Google App Deploy Operation timed out error - deployment

I had deployed my application on the google cloud successfully, tested it and it is running fine.
Now I wanted to push some changes to the code so I tried to push my revised code and used the command: gcloud app deploy to deploy my updated codebase. However I am getting the following error:
Updating service [default] (this may take several minutes)...failed.
ERROR: ( Operation
[apps/*******/*******/d756b4f7-d9a8-48c8-b6dc-1d87889a18bf] timed out.
This operation may still be underway.
Earlier I was getting the error health check timeout, so I increased the accepted time out time to be max, 3600 after which I am getting the above mentioned error.


The listener for Azure function was unable to start - Microsoft.Azure.EventHubs.Processor Encountered error

I am getting the below error whilst running my Python Azure Function on the local machine in VSCode.
For clarification the message is:
The listener for function 'Functions.IoT_Data-Handler' was unable to
start. Microsoft.Azure.EventHubs.Processor: Encountered error while
fetching the list of EventHub PartitionIds. System.Private.CoreLib: A
connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or established connection failed
because connected host has failed to respond.
This error has never occurred before in the time I have started using VSCode for Azure functions (since last September). The only thing that has changed recently is that I now deploy this function within an Azure Function premium resource, but really that should not matter in the dev environment.
For information, this function is hooked up to an Azure IoT-Hub endpoint and is simply reading and processing the uplink data before saving it to an Azure SQL database.
Can anyone offer any advice?
Check if my below findings help to fix your issue:
As #PeterBons said, check the connection string given correctly in the local.settings.json:
Whatever the Event Hub Endpoint/IoT Hub Endpoint Connection String given in the file local.settings.json, that property name should be mapped in the function.json file.
Try replacing the IoT Hub Connection String without the consumer group name as mentioned in this GitHub Issue #5512
I found similar issues in the SO 1 & 2 which will be helpful to fix your issue.

CloudRun Suddenly got `Improper path /cloudsql/{SQL_CONNECTION_NAME} to connect to Postgres Cloud SQL instance "{SQL_CONNECTION_NAME}"`

We have been running a service using NestJS and TypeORM on fully managed CloudRun without issues for several months. Yesterday PM we started getting Improper path /cloudsql/{SQL_CONNECTION_NAME} to connect to Postgres Cloud SQL instance "{SQL_CONNECTION_NAME}" errors in our logs.
We didn't make any server/SQL changes around this timestamp. Currently there is no impact to the service so we are not sure if this is a serious issue.
This error is not from our code, and our third party modules shouldn't know if we use Cloud SQL, so I have no idea where this errors come from.
My assumption is Cloud SQL Proxy or any SQL client used in Cloud Run is making this error. We use --add-cloudsql-instances flag when deploying with "gcloud run deploy" CLI command.
Link to the issue here
This log was recently added in the Cloud Run data path to provide more context for debugging CloudSQL connectivity issues. However, the original logic was overly aggressive, emitting this message even for properly working CloudSQL connections. Your application is working correctly and should not receive this warning.
Thank you for reporting this issue. The fix is ready and should roll out soon. You should not see this message anymore after the fix is out.

Query builds failed because of timeout - Azure DevOps Server

In our dev environment we have lots of repos, lots of builds and lots of buildservers, and most of the time things work just like they should - however, we are seeing an increase in builds that fail because of timeouts.
These timeouts are not happening because we are getting close to the limit, but because something "gets stuck/blocked" in the pipeline and it stays on that step until timeout kills the build.
To better debug why that happens, we need to be able to query what builds fails because of this timeout, so we for instance can see, if it is a particular build server or agent that has this problem.
We can not find anything in the API that would give us the timeout error, but we can see that the UI is able to deduct it somehow:
So far we have narrowed it down to query all builds with completed status (through this API), but we get no completion reason, and buildtimes are never exact the same as the timeout of the build defintion, so "guessing" it from the execution plan will also be a bit shaky.
How can we filter our builds down to only the builds that have timed out?
We can use the below API to get details for a build.
Note: do not add timelineId, we should list all info
If the build is canceled because of the timeout setting, we can get the message: The job running on agent Hosted Agent ran longer than the maximum time of xxx minutes. For more information, see
By the way, we can use the API Builds - List to filter all failed build. if the build is canceled due to a timeout setting. the result is failed instead of cancel.

Cloud Foundry: Node-Red app crashing with 500 Error: Failed to establish a backside connection

I have created an application in IBM cloud - using the Node-Red starter. The app has been running with no errors for 2 weeks.
I have installed an additional node:"node-red-dashboard":"2.9.6", by adding this in the package.json file.
When deploying within Node-Red, the app crashes with error "Cannot connect to server".
Then, the page is no longer reachable with error "500 Error: Failed to establish a backside connection".
I have tried to restart the app, which allows it to run, again until I deploy again.
This could be an intermittent problem with the toolchain or possibly due to the extra memory requirement placed on the build with the additional node.
Is there a reason why you have not used the manage palette option to install the new nodes?
If you are still getting the error, try increasing the memory allocated to node-red in the manifest.yml file, or try removing the additional node to get node-red to rebuild.

Firebase deploy fails with different errors

I get different error messages every time I try to deploy my ~700MB angular app to firebase hosting with firebase-tools.
It progresses something between 10-30% and comes up randomly with different errors like:
Deploy Error - Storage error
Deploy Error - Request timed out
Deploy Error - Socket hang up
I've got node 0.10+, tried with two machines (both Windows 7, using cmder shell). Tried both "firebase init" to an existing directory and "firebase bootstrap" to an empty one and copied my files over but issues persist.
I've also made sure there are no href or src attributes with expressions in them as some other guy had issues with those.
Am I doing something wrong and is there some more enlightening log-file to read to understand what actually fails?