Insert Multiple records in dynamodb using api gateway - aws-api-gateway

How can I insert multiple rows in dynamodb using body mapping template of API gateway?
Input to my code is "xyz 1,abc 2" which has information about 2 rows to be inserted.
Only second record which is "abc 2" is getting stored, I want both records to be inserted in the table. Below is the code I have written
#set($rawAPIData = $input.path('$'))
#set ($bulk = $rawAPIData.split(","))
"TableName": "tablename",
#foreach( $records in $bulk)
#set ($s = $records.split(" "))
"Item": {
"col1": {
"S": "$s.get(0)"
"col2": {
"S": "$s.get(1)"
#if( $foreach.hasNext ), #end
I'm new to this, suggestion would really help

This AWS guide shows how to use API Gateway as a proxy for DynamoDB. It's similar the approach you are trying to take. As a suggestion, it might be better have your api focus on a single row at a time, rather than splitting multiple inputs on ,. For example it would simplify your template somewhat to send requests similar to those found in the guide.
Example Request Body:
"col1": "xyz",
"col2": "1"
Template (derived from your template code):
"TableName": "tablename",
"Item": {
"col1": {
"S": "$input.path('$.col1')"
"col2": {
"S": "$input.path('$.col2')"
However, if you want to stick to operating on multiple items, The BatchWriteItem documentation would be worth a read. Following the example, I think this should be your body template:
#set($rawAPIData = $input.path('$'))
#set ($bulk = $rawAPIData.split(","))
"RequestItems": {
"tablename": [
#foreach($records in $bulk)
#set ($s = $records.split(" "))
"PutRequest": {
"Item": {
"col1": {
"S": "$s.get(0)"
"col2": {
"S": "$s.get(1)"
#if( $foreach.hasNext ),

I used the similar approach as #Gerand, but I solved it using lambda. Here is the working code:
'use strict';
const AWS = require("aws-sdk");
const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB();
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
var bulk = data.split(",");
var toSave = [];
for(var i = 0; i < bulk.length; i++) {
var s=bulk[i].split(" ");
var item = {
"col1": {
S: s[0]
"col2": {
S: s[1]
var items = [];
for(var i = 0; i < toSave.length; i++) {
items[i] = {
PutRequest: { Item: toSave[i] }
var params = {
RequestItems: {
'table_name': items
dynamodb.batchWriteItem(params, function(err, data) {
console.log("Response from DynamoDB");
if(err) console.log(err);
else console.log(data);


get github issues by their ids through graphql endpoints

I am trying to get the list of issues by their ids from Github using graphql, but looks like I am missing something or its not possible.
query ($ids:['517','510']!) {
repository(owner:"owner", name:"repo") {
issues(last:20, states:CLOSED) {
edges {
node {
labels(first:5) {
edges {
node {
The above query is giving me response as below,
"errors": [
"message": "Parse error on \"'\" (error) at [1, 14]",
"locations": [
"line": 1,
"column": 14
Kindly help me identify if its possible or that I am doing something wrong here.
You can use aliases in order to build a single request requesting multiple issue object :
repository(name: "material-ui", owner: "mui-org") {
issue1: issue(number: 2) {
issue2: issue(number: 3) {
issue3: issue(number: 10) {
Try it in the explorer
which gives :
"data": {
"repository": {
"issue1": {
"title": "Support for ref's on Input component",
"createdAt": "2014-10-15T15:49:13Z"
"issue2": {
"title": "Unable to pass onChange event to Input component",
"createdAt": "2014-10-15T16:23:28Z"
"issue3": {
"title": "Is it possible for me to make this work if I'm using React version 0.12.0?",
"createdAt": "2014-10-30T14:11:59Z"
This request can also be simplified using fragments to prevent repetition:
repository(name: "material-ui", owner: "mui-org") {
issue1: issue(number: 2) {
issue2: issue(number: 3) {
issue3: issue(number: 10) {
fragment IssueFragment on Issue {
The request can be built programmatically, such as in this example python script :
import requests
token = "YOUR_TOKEN"
issueIds = [2,3,10]
repoName = "material-ui"
repoOwner = "mui-org"
query = """
query($name: String!, $owner: String!) {
repository(name: $name, owner: $owner) {
fragment IssueFragment on Issue {
issueFragments = "".join([
issue%d: issue(number: %d) {
}""" % (t,t) for t in issueIds
r ="",
headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"
json = {
"query": query % issueFragments,
"variables": {
"name": repoName,
"owner": repoOwner
I don't think you can fetch for issues and pass in an array of integers for their ids.
But you can search for a single issue by id like so (this works for me)
query ($n: Int!) {
repository(owner:"owner", name:"repo-name") {
issue (number: $n) {
author {
where $n is {"n": <your_number>} defined.
If you have an array of ids, then you can just make multiple queries to GitHub.
Sadly, with this approach, you cannot specify what the state of the issue to be. But I think the logic is that once you know the issue Id, you shouldn't care what state it is, since you have that exact id.

sum value and remove duplicates in List

I have this list and want to sum value and remove duplicates in List
1 - check of productName
2 - sum NumberOfItems if productName equals
For Example :
The result I need look like this result : (Sum Depend on productName)
final orders = data["Orders"] as List;
final mapped = orders.fold<Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>>>({}, (p, v) {
final name = v["productName"];
if (p.containsKey(name)) {
p[name]["NumberOfItems"] += int.parse(v["NumberOfItems"]);
} else {
p[name] = {
"NumberOfItems": int.parse(v["NumberOfItems"])
return p;
final newData = {,
"Orders": mapped.values,
Result is:
{Orders: ({productName: Apple, NumberOfItems: 8}, {productName: Orange, NumberOfItems: 6}, {productName: Egg, NumberOfItems: 14})}
Notice: This code has 2 loop which means slower.
Igor Kharakhordin answered smarter one, but may be difficult for those who ask this question.(since he is doing two things at once.) Basically I am doing same thing.
String string = await rootBundle.loadString("asset/data/Orders.json");
Map orders = jsonDecode(string);
List orderList = orders["Orders"];
Map<String,int> sums = {};
for(int i = 0 ; i < orderList.length; i++){
dynamic item = orderList[i];
sums[item["productName"]] += int.parse(item["NumberOfItems"]);
sums[item["productName"]] = int.parse(item["NumberOfItems"]);
List sumList = [];
Map result = {
"Orders": [
"productName": "Apple",
"NumberOfItems": "8"
"productName": "Orange",
"NumberOfItems": "6"
"productName": "Egg",
"NumberOfItems": "14"

MongoDB - Many counts using an array

How to make many counts using an array as input in Mongoose, and return an array
I am trying to use the code below but it is not working, list2 is returning as empty.
list = ['Ann', 'Bob', 'John', 'Karl'];
list2 = [];
for(let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
Clients.count({name: list[i]}, function(err, doc){
return list2
You could run an aggregation pipeline as follows:
list = ['Ann', 'Bob', 'John', 'Karl'];
list2 = [];
{ "$match": { "name": { "$in": list } } },
"$group": {
"_id": "$name",
"count": { "$sum": 1 }
"$group": {
"_id": null,
"list2": {
"$push": {
"name": "$_id",
"count": "$count"
]).exec(function(err, results) {
list2 = results[0].list2;
const async = require('async');
var list = ['Ann', 'Bob', 'John', 'Karl'];, function(item, callback) {
result = {};
Clients.count({name: item}, function(err, data) {
result[item] = data || 0;
return callback(null, result);
}, function(err, data) {
Here's another way based on Med Lazhari's answer
const async = require('async');
var list = ['Ann', 'Bob', 'John', 'Karl'];
var counting = function (item, doneCallback) {
var query = Clients.count({name: item});
query.then(function (doc) {
return doneCallback(null, doc);
};, counting, function(err, data) {

How can I access Object in an Nested Object in an Array in Meteor

I am using the following Publication to aggregate active trials for my product:
Meteor.publish('pruebasActivas', function() {
var pruebasActivas = Clientes.aggregate([
$match: {
'saldoPrueba': {
'$gt': 0
}, {
$group: {
_id: {
id: '$_id',
cliente: '$cliente'
totalPruebas: {
$sum: '$saldoPrueba'
if (pruebasActivas && pruebasActivas.length > 0 && pruebasActivas[0]) {
return this.added('aggregate3', 'dashboard.pruebasActivas', pruebasActivas);
Which throws the following object as a result
"0": {
"_id": {
"id": "YByiuMoJ3shBfTyYQ",
"cliente": "Foo"
"totalPruebas": 30000
"1": {
"_id": {
"id": "6AHsPAHZhbP3fCBBE",
"cliente": "Foo 2"
"totalPruebas": 20000
"_id": "dashboard.pruebasActivas"
Using Blaze how can I iterate over this Array with Objects in order to get "cliente" and "totalPruebas" to show?
Make yourself a helper that converts the object into an array of objects, using only the top level keys that are not named _id:
pruebasActivas: function(){
var ob = myCollection.findOne(); // assuming your collection returns a single object
var clientes = [];
for (var p in ob){
if (ob.hasOwnProperty(p) && p !== "_id"){
// here we flatten the object down to two keys
clientes.push({cliente: ob[p]._id.cliente, totalPruebas: ob[p].totalPruebas});
return clientes;
Now in blaze you can just do:
<template name="myTemplate">
{{#each pruebasActivas}}
Cliente: {{cliente}}
Total Pruebas: {{totalPruebas}}
See iterate through object properties

How can I find documents in a collection based on array values

I tried adding a helper to return array with documents, which looks like:
documents = {
realPlayers: [],
subscribers: [
{playerId: },
{playerId: },
{playerId: }
gameStatus: 'active'
I tried this, but it doesn't work (forEach too):
'myGames': function() {
let gamePul = [],
activeGames = Games.find({gameStatus: "active"});
for (var i = 0; i < activeGame.length; i++) {
if (activeGame[i].subscribers) {
for (var j = 0; j < activeGame[i].subscribers.length; j++) {
if (activeGame[i].subscribers[j].playerId = Meteor.userId()) gamePul.push(activeGame[i]);
return gamePul;
You're just trying to find the set of games the current user is a subscriber to right? You just need $elemMatch in your query:
myGames: function() {
return Games.find({ gameStatus: "active",
subscribers: { $elemMatch: { playerId: Meteor.userId() }}});