Can we use egit in another RCP app? - eclipse-rcp

I have an app that manages some files. I want to integrate git to this. Can I use EGit in this case? Or I must use JGit?
I'm trying to build egit but not yet successful. I just want to know if I can integrate EGit to my RCP app. Thank you!

Jgit is basically the library which includes java implementation of git, Egit on the other hand, includes the UI part and the Jgit for the core git operations.
You can simply add the Egit plugin to your required plugins and it should work, if only your app is 3.X RCP based, I don't think it'll work in a pure RCP-4 application.


How is EGit used by Eclipse Developers

I want to know how the eclipse developers use git ? Do they use the command line or do they use EGit plugin GUI ? If EGit GUI is used, then how do they manage it, since eclipse has one repository per plugin structure.
Take a look at the getting started here, then navigate through to answer your question.

Eclipse Plugin for Git - EGIT vs Aptana

I am new to GIT and I have been looking for a GIT plugin for Eclipse.
I came across this on SO .
How stable is the git plugin for eclipse? and also
But these have worsened my confusion over using EGIT or Aptana.
I just want to know
1)Why should one use EGIT and why should one use Aptana.
2)What are the differences in performance and stability in both ?
3) Which one is better right now with their latest releases?
Kindly, please answer these questions. Thanks you.
It looks like aptana and egit are different, aptana is a whole ide based on eclipse with a custom git plugin, and egit is a git plugin for eclipse.
I'm using egit with git console and so far, it fit my needs :)
You should start using one, then if you're not happy with it, try another one.
The git command line is really great, because it does exactly what you tell it to do. At first it's not really user friendly but it's learning efficient and you know what you do. sometimes plugin do other things that are not expected (not in the wrong way but it can cause problems)

How to create versions of projects in Eclipse

Just a quick, short question: I would like to find a way to create "versions" of the projects that I am working on so that I may make changes and revert back to older versions of the projects if those changes are unsatisfactory. Is there a way to do this inside of Eclipse IDE or must I download an addon of sorts?
As it's been said you need to use some version control software like Git or SVN. They let you to have different branches for the different versions. I'd recommend you Git, as long is more modern and flexible. There are thousands of tutorials over there.
Eclipse has built-in support for Git. If you choose SVN you'll have to install the subclipse plug-in.

How can I programmatically access old revisions of a project in an Eclipse plug-in?

I'm writing an Eclipse plug-in that visualizes the history of a project, so I'm looking for ways to programmatically use the CVS/SVN/Git plug-ins in Eclipse to get the source-code history of a project. Ideally, I would want to re-use the existing Wizards to set up the repository, and then somehow grab all the code / tags and do my visualization.
(I'm familiar with Eclipse plug-in development, but I've never used any of the Team Provider APIs.)
Look at the RepositoryProvider class. The documentation in the help in the Platform Plugin Devloper guide under Team support is pretty good.

Prepared eclipse with famous plugins / known good configurations

I've just set up my machine from scratch and was wondering if there are any open available ready to use Eclipse versions (3.5 preferred) which have already installed famous (most used) plugins like subversion support, maven, pmd, checkstyle, findbugs etc. This would save me time setting it up myself.
Never really tried it myself, but this may ease it up for you: yoxos
And then there's myeclipseide but I think you pay for it.
For making sure everyone on our team works with the same set of plugins, we are using the notion of "group of plugins" in a Nexus Pro (so non-free) repository
Nexus Professional has support for Eclipse P2 repositories, and it can serve Eclipse plugin artifacts to tools that know how to interact with the Eclipse P2 repository format including Eclipse 3.4 Ganymede.
If you use the Eclipse IDE, you probably have a set of plugins which every single developer needs to install to get productive.
Using Nexus Professional, you can combine multiple Eclipse update sites into a single URL which your developers can use when they are configuring a development environment.
Using Nexus Professional as a single point-of-access between your developers and the Eclipse update sites they depend on allows you to manage and define a set of common Eclipse plugins in your organization's Eclipse development environment.