Kafka brokerlist vs 1 broker while creating a connection? - apache-kafka

I am running a Kafka cluster.
Sample code:
Properties props = new Properties();
KafkaProducer<String, String> producer = new KafkaProducer<>(props);
Is mentioning whole broker list is mandatory?
What will happen, if I provide only localhost:9092, Will it always use this particular broker?
What if localhost:9092 broker is down?
Is the behavior same for consumer API?

Is mentioning whole broker list is mandatory?
No. The broker list does not have to contain the full set of servers. However, it is recommended to specify multiple ones in case of the server failure.
What will happen, if I provide only localhost:9092, Will it always use this particular broker?
No. Even only localhost:9092 is specified as bootstrap.servers, the clients will retrieve all broker list by sending Metadata request to that broker. After doing this, all brokers can service to the clients.
What if localhost:9092 broker is down?
That localhost:9092 is down only affects the partitions on that broker. No impact on the partitions on the rest brokers. However, if the client application was down as well, it could not find the cluster anymore even after it came back, since it failed to connect to the already-down localhost:9092. That's why it's recommended for users to provide several brokers instead of just one.
Is the behavior same for consumer API?
Yes, all above hold true for the consumer as well.


Kafka, questions about setting up

I'm testing Kafka on Linux, but I don't know what's wrong because the test results are different from what I understand.
Let me explain the setting.
Currently, three brokers were configured with kafka version 2.8.1 in centos7 using 9092, 9093, and 9094 ports, respectively.
In the case of producers, all three ports were connected to the bootstrap-server setting and then executed.
kafka-console-producer.bat --broker-list localhost:9092,localhost:9093,localhost:9094 --topic test
In the case of consumers, three were set up so that they could be attached to each of the three ports.
1. kafka-console-consumer.bat --bootstrap-serverlocalhost:9092 --topic test
2. kafka-console-consumer.bat --bootstrap-serverlocalhost:9093 --topic test
3. kafka-console-consumer.bat --bootstrap-serverlocalhost:9094 --topic test
If I were to explain what I understood here,
In the case of Kafka, the leader broker acts as a controller, and the follow brokers copy the leader broker's data.
If one of the follower brokers dies, a disconnection message simply appears on the consumer connected to the broker.Other brokers operate normally.
If a leader broker dies, one of the follow brokers will be changed to a leader broker, and the changed leader broker will act as a controller.
If I were to explain the problem,
If you kill a leader broker, check the describe option, and the other follow broker has changed to a leader, but both producers and consumers cannot find a new leader and fail.
Even if a broker running on 9092 ports kills the broker without being a leader, the producer and consumer will fail.
If the leader broker dies, should the producer and consumer also set up a new connection?
Am I misunderstanding the producer and consumer?
Is there anything wrong with the setting?
I'm testing Kafka on Linux
But you're using Batch files, and connecting to localhost, which are for Windows...
so that they could be attached to each of the three ports.
This isn't how Kafka distributes load. You can only have one consumer thread active per topic partition. Unclear how many partitions your topic has, but if you have only one and that specific broker died (it is the only replica and leader), this explains why your clients would stop working.
Besides that, Kafka is generally on the same port, on mulitple hosts. Using one host is not truly fault-tolerant, and is a waste of resources (CPU, RAM, and disk).
Regarding producers, there is a property for retries that can be configured; I'm not sure if the console producer overrides the default or not, but it should connect to the next available broker upon a new request.
For consumers, the same, however, you'll want to make sure your offsets.topic.replication.factor (and transactions topic factor, if you use them) is higher than 1; otherwise, consumers will be unable to read anything (or transactions will not work, which are enabled by default in newer versions)

How client will automatically detect a new leader when the primary one goes down in Kafka?

Consider the below scenario:
I have a Kakfa broker cluster(localhost:9002,localhost:9003,localhost:9004,localhost:9005).
Let's say localhost:9002 is my primary(leader) for the cluster.
Now my producer is producing data and sending it to the broker(localhost:9002).
If my primary broker(localhost:9002) goes down, with the help of Zookeeper or some other consensus algorithm new leader will be elected(consider localhost:9003 is now the new leader).
So, in the above scenario can someone please explain to me how the Kafka client(producer) will get notified about the new broker configuration(localhost:9003) and how it will connect to the new leaders and start producing data again.
Kafka clients are receiving the necessary meta information from the cluster automatically on each request when reading from or writing to a topic in case of a leadership change.
In general, the client sends a (read/write) request to one of the bootstrap server, listed in the configuration bootstrap.servers. This initial request (hence called bootstrap) returns the details on which broker the topic partition leader is located so that the client can communicate directly with that broker. Each individual broker contains all meta information for the entire cluster, meaning also having the knowledge on the partition leader of other brokers.
Now, if one of your broker goes down and the leadership of a topic partition switches, your producer will get notified about it through that mechanism.
There is a KafkaProducer configuration called metadata.max.age.ms which you can modify to update metadata on your producer even if there is no leadership change happening:
"Controls how long the producer will cache metadata for a topic that's idle. If the elapsed time since a topic was last produced to exceeds the metadata idle duration, then the topic's metadata is forgotten and the next access to it will force a metadata fetch request."
Just a few notes on your question:
The term "Kafka broker cluster" does not really exists. You have a Kafka cluster containing one or multiple Kafka brokers.
You do not have a broker as a "primary(leader) for the cluster" but you have for each TopicPartition a leader. Maybe you mean the Controller which is located on one of the brokers within your cluster.

Apache Kafka Producer Broker Connection

I have a set of Kafka broker instances running as a cluster. I have a client that is producing data to Kafka:
props.put("metadata.broker.list", "broker1:9092,broker2:9092,broker3:9092");
When we monitor using tcpdump, I can see that only the connections to broker1 and broker2 are ESTABLISHED while for the broker3, there is no connection from my producer. I have a single topic with just one partition.
My questions:
How is the relation between number of brokers and topic partitions? Should I always have number of brokers = number of partitons?
Why in my case, I'm not able to connect to broker3? or atleast my network monitoring does not show that a connection from my Producer is established with broker3?
It would be great if I could get some deeper insight into how the connection to the brokers work from a Producer stand point.
Obviously, your producer does not need to connect to broker3 :)
I'll try to explain you what happens when you are producing data to Kafka:
You spin up some brokers, let's say 3, then create some topic foo with 2 partitions, replication factor 2. Quite simple example, yet could be a real case for someone.
You create a producer with metadata.broker.list (or bootstrap.servers in new producer) configured to these brokers. Worth mentioning, you don't necessarily have to specify all the brokers in your cluster, in fact you can specify only 1 of them and it will still work. I'll explain this in a bit too.
You send a message to topic foo using your producer.
The producer looks up its local metadata cache to see what brokers are leaders for each partition of topic foo and how many partitions does your foo topic have. As this is the first send to the producer, local cache contains nothing.
Producer sends a TopicMetadataRequest to each broker in metadata.broker.list sequentially until first successful response. That's why I mentioned 1 broker in that list would work as long as it's alive.
Returned TopicMetadataResponse will contain the information about requested topics, in your case it's foo and brokers in the cluster. Basically, this response contains the following:
list of brokers in the cluster, where each broker has an ID, host and port. This list may not contain the entire list of brokers in the cluster, but should contain at least the list of brokers that are responsible for servicing the subject topic.
list of topic metadata, where each entry has topic name, number of partitions, leader broker ID for each partition and ISR broker IDs for each partition.
Based on TopicMetadataResponse your producer builds up its local cache and now knows exactly that the request for topic foo partition 0 should go to broker X.
Based on number of partitions in a topic, producer partitions your message and accumulates it with the knowledge that it should be sent as a part of batch to some broker.
When the batch is full or linger.ms timeout passes, your producer flushes the batch to the broker. By "flushes" I mean "opens a new connection to a broker or reuses an existing one, and sends the ProduceRequest".
The producer does not need to open unnecessary connections to all brokers, as the topic you are producing to may not be serviced by some brokers, and your cluster could be quite large. Imagine a 1000 broker cluster with lots of topics, but one of topics has just one partition - you only need that one connection, not 1000.
In your particular case I'm not 100% sure why you have 2 open connections to brokers, if you have just a single partition, but I assume one connection was opened during metadata discovery and was cached for reusing, and the second one is the actual broker connection to produce data. However, I might be wrong in this case.
But anyway, there is no need at all to have a connection for the third broker.
Regarding your question about "Should I always have number of brokers = number of partitons?" the answer is most likely no. If you explain what you are trying to achieve, maybe I'll be able to point you to the right direction, but this is too broad to explain in general. I recommend reading this to clarify things.
UPD to answer the question in comment:
Metadata cache is updated in 2 cases:
If producer fails to communicate with broker for any reason - this includes the case when the broker is not reachable at all and when broker responds with an error (like "I'm not leader for this partition anymore, go away")
If no failures happen, the client still refreshes metadata every metadata.max.age.ms (https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/trunk/clients/src/main/java/org/apache/kafka/clients/CommonClientConfigs.java#L42-L43) to discover new brokers and partitions itself.

Kafka: Monitor the lag for the consumers that are assigned to partitions topic

I'm working with Kafka 0.9.1 new consumer API. The consumer is manually assigned to a partition. For this consumer I would like to see its progress (meaning the lag). Since I added the group id consumer-tutorial as property, I assumed that I can use the command
bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --new-consumer --describe --group consumer-tutorial --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
(as explained here http://www.confluent.io/blog/tutorial-getting-started-with-the-new-apache-kafka-0.9-consumer-client)
Unfortunately, my consumer group details is not shown using the above command. Therefore I cannot monitor the progress of my consumer (it's lag). How can I monitor the lag in the above described scenario (manually assigned partition)?
The code is:
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092");
props.put("group.id", "consumer-tutorial");
props.put("key.deserializer", StringDeserializer.class.getName());
props.put("value.deserializer", StringDeserializer.class.getName());
KafkaConsumer<String, String> consumer = new KafkaConsumer<>(props);
String topic = "my-topic";
TopicPartition topicPartition = new TopicPartition(topic, 0);
try {
while (true) {
ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = consumer.poll(1000);
for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> record : records)
System.out.println(record.offset() + ": " + record.value());
} finally {
Just in case you don't want to write code to get this info or run command-like tools/shell scripts ad-hoc, there are N tools that will capture Kafka metrics, including Consumer Lag. Off the top of my head: Burrow and SPM for Kafka do a good job. Here is a bit of background about Kafka offsets, consumer lag, and a few metrics derived from what Kafka exposes via JMX. HTH.
If you interested in JMX exposure of consumer group lag, here is the agent I wrote:
You can run this agent on some Kafka node and expose offset lag statistics to external readers.
There are examples how you use this agent with Telegraf
At the end (combining e.g. telegraf,influxdb and grafana) you can see nice graphs of offset lags for several consumer groups.
In the kafka-consumer-groups.sh command, your group name is incorrect --group consumer-tutorial not consumer-tutorial-group
The problem with your code is directly related to the manual assignment of consumers to topic-partitions.
You specify a consumer group in the group.id property, however, the group ID is only used when you subscribe to a topic (or a set of topics) via the KafkaConsumer.subscribe() API. In your example, you are using the .assign() method, which manually attaches the client to the specified topic-partition pairs, without utilising the underlying consumer group primitives. It is for this reason you are unable to see the consumer lag. Tools such as Burrow will not work in this case, because they will query the offsets of the consumer group, which is not there.
There are two options available to you:
Use the consumer group feature properly, using the subscribe() API. This is the dominant use case for Kafka. However, the seekToBeginning() will also not work in this case, as the offsets will be entirely managed by the consumer group.
Drop the consumer group altogether and manage both partition assignments and offsets manually. This gives you the maximum possible flexibility but is a lot of work, and you might find yourself reinventing the wheel. Most people will not go down this path, unless the consumer group feature of Kafka does not suit your needs.
The choice will depend squarely on your use case. For conventional stream processing, #1 is the idiomatic approach. This is what Kafka was designed for. #2 implies that you know what you are doing and transfers all of the group management responsibility onto your application.
Note: Kafka does not have a "partial" mode where you do some of group management and Kafka does the rest. It's either all-in or none at all.
You can use simple and powerful tool for lag monitoring called
refer below url:
After installation run below command to export Consumer matrix on your required port Prometheus Kafka Consumer Group Exporter
/usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/prometheus-kafka-consumer-group-exporter -p PORT -b KAFKA_CLUSTER_IP_PORT
After running above command verify data on http url YOUR-SERVER-IP:PORT like
Now you can use any JMX scraper for dashboard and alert system. I am using prometheus & grafana
This can be run on any shared server like [kafka broker, zookeeper server, prometheus server or any] because it has very low overhead on system resources.

Why does kafka producer take a broker endpoint when being initialized instead of the zk

If I have multiple brokers, which broker should my producer use? Do I need to manually switch the broker to balance the load? Also why does the consumer only need a zookeeper endpoint instead of a broker endpoint?
quick example from tutorial:
> bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test
> bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic test --from-beginning
which broker should my producer use? Do I need to manually switch the broker to balance the load?
Kafka runs on cluster, meaning set of nodes, so while producing anything you need to tell him the LIST of brokers that you've configured for your application, below is a small note taken from their documentation.
“metadata.broker.list” defines where the Producer can find a one or more Brokers to determine the Leader for each topic. This does not need to be the full set of Brokers in your cluster but should include at least two in case the first Broker is not available. No need to worry about figuring out which Broker is the leader for the topic (and partition), the Producer knows how to connect to the Broker and ask for the meta data then connect to the correct Broker.
Hope this clear some of your confusion
Also why does the consumer only need a zookeeper endpoint instead of a
broker endpoint
This is not technically correct, as there are two types of APIs available, High level and Low level consumer.
The high level consumer basically takes care of most of the thing like leader detection, threading issue, etc. but does not provide much control over messages which exactly the purpose of using the other alternatives Simple or Low level consumer, in which you will see that you need to provide the brokers, partition related details.
So Consumer need zookeeper end point only when you are going with the high level API, in case of using Simple you do need to provide other information
Kafka sets a single broker as the leader for each partition of each topic. The leader is responsible for handling both reads and writes to that partition. You cannot decide to read or write from a non-Leader broker.
So, what does it mean to provide a broker or list of brokers to the kafka-console-producer ? Well, the broker or brokers you provide on the command-line are just the first contact point for your producer. If the broker you list is not the leader for the topic/partition you need, your producer will get the current leader info (called "topic metadata" in kafka-speak) and reconnect to other brokers as necessary before sending writes. In fact, if your topic has multiple partitions it may even connect to several brokers in parallel (if the partition leaders are different brokers).
Second q: why does the consumer require a zookeeper list for connections instead of a broker list? The answer to that is that kafka consumers can operate in "groups" and zookeeper is used to coordinate those groups (how groups work is a larger issue, beyond the scope of this Q). Zookeeper also stores broker lists for topics, so the consumer can pull broker lists directly from zookeeper, making an additional --broker-list a bit redundant.
Kafka Producer API does not interact directly with Zookeeper. However, the High Level Consumer API connects to Zookeeper to fetch/update the partition offset information for each consumer. So, the consumer API would fail if it cannot connect to Zookeeper.
All above answers are correct in older versions of Kafka, but things have changed with arrival of Kafka 0.9.
Now there is no longer any direct interaction with zookeeper from either the producer or consumer. Another interesting things is with 0.9, Kafka has removed the dissimilarity between High-level and Low-level APIs, since both follows a uniformed consumer API.