Is it possible to make an Equirectangular (spherical) camera projection in Unity? [duplicate] - unity3d

I want to convert from cube map [figure1] into an equirectangular panorama [figure2].
It is possible to go from Spherical to Cubic (by following: Convert 2:1 equirectangular panorama to cube map ), but lost on how to reverse it.
Figure2 is to be rendered into a sphere using Unity.

Assuming the input image is in the following cubemap format:
The goal is to project the image to the equirectangular format like so:
The conversion algorithm is rather straightforward.
In order to calculate the best estimate of the color at each pixel in the equirectangular image given a cubemap with 6 faces:
Firstly, calculate polar coordinates that correspond to each pixel in
the spherical image.
Secondly, using the polar coordinates form a vector and determine on
which face of the cubemap and which pixel of that face the vector
lies; just like a raycast from the center of a cube would hit one of
its sides and a specific point on that side.
Keep in mind that there are multiple methods to estimate the color of a pixel in the equirectangular image given a normalized coordinate (u,v) on a specific face of a cubemap. The most basic method, which is a very raw approximation and will be used in this answer for simplicity's sake, is to round the coordinates to a specific pixel and use that pixel. Other more advanced methods could calculate an average of a few neighbouring pixels.
The implementation of the algorithm will vary depending on the context. I did a quick implementation in Unity3D C# that shows how to implement the algorithm in a real world scenario. It runs on the CPU, there is a lot room for improvement but it is easy to understand.
using UnityEngine;
public static class CubemapConverter
public static byte[] ConvertToEquirectangular(Texture2D sourceTexture, int outputWidth, int outputHeight)
Texture2D equiTexture = new Texture2D(outputWidth, outputHeight, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
float u, v; //Normalised texture coordinates, from 0 to 1, starting at lower left corner
float phi, theta; //Polar coordinates
int cubeFaceWidth, cubeFaceHeight;
cubeFaceWidth = sourceTexture.width / 4; //4 horizontal faces
cubeFaceHeight = sourceTexture.height / 3; //3 vertical faces
for (int j = 0; j < equiTexture.height; j++)
//Rows start from the bottom
v = 1 - ((float)j / equiTexture.height);
theta = v * Mathf.PI;
for (int i = 0; i < equiTexture.width; i++)
//Columns start from the left
u = ((float)i / equiTexture.width);
phi = u * 2 * Mathf.PI;
float x, y, z; //Unit vector
x = Mathf.Sin(phi) * Mathf.Sin(theta) * -1;
y = Mathf.Cos(theta);
z = Mathf.Cos(phi) * Mathf.Sin(theta) * -1;
float xa, ya, za;
float a;
a = Mathf.Max(new float[3] { Mathf.Abs(x), Mathf.Abs(y), Mathf.Abs(z) });
//Vector Parallel to the unit vector that lies on one of the cube faces
xa = x / a;
ya = y / a;
za = z / a;
Color color;
int xPixel, yPixel;
int xOffset, yOffset;
if (xa == 1)
xPixel = (int)((((za + 1f) / 2f) - 1f) * cubeFaceWidth);
xOffset = 2 * cubeFaceWidth; //Offset
yPixel = (int)((((ya + 1f) / 2f)) * cubeFaceHeight);
yOffset = cubeFaceHeight; //Offset
else if (xa == -1)
xPixel = (int)((((za + 1f) / 2f)) * cubeFaceWidth);
xOffset = 0;
yPixel = (int)((((ya + 1f) / 2f)) * cubeFaceHeight);
yOffset = cubeFaceHeight;
else if (ya == 1)
xPixel = (int)((((xa + 1f) / 2f)) * cubeFaceWidth);
xOffset = cubeFaceWidth;
yPixel = (int)((((za + 1f) / 2f) - 1f) * cubeFaceHeight);
yOffset = 2 * cubeFaceHeight;
else if (ya == -1)
xPixel = (int)((((xa + 1f) / 2f)) * cubeFaceWidth);
xOffset = cubeFaceWidth;
yPixel = (int)((((za + 1f) / 2f)) * cubeFaceHeight);
yOffset = 0;
else if (za == 1)
xPixel = (int)((((xa + 1f) / 2f)) * cubeFaceWidth);
xOffset = cubeFaceWidth;
yPixel = (int)((((ya + 1f) / 2f)) * cubeFaceHeight);
yOffset = cubeFaceHeight;
else if (za == -1)
xPixel = (int)((((xa + 1f) / 2f) - 1f) * cubeFaceWidth);
xOffset = 3 * cubeFaceWidth;
yPixel = (int)((((ya + 1f) / 2f)) * cubeFaceHeight);
yOffset = cubeFaceHeight;
Debug.LogWarning("Unknown face, something went wrong");
xPixel = 0;
yPixel = 0;
xOffset = 0;
yOffset = 0;
xPixel = Mathf.Abs(xPixel);
yPixel = Mathf.Abs(yPixel);
xPixel += xOffset;
yPixel += yOffset;
color = sourceTexture.GetPixel(xPixel, yPixel);
equiTexture.SetPixel(i, j, color);
var bytes = equiTexture.EncodeToPNG();
return bytes;
In order to utilize the GPU I created a shader that does the same conversion. It is much faster than running the conversion pixel by pixel on the CPU but unfortunately Unity imposes resolution limitations on cubemaps so it's usefulness is limited in scenarios when high resolution input image is to be used.
Shader "Conversion/CubemapToEquirectangular" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Cubemap (RGB)", CUBE) = "" {}
Subshader {
Pass {
ZTest Always Cull Off ZWrite Off
Fog { Mode off }
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest
//#pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_nicest
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
#define PI 3.141592653589793
#define TWOPI 6.283185307179587
struct v2f {
float4 pos : POSITION;
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
samplerCUBE _MainTex;
v2f vert( appdata_img v )
v2f o;
o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);
o.uv = v.texcoord.xy * float2(TWOPI, PI);
return o;
fixed4 frag(v2f i) : COLOR
float theta = i.uv.y;
float phi = i.uv.x;
float3 unit = float3(0,0,0);
unit.x = sin(phi) * sin(theta) * -1;
unit.y = cos(theta) * -1;
unit.z = cos(phi) * sin(theta) * -1;
return texCUBE(_MainTex, unit);
Fallback Off
The quality of the resulting images can be greatly improved by either employing a more sophisticated method to estimate the color of a pixel during the conversion or by post processing the resulting image (or both, actually). For example an image of bigger size could be generated to apply a blur filter and then downsample it to the desired size.
I created a simple Unity project with two editor wizards that show how to properly utilize either the C# code or the shader shown above. Get it here:
Remember to set proper import settings in Unity for your input images:
Point filtering
Truecolor format
Disable mipmaps
Non Power of 2: None (only for 2DTextures)
Enable Read/Write (only for 2DTextures)

cube2sphere automates the entire process. Example:
$ cube2sphere front.jpg back.jpg right.jpg left.jpg top.jpg bottom.jpg -r 2048 1024 -fTGA -ostitched


Shadow on ray marching volume material

I'm trying to implement shadows in the beam material from UE4 DMX Plugin, so I can use it with a flashlight and stop worrying about light trails cause by volumetric fog, the problem is that I really don't know how, actually, I don't know anything about HLSL.
So, if any tech artist wizard can help me and explain like I'm five or give me some material to study, it would be awesome.
Lightbeam code:
float traversalDepth = FDepth - NDepth ;
uint numSteps = floor(traversalDepth / StepSize) ;
float3 posOffset = normalize(FSlice-NSlice) * StepSize ;
float Adj = AdjOpp.x;
float Opp = AdjOpp.y + ConeRadius;
float3 cumul = 0;
for(uint i=0; i<numSteps; i++){
///Position & depth at rayHit
float3 pos = NSlice + posOffset * i ;
float depth = NDepth + StepSize * i ;
float dist = length(pos);
float falloff = 1.0f-(length(pos)/MaxDistance);
///Domain Transform
pos.z = -pos.z;
pos /= float3(Opp*2,Opp*2,Adj);
float div = ConeRadius / Opp;
div = (pos.z*(1-div))+div;
pos.xy /= div;
//Falloff old
//float falloff = 1.0-saturate(length(pos));
//Center domain
pos.z -= 0.5 ;
///Clip domain edges.
float maskX = (1-abs(pos.x)) > 0.5 ;
float maskY = (1-abs(pos.y)) > 0.5 ;
float maskZ = (1-abs(pos.z)) > 0.5 ;
if( (maskX*maskY*maskZ) - 0.5 < 0 ) continue ;
///Soft clipping with scene depth.
float dClip = saturate((ScDepth-depth)/SoftClipSize);
// UVs from pos
pos.xy = saturate(pos.xy+0.5);
float2 GoboUV = pos.xy;
float2 ColorUV = pos.xy;
// Gobo scale offset
GoboUV.x = GoboUV.x / NumGobos;
GoboUV.x = GoboUV.x + (GoboIndex/NumGobos) ;
// Gobo scrolling
GoboUV.x = GoboUV.x + (Time*GoboScrollingSpeed);
// Sample Gobo
float GoboSample = TXTpGobo.SampleLevel(TXTpGoboSampler,GoboUV.xy,0) ;
// Color Wheel scale offset
ColorUV.x = ColorUV.x / NumColors;
ColorUV.x = ColorUV.x + (ColorIndex/NumColors) ;
// Color scrolling
ColorUV.x = ColorUV.x + ((Time-CurrentTime) * ColorScrollingSpeed);
Beam Material

Green Chrome Key Shader using depth

I have written a shader which converts an RGB Camera Value to HSV and then apply some filtering for green chrome.
Current Problem
If the object at foreground (player) has green pixels, it will be cut out.
I have already depth camera, how can I use that property for making a better cut out chrome key ?
frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
fixed4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);
if (_ShowBackground)
fixed4 col2 = tex2D(_TexReplacer, i.uv);
col = col2;
else if (!_ShowOriginal)
fixed4 col2 = tex2D(_TexReplacer, i.uv);
float maskY = 0.2989 * _GreenColor.r + 0.5866 * _GreenColor.g + 0.1145 * _GreenColor.b;
float maskCr = 0.7132 * (_GreenColor.r - maskY);
float maskCb = 0.5647 * (_GreenColor.b - maskY);
float Y = 0.2989 * col.r + 0.5866 * col.g + 0.1145 * col.b;
float Cr = 0.7132 * (col.r - Y);
float Cb = 0.5647 * (col.b - Y);
float alpha = smoothstep(_Sensitivity, _Sensitivity + _Smooth, distance(float2(Cr, Cb), float2(maskCr, maskCb)));
col = (alpha * col) + ((1 - alpha) * col2);
return col;
Unity's UnityObjectToClipPos(float3 pos) let's you transform a vertex into clip space. This means 0 to 1 on all axes, z axis is the distance from the rendering camera (from near to far clipping plane, I believe).
You can use this distance to simply to only apply your keying to vertices further than a given threshold.
If you do not want to use normalized coordinates you can also convert your vertex to world space using mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, vertex.position) and afterwards to camera space, by multiplying the world position with the camera's world to local matrix (which you have to pass into your shader).
To access the camera's depth texture in shader you can use _CameraDepthTexture (see documentation section Shader variables).
You can sample it like any other texture using tex2D(_CameraDepthTexture, i.uv);

How can I convert these fragColor code snippets from ShaderToy so that they will work in Unity?

I'm following this tutorial: to convert some code from ShaderToy to Unity. This is the shader that I'm attempting to convert:
I saw that in the tutorial, he was able to take his fragColor statement from ShaderToy and simply return a color in Unity instead. However, when I tried doing that with the code that I have from ShaderToy, an error about not being able to implicitly convert from float3 to float4 popped up. I saw that my color variable is being declared as a float3 which is what must be causing the issue, but I need some help figuring out how to fix this.
I also noticed that I have an 'a' value with the fragColor variable, in addition to the rgb values; would I use a float4 to take in the (r, g, b, a) values?
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
//float2 uv = float2(fragCoord.x / iResolution.x, fragCoord.y / iResolution.y);
float2 uv = float2(i.uv);
uv -= 0.5;
//uv /= float2(iResolution.y / iResolution.x, 1);
float3 cam = float3(0, -0.15, -3.5);
float3 dir = normalize(float3(uv,1));
float cam_a2 = sin(_Time.y) * pi * 0.1;
cam.yz = rotate(cam.yz, cam_a2);
dir.yz = rotate(dir.yz, cam_a2);
float cam_a = _Time.y * pi * 0.1;
cam.xz = rotate(cam.xz, cam_a);
dir.xz = rotate(dir.xz, cam_a);
float3 color = float3(0.16, 0.12, 0.10);
float t = 0.00001;
const int maxSteps = 128;
for(int i = 0; i < maxSteps; ++i) {
float3 p = cam + dir * t;
float d = scene(p);
if(d < 0.0001 * t) {
color = float3(1.0, length(p) * (0.6 + (sin(_Time.y*3.0)+1.0) * 0.5 * 0.4), 0);
t += d;
//fragColor.rgb = color;
return color;
//fragColor.a = 1.0;

Unity 3D Subsurface Shader setting normal for appropriate lighting

I'm attempting to write a simple wave-like shader in Unity 2017.1.0f3 using the sin function, however it's all an undefined one color shape without redefining the normals so it can get the shading right. However despite my maths I can't seem to get these normals to look right, and as you can see in the GIF it's all super messed up.
So here's what I'm doing:
void vert(inout appdata_full v, out Input o)
//Just basing the height of the wave on distance from the center and time
half offsetvert = o.offsetVert = ((v.vertex.x*v.vertex.x) + (v.vertex.z * v.vertex.z))*100;//The 100 is to compensate for the massive scaling of the object
half value = _Scale * sin(-_Time.w * _Speed + offsetvert * _Frequency)/100;
v.vertex.y += value;
o.pos =;
// Add instancing support for this shader. You need to check 'Enable Instancing' on materials that use the shader.
// See for more information about instancing.
// #pragma instancing_options assumeuniformscaling
// put more per-instance properties here
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutputStandard o)
//Calculate new normals
//Refer to MATH (1) for how I'm getting the y
float3 norm = (0,sqrt(1/(1+1/(-100/(_Scale*_Frequency*cos(_Time.w * _Speed + IN.offsetVert * _Frequency))))),0);
//Refer to Math (2) for how I'm getting the x and z
float derrivative = _Scale*_Frequency*cos(-_Time.w * _Speed + IN.offsetVert * _Frequency)/100;
float3 norm = (0,sqrt(1/(1+1/(-1/(derrivative)))),0);
float remaining = 1 - pow(norm.y,2);
norm.x = sqrt(remaining/(1 + IN.pos.z*IN.pos.z/(IN.pos.x*IN.pos.x)));
norm.z = sqrt(1-norm.y*norm.y-norm.x*norm.x);
//Assume this is facing away from the center
if (IN.pos.z<0)
norm.z = -norm.z;
if (IN.pos.x<0)
norm.x = -norm.x;
//Flip the direction if necessary
if (derrivative > 0){
norm.x = -norm.x;
norm.z = -norm.z;
norm.y = abs(norm.y);
norm = normalize(norm);//Just to be safe
o.Albedo = _Color.rgb;
// Metallic and smoothness come from slider variables
o.Metallic = _Metallic;
o.Smoothness = _Glossiness;
o.Alpha = c.a; = norm;
If the y as a function of distance is
y = (scale/100)sin(time.w * speed + distance * frequency)
dy/d(distance) = (scale/100) * frequency * cos(time.w * speed + distance * frequency)
making the gradient of the normal of
y/(some x and z direction) -100/(scale * frequency * cos(time.w * speed + distance * frequency)).
We also know that
(y component)^2 + (some xz component)^2 = 1,
(y component)/(some xz component) = the normal gradient defined.
Solving these two simultaneous equations we get
y component = sqrt(1/(1+1/(gradient^2)))
We know that
(x component)/(z component) = (x position)/(z position)
and, by Pythagoras, that
(x component)^2 + (z component)^2 = 1 - (y component)^2
and solving these simultaneous equations we get
x component = sqrt((1 - (y component)^2)/(1 + (z position / x position)^2))
We can then get the z component through Pythagoras.
Please, let me know if you figure out what's wrong :)
Why are you calculating the normals in the surface function? This is done per fragment and will be very inefficient. Why not just calculate the normal in the vertex function?
What i would do is to do the same calculation as for the vertex offset, except once again for two other points which are offset in the X and Y direction from the vertex - then you use the cross product of the vectors between them and the offset vertex to get the normal.
Let's say that you have the offset moved to its own function, which takes the coordinates as parameter. Then you could do this:
float3 offsetPos = VertexOffset(v.vertex.xy)
float3 offsetPosX = offsetPos - VertexOffset(v.vertex.xy + float2(0.1, 0))
float3 offsetPosY = offsetPos - VertexOffset(v.vertex.xy + float2(0, 0.1)) = offsetPos = cross(normalize(offsetPosX), normalize(offsetPosY))

Problems porting a GLSL shadertoy shader to unity

I'm currently trying to port a shader (Atmospheric Scattering Sample, interactive demo with code) to Unity. The shader is written in GLSL and I have to start the editor with C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor>Unity.exe -force-opengl to make it render the shader (otherwise a "This shader cannot be run on this GPU" error comes up), but that's not a problem right now. The problem is with porting that shader to Unity.
The functions for the scattering etc. are all identical and "runnable" in my ported shader, the only thing is that the mainImage() functions manages the camera, light directions and ray direction itself. This has to be ofcourse changed sothat Unity's camera position, view direction and light sources and directions are used.
The main function of the original looks like this:
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
// default ray dir
vec3 dir = ray_dir( 45.0, iResolution.xy, fragCoord.xy );
// default ray origin
vec3 eye = vec3( 0.0, 0.0, 2.4 );
// rotate camera
mat3 rot = rot3xy( vec2( 0.0, iGlobalTime * 0.5 ) );
dir = rot * dir;
eye = rot * eye;
// sun light dir
vec3 l = vec3( 0, 0, 1 );
vec2 e = ray_vs_sphere( eye, dir, R );
if ( e.x > e.y ) {
vec2 f = ray_vs_sphere( eye, dir, R_INNER );
e.y = min( e.y, f.x );
vec3 I = in_scatter( eye, dir, e, l );
fragColor = vec4( I, 1.0 );
I've read through the documentation of that function and how it's supposed work at .
Image shaders implement the mainImage() function in order to generate
the procedural images by computing a color for each pixel. This
function is expected to be called once per pixel, and it is
responsability of the host application to provide the right inputs to
it and get the output color from it and assign it to the screen pixel.
The prototype is:
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord );
where fragCoord contains the pixel coordinates for which the shader
needs to compute a color. The coordinates are in pixel units, ranging
from 0.5 to resolution-0.5, over the rendering surface, where the
resolution is passed to the shader through the iResolution uniform
(see below).
The resulting color is gathered in fragColor as a four component
vector, the last of which is ignored by the client. The result is
gathered as an "out" variable in prevision of future addition of
multiple render targets.
So in that function there are references to iGlobalTime to make the camera rotate with time and references to the iResolution for the resolution. I've embedded the shader in a Unity shader and tried to fix and wireup the dir, eye and l sothat it works with Unity, but I'm completly stuck. I get some sort of picture which looks "related" to the original shader: (Top is original, buttom the current unity state)
I'm not a shader profesional, I only know some basics of OpenGL, but for the most part, I write game logic in C#, so all I could really do was look at other shader examples and look at how I could get the data about camera, lightsources etc. in this code, but as you can see, nothing works out, really.
I've copied the skelton-code for the shader from and some vectors from .
I hope someone can point me in some direction on how to fix this shader / correctly port it to unity. Below is the current shader code, all you have to do to reproduce it is create a new shader in a blank project, copy that code inside, make a new material, assign the shader to that material, then add a sphere and add that material on it and add a directional light.
Shader "Unlit/AtmoFragShader" {
_MainTex("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
_LC("LC", Color) = (1,0,0,0) /* stuff from the testing shader, now really used */
_LP("LP", Vector) = (1,1,1,1)
Tags{ "Queue" = "Geometry" } //Is this even the right queue?
//Tags{ "LightMode" = "ForwardBase" }
/* begin port by copying in the constants */
// math const
const float PI = 3.14159265359;
const float DEG_TO_RAD = PI / 180.0;
const float MAX = 10000.0;
// scatter const
const float K_R = 0.166;
const float K_M = 0.0025;
const float E = 14.3; // light intensity
const vec3 C_R = vec3(0.3, 0.7, 1.0); // 1 / wavelength ^ 4
const float G_M = -0.85; // Mie g
const float R = 1.0; /* this is the radius of the spehere? this should be set from the geometry or something.. */
const float R_INNER = 0.7;
const float SCALE_H = 4.0 / (R - R_INNER);
const float SCALE_L = 1.0 / (R - R_INNER);
const int NUM_OUT_SCATTER = 10;
const float FNUM_OUT_SCATTER = 10.0;
const int NUM_IN_SCATTER = 10;
const float FNUM_IN_SCATTER = 10.0;
/* begin functions. These are out of the defines because they should be accesible to anyone. */
// angle : pitch, yaw
mat3 rot3xy(vec2 angle) {
vec2 c = cos(angle);
vec2 s = sin(angle);
return mat3(
c.y, 0.0, -s.y,
s.y * s.x, c.x, c.y * s.x,
s.y * c.x, -s.x, c.y * c.x
// ray direction
vec3 ray_dir(float fov, vec2 size, vec2 pos) {
vec2 xy = pos - size * 0.5;
float cot_half_fov = tan((90.0 - fov * 0.5) * DEG_TO_RAD);
float z = size.y * 0.5 * cot_half_fov;
return normalize(vec3(xy, -z));
// ray intersects sphere
// e = -b +/- sqrt( b^2 - c )
vec2 ray_vs_sphere(vec3 p, vec3 dir, float r) {
float b = dot(p, dir);
float c = dot(p, p) - r * r;
float d = b * b - c;
if (d < 0.0) {
return vec2(MAX, -MAX);
d = sqrt(d);
return vec2(-b - d, -b + d);
// Mie
// g : ( -0.75, -0.999 )
// 3 * ( 1 - g^2 ) 1 + c^2
// F = ----------------- * -------------------------------
// 2 * ( 2 + g^2 ) ( 1 + g^2 - 2 * g * c )^(3/2)
float phase_mie(float g, float c, float cc) {
float gg = g * g;
float a = (1.0 - gg) * (1.0 + cc);
float b = 1.0 + gg - 2.0 * g * c;
b *= sqrt(b);
b *= 2.0 + gg;
return 1.5 * a / b;
// Reyleigh
// g : 0
// F = 3/4 * ( 1 + c^2 )
float phase_reyleigh(float cc) {
return 0.75 * (1.0 + cc);
float density(vec3 p) {
return exp(-(length(p) - R_INNER) * SCALE_H);
float optic(vec3 p, vec3 q) {
vec3 step = (q - p) / FNUM_OUT_SCATTER;
vec3 v = p + step * 0.5;
float sum = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OUT_SCATTER; i++) {
sum += density(v);
v += step;
sum *= length(step) * SCALE_L;
return sum;
vec3 in_scatter(vec3 o, vec3 dir, vec2 e, vec3 l) {
float len = (e.y - e.x) / FNUM_IN_SCATTER;
vec3 step = dir * len;
vec3 p = o + dir * e.x;
vec3 v = p + dir * (len * 0.5);
vec3 sum = vec3(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_IN_SCATTER; i++) {
vec2 f = ray_vs_sphere(v, l, R);
vec3 u = v + l * f.y;
float n = (optic(p, v) + optic(v, u)) * (PI * 4.0);
sum += density(v) * exp(-n * (K_R * C_R + K_M));
v += step;
sum *= len * SCALE_L;
float c = dot(dir, -l);
float cc = c * c;
return sum * (K_R * C_R * phase_reyleigh(cc) + K_M * phase_mie(G_M, c, cc)) * E;
/* end functions */
/* vertex shader begins here*/
#ifdef VERTEX
const float SpecularContribution = 0.3;
const float DiffuseContribution = 1.0 - SpecularContribution;
uniform vec4 _LP;
varying vec2 TextureCoordinate;
varying float LightIntensity;
varying vec4 someOutput;
/* transient stuff */
varying vec3 eyeOutput;
varying vec3 dirOutput;
varying vec3 lOutput;
varying vec2 eOutput;
/* lighting stuff */
// i.e. one could #include "UnityCG.glslinc"
uniform vec3 _WorldSpaceCameraPos;
// camera position in world space
uniform mat4 _Object2World; // model matrix
uniform mat4 _World2Object; // inverse model matrix
uniform vec4 _WorldSpaceLightPos0;
// direction to or position of light source
uniform vec4 _LightColor0;
// color of light source (from "Lighting.cginc")
void main()
/* code from that example shader */
gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;
vec3 ecPosition = vec3(gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex);
vec3 tnorm = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal);
vec3 lightVec = normalize( - ecPosition);
vec3 reflectVec = reflect(-lightVec, tnorm);
vec3 viewVec = normalize(-ecPosition);
/* copied from for testing stuff */
//I have no idea what I'm doing, but hopefully this computes some vectors which I need
mat4 modelMatrix = _Object2World;
mat4 modelMatrixInverse = _World2Object; // unity_Scale.w
// is unnecessary because we normalize vectors
vec3 normalDirection = normalize(vec3(
vec4(gl_Normal, 0.0) * modelMatrixInverse));
vec3 viewDirection = normalize(vec3(
vec4(_WorldSpaceCameraPos, 1.0)
- modelMatrix * gl_Vertex));
vec3 lightDirection;
float attenuation;
if (0.0 == _WorldSpaceLightPos0.w) // directional light?
attenuation = 1.0; // no attenuation
lightDirection = normalize(vec3(_WorldSpaceLightPos0));
else // point or spot light
vec3 vertexToLightSource = vec3(_WorldSpaceLightPos0
- modelMatrix * gl_Vertex);
float distance = length(vertexToLightSource);
attenuation = 1.0 / distance; // linear attenuation
lightDirection = normalize(vertexToLightSource);
/* test port */
// default ray dir
//That's the direction of the camera here?
vec3 dir = viewDirection; //normalDirection;//viewDirection;// tnorm;//lightVec;//lightDirection;//normalDirection; //lightVec;//tnorm;//ray_dir(45.0, iResolution.xy, fragCoord.xy);
// default ray origin
//I think they mean the position of the camera here?
vec3 eye = vec3(_WorldSpaceCameraPos); //vec3(_WorldSpaceLightPos0); //// vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); //_WorldSpaceCameraPos;//ecPosition; //vec3(0.0, 0.0, 2.4);
// rotate camera not needed, remove it
// sun light dir
//I think they mean the direciton of our directional light?
vec3 l = lightDirection;//; //lightDirection; //normalDirection;//normalize(vec3(_WorldSpaceLightPos0));//lightVec;// vec3(0, 0, 1);
/* this computes the intersection of the ray and the sphere.. is this really needed?*/
vec2 e = ray_vs_sphere(eye, dir, R);
/* copy stuff sothat we can use it on the fragment shader, "discard" is only allowed in fragment shader,
so the rest has to be computed in fragment shader */
eOutput = e;
eyeOutput = eye;
dirOutput = dir;
lOutput = dir;
uniform sampler2D _MainTex;
varying vec2 TextureCoordinate;
uniform vec4 _LC;
varying float LightIntensity;
/* transient port */
varying vec3 eyeOutput;
varying vec3 dirOutput;
varying vec3 lOutput;
varying vec2 eOutput;
void main()
/* real fragment */
if (eOutput.x > eOutput.y) {
vec2 f = ray_vs_sphere(eyeOutput, dirOutput, R_INNER);
vec2 e = eOutput;
e.y = min(e.y, f.x);
vec3 I = in_scatter(eyeOutput, dirOutput, eOutput, lOutput);
gl_FragColor = vec4(I, 1.0);
/*vec4 c2;
c2.x = 1.0;
c2.y = 1.0;
c2.z = 0.0;
c2.w = 1.0f;
gl_FragColor = c2;*/
//gl_FragColor = c;
Any help is appreciated, sorry for the long post and explanations.
Edit: I just found out that the radius of the spehere does have an influence on the stuff, a sphere with scale 2.0 in every direction gives a much better result. However, the picture is still completly independent of the viewing angle of the camera and any lights, this is nowhere near the shaderlab version.
It's look like you are trying to render a 2D texture over a sphere. It has some different approach. For what you trying to do, I would apply the shader over a plane crossed with the sphere.
For general purpose, look this article showing how to convert shaderToy to Unity3D.
There is some steps that I included here:
Replace iGlobalTime shader input (“shader playback time in seconds”) with _Time.y
Replace iResolution.xy (“viewport resolution in pixels”) with _ScreenParams.xy
Replace vec2 types with float2, mat2 with float2x2 etc.
Replace vec3(1) shortcut constructors in which all elements have same value with explicit float3(1,1,1)
Replace Texture2D with Tex2D
Replace atan(x,y) with atan2(y,x) <- Note parameter ordering!
Replace mix() with lerp()
Replace *= with mul()
Remove third (bias) parameter from Texture2D lookups
mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord) is the fragment shader function, equivalent to float4 mainImage(float2 fragCoord : SV_POSITION) : SV_Target
UV coordinates in GLSL have 0 at the top and increase downwards, in HLSL 0 is at the bottom and increases upwards, so you may need to use uv.y = 1 – uv.y at some point.
About this question:
Tags{ "Queue" = "Geometry" } //Is this even the right queue?
Queue references the order it will be rendered, Geometry is one of the first of, if you want you shader running over everything you could use Overlay for example. This topic is covered here.
Background - this render queue is rendered before any others. It is used for skyboxes and the like.
Geometry (default) - this is used for most objects. Opaque geometry uses this queue.
AlphaTest - alpha tested geometry uses this queue. It’s a separate queue from - Geometry one since it’s more efficient to render alpha-tested objects after all solid ones are drawn.
Transparent - this render queue is rendered after Geometry and AlphaTest, in back-to-front order. Anything alpha-blended (i.e. shaders that don’t write to depth buffer) should go here (glass, particle effects).
Overlay - this render queue is meant for overlay effects. Anything rendered last should go here (e.g. lens flares).