How to enable pcntl extensions in MAMP pro? - mamp

I am using laravel/horizon with Osx MAMP pro
when I run the composer it requires laravel/horizon:~1.0
it shows a message -
laravel/horizon v1.0.8 requires ext-pcntl * -> the requested PHP
extension pcntl is missing from your system.
I checked the folder /Applications/MAMP/bin/php7.1.1/php/ext,it doesn't contain pcntl extension.
How can I install that?

download php from
tar -xzvf php-7.2.1.tar.gz
cd php-7.2.1/ext/pcntl
as # drewjoh metioned ./configure --with-php-config=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php7.2.1/bin/php-config --prefix=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php7.2.1/bin/php
make && make install
the terminal shows
Installing shared extensions: /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php7.2.1/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20170718/
open MAMP PRO menu->File ->Edit Template->PHP->7.2.1 add at the end of the php.ini file .
run the command php --ri pcntl and shows
pcntl pcntl support => enabled

Just an addition. Perhaps you followed the above step and still can't get it installed to /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php7.2.1/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20170718/. Here is something I did that worked for me.
I added the --with-php-config before the --prefix flag and it worked. See step below.
download your MAMP php version from Mine is php7.2.22
Open your terminal and cd into your download folder. Then run this command to decompress the tar.gz file
tar -xzvf php-7.2.22.tar.gz
Cd into the pcntl directory after decompressing.
cd php-7.2.22/ext/pcntl
Run the next line from your terminal to Configure for PHP Api, Zend Module Api, and Zend Extension Api.
Then run
./configure --with-php-config=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php7.2.22/bin/php-config --prefix=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php7.2.22/bin/php; make && make install;
You should see
Installing shared extensions: /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php7.2.22/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20170718/
Then you can repeat the last two steps above.

You can download the precompiled extensions from here


Installing Vivado ML 2021.2 in CentOs but process is hang in 'Generating installed device list'

anybody can help me figure out why the installation is hanging on 'Generating installed device list' and how to solve it without starting the process all over. I am working on CentOs.
Thanks in advance
I think this happens due to following missing packages:
As BKN mentioned, you need to install the missing packages.
To avoid starting all over again, you can do the following:
Check the log: cat ~/.Xilinx/xinstall/*.log
Locate the error message. It should look something like:
2022-01-09 10:53:11,458 DEBUG: n.t:? - Executing script Generating installed device list: /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/bin/vivado [-nolog, -nojournal, -mode, batch, -source, /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/scripts/sysgen/tcl/xlpartinfo.tcl, -tclargs, /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/data/parts/installed_devices.txt]
2022-01-09 12:05:35,319 DEBUG: n.t:? - Unable to run GenerateDevListFileLin, exit code: 130, stdout: , stderr: application-specific initialization failed: couldn't load file "": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory failure msg:
application-specific initialization failed: couldn't load file "": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2022-01-09 12:05:35,319 DEBUG: n.t:? - Executing script Generating installed device list for Model Composer: /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/bin/vivado [-nolog, -nojournal, -mode, batch, -source, /tools/Xilinx/Model_Composer/2021.2/data/xmcGenBoardParts.tcl, -tclargs, /tools/Xilinx/Model_Composer/2021.2/../../Vivado/2021.2,, /tools/Xilinx/Model_Composer/2021.2/data]
The log informs you exactly what the missing package is (in this case it was libtinfo), and also provides you with the script to run after you install the package:
/tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/bin/vivado -nolog -nojournal -mode batch -source /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/scripts/sysgen/tcl/xlpartinfo.tcl -tclargs /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/data/parts/installed_devices.txt
Make sure to use the Vivado version (here it was 2021.2) and location (here it was /tools/Xilinx) according to your system.
You may need to run the script in sudo if the the permissions for writing are not available in user mode.
I also encounterd this problem on Archlinux with Vivado 2018.3.
But I just installed the library ncurses5-compat-libs, then the problem is solved.
Perhaps you can solve this by checking the library ncurses5-compat-libs.
Download the tar package instead of the self-extracting bin package
Update the java and python version
sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip
Install Dependencies
sudo apt-get install -y libstdc++6
sudo apt-get install -y libgtk2.0-0
sudo apt-get install -y dpkg-dev
NOTE: Without ibtinfo5 the application will not start and without libncurses5 the simulation will fail
`sudo apt-get install -y libtinfo5 libncurses5`
Restart the system
Untar that Vivado package
tar -xzvf Xilinx_Unified_2021.2_1021_0703.tar.gz
Locate the xsetup file in the package
Install the package in batch mode
./xsetup --agree 3rdPartyEULA,XilinxEULA --batch Install --product "Vivado" --edition "Vivado ML Enterprise" --location "/home/USER"
Once the installation has been successfully completed
Locate the file
Locate the cable drivers
cd Vivado/2021.2/data/xicom/cable_drivers/lin64/install_scripts/install_drivers
Installing Vivado Board Files
Get the board package from the git
From the vivado-board-master package copy the folder board_files undert /vivado-board-master/new/board_files
Paste the board files to Vivado/2021.2/data/boards
From the vivado-board-master package copy the file Vivado_init.tcl under /vivado-board-master/utility
Paste the file Vivado_init.tcl to the Vivado installation
That's it!! You might not need to do all these steps but that is what I ended up doing and it worked for the two machines where I installed Vivado. The installation took less than one hour.
This was originally edited into the question itself by the OP.

Cpplint could not find executable

I am trying to activate cpplint within vs code. I have installed it in Anacanda environment where executable
I have a link to it
ls -l /home/ubuntu/anaconda3/bin/cpplint
Unfortunately per visual code cpplint extension still getting error of "Cpplint could not find executable"
Please, advice to configure it correctly.
Download and install
sudo apt-get install python-pip
pip install --user cpplint
Verify install result
ls -l /usr/local/bin/cpplint
If you still have issues check cpplint.cpplintPath and verify the execution path is set correctly.
Also, if you installed cpplint into ~/.local/ directories, by default ~/.local/bin is not included in PATH. So to fix just that add:
export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin/
to your ~/.bashrc

CMake install directory permission

I have built a project using cmake (LLVM project) and tried to install it by issuing the following command:
$ cmake3 --build . --target install
If I run it using root then there is no problem and the files will be installed under the directory /usr/local/.
My problem is when I want to install the project using normal user.
I get the following error:
CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:36 (file):
file INSTALL cannot set permissions on "/usr/local/include/llvm"
I have changed the permission of directory /usr/local/ to 777 recursively, and their ownership to root:wheel and I added my normal user to group wheel. But I still cannot install the files into the /usr/local/ directory.
The main issue is about building project in Eclipse which fails at "Build Install" command.
chmod 777 -R / is a very scary command. I've destroyed a system once by doing that.
The philosophy I use for this is:
If I need to deploy something through my IDE to debug or test before packaging, I deploy it locally within my home directory.
I only install stuff to my system (outside of home) if it has been packaged first (*.deb, *.rpm, *.tar.gz) so that I can remove it without problems.
For me, I do this with:
cmake $src
cmake --build . --target install -- DESTDIR=stage
This will configure my project, make it, then install it locally in a folder called ./stage which resides in my build directory. I can then run my executable from ./stage/usr/bin. Note that this only works if make is your generator.
Once I've tested it and I'm happy, I package it and deploy to my system or upload to a repository:
sudo dpkg -i <package>.deb
We should use USE_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS in our install function.

Problems running init as part of yii 2 install

I am installing yii 2 on a mac. I have mamp pro ( latest) when i go to the command line and run.
php init i get a message saying
The mcrypt PHP extension is required by Yii2.
I checked the server using phpinfo() and it shows mcypt enabled. I checked the php.ini and it is listed and the file exists in the referenced directory.
any ideas anyone ??
This probably means that your php CLI (Command Line Interface) does not use the same php.ini than MAMP. You could use something like php -c /path/to/mamp/php.ini to be sure to use the same php.ini.
Or try the following command : php --ini, this will show you configuration file names, e.g. :
Configuration File (php.ini) Path: /path/to/php/conf
Loaded Configuration File: (none)
You could then make a symbolic link :
cd /path/to/php/conf
sudo ln -s /path/to/mamp/php.ini php.ini

imagick and mongo on OSX lion with brew

I am trying to install imagick and mongo on osx lion. Note that my php installation is done via homebrew. I have installed the packages correctly and it should work but php returns the following
Warning: PHP Startup: imagick: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20090626
PHP compiled with module API=20100525
These options need to match
in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: mongo: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20090626
PHP compiled with module API=20100525
These options need to match
in Unknown on line 0
Any clues on how to fix that?
The PHP errors indicate that you've compiled extensions for a different API version (20090626 API is PHP 5.3) from the server you are trying to use the extensions with (20100525 API is PHP 5.4).
I suspect that you have installed PHP 5.4 via homebrew, but managed to pick up the OS X default headers (PHP 5.3) when compiling the extensions. You need to either recompile your extensions with PHP 5.4, or downgrade your web server to PHP 5.3.
You can check the version of PHP headers in your path using php-config:
php-config --version
And the version of PHP and extension API with:
php -i | egrep "PHP (Extension|Version)"
Possible fixes:
Include /usr/local/bin in your path first so the homebrew PHP versions are found in preference to the system default:
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
Install PHP 5.3 via Homebrew:
brew uninstall php54
brew install php53
For reference, I'd like to add that
when brew installs php it sets the additional ini files read folder to
whilst it actually is
you can easily fix that by symlinking
cd /usr/local/etc/php/5.4/
mkdir php5
cd php5
ln -s ../conf.d .