Having problems with questdlg in matlab - matlab

I'm sorry for having only a part of the code but it is unnecessarily complicated. I want to have multiple question dialog boxes embedded with cases. The first switch case which is switch secim works fine when I put the last option twice which is 'Uc','Uc' and unless I write it that way it shows only the other options. But when I do the same thing for the inner switch case which isswitch secim2 it gives an error on the line secim2 = questdlg('İslem?', ... and when I delete the second 'Birim vektor' it works fine but doesn't show the Birim vektor option at all. How do I fix this?
secim = questdlg('Vektorler kac boyutlu?', ...
'Vektor', ...
switch secim
case 'Bir'
secim2 = questdlg('İslem?', ...
'Vektor', ...,
'Toplam','Fark','Skaler Carpim','Birim vektor');
switch secim2

If you see the documentation, the syntax you're using in secim when you're repeating 'Uc' is:
button = questdlg(qstring,title,str1,str2,str3,default)
As mentioned in the documentation, default should be one of str1, str2 and str3 and hence when you repeat 'Uc', it takes 'Uc' as the default value and you have no problem.
In secim2, 'Birim vektor' doesn't match any of the three strings and hence you'd get this warning:
Warning: Default character vector does not match any button
character vector name.
If you repeat 'Birim vektor', it doesn't match with any of the valid syntaxes.
Above explanation is also pointed out in the comments.
For more than three strings, use listdlg.
choices = {'Toplam' ,'Fark','Skaler Carpim','Birim vektor'};
SelInd = listdlg('Name','Vektor', 'PromptString','İslem?','ListString',choices,...
'CancelString', 'Default Choice', 'SelectionMode','single',...
'ListSize',[200 100]) %adjust listsize as per requirement
SelInd(end+1) = 4; %Default Choice (Biriam vektor)
secim2 = choices{SelInd(1)};
which gives:


How to use pattern matching callbacks in Dash for Julia

I'm new to julia, but not so new on Dash; I'm trying to build my first app with Dash for julia, but I can't seem to make a pattern matching callback work properly. Here's the part of the code that's giving me troubles:
Output((type= "filter_", index= ALL), "options"),
Input("inputs", "data"),
State((type= "filter_", index= ALL), "value"),
) do inputs, filters
list_outs = []
list_vals = []
for i in 1:length(filters)
push!(list_outs, [(label= input, value= input) for input in inputs])
return list_outs
What I'm trying to do here is to use the available inputs of the data set, already stored in "inputs", to set the filters' options, creating as many sets of options as there are dropdowns.
The problem here is, I guess, in the format of the output I'm returning: it says "Invalid number of output values for {"index":["ALL"],"type":"filter_"}.options. Expected 3, got 1"
Sadly, I found nothing of use about how to use pattern matching callbacks with julia; I tried passing the output both as an array and as a tuple, but to no avail.
Any help is welcomed, thank you all!
This is the error related to the fact that if the result is a single Output, the callback output is automatically represented as an array of what is returned for uniform further processing. I.e., in your case, as [list_outs]. The fact that the Output with the match pattern is also treated as a single one is my bug, I added the issue and try to fix it in the near future.
Right now you can work around this problem by using Output as an array:
using Dash
using DashHtmlComponents
using DashCoreComponents
app = dash()
app.layout = html_div() do
dcc_input(id = "input", value = "A,B,C"),
dcc_dropdown(id = (type="filter_", index = 1)),
dcc_dropdown(id = (type="filter_", index = 2)),
dcc_dropdown(id = (type="filter_", index = 3)),
dcc_dropdown(id = (type="filter_", index = 4))
[Output((type= "filter_", index= ALL), "options")], #This is multiple output in explicitly form
Input("input", "value"),
State((type= "filter_", index= ALL), "value"),
) do input, filters
inputs = split(input, ",")
list_outs = []
list_vals = []
for i in 1:length(filters)
push!(list_outs, [(label= input, value= input) for input in inputs])
return [list_outs] # Accordingly, we return the result inside an additional array
run_server(app, debug = true)

finding the number of occurrence of a pattern within a cell in matlab?

i have a cell like this:
x = {'3D'
let's assume that the cell is 1000x1. i want to find the number of occurrence of pattern = [30;30;64;63] within this cell but as the order shown. in the other word it's first check x{1,1},x{2,1},x{3,1},x{4,1}
then check x{2,1},x{3,1},x{4,1},x{5,1} and like this till the end of the cell and return the number of occurrence of it.
Here is my code but it didn't work!
while (size (pattern)< size(x))
count = 0;
for i=1:size(x)-length(pattern)+1
if size(abs(x(i:i+size(pattern)-1)-x))==0
count = count+1;
Your example code has a couple of issues - foremost I don't believe you are doing any comparison operations, which would be necessary to identify the occurrence of the pattern within the search data (x). Also, there is a variable type mismatch between x and pattern - one is a cell array of strings, and the other is a decimal array.
One way to approach this problem would be to restructure x and pattern as strings, and then use strfind to find occurrences of pattern. This method will only work if there is no missing data in either of the variables.
x = {'3D';'B4';'EF';'D8';'E7';'6C';'33';'37';'xE';'FD';'8y'};
pattern = {'EF','D8'};
collated_pattern = [pattern{:}];
found_locations = strfind(collated_x, collated_pattern);
% Remove 'offset' matches that start at even locations
found_locations = found_locations(mod(found_locations,2)==1);
count = length(found_locations)
Use string find function.
This is fast and simple solution:
str_pattern=['B4','EF']; %same as str_pattern=['B4EF'];
x = {'3D'
'37'} ;
inds0=strfind(str_x,str_pattern); %including in-middle
inds1=inds0(bitand(inds0,1)==1); %exclude all in-middle results

Counting occurrences of a character in a string within a cell

I'm having trouble figuring out how to count the occurrences of a character in a string within a cell. For example, I have a file that contains information like so:
and I'm trying to determine how many m's are in each line. To do this, I've tried this code:
sampleddata = dataset('file','sample.txt','Delimiter','\t');
muts = sampleddata.type;
fileID = fopen('number_occur.txt','w');
for j = 1:3
mutations = muts(j)
M = length(find(mutations == 'm'));
fprintf(fileID, '%1f\n',M)
However, I get an error that informs me: "Undefined operator '==' for input arguments of type 'cell'." Does anyone know how to overcome this problem?
Gonna post a result here in case you did not find a way to do it. There are loads of ways to do it, I am just going to put one of them.
Basically, you want a regex to do string matches:
a = {'type';
'mmmmM'} %//Load in Data,
pattern = 'm'; %//The pattern you are looking for is 'm', it could be anything really, a number of specific word or a specific pattern
lines = regexp(a, pattern, 'tokens'); %// look for this pattern in each line
result = cellfun('length',lines); %//count the size of matched patterns, so each time it matches, the size should increase by 1.
This gives the result in a matrix form:
result =

If and elseif, only the first line work?

L=1; Nx=51; PeriodicFlag=1; T=15; Nt=51;
spacedef='Pade6FirstDeriv'; casedef='LinearAdvection';
if (spacedef == 'Pade6FirstDeriv')
D1 = sparse(Pade6(Nx,dx,PeriodicFlag));
elseif (spacedef == 'Upwind3FirstDeriv')
D1 = sparse(Upwind3(Nx,dx,PeriodicFlag));
elseif (spacedef == 'Central4FirstDeriv')
D1 = sparse(Central4(Nx,dx,PeriodicFlag));
elseif (spacedef == 'Central2FirstDeriv')
D1 = sparse(Central2(Nx,dx,PeriodicFlag));
error(sprintf('Unknown spacedef = %s',spacedef));
In the above code, the if section is a small segment from a function I've constructed. I'm trying to get the function to know which methods to use based on my input (spacedef). Central2, Central4, Upwind3, and Pade6 are other functions I've written. The weird thing is that when spacedef =/= to 'Pade6FirstDeriv', I would get an error stating Error using ==, Matrix dimensions must agree. I've tried swapping the order of the if loop (by placing Central4, Central2, Pade6, and Upwind3 in the first line of the loop), and it seems like only the top line of the loop will work (the elseifs are not working). I'd greatly appreciate it if anybody can help me out. Thanks!
As has been noted in the comments, this is a common error when people first start comparing strings in MATLAB, and strcmp or strcmpi is generally the solution.
However, one solution the questions links in the comments don't present, and a solution I think looks much nicer, is the switch statement:
switch (spacedef)
D1 = sparse(Pade6(Nx,dx,PeriodicFlag));
D1 = sparse(Upwind3(Nx,dx,PeriodicFlag));
D1 = sparse(Central4(Nx,dx,PeriodicFlag));
D1 = sparse(Central2(Nx,dx,PeriodicFlag));
error(sprintf('Unknown spacedef = %s',spacedef));
Note: if I expect others to use my code with string comparisons, I usually lower the input such that the comparison is case-insensitive, although I have not done that here.

Error using minus in MATLAB

temp(i,1) = rand(1)*(pb(1,num).pos(i,1) - pw(1,num).pos(i,1));
This line gives the following error:
Error using ==> minus
Not enough input arguments.
The following are the definitions of pb and pw.
pos is a 2 x 1 array.
When tracking down errors like this, I break the problem up into smaller bits. Especially when the logic isn't readily apparent. Not only does it provide a path that can be used to step through your function using the debugger, but it also makes it more readable.
I've taken liberty with the intermediate variable names.
thisPb = pb(1,num);
thisPw = pw(1,num);
initialPos= pw.pos(i,1);
finalPos = pb.pos(i,1);
whos initialPos finalPos
temp(i,1) = rand(1) * (finalPos - initialPos);
The line with whos will print out the values. Make sure that finalPos and initialPos are both numbers.
One way that you can get this error is when num is an empty matrix.
The expression
>> s(x).a
can return a variable number of outputs, depending on the size of x.
If x = [1,2,3] for example, it will return three values (as long as s has at least three elements).
If x = [] on the other hand, then s(x).a will return no outputs, so the expression
>> disp(s(x).a)
will give you a Not enough input arguments error, which is almost certainly what you're seeing. You should check that num is not empty.
Are you sure, that all values are really initialised? Try to check this before your codeline.
temp(i,1) = rand(1)*(pb(1,num).pos(i,1) - pw(1,num).pos(i,1));