How can I do "export $(dbus-launch) in booting - yocto

I'm using GDbus and make a dbus communication.
It using sesstion bus.
Problem is dbus-launch.
I was running dbus in Yocto with c++11.
And, I have to export $(dbus-launch).
But, I want to export $(dbus-launch) or same thing in booting time.
Because dbus start by systemd.

One solution is to have a recipe that adds environment variable:
SRC_URI += "file://"
do_install_append() {
install -d -m 0755 ${D}${sysconfdir}/profile.d
install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/ ${D}${sysconfdir}/profile.d/
FILES_${PN} += "${sysconfdir}/profile.d/"
export $(dbus-launch)

Use this command in /etc/profile or $HOME/.profile or $HOME/.bashrc :
eval \`dbus-launch --auto-syntax`
this will export "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" and "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_PID" with proper values
you can also use this script:
[[ -n $SSH_CLIENT ]] && export $(cat /proc/$(command pgrep -u "$USER" -f -- "dbus-daemon --session" )/environ| tr '\0' '\n' | command grep "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=")


yocto recipe do_install file name with spaces

I am trying to install a file name with spaces in rootfs and having problems to overcome it.
I tried escape characters before the space, single quote start + end of the file name without success.
See below the bbappend recipe. I am trying to set default address with NetworkManager.
SRC_URI += " \
file://Wired connection 1.nmconnection \
file://Wired connection 2.nmconnection \
FILES:${PN} += " \
${sysconfdir}/NetworkManager/system-connections/Wired connection 1.nmconnection \
${sysconfdir}/NetworkManager/system-connections/Wired connection 2.nmconnection \
do_install:append() {
install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/NetworkManager/system-connections
install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/Wired connection 1.nmconnection ${D}${sysconfdir}/NetworkManager/system-connections
install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/Wired connection 2.nmconnection ${D}${sysconfdir}/NetworkManager/system-connections
The manual specifies:
The OpenEmbedded build system does not support file or directory names that contain spaces. Be sure that the Source Directory you use does not contain these types of names.
In the FAQ, they add this.
But with some additional work, you can use a trick by replacing the spaces by a special character (e.g '_'). For example, rename "Wired connection 1.nmconnection" into "Wired_connection_1.nmconnection". Then, you write a shell function (e.g. named my_install()) which restores the original names at installation time with the tr command. Call this function from the install task in your recipe:
SRC_URI += " \
file://Wired_connection_1.nmconnection \
file://Wired_connection_2.nmconnection \
my_install () {
install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/NetworkManager/system-connections
install -m 0644 "${WORKDIR}/$file" ${D}${sysconfdir}/NetworkManager/system-connections
mv "${D}${sysconfdir}/NetworkManager/system-connections/$file" "${D}${sysconfdir}/NetworkManager/system-connections/`echo $file | tr _ ' '`
install -m 0644 "${WORKDIR}/$file" ${D}${sysconfdir}/NetworkManager/system-connections
mv "${D}${sysconfdir}/NetworkManager/system-connections/$file" "${D}${sysconfdir}/NetworkManager/system-connections/`echo $file | tr _ ' '`
do_install:append() {
Thanks Rachid,
your answers helped me.
This is my final version:
do_install:append() {
install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/NetworkManager/system-connections
install -m 0644 "${WORKDIR}/$file" ${D}${sysconfdir}/NetworkManager/system-connections
mv "${D}${sysconfdir}/NetworkManager/system-connections/$file" "${D}${sysconfdir}/NetworkManager/system-connections/$(echo $file | tr - \ )"
install -m 0644 "${WORKDIR}/$file" ${D}${sysconfdir}/NetworkManager/system-connections
mv "${D}${sysconfdir}/NetworkManager/system-connections/$file" "${D}${sysconfdir}/NetworkManager/system-connections/$(echo $file | tr - \ )"

lxc option "--" when calling lxc-start / lxc-create

What is the significance of -- in the command line of commands like lxc-create or lxc-start.
I tried to use Google in order to get an answer but without success.
// Example 1
lxc-create -t download -n u1 -- -d ubuntu -r DISTRO-SHORT-CODENAME -a amd64
// Example 1
$start -n LXC_app -d -f /etc/lxc/lxc-app/lxc-app.conf -- $application &
As explained in the references provided in the comments, the "--" indicates the end of the options passed to the command. The following parameters/options will be eventually used by a sub-command called by the command.
In your example:
lxc-create -t download -n u1 -- -d ubuntu -r DISTRO-SHORT-CODENAME -a amd64
lxc-create command will interpret "-t download -n u1" and the remaining "-d ubuntu -r DISTRO-SHORT-CODENAME -a amd64" will be passed to the template script which will configure/populate the container.
In this specific example, the "-t download" makes lxc-create run a template script named something like "/usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-download" to which it will pass "-d ubuntu -r DISTRO-SHORT-CODENAME -a amd64".

Yocto: Create a directory after mount

I have a Yocto bitbake recipe in my layer - base-files_%.bbappend. It creates mount points:
do_install_append() {
mknod -m 622 ${D}/dev/console c 5 1
install -m 0755 -d ${D}/boot/EFI
install -m 0755 -d ${D}/data
The /data/ directory is later mounted to the internal SD card.
I would like to create a directory ${D}/data/test. What is the best way to do it? I've added a line install -m 0755 -d ${D}/data/test to this function but it didn't do it.
Thanks so much.
You have to ship those installed files by adding to your recipe:
FILES_${PN} += "/data/test"
Another solution is to add in your image recipe:
create_dirs() {
mkdir -p ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/data/test
In your do_install function
mkdir -d ${D}/data/test
-d option creates the dir in your rootfs, and if you want to copy files, use below command in do_install function.
install -m 0777 ${s}/your files ${D}/data/test
The QA packaging process verification should be informed :
FILES_${PN} += "/data/test"

Install MongoDB on Debian Buster

How to install the latest MongoDB 3.4 or even 3.6?
They support with Ubuntu, but my server is Debian Buster and I am stuck with MongoDB 3.2.
I don't know if this is a good idea yet, but I just installed it by adding the sid repos and installing using the mongodb-server package. For me this installs version 3.4.18.
I created /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sid.list with:
deb sid main
deb-src sid main
then did
apt update
apt install mongodb-server
and verified that it's working by connecting with mongo.
I have found the solution for a build script, the description is found here:
The description:
Debian Stretch / Buster / Bullseye / Testing MongoDB and MongoDB Tools build stable builder script, what it does as exactly:
It is basically a built for the latest MongoDB for Debian.
The current varsion is the r4.0.x build (release).
Warning It will remove all mongodb* apt packages in ./scripts/ and /etc/systemd/system/mongodb-server.service is replaced.
It install the required apt dependencies and generates the SystemD service and makes it enabled.
Check if the build works (building is below). It runs all tests, so if it works, then it really does, actually. If there is an error, of course, you will not deploy on your server. So, if building and testing works, then it puts the binaries as it follow and you are sure and done.
The build as follows
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# based on
# the current directory
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
# if an error exit right away, don't continue the build
set -e
# some info
#echo "Works like command, use a tag: sudo ./scripts/ r4.2.0"
echo "Works like command, use a tag: sudo ./scripts/ r4.0.12"
# check if we are root
if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "This script must be ran via root 'sudo' command or using in 'sudo -i'."
exit 1
# require mongo branch
#if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
# echo "First argument must be the MONGODB_BRANCH for example 'v4.1'"
# exit 1
# require mongo release
#if [ -z "${2}" ]; then
# echo "The second argument must be the MONGODB_RELEASE for example 'r4.1.0'"
# exit 1
# require mongo release
if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
echo "The first argument must be the MONGODB_RELEASE for example 'r4.0.12'"
exit 1
# delete all mongo other programs, we self compile
apt remove --purge mongo*
# the required packages for debian
apt -y install libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev build-essential gcc python scons git glibc-source libssl-dev python-pip libffi-dev python-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev #libcurl-dev
pip install -U pip pyyaml typing
# generate build directory variable
# delete previous build directory
rm -rf $BUILD/mongo
# generate new build directory
mkdir -p $BUILD
# the mongodb.conf and systemd services files in a directory variable
# find out how many cores we have and we use that many
if [ -z "$CORES" ]; then
CORES=$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo)
echo Using $CORES cores
# go to the build directory
pushd $BUILD
# clone the mongo by branch
#git clone -b ${MONGODB_BRANCH}
# clone the mongo by branch
git clone
# the mongo directory is a variables
# go to the mongo directory
pushd $MONGO
# checkout the mongo release
git checkout tags/${MONGODB_RELEASE}
# hack to old version python pip cryptography from 1.7.2 to use the latest
sed -i 's#cryptography == 1.7.2#\#cryptography == 1.7.2#g' buildscripts/requirements.txt
# this is only because 4.0.12 uses 1.7.2 and
# support minimum latest (2.2)
pip install cryptography
# install the python requirements
#pip install -r etc/pip/dev-requirements.txt
pip install -r buildscripts/requirements.txt
# somewhere in the build it says if we install this, it is faster to build
pip2 install --user regex
# build everything
scons all --disable-warnings-as-errors -j $CORES --ssl
# install the mongo programs all
scons install --disable-warnings-as-errors -j $CORES --prefix /usr
# create a copy of the old config
#TIMESTAMP=$(($(date +%s%N)/1000000))
#cp /etc/mongodb.conf /etc/mongodb.conf.$
# copy the mongodb.conf configured and the systemd service file
# dangerous!!! removed
# cp -avr $ROOT_FS/. /
chown root:root /$MONGODB_SERVICE
chmod o-rwx /$MONGODB_SERVICE
# generate mongodb user and group
useradd mongodb -d /var/lib/mongodb -s /bin/false || true
# create the required mongodb database directory and add safety
mkdir -p /var/lib/mongodb
chmod o-rwx -R /var/lib/mongodb
chown -R mongodb:mongodb /var/lib/mongodb
# create the required mongodb log directory and add safety
mkdir -p /var/log/mongodb
chmod o-rwx -R /var/log/mongodb
chown -R mongodb:mongodb /var/log/mongodb
# create the required run socket directory and add safety
mkdir -p /run/mongodb
chmod o-rwx -R /run/mongodb
chown -R mongodb:mongodb /run/mongodb
# add safety to the mongodb config file
chmod o-rwx /etc/mongodb.conf || true
chown mongodb:mongodb /etc/mongodb.conf || true
# reload systemd services
systemctl daemon-reload
# enable the mongodb-server
systemctl enable mongodb-server
# start the mongodb-server
#service mongodb-server start
# exit of the mongo directory
# exit the build directory
# delete current build directory
rm -rf $BUILD/mongo
The build as follows
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# based on
# the current directory
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
# if an error exit right away, don't continue the build
set -e
# some info
echo "Works like command: sudo ./scripts/ r4.0.12"
# check if we are root
if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "This script must be ran via root 'sudo' command or using in 'sudo -i'."
exit 1
# require mongo release
if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
echo "The first argument must be the MONGODB_RELEASE for example 'r4.0.12'"
exit 1
## delete all mongo other programs, we self compile
##apt remove --purge mongo*
## the required packages for debian
##apt -y install gcc python scons git glibc-source libssl-dev python-pip
apt -y install golang libpcap-dev
export GOROOT=$(go env GOROOT)
# generate build directory variable
# delete previous build directory
rm -rf $BUILD/mongo-tools
# generate new build directory
mkdir -p $BUILD
# find out how many cores we have and we use that many
CORES=$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo)
# go to the build directory
pushd $BUILD
# clone the mongo by branch
git clone
# the mongo directory is a variables
# go to the mongo directory
# checkout the mongo release
git checkout tags/${MONGODB_RELEASE}
bash ./
chown root:adm -R ./bin
chmod o-rwx -R ./bin
chmod ug+rx ./bin/*
cp -r ./bin/. /usr/bin
# for PROGRAM in bsondump mongodump mongoexport mongofiles mongoimport mongoreplay mongorestore mongostat mongotop
# do
# go build -o bin/${PROGRAM} -tags "ssl sasl" ${PROGRAM}/main/${PROGRAM}.go
# done
# exit of the mongo directory
# exit the build directory
# delete current build directory
rm -rf $BUILD/mongo-tools
# delete current build directory
rm -rf $BUILD/mongo-tools

Varnish DAEMON_OPTS Options Errors

When using inline C with Varnish I've not been able to get /etc/varnish/default
to be happy at startup.
I've tested inline C with varnish for two things: GeoIP detection and Anti-Site-Scraping functions.
The DAEMON_OPTS always complains even though I'm following what other seem
to indicate works fine.
My problem is that this command line start up works:
varnishd -f /etc/varnish/varnish-default.conf -s file,/var/lib/varnish/varnish_storage.bin,512M -T -a -p 'cc_command=exec cc -fpic -shared -Wl,-x -L/usr/include/libmemcached/memcached.h -lmemcached -o %o %s'
But it errors out with trying to start up from default start scripts:
/etc/default/varnish has this in it:
DAEMON_OPTS="-a :8080 \
-T localhost:2000 \
-f /etc/varnish/varnish-default.conf \
-s file,/var/lib/varnish/varnish_storage.bin,512M \
-p 'cc_command=exec cc -fpic -shared -Wl,-x -L/usr/include/libmemcached/memcached.h -lmemcached -o %o %s'"
The error is:
# /etc/init.d/varnish start
Starting HTTP accelerator: varnishd failed!
storage_file: filename: /var/lib/varnish/vbox.local/varnish_storage.bin size 512 MB.
Unknown parameter "'cc_command".
If I try change the last line to:
-p cc_command='exec cc -fpic -shared -Wl,-x -L/usr/include/libmemcached/memcached.h -lmemcached -o %o %s'"
It's error is now:
# /etc/init.d/varnish start
Starting HTTP accelerator: varnishd failed!
storage_file: filename: /var/lib/varnish/vbox.local/varnish_storage.bin size 512 MB.
Error: Unknown storage method "hared"
It's trying to interpret the '-shared' as -s hared and 'hared' is not a storage type.
For both GeoIP and the Anti-Site-Scrape I've used the exact recommended daemon options
plus have tried all sorts of variations like adding ' and '' but no joy.
Here is a link to the instruction I've followed that work fine except the DAEMON_OPTS part.
I'm using Debian and the exact DAEMON_OPTS as stated in the instructions.
Can anyone help with a pointer on what's going wrong here?
Even if Jacob will probably never read this, visitors from the future might appreciate what I'm going to write.
I believe I know what's wrong, and it looks like a Debian-specific problem, at least verified on Ubuntu 11.04 and Debian Squeeze.
I traced the execution from my /etc/default/varnish that contains the $DAEMON_OPTS to the init script.
In the init script /etc/init.d/varnish, the start_varnishd() function is:
start_varnishd() {
log_daemon_msg "Starting $DESC" "$NAME"
output=$(/bin/tempfile -s.varnish)
if start-stop-daemon \
--start --quiet --pidfile ${PIDFILE} --exec ${DAEMON} -- \
-P ${PIDFILE} ${DAEMON_OPTS} > ${output} 2>&1; then
log_end_msg 0
log_end_msg 1
cat $output
exit 1
rm $output
So I modified it to print the full start-stop-daemon command line, like:
start_varnishd() {
log_daemon_msg "Starting $DESC" "$NAME"
output=$(/bin/tempfile -s.varnish)
+ echo "start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile ${PIDFILE} --exec ${DAEMON} -- -P ${PIDFILE} ${DAEMON_OPTS} > ${output} 2>&1"
if start-stop-daemon \
--start --quiet --pidfile ${PIDFILE} --exec ${DAEMON} -- \
-P ${PIDFILE} ${DAEMON_OPTS} > ${output} 2>&1; then
log_end_msg 0
So I got a command line echoed on STDOUT, and copied-pasted it into my shell. And, surprise! It worked. WTF?
Repeated again to be sure. Yes, it works. Mmh. Could it be another of those bash/dash corner cases?
Let's try feeding the start-stop-daemon command line to bash, and see how it reacts:
start_varnishd() {
log_daemon_msg "Starting $DESC" "$NAME"
output=$(/bin/tempfile -s.varnish)
if bash -c "start-stop-daemon \
--start --quiet --pidfile ${PIDFILE} --exec ${DAEMON} -- \
-P ${PIDFILE} ${DAEMON_OPTS} > ${output} 2>&1"; then
log_end_msg 0
log_end_msg 1
cat $output
exit 1
rm $output
Yes, it works just fine, at least for my case.
Here's the relevant part of my /etc/default/varnish:
## Alternative 2, Configuration with VCL
# Listen on port 6081, administration on localhost:6082, and forward to
# one content server selected by the vcl file, based on the request. Use a 1GB
# fixed-size cache file.
DAEMON_OPTS="-a :6081 \
-T localhost:6082 \
-f /etc/varnish/geoip-example.vcl \
-S /etc/varnish/secret \
-s malloc,100M \
-p 'cc_command=exec cc -fpic -shared -Wl,-x -L/usr/include/GeoIP.h -lGeoIP -o %o %s'"
I've seen posts where someone tried to work around this problem by moving the compile command into a separated shell script. Unfortunately that doesn't change the fact that start-stop-daemon is going to pass the $DAEMON_OPTS var through dash, and that will result in mangled options.
Would be something along the lines of:
-p 'cc_command=exec /etc/varnish/ %o %s'"
And then the script as:
cc -fpic -shared -Wl,-x -L/usr/include/GeoIP.h -lGeoIP -o $#
but it doesn't work, so just patch your init scripts, and you're good to go!
Hope you can find this information useful.
You can try using :-
DAEMON_OPTS="-a :8080 \
-T localhost:2000 \
-f /etc/varnish/varnish-default.conf \
-s file,/var/lib/varnish/varnish_storage.bin,512M \
-p cc_command='exec cc -fpic -shared -Wl,-x -L/usr/include/libmemcached/memcached.h -lmemcached -o %o %s'"
Obviously, your startup script interpreting the DAEMON_OPTS is not prepared for whitespace (even within single quotes). At my Fedora (15) installation, the suggested solution works fine; the arguments get interpreted correctly because the "$*" bash parameter is passed in /etc/init.d/varnish and in /etc/init.d/functions in daemon().
Did you get your startup scripts from a package or did you make custom scripts?
This isn't directly related to the question, but you may find yourself here if you are working through the Varnish Tutorial - Put Varnish on port 80.
For recent installs of Varnish on Debian systems the configuration for varnishd startup options can be found in /etc/systemd/system/ The documented way of changing the port via /etc/default/varnish still exists, but is no longer functional unless you change your system to use init scripts rather than systemd.
After you've changed your options in /etc/systemd/system/, don't forget to run systemctl daemon-reload, which will catalog the changes for executing the program.