks one must be aware of when running on a virtual machine. This is hardly an exhaustive list:
Loss of precsision or even time reversal in high resolution timers due to emulation of hardware resources (depends somewhat on the vm platform and operating system)
Virtual network interfaces ususally bridged. We've seen some extremely odd behavior in the host system with an application that sets up its own bridge between virtual interfaces -behavior which logically should not effect the host in one of the leading VM solutions.
Usage models - If your product has orwellian licensing codes or records state dependant behavior when interacting with remote systems you should account for what would happen if a system were "paused" and "restarted" or restarted from an earlier "state". Normally this kind of thing would be taken into account anyway in a robust implementation.
If you are developing in a virtual environment you will want to make sure you know what specifications were used to create the environment. If you have say a 4 Gig machine and create a virtual environment with 1 Gig you will want to make sure things in your development do not grow to a point that it overruns the memory. This will cause slight performance problems. I personally ran into this and it was a pretty tricky thing to track down. The scenario was that I was fixing a bug and testing it in a virtual environment. I did not setup the virtual environment by the way... The application took a performance hit because of all of the memory swapping that was taking place.
A very good use for a virtual environment is when you are developing applications that mess with the Windows Gina. It's much easier to reinstall a virtual environment than an entire PC....(been here done that too).
I do all of my development on a virtual XP instance under VMWare Fusion so that I can use a Mac for everything and still write .NET code ;-)
Sometimes they are necessary, because the platform you are programming doesn't support the standard developer environment. One such example is Sharepoint. As of Sharepoint 2007 you still need a server OS to install Sharepoint 2007, WSS, and the Visual Studio Sharepoint Extensions (VseWSS).
Thus for Sharepoint I have to use a Window Server VM to do my development work. As for Sharepoint 2010 they are supporting installations on Vista and 7 x64, but I will still use a VM, because I don't want to have Sharepoint on my main machine slowing everything down. Rather I want it in a VM where the services are on when needed and off when I don't without having to manually turn off/on each service. This in addition to the many great answers posted above.

Separated servers or virtualization, which is more efficient?

My company is hosting a few separate, but related, moderately hit, web sites. Accordingly, a production database server, staging database server, production web server, staging web server, etc are needed. My question is, should we invest in physically separate servers for each of our needs, or should we put that money together and invest in a much higher end server and virtualize all of the aforementioned servers? Which route would you guys decide on, and why?
That depends on a lot of things, here are the main considerations.
If you have a lot of servers with low to moderate usage, virtualization should generally save you money on hardware, power, and floorspace. There is a tipping point, however, based on the overhead of the VM layer itself. Honestly, you will have to experiment to find the right cost/performance balance on this. I am sure the VM vendors would be happy to help you with the math.
The downside is that virtualization creates a single point of failure. If that box fails, you have downtime for all of your servers. Having them separate makes it far less likely for everything to take a dive at once.
You certainly want physical separation between the development and the production servers. You shouldn't ever have to worry that something you do in dev could bring down the machine on which production is hosted. And, there are some problems in development that really require either a hard reset of the physical machine or a ludicrous work-around to avoid a hard reset.
As for production web server and production database, you're not really introducing any new points of failure by virtualizing them on the same machine, particularly if you can colocate a static version of the site on another server. For any modern web site of even moderate complexity, database failure is web site failure anyway.
From my experience, for low or moderate usage a VM is the way to go - if you get just one very powerful server instead on several moderately powerful servers you save money, power and space and make the application faster at the same time because it's running on faster hardware.
A VM also have same another nice advantages, if the server hardware fails you can load the same VM on different physical hardware and continue running like nothing happened (you do have full backups, don't you?) and you can take a copy of the actual production server and run it in isolation on a development machine to debug those annoying bug that only appear in production.
But I would put the development (and maybe testing) servers on a different physical machine than production, you need to make sure no matter what stupid mistake you made in development it wouldn't take down the production server.