Guide for migrating from Swiper 2.5.5 to 4.0.7? - upgrade

I'm looking for some kind of guidelines, known issues, risks or any kind of information to help migrating an app written using idangerous Swiper 2.5.5 to the latest (4.0.7 as of December 2017). My major concern is support for latest Chrome / FF for desktop, although mobile and other browsers are a plus.
I found this Change Log page with some release notes from version 3.0.0 on. I found nothing about older versions and no guide to upgrade, specially useful for major versions
Obs: the same question was originally posted on their forum

Here are a few lessons learned after some initial tests (the list is most likely not complete). APIs updated:
jQuery/Zepto usage changed from $('.swiper-container').swiper({}) to new Swiper ('.swiper-container', {})
resizeFix() removed
reInit() removed
navigation APIs renamed:
swipeTo() to slideTo()
swipePrev() to slidePrev()
swipeNext() to slideNext()
pagination param type changed from '.tgt' to { el: '.tgt'} obj


Where can I see the removed SAPUI5 versions?

Can someone tell me why the SAPUI5 version "1.56.16" stopped working? (using CDN).
I know they have been removing some outdated versions, but, I don't see this one on the list.
Or maybe I don't understand which ones are getting removed...
Versions List
Thank you!
You actually answered your question yourself: You can find this information on the SAPUI5 Version Overview Page.
If you check there table SAPUI5 Versions Maintenance Status you can see that 1.56 is an interim version as it never had long term maintenance. So this means this version went out of maintenance when 1.58 was available or rather in case of consumption via FES when 1.60 was available (which was around Q1/2018).
In column End of Cloud Provisioning you can see that the removal of 1.56 was scheduled for Q1/2022. That's why also 1.56.6 is not available anymore.
The schedule when a patch will be removed can be found below in table Available SAPUI5 Versions on SAP Business Technology Platform, but only as long as they are available. As a rule of thumb patches will be removed if they are older than one year or rather with the End of Cloud Provisioning of the respective SAPUI5 version.
It is important to understand that the removal of outdated SAPUI5 versions will happen at regular intervals, each and every time when a patch is older than one year or rather a version is out of maintenance for one year.

Moodle 4.0 problems with Moove 3.11.05 theme (the site is not showing breadcrumbs)

Basically I've installed the Moove 3.11.05 theme and everything seems to work except the breadcrumbs. I've done the research and didn't find any solution. Has someone else encountered this problem and how can it be fixed?
Moove for Moodle 4.0 is already available. You can donwnload it from its page:
There are significant changes to the user interface in Moodle 4.0 - many of which will require changes to any custom / third-party theme.
If you want to use any such themes with Moodle 4.0, then the best advice would be to hold off upgrading until the maintainer of that theme has released a Moodle 4.0 version.
In the meantime, you may find some useful information at:

Wicket 8 ClientProperties some Methods deprecated

I recently upgraded from Wicket 7.x to 8.1.0 and wondered what happens to some of the ClientProperties methods, that are now marked #Deprecated without a hint why or what will become of them.
The migration guide doesn't mention them either.
I found this commit introducing the changes, but couldn't trace it back to a Jira story (WICKET-6544 is about buggy user agent detection, i don't see the link here).
So what will become of this feature, will it be removed without replacement?
Thanks for your question: User agent detection was indeed deprecated in Wicket 8 and will be removed in Wicket 9.
I've updated the migration guides, users are encouraged to switch to specialized libraries like now.

Can I still release a product with iText 2.1.5?

I can not find any link related with 2.1.5 from SourceForge. I wonder whether I can still use this version as a third party component in my product.
Any comment would be appreciated very much!
Sure you can. Search the web and you will find that version easily (e.g. here or here) It is a different question however whether you should still use that version. It is quite old and lots of bugs have been fixed and new functionality has been added. So do the following:
check the license restrictions (LGPL vs. AGPL)
if you don't have a problem with a GPL based license then use the latest 5.X version
if you can't use APGL buy a commercial license or use at least version 2.1.7
if you go the 2.1.7 route do some testing - in many cases it will do its job still fine. If not you'll probably have to fix it by yourself
Update: I would now use openPDF which is a maintained fork based on 2.1.7.

three20 actively developed

Is three20 still actively being developed? From the site, I see no new features/UI elements since earlier this year when I looked into it.
Besides three20, is there another good framework out there?
As far as i know, Three20 is only maintained by community (bug fixes). Jeff left the project and decided to clean up that mess & provide solid documentation.
He recently started a new project on github called Nimbus, his plan is to port all features of Three20 to Nimbus without the problems we face today with Three20.
I haven't given up on three20 yet. It's a good framework and it saves me hours of work. I'm submitting bug fixes and small improvements to the framework from time to time and I see some activity in github. (not as much as it used to be)
I tried using nimbus, and I was really impressed with the documentation and existing classes. However, note that the developer went to work in CA and said he'll contribute less to his new framework.
The site is not maintained, but you can download the latest version from