Using Indy TIdHTTP Post Method on Secure Site with Cookies - forms

I am trying to use the TIdHTTP.Post() method to submit a form on a website that I just can't figure out. I have tried several iterations and changes to my code, and have hit a road block that I need to get help with. I am relatively new to TIdHTTP and its usage, so I beg forgiveness for anything that is just plain stupid about my code.
So far, I have been able to use the TIdHTTP.Get() method to obtain the HTML code from the site. Then I examine the <form> code within the HTML, and designed the below code to submit that form to the website.
I can't tell if my code isn't working because I am not using the Post() method correctly, or because I am not using the CookieManager correctly. All I receive is an "Internal Server Error" on execution.
Interestingly, the website to manually login requires you to enter your Account Number, Date Of Birth, and Password, but the form I see in the HTML only contains two variables for submission... Username (which is a combination of Acct and DOB, it seems) and submit. So I don't understand how/where it handles or posts the password variable?
Here is my current code in Delphi:
procedure TMSBS_App_GUI.SubmitClick(Sender: TObject);
Response : String;
ResponseSet : TStringStream;
Params : TStringList;
IdHttp : TIDHttp;
IdSSL : TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL;
CookieMonster : TidCookieManager;
Params := TStringList.Create;
Params.Add('username=' + 'username');
Params.Add('submit.value=' + 'submit');
idhttp := TIdhttp.Create;
idhttp.AllowCookies := True;
CookieMonster := TiDCookieManager.Create;
idHttp.CookieManager := CookieMonster;
IdSSL := TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Create(nil);
idHttp.ReadTimeout := 30000;
idHttp.IOHandler := idSSL;
idHttp.Get('https://' + website);
idhttp.Request.ContentType := 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
idhttp.Request.Referer := 'http://' + website;
idSSL.SSLOptions.Method := sslvTLSv1;
idSSL.SSLOptions.Mode := sslmUnassigned;
ResponseSet := TStringStream.Create(nil);
Memo1.Text := idHttp.Post('https://' + website,Params);
This is the webpage:
<!-- SiteMinder Encoding=ISO-8859-1; -->
<!-- FCC File : (generic) caloglfn.fcc version 1.4-->
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css" />
<!-- Cross-frame scripting prevention: This code will prevent this page from being encapsulated within HTML frames. Remove, or comment out, this code if the functionality that is contained in this SiteMinder page is to be included within HTML frames. -->
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript" src="" charset="UTF-8"></script><link rel="stylesheet" crossorigin="anonymous" href=""/><script>
if (top !=self)
<title>Member/Pensioner Services Online Login</title>
function submit_form()
document.mos_form.username.value = document.mos_form.pUserID.value + document.mos_form.pDOB.value
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="help">
<a style="border-bottom:none;" href="mso_pso_access_help.html" target="_blank"><img STYLE="border:none;" src="Help_button.png" alt="Help" align="right"> </a>
<div id="header">
<img class="crest" src="crest.png" alt="Crest - Superannuation Corporation" align="left">
<img class="logo" src="mso_pso.png" alt="Pensioner Services Online (PSO) and Member Services Online (MSO)" align="right">
<div id="toplinks">
<div id="form">
<form name="mos_form" method="POST" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" autocomplete="off">
<input type="hidden" name="autherrmsg" value="Login failed. Please try again."/>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
<td align="left">
<span style="color: #3E842E;">Member Access</span>
<p><font color="red"> </font></p>
To gain access to the complete range of online services, please enter your Membership Number, Date of Birth and Password below.
<p> If you need any help, click on Help in the top right-hand corner of this screen.</p>
<p> </p>
<label for="hidden_username"></label>
<input type="hidden" name="username">
<label for="hidden_url"></label>
<input type="hidden" name="url" value="<ERROR_INFORMATION>" READONLY>
<label for="hidden_proxy"></label>
<input type="hidden" name="proxypath" value="<PROXY_PATH>">
<table width="900" border="0">
<tr height="38" valign="top">
<td width="200px" align="right" > <label for="mem_num" id="mem_num_label">Membership Number </label> </td>
<td width="200px" > <input id="pUserID" type="text" name="pUserID" value="" size="27" maxlength="13" id="mem_num"> </td>
<td width="500px">
<img STYLE="border:none;" src="mso_pso_question.png" onmouseover=" = 'help';"
title="Please enter your Membership Number.
This is either your Employment Number or Pension Reference Number as found on our correspondence to you.
If this is not available please Contact us.">
<tr height="38" valign="top">
<td width="200px" align="right" > <label for="dob" id="dob_label">Date of Birth </label> </td>
<td width="200px" > <input type="text" name="pDOB" value="" size="27" maxlength="8" id="dob" placeholder="DDMMYYYY"> </td>
<td width="500px">
<img STYLE="border:none;" src="mso_pso_question.png" onmouseover=" = 'help';"
title="Please enter your date of birth in this format: DDMMYYYY (e.g. 01021955).">
<tr height="38" valign="top">
<td width="200px" align="right" > <label for="acc_num" id="acc_num_label">Password</label> </td>
<td width="200px"> <input type="PASSWORD" name="password" value="" size="27" maxlength="30" id="acc_num"> </td>
<td width="500px">
<img STYLE="border:none;" src="mso_pso_question.png" onmouseover=" = 'help';"
title='Please enter your Password.
If you have forgotten your Password, use the &#34I&#39ve forgotten my password&#34 link to reset your access credentials.
If you need to contact us, our details are available via the contact us button at the top right-hand corner of this screen.'>
<tr height="38" valign="top">
<td width="200px" width=200></td>
<td width="200px" align="right"> I've forgotten my password </td>
<td width="500px">
<tr height="38" valign="top">
<td colspan=2 align="right"> Register&nbsp&nbsp <input type=button onclick=javascript:submit_form() value=Login> </td>
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- the script here sets the focus on UserID field
function enter(e)
if (navigator.appName == "Netscape")
whichASCII = e.which;
whichASCII = event.keyCode
if (whichASCII == 13 )
document.onkeypress = enter;
if (navigator.appName == "Netscape")
document.mos_form.pAccessCode.onkeypress = enter;
// End of script -->
<!-- SiteMinder Variables START -->
<input type=hidden name=target value="http://website">
<input type=hidden name=smauthreason value="0">
<input type=hidden name=smagentname value="boFynyFE9jczy7ra1lzqLmXPeVc9xLptAWQSI9ksks1Hx/oGQmJxQA7Fy25/Xt9X">
<!-- SiteMinder Variables END -->
<div id="footer">
<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td height="30px" align="left" valign="middle" bgcolor="#3E842E">
Privacy |
<td height="30px" colspan="2" valign="top" bgcolor="#949599" class="footer"><p class="footer"><span class="bold">Superannuation Company</span> ABN: ## ### ### ### AFSL: ###### RSEL: L#######<br /></td>
function getParameterByName(name, url) {
if (!url) url = window.location.href;
name = name.replace(/[[]]/g, "\$&");
var regex = new RegExp("[#&]" + name + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"),
results = regex.exec(url);
if (!results) return null;
if (!results[2]) return '';
return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/+/g, " "));
document.getElementById('pUserID').value = getParameterByName('id');
</script> -->
And here is the Wireshark packet for the POST request:
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
POST /live/red_lojson/100eng.json?sh=0&ph=1383&ivh=928&dt=2720&pdt=214&ict=&pct=1&perf=widget%7C214%7C16%2Clojson%7C1027%7C656%2Csh%7C1031%7C0%2Csh%7C1035%7C16&rndr=render_toolbox%7C1375&cmenu=null&ppd=4&ppl=4&fbe=&xmv=0&xms=0&xmlc=0&jsfw=
Request Method: POST
Request URI [truncated]: /live/red_lojson/100eng.json?sh=0&ph=1383&ivh=928&dt=2720&pdt=214&ict=&pct=1&perf=widget%7C214%7C16%2Clojson%7C1027%7C656%2Csh%7C1031%7C0%2Csh%7C1035%7C16&rndr=render_toolbox%7C1375&cmenu=null&ppd=4&ppl=4&fbe=&xmv=
Request Version: HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:57.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/57.0\r\n
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8\r\n
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5\r\n
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n
Referer: http://website/\r\n
Content-Length: 0\r\n
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8\r\n
Cookie: na_tc=Y; uid=597293e6c72cb3be; na_id=2017072123300513069970337317; uvc=27%7C47%2C4%7C48%2C0%7C49%2C10%7C50%2C3%7C51; loc=MDAwMDBPQ0FVTlMxNDYxMzMxMjAwMDAwMDAwVg==; mus=0; ssc=pinterest%3B1%2Cgoogle%3B1\r\n
Connection: keep-alive\r\n

The POST request you showed from Wireshark does not match the HTML you showed. In fact, that POST request is not even an HTML webform submission at all.
You don't need to create your own TIdCookieManager object, TIdHTTP can create one internally for you. And, for that matter, TIdHTTP can create the TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL object for you, too.
Also, you are leaking the CookieMonster and IdSSL objects (unless you are running this code on an ARC platform).
In any case, you are not filling in the TStringList correctly, not even close. You have to add an entry for every <input> field in the <form> that has a name and non-blank value. That includes all of the hidden fields, fields assigned by scripts, etc. Failing to do this can easily cause an "Internal Server Error" failure. You are providing a value for only 1 of the 10 input fields that the HTML form defines.
Based on the HTML you showed, try this instead:
procedure TMSBS_App_GUI.SubmitClick(Sender: TObject);
Params : TStringList;
IdHttp : TIdHTTP;
UserID, DOB, Password, AgentName, Response: String;
UserID := ...;
DOB := ...;
Password := ...;
IdHttp := TIdHTTP.Create;
IdHttp.AllowCookies := True;
IdHttp.ReadTimeout := 30000;
IdHttp.HandleRedirects := True;
//IdHttp.IOHandler := TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Create(IdHttp);
Response := IdHttp.Get('https://' + website);
// I *suspect* the following value is randomly
// generated when the HTML is requested. If
// so, you will have to parse it out each time...
AgentName := 'boFynyFE9jczy7ra1lzqLmXPeVc9xLptAWQSI9ksks1Hx/oGQmJxQA7Fy25/Xt9X';
Params := TStringList.Create;
Params.Add('autherrmsg=Login failed. Please try again.');
Params.Add('username=' + UserID + DOB);
Params.Add('pUserID=' + UserID);
Params.Add('pDOB=' + DOB);
Params.Add('password=' + Password);
Params.Add('smagentname=' + AgentName);
IdHttp.Request.Referer := 'http://' + website;
Response := IdHttp.Post('https://' + website, Params);
Memo1.Text := Response;


Thymeleaf, default values does not appear in my update form

I'm learning java and I'm practicing with thymeleaf. I made an little app where I have a list of persons (arraylist). I can add a person through a form but also edit a person from the list to update the person's firstname, lastname or birthdate through a form. Here is my problem I want when I edit a person to have its default values(firstname, lastname, bithdate) on the update form so that we can then change only the fields of interest. I have this code:
<html xmlns:th="">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<title>Update Person</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" th:href="#{/css/style.css}"/>
<h1>Update a Person:</h1>
<!-- some tests I made to test if the value appears in the field -->
<!-- <input type="text" name="id" th:value="${}" /> -->
<!-- <input type = "text" name = "firstName" th:value = "${person.firstName}" /> -->
<!-- <input type = "text" name = "sometext" th:value = "hello world" /> -->
<form th:action="#{/updatePerson/{id}(id=${})}"
th:object="${person}" method="POST">
First Name:
<input type="text" th:field="*{firstName}"/>
Last Name:
<input type="text" th:field="*{lastName}" />
Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY):
<input type="date" th:field="*{birthDate}" />
<input type="text" th:field="*{id}" />
<input type="submit" value="Update" />
<!-- Check if errorMessage is not null and not empty -->
<div th:if="${errorMessage}" th:utext="${errorMessage}"
None of my default values appears in the fields except for the id. Whether I use th:field="{id}" or name="id" th:value="${}". Both synthax work but the others (ie: th:field="{firstName}" or name = "firstName" th:value = "${person.firstName}" same goes for lastname and birthdate), nothing works. I even tried th:value = "hello world" (commented in the above code), it does appear! So why my person firstname, lastname, bithdate don't appear? What is wrong? My person.list html works though:
<html xmlns:th="">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<title>Person List</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" th:href="#{/css/style.css}"/>
<h1>Person List</h1>
Add Person
<table border="1">
<th>First Name</th>
<th>Last Name</th>
<th>Date of Birth</th>
<th>Delete Name</th>
<tr th:each ="person : ${list}">
<td th:utext="${person.firstName}">...</td>
<td th:utext="${person.lastName}">...</td>
<td th:text="${#temporals.format(person.birthDate,'dd-MM-yyyy')}">...</td>
<td><a th:href="#{/updatePerson/{id}(id=${})}">
<img src="">
<form th:action="#{/deletePerson}" th:method="POST">
<input type = "hidden" name = "firstName" th:value = "${person.firstName}" />
<input type = "hidden" name = "lastName" th:value = "${person.lastName}" />
<input type = "hidden" name = "id" th:value = "${}" />
<input type = "hidden" name = "birthDate" th:value = "${person.birthDate}" />
<button type = "submit" >
<img src="" />
<form th:action="#{/changeDao}" th:method="POST">
<select name="daoChoice">
<option th:value="none" disabled>Choisissez votre Dao</option>
<option id="jdbc" th:value="JDBC">Jdbc</option>
<option id="memory" th:value="MEMORY" th:selected="${isMemory}">Memory</option>
<button type="submit">Valider</button>
<form th:action="#{/excelLoad}" th:method="GET">
<button type="submit">Local Load</button>
<form th:action="#{/UploadFile}" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<td><label>Upload and Add to the table</label></td>
<td><input type="file" th:value = "file" th:name="file" /></td>
<td><input type="submit" value="Upload" /></td>
<form th:action="#{/exportToExcel}" th:method="POST">
<button type="submit">Export to Excel</button>
Above my personList.html, person's firstName lastName and birthdate is printed correctly with this code:
<tr th:each ="person : ${list}">
<td th:utext="${person.firstName}">...</td>
<td th:utext="${person.lastName}">...</td>
<td th:text="${#temporals.format(person.birthDate,'dd-MM-yyyy')}">...</td>
but why in my update form this is not working ?
I'm a newbie in java programming and also in thymeleaf (also newbie), so I'd really appreciate some explanations along some tips! thanks a lot!
I found it with another post where there was a simple explanation about the key/value pair in modelAddAttribute:
You can access variables value by ${key}.
model.addAttribute("key", value);
Understanding that I found my mistake in my controller:
#RequestMapping(value = { "/updatePerson/{id}" }, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String showUpdatePersonPage(#PathVariable("id") int id, Person person, Model model) {
person = personDao.findPerson(id);
model.addAttribute("person", person);
return "updatePerson";
Before it was:
#RequestMapping(value = { "/updatePerson/{id}" }, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String showUpdatePersonPage(#PathVariable("id") int id, Person person, Model model) {
person = personDao.findPerson(id);
model.addAttribute("personToModify", person);
return "updatePerson";
And in my html the code was:
<form th:action="#{/updatePerson/{id}(id=${})}"
th:object="${person}" method="POST">
First Name:
<input type="text" th:field="*{firstName}"/>
Last Name:
<input type="text" th:field="*{lastName}" />
Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY):
<input type="date" th:field="*{birthDate}" />
<input type="text" th:field="*{id}" />
<input type="submit" value="Update" />
So that was because the key name used "personToModify" couldn't be found in the html as the object name used wasn't properly named:
I can't see your Person class or controller but, for example, keeping it clean, you can create PersonForm class which can look like (might need to change Date)
import java.util.Date;
public class PersonForm {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private Date birthDate;
public PersonForm() {
public PersonForm(Person person) {
this.firstName = person.getFirstName();
this.lastName = person.getLastName();
this.birthDate = person.getBirthDate();
As you can see, it has fields which needs to populated and you set them in constructor, you can also apply validation annotations here if needed.
In your controller you would need to retrieve Person and using it, create and add PersonForm as model attribute. i.e.
#GetMapping("/person/edit/{id}") // you might not use id, might be username
public String editPerson(#PathVariable Long id, Model model) {
Person person = personRepository.getOne(id); // or service
PersonForm personForm = new PersonForm(person);
model.addAttribute("personForm", personForm);
// other stuff
// return html
and then change th:object="${person}" to th:object="${personForm}"
Now all th:field="*{firstName}" and others should be populated.

Selenium Webdriver_Not able to click on link given into column

I'm a beginner and I'm trying to write a Selenium web driver. I'm using eclipse and trying to locate a link available in next column. In each row I have different link. For example in my employee data table I have 2 columns and 10 rows in one page. The first column contains the name of person and second column contains its employee ID (ID is a hyperlink). I'm trying to select the hyperlink of any employee but I'm not able to do it.
I have below the HTML code and sample script.
<span id="37">
<div class="clear"></div>
<div id="FC_Schema.1021.WIP" type="DataCheckingList" name="FC_Schema.1021.WIP">
<input id="baseurl" type="hidden" value="/Web/" name="baseurl">
<input id="hdnDcCnt" type="hidden" value="13" name="hdnDcCnt">
<input id="PageNo" type="hidden" value="1" name="PageNo">
<meta content="width=device-width" name="viewport">
<style type="text/css">
<div id="DataCheckingLoad">
<div id="SupplyChainTabs">
<div id="gbo" class="InnerAlertsTabs">
<table id="one" class="draggable" width="100%">
<td valign="top" align="center">
<td valign="top">
<td valign="top">
<a onclick="return ButtonClick(this,'TxnyD.Communities.2.1','Org.2000476_Product.THQS|SMS|Questionnaire.WIP_Questionnaire_TxnyD.Communities.2.1_THQS_TxnyD.Operationaloffice.1.2');" href="#f">Axiom
Process LLC</a>
<div class="country-name">
<div class="CompanyInfoContactLinks">
<td valign="top">
<div class="clear"> </div>
<a id="Org.2000476_Product.THQS|SMS|Questionnaire.WIP_Questionnaire_TxnyD.Communities.2.1_THQS_TxnyD.Operationaloffice.1.2" onclick="RedirectToQuestionnairePage(id)" href="#">THQS</a>
<div class="clear"> </div>
In the above code first column contains company name i.e "Axiom
Process LLC" and second column contains company subcription name i.e."THQS". I have to select the THQS link of company "Axiom Process LLC"
Selenium script designed for it as below
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[contains(text(),'Data Checking')]")).click();
So basically these are dynamic tables and each time it will have different records. How can select the link available in column?
I also tried below script as well:
driver.findElement("*[id^='CLS'][id$='Demolition Limited']")).findElement(By.xpath("//a[contains(text(),'THQS')])[3]")).click();
welcome to Stackoverflow. Before answering your question, just a few pointers. Think that you had a downvote 'cause you didn't format your question well. Otherwise a perfectly legal question, and you would receive help much earlier.
Secondly, don't ever put the real Web site address, username and password :). I was able to login, and understand exactly what you need, but a malicious guy could do bad wonders there.
To answer your question, instead of the line that is causing you problems, try this
TablePageObject tablePageObject = PageFactory.initElements(driver, TablePageObject.class);
Where TablePageObject is
public class TablePageObject {
private WebDriver driver;
#FindBy(css = "table tr")
private List<WebElement> allTableRows; // find all the rows of the table
public TablePageObject(WebDriver driver) {
this.driver = driver;
public void clickLink(String companyName) {
for(WebElement row : allTableRows) {
List<WebElement> links = row.findElements(By.cssSelector("a"));
// the first link by row is the company name, the second is link to be clicked
if (links.get(0).getText().contains(companyName)) {
An explanation, TablePageObject class will be your programmatic handle for the dynamic table you're trying to control. It follows a page factory pattern of selenium, which I heartly recommend, and you can learn more here
It basically keeps a collection of rows of your table, which more or less looks like:
<td valign="top" align="center">
// irelevant
<td valign="top">
// irelevant
<td valign="top">
<a>Axiom Process LLC</a>
<a>company details</a>
<a>web details</a>
<td valign="top">
<td valign="top" align="center" style="display: none">
// irelevant
<td valign="top">
<td valign="top">
// irelevant
<td valign="top">
You collect all the links from the table, check the company name against the first link, and if matched, click the fourth link,
Hope it helps, best,
by the way, I've masked your password in the question

Unable to return to the desired URL or view of the JSP

<script type="text/javascript" src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/resources/js/jquery.validate.min.js"></script>
function setHiddenVal(){
var goAhead = true;
var myVal="I am hidden value";
document.getElementById("secretValue").value = myVal;
if (goAhead == true) {
<!--Main Container Starts here-->
<div class="main_container">
<div class="header">
<div class="right_panel">
<h2 align="center"><u>User Master</u></h2>
<div class="top-form">
**<form:form action="/usermaster" modelAttribute="CustomerForm" id="register-form" method="POST">**
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="" class="form1">
<td class="label">Name:</td>
<form:input path="firstname"/>
<td class="label">Password:</td>
<form:input path="password"/>
<td> </td>
<input type="button" class="btn blue px16" value="Search" />
<input type="button" name="submit" id="btnsubmit" value="Submit" onclick="setHiddenVal();"/>
<input type="button" class="btn blue px16" value="Clear" />
<input type="button" class="btn blue px16" value="Change Password" />
<input type="button" class="btn blue px16" value="Manage User Notification Profile" />
<div class="clear"></div>
so above one is my code for jsp and below is the code of controller
#RequestMapping(value={"/usermaster" }, method = RequestMethod.POST)
public final String addUserMaster(#ModelAttribute("CustomerForm") CustomerForm pricing, Map<String, Object> map,
Model model, HttpServletRequest request) {
System.out.println("the first name is "+pricing.getFirstname());
System.out.println("the password is "+pricing.getPassword());
return "usermaster";
#RequestMapping(value={"/showusermaster" }, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String showPage(ModelMap model){
model.addAttribute("CustomerForm", new CustomerForm());
return "usermaster";
But my page gets open up using a popup with the url:
C:\Users\ganganshu.s\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\YW6383E8\usermaster
so it should open like
Could you please tell me what should I put in the form action.. as I think some mistake is there in the form action does in spring MVC we put the action like in the case I mentioned above.
Spring confg file is given below :
<bean class="com.enbee.admin.interceptor.AuthenticationInterceptor" />
<!-- Declare a view resolver-->
<bean id="jspViewResolver"
p:prefix="/WEB-INF/jsp/" p:suffix=".jsp" p:order="1" />
and the jsp name is usermaster.jsp
and in the sidemenu.jsp I have changed to this :
<li>User Master</li>
Change the method parameter of RequestMapping annotation to RequestMethod.POST:
#RequestMapping(value="/usermaster", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public final String addUserMaster(...){
so that when you submit your form to the URL /usermaster using method="POST" this method will get executed.
You also need to have a method (mapped to an URL) that will show this page to the user. You can use a method as below for this:
#RequestMapping(value = "/showusermaster", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String showPage(ModelMap model){
model.addAttribute("CustomerForm", new CustomerForm());
return "usermaster";
With this method in place, the URL
will show the usermaster.jsp page to the user. Now when you submit this form, the above addUserMaster method will be invoked.
You don't have to create new jsp file. The url /showusermaster will return the usermaster.jsp to the user, where the user can add form values and submit the form:
<%# taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
<c:url var="submitUrl" value="/usermaster">
<form:form id="form" action="${submitUrl}" modelAttribute="CustomerForm" method="POST">
Now when the user clicks on the submit button, this form will be submitted to /usermaster URL and will be handled by addUserMaster method.
Try to specify the content type returned by your controller method, adding produces = "text/html" param to your #RequestMapping annotation.

How can a submittable online form recognize ( \t ) & ( \n ) delimiters and skip <input>'s when using copy-paste from Excel?

[[UPDATED AGAIN]] And I am sorry if this question gets wordy.
I am a hobby coder, and I am looking for some help with syntax and functionality within javaScript which will allow copied delimiters such as "\t" and "\n" to skip appropriate <input>'s in an online form.
I think I am about 33% there right now (again: hobby coder - self taught wanna be)
<script type="text/javascript">
function splitInput()
var x=document.forms["simpleForm02"]["dataInput_0"].value;
var delimiterT = x.split("\t");
var delimiterN = x.split("\n");
for (var i=0;i<delimiterT.length;i++)
if (x.indexOf("\t") >-1)
document.getElementById("dataInput_" + i ).value = (delimiterT[i]);
for (var i=0;i<delimiterN.length;i++)
if (x.indexOf("\n") >-1)
document.getElementById("dataInput_" + (i * 3) ).value = (delimiterN[i]);
<form name="simpleForm02">
<td><input class="colorInput" id="dataInput_0" name="colorInput_row_1" value="" onKeyUp="splitInput()"></td>
<td><input class="modelInput" id="dataInput_1" name="modelInput_row_1" value="" onKeyUp=""></td>
<td><input class="qtyInput" id="dataInput_2" name="qtyInput_row_1" value="" onKeyUp=""></td>
<td><input class="colorInput" id="dataInput_3" name="colorInput_row_2" value="" onKeyUp=""></td>
<td><input class="modelInput" id="dataInput_4" name="modelInput_row_2" value="" onKeyUp=""></td>
<td><input class="qtyInput" id="dataInput_5" name="qtyInput_row_2" value="" onKeyUp=""></td>
<td><input class="colorInput" id="dataInput_6" name="colorInput_row_3" value="" onKeyUp=""></td>
<td><input class="modelInput" id="dataInput_7" name="modelInput_row_3" value="" onKeyUp=""></td>
<td><input class="qtyInput" id="dataInput_8" name="qtyInput_row_3" value="" onKeyUp=""></td>
This code kinda works, in a limited way. If I copy three excel cells aligned side by side, and paste it into <input class="colorInput" id="dataInput_0" name="colorInput_row_1" value="" onKeyUp="splitInput()">, then the script correctly splits and pastes the contents of the three cells across the top three inputs.
However, I obviously have flaws in the script because it doesn't recognize the '\n' delimiter at all. And I also know that I have coding issues with the circumstance: applying the code to all cells relatively, and not just ["dataInput_0"].
And lets presume I had the following data in an Excel sheet:
I am trying to find functionality that if I copied the Excel sample data above, it would overwrite/write the top 6 of the inputs in the sample <form name="simpleForm">.
Sorry to be long winded.
So, this question has been up for about a week, and during that time I have continued to look for ideas and help.
The solution which has presented to finest potential, but not a complete solution is via the code below:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
function splitInput() {
var x = document.forms["simpleForm02"]["dataInput_0"].value;
if (x.indexOf('\t') > 0) {
var delimiterT = x.split('\t');
for (var i = 0; i < delimiterT.length ; i++)
document.getElementById("dataInput_" + i).value = (delimiterT[i]);
if (x.indexOf('\n') > 0) {
var delimiterN = x.split('\n');
var j = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < delimiterN.length ; i++) {document.getElementById("dataInput_" + j).value = (delimiterN[i]);
j += 4;
return false;
function classFocused() {
var d = document.getElementById("dataInput_0");
d.className = d.className + " InFocus";
function classBlured() {
var d = document.getElementById("dataInput_0");
d.className = "inputArea";
<form name="simpleForm02">
<textarea data-id="0" class="inputArea colorInput" id="dataInput_0" name="colorInput_row_1" onFocus="classFocused();" onBlur="classBlured();" onKeyUp="splitInput();"></textarea>
<textarea data-id="1" class="inputArea modelInput" id="dataInput_1" name="modelInput_row_1" onkeyup="" ></textarea></td>
<textarea data-id="2" class="inputArea qtyInput" id="dataInput_2" name="qtyInput_row_1" onkeyup="" ></textarea></textarea></td>
<textarea data-id="3" class="inputArea costInput" id="dataInput_3" name="costInput_row_1" onkeyup="" ></textarea></td>
<textarea data-id="4" class="inputArea colorInput" id="dataInput_4" name="colorInput_row_2" onkeyup="splitInput()" ></textarea></td>
<textarea data-id="5" class="inputArea modelInput" id="dataInput_5" name="modelInput_row_2" onkeyup="" ></textarea></td>
<textarea data-id="6" class="inputArea qtyInput" id="dataInput_6" name="qtyInput_row_2" onkeyup="" ></textarea></td>
<textarea data-id="7" class="inputArea costInput" id="dataInput_7" name="costInput_row_2" onkeyup="" ></textarea></td>
<textarea data-id="8" class="inputArea colorInput" id="dataInput_8" name="colorInput_row_3" onkeyup="splitInput()" ></textarea></td>
<textarea data-id="9" class="inputArea modelInput" id="dataInput_9" name="modelInput_row_3" onkeyup="" ></textarea></td>
<textarea data-id="10" class="inputArea qtyInput" id="dataInput_10" name="qtyInput_row_3" onkeyup="" ></textarea></td>
<textarea data-id="11" class="inputArea costInput" id="dataInput_11" name="costInput_row_3" onkeyup="" ></textarea>
In the above example of the textarea's, if a '\t' delimiter exists then the split is made and the data is spread over the course of the data's inherit length.
Also, in the above example of the text areas, if a '\n' delimiter exists then the split is made and the data is spread over the course of the data's inherit length vertically instead. The statement: "j += 4" is in essence the number of columns you have in the form.
Though I still need for it to work across all text area inputs, not just the identified as ["dataInput_0"]. A jQuery $(this) identifier maybe?
Also, the coding is limited because if you copy and paste cells which have both \t and \n, then the code doesn't work.
But it is a step in the right direction.

diacritic in jsp form

we have problem with diacritic in jsp form in school project. We use Spring 3.0. In JSP form we have inputs which can contains words with diacritic (czech language,f.e "šáříěá"). When I start project and write diacritic words into these inputs and send form, immediately in controller are wrong values. Diacritic letters has strange form, for example "Ä???Ä".
Following code is our form.
<%#page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%#taglib uri="" prefix="form"%>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Nový prostor</title>
<h1>Nový prostor</h1>
<form:form method="POST" commandName="PLACE" >
<legend>Adresa prostoru</legend>
<td><form:label path="name">Název prostoru</form:label></td>
<td><form:input path="name" /></td>
<td><form:label path="street">Ulice a č.p.</form:label></td>
<td><form:input path="street" /></td>
<td><form:label path="zip_code">PSČ</form:label></td>
<td><form:input path="zip_code" /></td>
<td><form:label path="city">Město</form:label></td>
<td><form:input path="city" /></td>
<legend>Parametry prostoru</legend>
<td><form:label path="rows">Počet řad</form:label></td>
<td><form:input path="rows" /></td>
<td><form:label path="columns">Počet sedaček v řadě</form:label></td>
<td><form:input path="columns" /></td>
<td><form:label path="note">Poznámky</form:label></td>
<td><form:textarea path="note" /></td>
<input type="submit" value="Vytvořit">
And this is conroller:
public class NewPlaceController {
private PlaceService placeService;
* Pri pozadavku typu get vrati nazev jsp ktere se ma renderovat, nabinduje Complex place do formualre
* #param model
* #return
public String showNewPlaceForm(Model model){
model.addAttribute("PLACE", new ComplexPlace());
return "newPlaceForm";
*Pri pozadavku POST ulozi data z formulare do DB
* #param place
* #param result
* #return
public String createNewPlace(#ModelAttribute(value="PLACE") ComplexPlace place, BindingResult result){
return "/index";
System.out.println write strange value on console. Know somebody where is problem? I want remark, that we have small expirience with Java web programming.
you can't use any other language other then standard english.if you want to do this then u have to use any standard free unicode converter.convert your character and put their unicode character at run time it is converted in your original language...i hope it works for you.