How instantiate case class from Map[String, String] - scala

Lets say I have
case class Sample(i:Int, b:Boolean)
Map[String, String]("i" => "1", "b" => "false")
What is most concise way to instantiate any case class(if all fields are in map), signature like this:
get[T](map:[String, String]) : T
Probably shapeless can help acomplish this task, but I am almost unfamiliar with it. Thanks!

Firstly you can transform Map[String, String] into Map[Symbol, Any] and then use type classes shapeless.ops.maps.FromMap (or extention method .toRecord) and LabelledGeneric:
import shapeless.LabelledGeneric
import shapeless.record.Record
import shapeless.syntax.std.maps._
case class Sample(i: Int, b: Boolean)
val rec = Map('i -> 1, 'b -> false).toRecord[Record.`'i -> Int, 'b -> Boolean`.T].get
LabelledGeneric[Sample].from(rec) //Sample(1,false)

If not using Shapeless is an option for you, you could do it in a simple way without it. Here is a sample implementation where I use the Try Monad and a pattern matching to transform the Map into your case class:
(Try("1".toInt), Try("false".toBoolean)) match {
case (Success(intVal), Success(boolVal)) =>
Sample(intVal, boolVal)
case _ => // Log and ignore the values
Of course this is a bit verbose than the Shapeless version, but if you do not want to use a full library just for this simple use case, you could always do it using Scala library!

guys. Probably I wasn't too concise. What I really need is Generic parser from Map of Strings to case class. Thanks for pointing out to LabelledGeneric. Here is solution:
import shapeless.labelled.{FieldType, field}
import shapeless.{::, HList, HNil, LabelledGeneric, Lazy, Witness}
object FieldParser {
trait ValParser[A] {
def parse(str:String): A
trait FieldParser[A] {
def parse: A
type FT[A, B] = FieldType[A, B]
type ListField[K <: Symbol, A] = FieldType[K, List[A]]
type FP[A] = FieldParser[A]
type Args = (List[String],Map[String, Int])
type Named[K <: Symbol] = Witness.Aux[K]
private def create[A](thunk: A): FP[A] = {
new FP[A] {
def parse: A = thunk
def apply[A](implicit st: Lazy[FP[A]]): FP[A] = st.value
implicit def genericParser[A, R <: HList](implicit generic: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R], parser: Lazy[FP[R]], args:Args): FP[A] = {
implicit def hlistParser[K <: Symbol, H, T <: HList](implicit hParser: Lazy[FP[FT[K, H]]], tParser: FP[T]): FP[FT[K, H] :: T] = {
create {
val hv = hParser.value.parse
val tv = tParser.parse
hv :: tv
implicit def standardTypeParser[K <: Symbol, V:ValParser](implicit named: Named[K], args:Args): FP[FieldType[K, V]] = {
implicit def optionParser[V](implicit valParser:ValParser[V]): ValParser[Option[V]] = new ValParser[Option[V]]{
def parse(str:String):Option[V] = {
str.isEmpty match {
case true => None
case false => Some(valParser.parse(str))
implicit def listParser[V](implicit valParser:ValParser[V]): ValParser[List[V]] = new ValParser[List[V]]{
def parse(str:String):List[V] = {
str.isEmpty match {
case true => Nil
case false => str.split(",").map(valParser.parse).toList
implicit def doubleParser: ValParser[Double] = new ValParser[Double]{
def parse(str:String):Double = str.toDouble
implicit def intParser: ValParser[Int] = new ValParser[Int]{
def parse(str:String):Int = str.toInt
implicit def strParser: ValParser[String] = new ValParser[String]{
def parse(str:String):String = str
implicit def boolParser: ValParser[Boolean] = new ValParser[Boolean]{
def parse(str:String):Boolean = str.toBoolean
implicit val hnilParser: FP[HNil] = create(HNil)
private def findArg[K <: Symbol](implicit args:Args, named: Named[K]): String = {
val name =
val index = args._2(name)


How to pattern match all classes with context bound

I have a type class and a few instances:
trait TC[T] { def doThings(x: T): Unit }
implicit val tcA = new TC[A] { /* ... */}
implicit val tcB = new TC[B] { /* ... */}
implicit val tcC = new TC[C] { /* ... */}
/* ... */
In my call site, I have input as Any, and I need to check if there is an implicit for the input actual type:
def process(in: Any) = in match {
case x: A => implicitly[TC[A]].doThings(x)
case x: B => implicitly[TC[B]].doThings(x)
case x: C => implicitly[TC[C]].doThings(x)
This seems tedious and unnecessary, as I have to list all the classes that have this type class instance. Can I achieve this by something like:
def process(in: Any) = in match {
case x: T : TC => implicitly[TC[T]].doThings(x) //This does not work
Edit: input is an Any (an Object from a Java library). Cannot use generic or context bound on the input.
If you really want to do what you have mentioned in your question, you can write it as below, but if you just want to call doThings by finding an implicit instance of appropriate TC - refer João Guitana answer
object Main extends App {
class A
class B
class C
trait TC[T] { def doThings(x: T): Unit }
implicit val tcA = new TC[A] {
override def doThings(x: A): Unit = println("From A")
implicit val tcB = new TC[B] {
override def doThings(x: B): Unit = println("From B")
implicit val tcC = new TC[C] {
override def doThings(x: C): Unit = println("From C")
def process[T: ClassTag](in: T) = in match {
case x: A => implicitly[TC[A]].doThings(x)
case x: B => implicitly[TC[B]].doThings(x)
case x: C => implicitly[TC[C]].doThings(x)
process(new A())
process(new B())
process(new C())
/* === Output ====
From A
From B
From C
You need to ask for an implicit TC, Any won't work. As follows:
trait TC[T] { def doThings(x: T): Unit }
implicit def tcS: TC[String] = new TC[String] {
override def doThings(x: String): Unit = println("string")
implicit def tcI: TC[Int] = new TC[Int] {
override def doThings(x: Int): Unit = println("int")
def process[T : TC](x: T): Unit = implicitly[TC[T]].doThings(x)
// process(4L) wont compile
Try it out!

How to implement typesafe domain repository in scala?

I want to implement generic and typesafe domain repository. Say I have
trait Repo[Value] {
def put(value: Value): Unit
case class IntRepo extends Repo[Int] {
override def put(value: Int): Unit = ???
case class StringRepo extends Repo[String] {
override def put(value: String): Unit = ???
case class DomainRepo(intRepo: IntRepo, stringRepo: StringRepo) {
def putAll[?](values: ?*): Unit // what type should be here?
As result I want to have following api:
domainRepo.putAll(1, 2, 3, "foo", "bar") //Should work
domainRepo.putAll(1, 2, true, "foo") // should not compile because of boolean value
The question is How to achieve this?
so, I see only one way to make it typesafe. It's to do pattern matching on Any type like
def putAll(values: Seq[Any]) => Unit = values.foreach {
case str: String => stringRepo.put(str)
case int: Int => intRepo.put(int)
case _ => throw RuntimeException // Ha-Ha
but what if I would have 10000 of types here? it would be a mess!
another not clear for me approach for now is to use dotty type | (or) like following:
type T = Int | String | 10000 other types // wouldn't be a mess?
def putAll(t: T*)(implicit r1: Repo[Int], r2: Repo[String] ...) {
val myTargetRepo = implicitly[Repo[T]] // would not work
so, what do you think? is it even possible?
the easies way I've saw was
Map[Class[_], Repo[_]]
but this way allows to do a lot of errors
It seems you are looking for a type class
trait Repo[Value] {
def put(value: Value): Unit
implicit val intRepo: Repo[Int] = new Repo[Int] {
override def put(value: Int): Unit = ???
implicit val stringRepo: Repo[String] = new Repo[String] {
override def put(value: String): Unit = ???
case object DomainRepo {
def putAll[Value](value: Value)(implicit repo: Repo[Value]): Unit = repo.put(value)
If you want domainRepo.putAll(1, 2, 3, "foo", "bar") to compile and domainRepo.putAll(1, 2, true, "foo") not to compile, you can try to use heterogeneous collection (HList).
import shapeless.{HList, HNil, ::, Poly1}
import shapeless.ops.hlist.Mapper
trait Repo[Value] {
def put(value: Value): Unit
implicit val intRepo: Repo[Int] = new Repo[Int] {
override def put(value: Int): Unit = ???
implicit val stringRepo: Repo[String] = new Repo[String] {
override def put(value: String): Unit = ???
case object DomainRepo {
def put[Value](value: Value)(implicit repo: Repo[Value]): Unit = repo.put(value)
object putPoly extends Poly1 {
implicit def cse[Value: Repo]: Case.Aux[Value, Unit] = at(put(_))
def putAll[Values <: HList](values: Values)(implicit
mapper: Mapper[putPoly.type, Values]): Unit = mapper(values)
DomainRepo.putAll(1 :: 2 :: 3 :: "foo" :: "bar" :: HNil)
// DomainRepo.putAll(1 :: 2 :: true :: "foo" :: HNil) // doesn't compile

Get a list of field values of the same type in a case class

I have a class like this, that is giving detailed answer to what part of the overlaying algorithm went wrong if someone is interested and I want to enhance it in the future with many other possible invalidities in data.
case class Validity(grouping: Boolean = true,
matchingValuesValidation: Boolean = true) {
def compute: Boolean =
def merge(ot: Validity): Validity =
grouping && ot.grouping,
matchingValuesValidation && ot.matchingValuesValidation
I know all the fields will be Boolean, computation won't change. I would like to make methods compute and merge somehow iterate through all fields, so if I enhance it, there is no need to do it 3 times. If I use Map, I can add whatever key -> value pair I want and that is not desirable, I want to keep the structure. At the same time, I would like to enhance the class by simply adding another Boolean parameter to the class. Any ideas are greatly appreciated, thanks in advance
You know what? YOLO.
case class Validity(grouping: Boolean = true, matchingValuesValidation: Boolean = true) {
def values: List[Boolean] = {
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
val fields = typeOf[Validity].members.collect { case m: MethodSymbol if m.isCaseAccessor => m }.toList
val mirror = runtimeMirror(this.getClass.getClassLoader)[Boolean])
def compute: Boolean = values.forall(identity)
def merge(ot: Validity) = Validity.fromValues( => v._1 && v._2).reverse)
object Validity {
def fromValues(values: List[Boolean]): Validity = {
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
val mirror = runtimeMirror(Validity.getClass.getClassLoader)
val constructorSymbol = typeOf[Validity].decl(termNames.CONSTRUCTOR).asMethod
val classSymbol = mirror.reflectClass(typeOf[Validity].typeSymbol.asClass)
val constructor = classSymbol.reflectConstructor(constructorSymbol)
Instead of reflection you can use shapeless to do the heavy lifting for you:
import shapeless.ops.hlist.{Mapper, Zip}
import shapeless.{::, Generic, HList, HNil, Poly1}
private sealed trait lowPrioMergerMapper extends Poly1 {
implicit def mapperT[T]: Case.Aux[(T, T), T] = at[(T, T)] { case (v1, _) => v1}
private object MergerMapper extends lowPrioMergerMapper {
implicit def mapperBoolean: Case.Aux[(Boolean, Boolean), Boolean] = at[(Boolean, Boolean)] { case (v1, v2) => v1 && v2 }
def booleanFieldMerger[T, HL <: HList, ZOut <: HList](a: T, b: T)(
gen: Generic.Aux[T, HL],
zipWith: Zip.Aux[HL :: HL :: HNil, ZOut],
mapper: Mapper.Aux[MergerMapper.type ,ZOut, HL]
): T = {
val aRepr =
val bRepr =
gen.from((aRepr zip bRepr) map MergerMapper)
And the usage would be like:
val validity = Validity()
val validity2 = Validity(a = false)
val validity3 = Validity(b = false)
val validity4 = Validity(a = false, b = false)
booleanFieldMerger(validity,validity2) shouldBe validity2
booleanFieldMerger(validity2,validity3) shouldBe validity4
List(validity2,validity3).fold(validity)((a,b) => booleanFieldMerger(a,b)) shouldBe validity4
And for evaluation of the fields you can use:
import shapeless.HList
import shapeless.ops.hlist._
def evaluateBooleanFields[T, HL <: HList](input: T)(
gen: Generic.Aux[T, HL],
toTrav: ToList[HL,Any]): Boolean = {{
case (acc, e: Boolean) => acc && e
case (acc, _) => acc}
And the usage would be the same as above:
evaluateBooleanFields(validity) shouldBe true
evaluateBooleanFields(validity2) shouldBe false

How do I use the type member A in IsTraversableLike?

I am trying to write some extension methods for the Scala collections, and running into trouble fully generifying them.
A first attempt at tailOption yields something like:
implicit class TailOption[A, Repr <: GenTraversableLike[A, Repr]](val repr: Repr) {
def tailOption: Option[Repr] =
if (repr.isEmpty) None
else Some(repr.tail)
unfortunately, this doesn't work:
scala> List(1,2,3).tailOption
<console>:19: error: value tailOption is not a member of List[Int]
Scala 2.10 provides the IsTraversableLike type-class to help adapt this sort of thing for all collections (including odd ones, like Strings).
With this I can for instance implement tailOption quite easily:
implicit class TailOption[Repr](val r: Repr)(implicit fr: IsTraversableLike[Repr]) {
def tailOption: Option[Repr] = {
val repr = fr.conversion(r)
if (repr.isEmpty) None
else Some(repr.tail)
scala> List(1,2,3).tailOption
res12: Option[List[Int]] = Some(List(2, 3))
scala> "one".tailOption
res13: Option[String] = Some(ne)
The result is of the correct type: Option[<input-type>]. Specifically, I have been able to preserve the Repr type when calling methods that return Repr, like `tail.
Unfortunately, I can't seem to use this trick to preserve the type of the elements of the collection. I can't call methods that return an element.
IsTraversableLike does have a member A but it doesn't seem very useful. In particular I can't reconstruct my original element type and the member is not equivalent in type. For instance, without further work, headTailOption looks like this:
implicit class HeadTailOption[Repr](val r: Repr)(implicit val fr: IsTraversableLike[Repr]) {
def headTailOption: Option[(fr.A, Repr)] = {
val repr = fr.conversion(r)
if (repr.isEmpty) None
else Some(repr.head -> repr.tail)
scala> val Some((c, _)) = "one".headTailOption
c: forSome { val _1: HeadTailOption[String] } = o
As we can see, c has a wonderfully baroque type. But, this type is not equivalent to Char:
scala> val fr = implicitly[IsTraversableLike[String]]
fr: scala.collection.generic.IsTraversableLike[String] = scala.collection.generic.IsTraversableLike$$anon$1#60ab6a84
scala> implicitly[fr.A <:< Char]
<console>:25: error: Cannot prove that fr.A <:< Char.
implicitly[fr.A <:< Char]
I have tried all sorts of tricks including having Repr[A] <: GenTraversableLike[A, Repr[A]] none of which help. Can anyone work out the magic sauce to make headTailOption return the right types for:
val headTailString: Option[(Char, String)] = "one".headTailOption
val headTailList: Option[(Int, List[Int])] = List(1,2,3).headTailOption
A partial answer. You have probably started from the scaladoc example for IsTraversableLike. It still uses the "old approach" of separating implicit conversion and instantiating the wrapper class, instead of going in one step through an implicit class. It turns out that the "old approach" does work:
import collection.GenTraversableLike
import collection.generic.IsTraversableLike
final class HeadTailOptionImpl[A, Repr](repr: GenTraversableLike[A, Repr]) {
def headTailOption: Option[(A, Repr)] = {
if (repr.isEmpty) None
else Some(repr.head -> repr.tail)
implicit def headTailOption[Repr](r: Repr)(implicit fr: IsTraversableLike[Repr]):
HeadTailOptionImpl[fr.A,Repr] = new HeadTailOptionImpl(fr.conversion(r))
// `c` looks still weird: `scala.collection.generic.IsTraversableLike.stringRepr.A`
val Some((c, _)) = "one".headTailOption
val d: Char = c // ...but it really is a `Char`!
val headTailString: Option[(Char, String)] = "one".headTailOption
val headTailList: Option[(Int, List[Int])] = List(1,2,3).headTailOption
As Miles points out, the split seems essential for this to work with the implicit search and type inference.
Another solution, although of course less elegant, is to give up the unification of strings and collections:
trait HeadTailOptionLike[A, Repr] {
def headTailOption: Option[(A, Repr)]
implicit class GenHeadTailOption[A, Repr](repr: GenTraversableLike[A, Repr])
extends HeadTailOptionLike[A, Repr] {
def headTailOption =
if (repr.isEmpty) None
else Some(repr.head -> repr.tail)
implicit class StringHeadTailOption(repr: String)
extends HeadTailOptionLike[Char, String] {
def headTailOption =
if (repr.isEmpty) None
else Some(repr.head -> repr.tail) // could use repr.charAt(0) -> repr.substring(1)
You can write it as an implicit class if you extract the type A from the IsTraversableLike.
import collection.generic.IsTraversableLike
implicit class HeadTailOption[Repr,A0](val r: Repr)(implicit val fr: IsTraversableLike[Repr]{ type A = A0 }) {
def headTailOption: Option[(A0, Repr)] = {
val repr = fr.conversion(r)
if (repr.isEmpty) None
else Some(repr.head -> repr.tail)
Or equivalently:
import collection.generic.IsTraversableLike
type IsTraversableLikeAux[Repr,A0] = IsTraversableLike[Repr]{ type A = A0 }
implicit class HeadTailOption[Repr,A](val r: Repr)(implicit val fr: IsTraversableLikeAux[Repr,A]) {
def headTailOption: Option[(A, Repr)] = {
val repr = fr.conversion(r)
if (repr.isEmpty) None
else Some(repr.head -> repr.tail)
And then everything works fine.
scala> val Some((c, _)) = "one".headTailOption
c: scala.collection.generic.IsTraversableLike.stringRepr.A = o
scala> c.isSpaceChar
res0: Boolean = false
The compiler knows that scala.collection.generic.IsTraversableLike.stringRepr.A is the same as Char.

Define a MongoRecord in Lift with a Map inside it

I cannot find the way to define a MongoRecord with a Map[String,String] field inside it in Lift - MongoRecord.
The Lift documentation says:
All standard Record Fields are supported. There is also support for Mongo specific types; ObjectId, UUID, Pattern, List, and Map.
How can I define Map and List fields?
I defined a BsonRecordMapField:
class BsonRecordMapField[OwnerType <: BsonRecord[OwnerType], SubRecordType <: BsonRecord[SubRecordType]]
(rec: OwnerType, valueMeta: BsonMetaRecord[SubRecordType])(implicit mf: Manifest[SubRecordType])
extends MongoMapField[OwnerType, SubRecordType](rec: OwnerType) {
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
override def asDBObject: DBObject = {
val javaMap = new HashMap[String, DBObject]()
for ((key, element) <- value) {
javaMap.put(key.asInstanceOf[String], element.asDBObject)
val dbl = new BasicDBObject(javaMap)
override def setFromDBObject(dbo: DBObject): Box[Map[String, SubRecordType]] = {
val mapResult: Map[String, SubRecordType] = (for ((key, dboEl) <- dbo.toMap.toSeq) yield (key.asInstanceOf[String], valueMeta.fromDBObject(dboEl.asInstanceOf[DBObject]))).toMap
override def asJValue = {
val fieldList = (for ((key, elem) <- value) yield JField(key, elem.asJValue)).toList
override def setFromJValue(jvalue: JValue) = jvalue match {
case JNothing | JNull if optional_? => setBox(Empty)
case JObject(fieldList) => val retrievedMap = {
field =>
val key =
val valRetrieved = valueMeta.fromJValue(field.value) openOr valueMeta.createRecord
(key, valRetrieved)
case other => setBox(FieldHelpers.expectedA("JObject", other))
This is the implicit query for Rogue:
class BsonRecordMapQueryField[M <: BsonRecord[M], B <: BsonRecord[B]](val field: BsonRecordMapField[M, B])(implicit mf: Manifest[B]) {
def at(key: String): BsonRecordField[M, B] = {
val listBox = field.setFromJValue(JObject(List(JField("notExisting", JInt(0)))))
val rec = listBox.open_!.head._2
new BsonRecordField[M, B](field.owner, rec.meta)(mf) {
override def name = + "." + key
object ExtendedRogue extends Rogue {
implicit def bsonRecordMapFieldToBsonRecordMapQueryField[M <: BsonRecord[M], B <: BsonRecord[B]](f: BsonRecordMapField[M, B])(implicit mf: Manifest[B]): BsonRecordMapQueryField[M, B] = new BsonRecordMapQueryField[M, B](f) (mf)
You can use the at operator in map now.
What about MongoMapField?