How to create table on heroku psql? - postgresql

I am trying to setup a simple web application with postgres. After I have the application running (no database related code yet).
I added a postgres db addon to app with the command heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev --app <app_name>
Ran heroku psql heroku pg:psql --app.
Attempted to create a table from the prompt: CREATE TABLE example_table ( a INTEGER );
I see the error:
ERROR: no schema has been selected to create in
LINE 1: CREATE TABLE example_table ( a INTEGER );
Skimming the docs, it looks like users have the permission to CREATE. I am not sure what no schema means for postgreSQL.
Note: I also ran the command DROP OWNED BY current_user CASCADE; (successfully) - it was on top of a setup .sql script to clean, create tables and constraints and add sample data. Unsure if that can affect anything here.
also try first to:
set search_path to "$user", public;
and if it does not help - try granting privs as from link above

It was the command DROP OWNED BY current_user CASCADE;, I reset the database and everything is working as expected. Re-ran the DROP OWNED BY current_user CASCADE; and the problem re-appeared.
Answer would be to avoid that command. Use Heroku reset command instead :
heroku pg:reset --app <app_name>


Issue with Postgres roles after exporting then restoring from Heroku

I'm new to Postgres and Heroku. I've inherited a project with a Postgres DB hosted on Heroku and I'd like to export it from there for local use inside Docker. I've got as far as exporting and then restoring (via pg_restore) the DB inside my container, but when it builds my DB I get loads of warnings like:
pg_restore: from TOC entry 285; 1259 16897 TABLE foo u2ae1fgct609sl
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR: role "u2ae1fgct609sl" does not exist
Command was: ALTER TABLE OWNER TO u2ae1fgct609sl;
Presumablty this is because I've exported/restored the DB but not the corresponding users. Heroku doesn't seem to mention this part in its docs on exporting/restoring/importing Postgres DBs.
What can I do about this? Can I somehow tell it to set as the owner the DB user that Docker created when spinning up the container, or am I on the wrong lines?

Not sure if I have PostgreSQL installed on my Mac properly for creating Flask web app

I installed PosgreSQL 10.5 on a Mac running macOS 10.13.6 using Homebrew by following this tutorial. After installation, I ran =# \du to view all users. I saw the user with my Mac's name that the tutorial says PostgreSQL creates during installation, but the "postgres" default user was not created (or at least did not appear).
My Main Issue is...
I need to login to PostgreSQL 'at the root', and I either do not understand exactly what that means, or something is wrong. In following the very first steps from the PostgreSQL wiki's First Steps documentation, it says to...
First connect/login as root:
# su - postgres
$ psql
psql (9.6.0)
Type "help" for help.
But when I open a terminal window and type in su - postgres it asks for a password. I've typed in every password I could possibly have given that role, and it just says su: Sorry.
I did some research and tried to change the password by doing this:
postgres=# \password postgres.
That prompted me to enter a password twice, and it seemed to work. But, when I go back and run: su - postgres, it just gives me the same su: sorry.
So I tried typing in: psql postgres. This at least changed the $ to postgres=#, which tells me that I am at the PostgreSQL command line, and then the same: su: postgres, but that just changed the (=) sign to a (-), so now it changed to: postgres-#
I thought that maybe this meant that I was "logged into PostgreSQL at the root, but then I ran the following:
postgres=# su - postgres
postgres-# CREATE SCHEMA test
postgres-# CREATE USER tester PASSWORD 'P#ssword1'
postgres-# GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA test TO tester
postgres-# \q
...and none of that worked. It did not create a user or a schema.
I've installed/uninstalled PostgreSQL on this Mac several times
in the past for testing
I've also installed/uninstalled pdAdmin for various reasons
It is highly possible that I did something in all of that shuffle that brought about this issue with the 'postgres' role not being created during this Homebrew instal. So, I did read through the rest of that tutorial and I did type in $ createuser postgres and that did seem to create the 'postgres' role. I tried to use ALTER ROLE to give that role Create DB but I never could get it to work using the command line, so I just opened pgAdmin, saw the role, granted it Create DB, and then back in command line ran =# \du again, and Create DB did appear next to the 'postgres' role I'd created. I added everything in pgAdmin, and now it looks like this.
List of roles
Role name | Attributes | Member of
MyMacsNameHere | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}
postgres | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication | {}
My end goal...
I am trying to follow along with this YouTube tutorial about creating a Flask web application from scratch. In the YouTube tutorial, he uses MySQL, but I want to use PostgreSQL. Needless to say, I am up against a learning curve.

Postgrex.Error ERROR 42501 insufficient_privilege to create extension citext

I am trying to create a migration. this is the output
MIX_ENV=prod DATABASE_URL="URL" mix ecto.migrate
[info] execute "CREATE EXTENSION citext;"
** (Postgrex.Error) ERROR 42501 (insufficient_privilege): permission denied to create extension "citext"
however until now it has been working in dev mode.
I did try
and installed postgresql-contrib package
but nothing works.
I had a similar issue and doing:
psql -d postgres, ALTER USER my_user_name WITH SUPERUSER and
setting the username in the Repo config to my_user_name
has resolved the issue.
So I think that the answer to the question might be doing 2. so making sure the DB user used by our application is the one that has SUPERUSER. Obviously you could also figure out without doing 2. what DB user name is used by default and then do 1. for that user.

pg_restore --clean is not dropping and clearing the database

I am having an issue with pg_restore --clean not clearing the database.
Or do I misunderstand what the --clean does, I am expecting it to truncate the database tables and reinitialize the indexes/primary keys.
I am using 9.5 on rds
This is the full command we use
pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U superuser -d mydatabase backup.dump
Basically what is happening is this.
I do a nightly backup of my production db, and restore it to an analytics db for the analyst to churn and run their reports.
I found out recently that the rails application used to view the reports was complaining that the primary keys were missing from the restored analytics database.
So I started investigating the production db, the analytics db etc. Which was when I realized that multiple rows with the same primary key existed in the analytics database.
I ran a few short experiments and realized that every time the pg_restore script is run it inserts duplicate data into the tables, this leads me to think that the --clean is not dropping and restoring the data. Because if I were to drop the schema beforehand, I don't get duplicate data.
To remove all tables from a database (but keep the database itself), you have two options.
Option 1: Drop the entire schema
You will need to re-create the schema and its permissions. This is usually good enough for development machines only.
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO postgres;
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO public;
Applications usually use the "public" schema. You may encounter other schema names when working with a (legacy) application's database.
Note that for Rails applications, dropping and recreating the database itself is usually fine in development. You can use bin/rake db:drop db:create for that.
Option 2: Drop each table individually
Prefer this for production or staging servers. Permissions may be managed by your operations team, and you do not want to be the one who messed up permissions on a shared database cluster.
The following SQL code will find all table names and execute a DROP TABLE statement for each.
FOR r IN (SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = current_schema()) LOOP
EXECUTE 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' || quote_ident(r.tablename) || ' CASCADE'; -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS instead DROP TABLE - thanks for the clarification Yaroslav Schekin
END $$;

Why can only a superuser CREATE EXTENSION hstore, but not on Heroku?

When I attempt to enable hstore on my database:
ERROR: permission denied to create extension "hstore"
HINT: Must be superuser to create this extension.
My user is not a superuser, but is the owner of the database.
According to the CREATE EXTENSION docs:
Loading an extension requires the same privileges that would be required to create its component objects. For most extensions this means superuser or database owner privileges are needed. The user who runs CREATE EXTENSION becomes the owner of the extension for purposes of later privilege checks, as well as the owner of any objects created by the extension's script.
What is hstore doing that requires superuser privileges? Is it affecting parts of the cluster outside the database I'm adding it to?
Further confundity:
The DB user Heroku Postgres provides is not a superuser:
Heroku Postgres users are granted all non-superuser permissions on their database. These include SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, REFERENCES, TRIGGER, CREATE, CONNECT, TEMPORARY, EXECUTE, and USAGE.
However, that user is able to CREATE EXTENSION hstore:
To create any supported extension, open a session with heroku pg:psql and run the appropriate command:
$ heroku pg:psql
Pager usage is off.
psql (9.2.4)
SSL connection (cipher: DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, bits: 256)
Type "help" for help.
ad27m1eao6kqb1=> CREATE EXTENSION hstore;
(For context, I'm attempting to set up a Dokku deployment, so the comparison to Heroku is especially important.)
The hstore extension creates functions that call code from an external dynamic object, which requires superuser privilege. That's why creating the hstore extension requires superuser privilege.
As for Heroku, it is my understanding that they are running with a special extension whitelisting module, which allows users to create certain extensions even though they are not superusers. I believe it is based on this code: You can try to install that code yourself if you want the same functionality in your databases.
If you run this command from a superuser, this solves your CREATE EXTENSION issue. You may check your available users with \du to find a superuser.
This is not related to heroku.
This is how I solved this issue in ubuntu 18.04.
Provide postgres super user access.
sudo su postgres
Then I run:
psql -U postgres your_database_name -c 'create extension hstore;'
Now I can alter table your_database_name and add hstore type columns in it.
Connect to your database
psql -d your_database_name -U your_user_role
alter table your_table_name add your_column_name HSTORE;
Though there might be saveral different ways to do it, but I solve it in this way.
Hope this will help novice users like me.