Reference UID for the file (sys_file_reference) has to be numeric - typo3

I am trying to migrate a website from Typo3 4.0 to a fresh new server with Typo3 8.7. I have exported the tree structure from the root page on the old CMS, selecting all levels and tables. When I try to import it on the new CMS I get the following error:
The reference UID for the file (sys_file_reference) has to be numeric
I found this bug report, which states that the bug has been updated for version 6.2. How can I avoid having sys_file_reference records with relations to sys_files records during the export? Or is there another way to fix this error?

With 6.0 the file handling of TYPO3 has changed drastically: FAL was introduced.
As of this change you cannot transfer data from an older version to a newer one. you need to do an update in place.
The neccessary way would be:
make a clone of your 4.0 installation
update to 4.5 (this should be easy as till then not much was deprecated)
update to 6.2 (in this upgrade all file references are transformed into FAL)
update to 8.7 [1]
For Step 3 and 4 you may need to update extensions and their data to a matching version.
[1] you wrote about 8.3. this was an intermediate version which is not support in any way.
Always use the latest version, which is 8.7 (for the 8 version) in the latest (current) subversion 8.7.8


when Migrating typo3 version 9 to typo3 version 10.4.2 ,storagepid=0

Our project which was migrated from typo3 version 9 to version 10. The issue is storagepid = 0. I can hardcode the pid value to configuration. But that’s not a permanent solution. If I use same plugin in different project again I have to hardcode storagepid value. So I need a permanent solution to fix it out.Can anyone help me to find out the solution?
There is no need to hardcode the storagePid in PHP code, since TYPO3 Extbase plugins typically will fetch the storagePid(s) from configuration (either TypoScript, starting point or plugin settings).
This blogpost I wrote some years ago explains, how and in which order Extbase will determine the storagePid.
The most suitable way is to use the starting point setting in the plugin, which automatically will be taken into account when data is fetched (e.g. in a Extbase repository). This way, you can use the plugin in several projects and the editor can select the storagePid(s) directly in plugin settings.

Sitefinity upgrade from 8.2 to 12.2 - Build succeeded but while running the project it gets stuck in between and nothing seems to be happening

I was trying to upgrade Sitefinity from 8.2 to 12.2 using the Sitefinity upgrade document.
Steps followed :
Uninstalled the old version from Nuget
Changed the .Net framework to 4.7.2
Reinstall all packages
Added few properties in assemblyinfo.cs
Installed Sitefinity 12.2
Uninstalled Thunder, Dropbox libraries, Telerik.Sitefinity.MobileAppBuilder, Telerik.Sitefinity.DAM
Now the build is successful but it is getting stuck. Need some help with this. Is it ok to directly upgrade from 8.2 to 12.2 or upgrade from 8.2 to 10 and from 10 to 12.2? Which approach is preferred?
From the error messages in the comments of your post:
Value of 'null' is not valid for 'stream'...
Telerik.Sitefinity.Modules.Pages.PageTemplateHelper.UpdateDefaultTemplateImages(PageManager pageManager, LibrariesManager librariesManager, Album album) at Telerik.Sitefinity.Modules.Libraries.LibrariesModule.Upgrade(SiteInitializer initializer, Version upgradeFrom) at Telerik.Sitefinity.Services.ModuleBase.Install(SiteInitializer initializer, Version upgradeFrom) at Telerik.Sitefinity.Services.SystemManager.InitializeModuleTelerik.Sitefinity.Modules.Pages.PageTemplateHelper.UpdateDefaultTemplateImages(PageManager pageManager, LibrariesManager librariesManager, Album album) at
(SiteInitializer initializer, Version upgradeFrom) at Telerik.Sitefinity.Services.ModuleBase
.Install(SiteInitializer initializer, Version upgradeFrom) at Telerik.Sitefinity.Services.SystemManager.InitializeModule
It looks the upgrade fails due to a problem with a page template thumbnail.
I suggest you run this SQL script towards the database - it will return all Image records (media content) for the page template thumbnails:
select * from sf_media_content as mc
join sf_content_link as cl
on cl.child_item_id = mc.content_id
where parent_item_type = 'Telerik.Sitefinity.Pages.Model.PageTemplate'
Have a look at the returned results and see if any of them looks suspicious.
Export the results to csv for easy access.
Then do a database backup.
Then, you can pick one of the images, e.g. one with default_url of: /images/SystemLibrariesProvider/template-thumbnails/mvc_default
and record its content_id, e.g. 78EB6662-F8C9-4A2E-85CA-966898D433F1
Then execute this SQL:
update sf_content_link
set child_item_id = '78EB6662-F8C9-4A2E-85CA-966898D433F1'
where parent_item_type = 'Telerik.Sitefinity.Pages.Model.PageTemplate'
Then kill the process and start the site.
If that image is good, the upgrade should proceed, if you were not lucky - then pick another content_id from your CSV and run the same update sql script with the new Id.
Restart and repeat until it works.
If all is good - you will end up with all page templates having the same thumbnail, but that's not a critical issue and can be fixed later.

how to update (cookieconsent2, crawler, realurl) extension on typo3 version 8 to 9

I upgraded typo3 version 8 to 9.
There are some extension that can not update for version9
extensions: cookieconsent2, crawler, realurl
These extension do not exits for version-9 but installed in version-8, what is solution for that.
how i can use it or what is alternate for typo3 version-9
Thanks AbdulQayyum.
crawler is about to get ready for v9 If you do not have a complicated setup, you can just have your frontend crawled by something else, e.g. wget -r as a workaround in the meantime. You probably want EXT:indexed_search to work. This automatically updates the search index when cacheable pages are visited.
realurl is not needed in v9. SEO-routes are now part of the core. You need a site configuration (this is a write-up how it looks like: and that's all.
cookieconsent2 you may ask the developers if it will get updated. If not, there are alternatives:

Where can I safely download older TYPO3 releases?

Back then, I was able to download older subversions of TYPO3 CMS on SourceForge which saved me a lot of time and anger.
Now I am facing a problem and I think it is a bug in the current used version. I would like to test it with an other instance, but as it seems it is not being stored anywhere. I will use an vulnerable version for now, but that is not what I actually want.
Maybe I've overseen a link or something. Do you know where I could find a list of all downloadable TYPO3 Versions? I know I can google it, but I don't want to use 3rd party sources ether...
I'd say that TYPO3 on SourceForge should still be updated...
All versions can be downloaded from directly. Example for a very old 4.5:
wget --content-disposition
You can use for this. Simply append the version number to the URL to download the desired version, e.g. to download version 8.7.15 of TYPO3 (8.7.16 is the latest ATM.)
If you use Composer you can enforce a downgrade with something like this:
composer require typo3/cms 8.7.15
composer require typo3/cms-core:8.7.15 typo3/cms-backend:8.7.15 ...
Notice that this replaces the version constraint in your Composer manifest with a fixed version which should be changed back as soon as possible.

The page is not configured! [type= 0][]

I've migrated from typo3 4.1 to 4.5 LTS now I got this error.
The page is not configured! [type= 0][]
I've checked DB analyser and fixed the table issues any ideas. Please revert
Apparently TYPO3 can't find TypoScript use Web > Template tool and check if record exists, also if it includes TS from external files, make sure the files exists.