Why cannot pass function name as argument in this case? - scala

This is a question regarding Akka Cookbook chapter 10's recipe on "Enveloping actor". Can someone please explain why we cannot just pass "headers" function as argument but instead have to pass it as "headers _" in creating the envelopingActor?
The original code can be found here: https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Akka-Cookbook/tree/master/Chapter10/src/main/scala/com/packt/chapter10
package com.packt.chapter10
import java.util.UUID
import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorRef, ActorLogging, ActorSystem, Props}
import Envelope._
object Envelope {
type Headers = Map[String, Any]
case class Envelope[T](msg: T, headers: Headers = Map.empty)
class EnvelopingActor(nextActor: ActorRef, addHeaders: Any => Headers) extends Actor {
def this(nextActor: ActorRef) =
this(nextActor, _ => Map())
override def receive: Receive = {
case msg => nextActor ! new Envelope(msg, addHeaders(msg))
class EnvelopeReceiver extends Actor with ActorLogging {
override def receive: Receive = {
case x => log.info(s"Received [$x]")
object EnvelopingActorApp extends App {
val actorSystem = ActorSystem()
val envelopeReceiver = actorSystem.actorOf(Props[EnvelopeReceiver], "receiver")
val envelopingActor = actorSystem.actorOf(
Props(classOf[EnvelopingActor], envelopeReceiver, headers _))
envelopingActor ! "Hello!"
def headers(msg: Any) = Map(
"t" -> System.currentTimeMillis(),
"cId" -> UUID.randomUUID().toString

If you try to remove the _ you may see an error like this:
Error:(379, 59) missing argument list for method headers in object EnvelopingActorApp
Unapplied methods are only converted to functions when a function type is expected.
You can make this conversion explicit by writing headers _ or headers(_) instead of headers.
The thing is that Props is a generic container for any set of actor parameters. Particularly it doesn't know beforehand how many parameters there will be. So it uses following signature:
def apply(clazz: Class[_], args: Any*): Props
You may see that args has type of Any*. This * means that number of arguments is variable and each argument is of the most generic type available in Scala - Any, which is not a function type.
As to why Scala compiler does not automatically transforms methods to function types in such case - I think the answer it is type safety. Imagine it did and then at some point you had headers that took no parameters (so headers was effectively a call of the method) and later you modified it to take one parameter. Since Any matches any type, compiler can't notice that this is actually a breaking change (you've changed an in-place-call to passing just a function that might be called later). If the parameter is strongly typed with some function type, the compiler can notice the difference and thus can safely do transformation automatically.


How to match a Case Class containing a Parameter with Generic Type

I have an interesting Problem matching a Case Class in Scala....
I am using Akka and I have functionality that I will use in every Actor in my System, so created a Base Class for my Actor and I try to Match that Command there....
My Command looks like the following...
sealed trait ReportCommand extends ProcessCommand
final case class onReport(key: Key, replyTo: ActorRef[ResponseBase[State]]) extend ReportCommand
while I constructed Base Class so that it might be used from different Actors, onReport is delivered to Base Actor as generic parameter to be used in pattern match with a case class ...
abstract class BaseActor[E: ClassTag, R <: ReportBase[STATE], COMMAND](signal: TypeCase[R]) {
private val report = signal
def base[B <: E: ClassTag](cmd: E, state: STATE)(f: B => ReplyEffect[COMMAND, STATE]): ReplyEffect[COMMAND, STATE] =
cmd match {
case report(report) =>
Effect.reply(report.replytTo)(new ResponseBase[STATE]{
override def state: STATE = state
First if you think this construct will not work, it works, I have another Command (which I didn't place here) which does not have a generic parameter in the Command Class and above snippet is able to match that Snippet.
Now when I first try this code, Shapeless is complained about there is no mapping to ActorRef for Typeable of TypeCase, so after researching the internet I found I have to do the following....
implicit def mapActorRef[T: ClassTag]: Typeable[ActorRef[T]] =
new Typeable[ActorRef[T]] {
private val typT = Typeable[T]
override def cast(t: Any) : Option[ActorRef[T]] = {
if(t==null) None
else if(t.isInstanceOf[ActorRef[_]]) {
val o= t.asInstanceOf[ActorRef[_]]
for {
_ <- typT.cast(myClassOf)
} yield o.asInstanceOf[ActorRef[T]]
} else None
def myClassOf[T: ClassTag] = implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass
implicit def responseBaseIsTypeable[S: Typeable] : Typeable[ResponseBase[S]] =
new Typeable[ResponseBase[S]] {
private val typS = Typeable[S]
override def cast(t: Any) : Option[ResponseState[S]] = {
if(t==null) None
else if(t.isIntanceOf[ResponseBase[_]]) {
val o = t.asInstanceOf[ResponseBase[_]]
for {
_ <- typS.cast(o.state)
} yield o.asInstanceOf[ResponseBase[S]]
} else None
Now after this changes I don't receive any Exceptions from Shapeless but case report(report) is not matching, I have no idea how we get a reasoning from Scala why it decide it does not match. During my debugging session I observed the following.
I am using the Akka's Ask Pattern to communicate with this actor...
val future : Future[BaseActor.ResponseBase[Actor.State]] = actorRef.ask[BaseActor.ResponseBase[Actor.State]](ref =>
Actor.onReport(key, ref)
now if I observe the cmd object that BaseActor receives, I see that 'ask' Pattern of the Akka change ActorRef in the onReport Command class to an ActorRefAdapter, of course ActorRefAdapter is a subclass of an ActorRef but I am not sure what I defined in the implicit for mapping ActorRef to TypeCase can deal with that stuff but I can't figure a way to change implicit to be aware of the Subtypes....
Unfortunately ActorRefAdapter is private to package package akka.actor.typed.internal.adapter so I can't define an extra mapping for ActorRefAdapter.
So can anybody see why Scala is not matching over my Shapeless <-> TypeCase configuration and give me some tips...
Thx for answers...
Your instance Typeable[ActorRef[T]] is incorrect.
Why did you decide to substitute a ClassTag in typT.cast(myClassOf)? This can't be meaningful.
I guess you used something like "No default Typeable for parametrized type" using Shapeless 2.1.0-RC2
If your gole is to make case report(replyTo) matching then you can define
implicit def mapActorRef[T: Typeable]: Typeable[ActorRef[T]] =
new Typeable[ActorRef[T]] {
private val typT = Typeable[T]
override def cast(t: Any): Option[ActorRef[T]] = {
if (t == null) None
else util.Try(t.asInstanceOf[ActorRef[T]]).toOption
override def describe: String = s"ActorRef[${typT.describe}]"
The problem is that this instance is also bad. Now case report(replyTo) is matching too much.
val actorTestKit = ActorTestKit()
val replyToRef = actorTestKit.spawn(ReplyToActor(), "replyTo")
import BaseActor._ // importing implicits
import shapeless.syntax.typeable._
val future: Future[BaseActor.ResponseBase[Actor.State]] = replyToRef.cast[ActorRef[Int]].get.ask[BaseActor.ResponseBase[Actor.State]](ref =>
)(5.seconds, system.scheduler)
Await.result(future, 10.seconds) // ClassCastException
A legal instance of the type class Typeable can be defined not for every type.
Providing instances for (concrete instantiations of) polymorphic types (where well defined) is pretty much the whole point of Typeable, both here and in Haskell.
The key phrase in the above is "where well defined". It's well defined in the case of non-empty container-like things. It's clearly not well defined for function values.
ResponseBase is a non-empty container-like thing. But ActorRef is like a function T => Unit, so there shouldn't be a Typeable for it
trait ActorRef[-T] extends ... {
def tell(msg: T): Unit
You should reconsider your approach.

When doing implicit resolution with type parameters, why does val placement matter?

In one file, I have:
trait JsonSchema[T] {
val propertyType: String
override def toString: String = propertyType
object JsonSchema {
implicit def stringSchema: JsonSchema[String] = new JsonSchema[String] {
override val propertyType: String = "string"
implicit def intSchema: JsonSchema[Int] = new JsonSchema[Int] {
override val propertyType: String = "integer"
implicit def booleanSchema: JsonSchema[Boolean] = new JsonSchema[Boolean] {
override val propertyType: String = "boolean"
In my main file:
case class MetaHolder[T](v: T)(implicit val meta: JsonSchema[T])
object JsonSchemaExample extends App {
That works hunky-dory. Now suppose I do this instead:
case class MetaHolder[T](v: T) {
val meta: JsonSchema[T] = implicitly[JsonSchema[T]]
It no longer compiles. Why?
My goal is to modify the anonymous Endpoint classes in the scala Finch library by adding a val meta to everything. I've been able to do this without any fancy-business so far, but now I want to do some fancy implicit resolution with shapeless to provide a JsonSchema definition for arbitrary case classes. My question is how to do this while maintaining backward compatibility. As in: provide the jsonschema meta feature for people who want to opt in, don't change the compilation burden for anyone who does not want to use meta,
If instead I go the first route, with an added implicit parameter, wouldn't that require a special import to be added by everyone? Or am I missing something and would backward compatibility still be maintained?
There is big difference between implicit x: X among parameters and implicitly[X] inside body.
When you say implicitly[X] this means "check now whether in the current scope there is an implicit X".
When you say def foo(...)(implicit x: X) = ... this means "check later when foo is called that in the scope of the call site there will be an implicit X (and for now inside foo just assume without checking that there is)".
class Foo(...)(implicit x: X) is similar to the latter, "check when constructor is called that there will be an implicit X".
Regarding whether users have to import or not. If you put implicits for type X to companion object of X then they will be found automatically (implicits for type X[Y] should be put to companion object of either X or Y). If you put them somewhere else then they have to be imported to the current scope.
In order for implicitly[JsonSchema[T]] to compile, there must be a JsonSchema[T] in the implicit scope, which means that there must be a JsonSchema[T] (or something implicitly convertible to a JsonSchema[T]) passed through as an implicit argument, as you had with:
case class MetaHolder[T](v: T)(implicit val meta: JsonSchema[T])

TypeTag for case classes

I would like to make a case class Bla that takes a type parameter A and it knows the type of A at runtime (it stores it in its info field).
My attempt is shown in the example below. The problem is that this example does not compile.
case class Bla[A] (){
val info=Run.paramInfo(this) // this does not compile
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
object Run extends App{
val x=Bla[Int]
def paramInfo[T](x:T)(implicit tag: TypeTag[T]): String = {
val targs = tag.tpe match { case TypeRef(_, _, args) => args }
val tinfo=s"type of $x has type arguments $targs"
However when I comment val info=Run.paramInfo(this) then the program runs fine and prints:
type of Bla() has type arguments List(Int)
Is there a way to make this example below compile ? (or in some other way achieve the same goal, i.e. that a case class is self aware of the type of it's type parameter?)
There's little point in using reflection based APIs for this, shapeless has a typeclass that exposes compile time information to runtime using an implicit macro.
import shapeless.Typeable
class Test[T : Typeable] {
def info: String = implicitly[Typeable[T]].describe
It's also relatively easy to roll your own thing here, with the added inconvenience of having to compile the implicit macro in a different compilation unit than whatever is using it.
You just need to pass the implicit type tag parameter to the case class constructor (otherwise the type information is lost before calling paraInfo which requires it):
case class Bla[A : TypeTag]() { ... }
Which is shorthand for:
case class Bla[A](implicit tag: TypeTag[A]) { ... }

Passing a Scala type to a function

I'm trying to implement basically the same thing that is discussed here, but in my specific situation, it's not working.
Currently I have a function that validates a JSON response from our server. The problem is, it has the JSON type hardcoded into the method:
def fakeRequest[A: Writes](target: () => Call, requestObject: A): Any = {
route(FakeRequest(target()).withJsonBody(Json.toJson(requestObject))) match {
// ... stuff happens
Note the hardcoded GPInviteResponse type.
So, to make this a totally generic and reusable method, it would be great to pass in the type that is being validated.
I tried this:
def fakeRequest[A: Writes, B](target: () => Call, requestObject: A, responseType: B): Any = {
route(FakeRequest(target()).withJsonBody(Json.toJson(requestObject))) match {
// ... stuff happens
That almost works, but I get a No Json deserializer found for type B. Makes sense, so I changed it to:
def fakeRequest[A: Writes, B: Reads](target: () => Call, requestObject: A, responseType: B): Any = {
But, now I get No Json deserializer found for type controllers.GPInviteResponse.type. So the question is: Is it possible to pass a type like this (or is there some other magic to make it work)?
There is a deserializer defined for the type... I've re-read it half a dozen times to make sure there's no typo:
case class GPInviteResponse(inviteSent: Boolean, URL: Option[String], error: Option[GPRequestError] = None) {
def this(error: GPRequestError) = this(false, None, Option(error))
object GPInviteResponse {
implicit val readsInviteResponse = Json.reads[GPInviteResponse]
implicit val writesInviteResponse = Json.writes[GPInviteResponse]
Included below is a simplified test case that demonstrates the problem. At the moment, this won't compile (error is shown below). I think I understand why it won't work (vaguely) but I have no idea regarding a solution. My theory as to why it won't work: While the provided type GPInviteRequest does have an implicit Reads/Writes method, Scala cannot make the connection that an instance B is actually a GPInviteRequest so it concludes that B does not have Reads/Writes.
case class GPInviteResponse(inviteSent: Boolean)
object GPInviteResponse {
implicit val readsInviteResponse = Json.reads[GPInviteResponse]
implicit val writesInviteResponse = Json.writes[GPInviteResponse]
class TestInviteServices extends PlaySpecification {
"try to validate a type" in {
def tryToValidate[B: Reads, Writes](i: B) = {
val json = Json.toJson(i).toString
Json.parse(json).validate[B].isSuccess must beTrue
The above test yields:
No Json serializer found for type B. Try to implement an implicit
Writes or Format for this type. [error] val json =
Json.toJson(i).toString [error] ^ [error]
No Json deserializer found for type controllers.GPInviteResponse.type.
Try to implement an implicit Reads or Format for this type. [error]
fakeRequest(controllers.routes.GPInviteService.invite, i,
GPInviteResponse) match { [error] ^
Your error message:
No Json serializer found for type B. Try to implement an implicit Writes or Format for this type.
In this function, how is the toJson method supposed to know how to serialize your type B?
def tryToValidate[B: Reads, Writes](i: B) = {
val json = Json.toJson(i).toString
Json.parse(json).validate[B].isSuccess must beTrue
You haven't pulled in a writer/reader into scope, the compiler doesn't know where to look for one and that's why it's telling you to implement one. Here's a quick solution
case class GPInviteResponse(inviteSent: Boolean)
object GPInviteResponse {
implicit val format = Json.format[GPInviteResponse]
def tryToValidate[B](i: B)(implicit format: Format[B]) = {
val json = Json.toJson(i).toString
Note: using the format method is equivalent to defining both a reads and writes.
Now, there is an implicit formatter for B in scope, so the compiler knows where to find it and injects it into the validate method which takes a reader implicitly:
// From play.api.libs.json
def validate[T](implicit rds: Reads[T]): JsResult[T] = rds.reads(this)
You can add type parameters to your function and then reference them in the validate[T] method, like so:
// Define another case class to use in the example
case class Foo(bar: String)
object Foo {
implicit val format = Json.format[Foo]
def tryToValidate[B, C](implicit f1: Format[B], f2: Format[C]) = {
val j1 = """{"inviteSent":true}"""
val j2 = """{"bar":"foobar"}""" //
// Example call
tryToValidate[GPInviteResponse, Foo]
Try it this way :
def tryToValidate[B](i: B)(implicit format : Format[B]) = {
val json = Json.toJson(i).toString
Json.parse(json).validate[B].isSuccess must beTrue

Generic Spray-Client

I'm trying to create a generic HTTP client in Scala using spray. Here is the class definition:
object HttpClient extends HttpClient
class HttpClient {
implicit val system = ActorSystem("api-spray-client")
import system.dispatcher
val log = Logging(system, getClass)
def httpSaveGeneric[T1:Marshaller,T2:Unmarshaller](uri: String, model: T1, username: String, password: String): Future[T2] = {
val pipeline: HttpRequest => Future[T2] = logRequest(log) ~> sendReceive ~> logResponse(log) ~> unmarshal[T2]
pipeline(Post(uri, model))
val genericResult = httpSaveGeneric[Space,Either[Failure,Success]](
"http://", Space("123", IdName("456", "parent"), "my name", "short_name", Updated("", 0)), "user", "password")
An object utils.AllJsonFormats has the following declaration. It contains all the model formats. The same class is used on the "other end" i.e. I also wrote the API and used the same formatters there with spray-can and spray-json.
object AllJsonFormats
extends DefaultJsonProtocol with SprayJsonSupport with MetaMarshallers with MetaToResponseMarshallers with NullOptions {
Of course that object has definitions for the serialization of the models.api.Space, models.api.Failure and models.api.Success.
The Space type seems fine, i.e. when I tell the generic method that it will be receiving and returning a Space, no errors. But once I bring an Either into the method call, I get the following compiler error:
could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type
My expectation was that the either implicit in spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol, i.e. in spray.json.StandardFormts, would have me covered.
The following is my HttpClient class trying it's best to be generic:
Update: Clearer/Repeatable Code Sample
object TestHttpFormats
extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
// space formats
implicit val idNameFormat = jsonFormat2(IdName)
implicit val updatedByFormat = jsonFormat2(Updated)
implicit val spaceFormat = jsonFormat17(Space)
// either formats
implicit val successFormat = jsonFormat1(Success)
implicit val failureFormat = jsonFormat2(Failure)
object TestHttpClient
extends SprayJsonSupport {
import TestHttpFormats._
import DefaultJsonProtocol.{eitherFormat => _, _ }
val genericResult = HttpClient.httpSaveGeneric[Space,Either[Failure,Success]](
"https://api.com/space", Space("123", IdName("456", "parent"), "my name", "short_name", Updated("", 0)), "user", "password")
With the above, the problem still occurs where the unmarshaller is unresolved. Help would be greatly appreciated..
Spray defines a default marshaller for Either[A,B] if a Marshaller[A] and Marshaller[B] are in defined scope inside the MetaMarshallers trait. But, going the other direction requires an Unmarshaller. You will need to define an in-scope Unmarshaller for Either[Failure, Success]. This cannot be coded without specific knowledge of the expected response and what the strategy will be for choosing whether to unmarshall a response as a Left or as a Right. For example, let's say you want to return a Failure on a non-200 response and a Success from a 200 json response body:
type ResultT = Either[Failure,Success]
implicit val resultUnmarshaller: FromResponseUnmarshaller[ResultT] =
new FromResponseUnmarshaller[ResultT] {
def apply(response: HttpResponse): Deserialized[ResultT] = response.status match {
case StatusCodes.Success(200) =>
case _ => Right(Left(Failure(...)))
Looking deeper into this, the problem appears to be that the default eitherFormat in spray.json.StandardFormats is not a RootJsonFormat, which is required by the default JSON unmarshaller defined in spray.httpx.SprayJsonSupport. Defining the following implicit method should solve the issue:
implicit def rootEitherFormat[A : RootJsonFormat, B : RootJsonFormat] = new RootJsonFormat[Either[A, B]] {
val format = DefaultJsonProtocol.eitherFormat[A, B]
def write(either: Either[A, B]) = format.write(either)
def read(value: JsValue) = format.read(value)
I have an working example gist that hopefully explains how you would use this. https://gist.github.com/mikemckibben/fad4328de85a79a06bf3