Log mysql queries to console - sails.js

Is there an equivalent to LOG_QUERIES=true from sails.js v0.12?
I'd like to be able to log my mysql queries to the console

You can do a sails lift by using following command.
LOG_QUERIES=true sails lift
This is supported by sails-mysql adapter as queries are run by this adapter.


mongosh: how to connect with uuidRepresentation=javaLegacy?

I am connecting to my local host mongodb via moongo shell with the following command and getting the following error.
mongosh "mongodb://username:password#localhost:27017/authDb?uuidRepresentation=javaLegacy"
Connecting to: mongodb://<credentials>#localhost:27017/authDb?uuidRepresentation=javaLegacy&directConnection=true&serverSelectionTimeoutMS=2000&appName=mongosh+1.2.3
MongoParseError: option uuidrepresentation is not supported
My requirement is to execute mongo queries that involves Java Legacy UUIDs and the expect the query results to be represented like that.
I can achieve this via tools like Robo3T though.
But I am a specific case where I must do it via mongo shell.
I cannot find any support for this elsewhere.

How to get Collections name from Cosmos DB using Mongo API

I am trying to execute Mongo API to perform CRUD operation on Azure Cosmos-DB.
I am running the query on Azure Data explorer.
This is a query that I am executing {db.getCollectionNames()}
I am facing {"code":500,"body":"{\"message\":\"There was an error processing your request. Please try again in a few moments.\",\"httpStatusCode\":\"InternalServerError\",\"xMsServerRequestId\":null,\"stackTrace\":null}"}
Can you please suggest the changes if I am doing something wrong here.
the Mongo Query area is not the same as a native MongoDB shell. That is, the only thing you can do within the query window is execute find() queries, and you only specify the filtering (between the {}). For example:
There's also the ability to open a mongo shell via the browser, where you can run queries, in the more traditional format for mongo:
With the browser-based shell, you can also do updates (e.g. db.families.update()) and deletes (db.families.remove()). But it doesn't support commands such as db.getCollectionNames().

Mongodb "auth fails" with mongodb php driver and new php library

Using the new mongodb driver: https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver and the new php library for it: https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-library I am getting "auth fails" trying to perform a simple find() query.
In the following code, the connection string follows the pattern mongodb://user:password#mongoinstance:port/database. The connection string works with find() using the old legacy mongo driver, but not the new mongodb driver. The new mongodb is correctly installed in php and displays in phpinfo, the only breaking change we needed to make was to use "new MongoDB\Client" instead of new MongoClient for the legacy mongo driver.
However, when I try to run the following find(), I get auth fails exception in vendor/mongodb/mongodb/src/Operation/Find.php line 179
Using legacy mongo driver there are no problems. Any ideas on the auth fails? What is the mongodb driver failing on exactly? Correct credentials for database and collection are being passed in the mongodb://string. Works in legacy fails with new driver and library.
Windows 10
PHP 5.5.12
Mongodb driver 1.1.4
Latest version of new php library (Installed with composer: composer require "mongodb/mongodb=^1.0.0")
Mongo instance version 2.4.6
I just had the same error and found out that I had to place the database-name in the connection string.
The documentation here says:
If /database is not specified and the connection string includes credentials, the driver will authenticate to the admin database.
And the user I'm using has no rights to the admin-database, so this is why I received the authentication error.
I advise you to check this too. You can't provide the database-name the same way as with the MongoClient via the connection options.
So here's the solution. After 3 days of banging my head against a wall it turns out the new mongodb driver parses the mongodb uri differently than the legacy mongo driver. My password had a % sign in it. As soon as I changed the % sign to something else everything worked as expected.

ReferenceError: require is not defined in MongoDB shell

I try to connect MongoDB from Mongo client on windows command (Window 8.1). When I use require() in javascript, I have error as below. Does any one has same issue? Did I miss any require related npm installation? How can't MongoDB shell find require function?
MongoDB shell version: 3.0.1
connecting to: test
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
2015-04-30T14:33:25.812-0400 E QUERY ReferenceError: require is not defined
at (shell):1:19
You are confusing the mongo administrative shell with the Node.js driver. While both environments happen to use JavaScript, the mongo shell has more limited I/O support and is not intended to be used as a driver for application development.
If you want to write Node.js applications using the MongoDB driver (as per your example code), you need to use the node interpreter. The Node.js driver documentation includes a Quickstart tutorial with examples that should help you get started.
#Scott Lee: if you're still looking for an answer, try running with command "node yourscript.js". Make sure mongod is running. 'mongo script.js' will work for pure mongo scripts without nodejs code.

MongoDB C# driver WriteConcernException Unauthorized on writes for readOnly=false user

I've been running my application with a readOnly=false admin user for 6 months in development on MongoDB 2.2.2. We're getting closer to launch and I wanted to switch over the user that my application runs under to a user in the application's database only with readOnly=false.
I ran the following script from the robomongo as the admin user.
use MyDB
db.addUser("api", "MyPassword", {"readOnly": false});
I also updated the MongoDB connection string to the following.
<add key="DataServer" value="mongodb://api:MyPassword#localhost:27017/MyDB" />
It created my user correctly and I validated that it is in MyDB and is readOnly=false. However, when I use the MongoDB c# driver 1.8.1 it fails on any writes with a WriteConcernException unauthorized. I am able to read records just fine from the database. Looking at the MongoDB logs it is correctly logging into my DB from my c# application but failing on the write calls.
Using the robomongo shell I was able to successfully auth with the api user and write records into one of the collections in the application's DB. So it's leading me to believe that it's something to do with the c# driver. I've also debugged my application code and validated that the MongoClient's GetServer method is returning a MongoServer that has the correct credentials.
Here's the robomongo shell script I ran to validate the user is able to write to the DB.
use MyDB
Any help as to why the MongoDB c# 1.8.1 driver connecting to MongoDB 2.2.2 and not being able to write records in a user DB with a readOnly=false user would be greatly appreciated.
I can't really see much wrong with your code. I'd suggest trying the following:
Make sure you're reading the DataServer app setting correctly in your C# code (including the DB name)
Create the user in the admin database and see if that helps:
use admin
db.addUser("api", "MyPassword"); // readonly defaults to false