Draggable popup in GWT? - gwt

When I use DialogBox to implement Dragable PopupPanel I encounter a problem that when the DialogBox pop up cause The text on the bottom page cannot be copied. How to solve this problem ?

By default DialogBox is modal, which means that:
keyboard and mouse events for widgets not contained by the dialog should be ignored
and thus you can not select nor copy text outside dialog box.
You can change it by calling dialogBox.setModal(false); or by passing modal value to one of the following constructors:
DialogBox(boolean autoHide, boolean modal)
DialogBox(boolean autoHide, boolean modal, DialogBox.Caption captionWidget)


How to show Default Android Messages like (+) button and show custom widget in place of keyboard in flutter?

How can I implement default android Messages like a custom widget in place of the keyboard shown in the GIF?
When you tap on + button, what happens is,
Keyboard Closed, to achieve this you can use FocusNode instance and assign in TextField, to unfocus or to close keyboard, you can achieve it by focusNode.unfocus().
The content you see on tap of + is outside keyboard, i.e. you have to create widget and change it's visibility accordingly, Visibility can be used.
In other case misc options is visible and user tap on keyboard icon then change visibility of extra options and obtain focus of FocusNode instance(enable keyboard), by focusNode.requestFocus().

ExpansionTile - how to collapse other tiles, hide keyboard on press

I'm new to Flutter, trying to build my first app.
my main app body contains a one level ExpansionTile list, which can be filterable by a searchbar.
I'm trying to implement the following behavior -
after a user press a tile to reveal the expanded info
1. the keyboard, if present, should hide
2. previously open tile if expanded should collapse
I have tried using GestureDetector on the root widget with on tap function taking focus, but it does not detect tapping on tiles.
using expansionList onExpansionChanged seems logical but i don't understand how to use it
advice will be greatly appreciated..

yahoo AutoComplete widget Dropdown is floating when scrolling the page

I have yahoo autocomplete widget on my web page. if you click on Button a dropdown appears. Now if the page on which dropdown appears have scroll bars and you try to scroll, the whole page gets scrolled But the Dropdown retain the same place.
I have instantiated the auto complete widget as following:
new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete("inputBox.id", "inputBox.container_id", dataSource);
So how we can make the dropdown move with the text field while scrolling?
Thank you
Got the Problem, the position style of yui-ac-container was override in my case. Because of that the dropdown was floating in the air. Changed the postition attribute from fixed to absolute and it work as expected.

Draggable popup in GWT?

I'm using a PopupPanel but by default it cannot be dragged on the screen. Is the way to make id draggable or I should use whole another component?
The DialogBox class is draggable, by its title bar (which a PopupPanel doesn't have; also note that DialogBox extends DecoratedPopupPanel, not just PopupPanel, and sizing works differently than for PopupPanel).

How can i do target on PopupPanel widget and it's children widget?

I am using PopupPanel in GWT for example(popup) and one widget button for example(B1) add in this popup.When i target my mouse pointer on label For Example(lbl) then popup is show causing onMouseEnter and this popup hide when mouse pointer away from this lbl but i can not target this popup add button B1 because of mouse pointer away from this lbl popup hide. So my question is that how can i target popup widget and its children widget for enent?
i use popup.isModal onMouseLeave but is not working.
Try wrapping the entire widget in the popup with a FocusPanel.