Using Core Bluetooth with Swift 3, I use CBPeripheral.writeValue() to write a characteristic to the Central, and I do this when the value of a UISlider changes. I was noticing that, even when dragging the slider slowly, occasionally a jump in value would be seen on the Central. I thought perhaps some over-the-air corruption was occurring, so I changed the characteristic to write the same value three times. Now, only if all the values received by the Central match will it act on them. Here's the current code:
#IBAction func slideValChanged(_ sender: UISlider)
let sliderVal = UInt8(sender.value.rounded(FloatingPointRoundingRule.down))
if (sliderVal != self.sliderVal)
self.sliderVal = sliderVal
self.bytes = [self.sliderVal, self.sliderVal, self.sliderVal] .userInitiated).async
{ = Data(bytes: self.bytes)
self.peripheral.writeValue(, for: self.writeCharacteristic!, type: CBCharacteristicWriteType.withResponse)
print("Write values sent:", self.bytes[0], self.bytes[1], self.bytes[2])
Even with this, I still see the value jump, and not to anything particular. The print() statement always prints the same (and correct) number three times. Similarly, on the Central, when the value jumps, I receive three equal but incorrect values. How can this be? All I can think is that something in Core Bluetooth is changing the value before it is put on air, but I'm not sure, and I don't know where to focus my attention.
As you are using CBCharacteristicWriteType.withResponse, even slow movement of your slider will send to many packets.
When you write to the writeCharacteristic command you need to wait for a callback before calling writeCharacteristic again. The callback will indicate that your data has been buffered in the Central BLE-stack and the stack is ready to receive additional data. Without this Your data can be corrupted or even lose your connection.
Im new to RxSwift and what Im trying is perform the following,
User type is search UiTextField
App must wait 1 sec after user finish typing to make sure not to hit the Api with each letter write or delete button pressed.
App hit my Api for search
I tried the below code as example
class DestinationSearch: UIViewController {
let searchTF = UITextField()
var disposeBag = DisposeBag()
override func viewDidLoad() {
.throttle(.milliseconds(1000), scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)
.subscribe(onNext:{ query in
print(self.hitSomeApi(query: query ?? "--"))
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
func hitSomeApi(query: String) -> String {
return query + " Response from API"
When I run the app and start typing I get the the Response from API message with each letter or backspace button pressed! why the throttle delay is not working? Im I doing something wrong here?
Any help will be much appreciated
Based on your description of the problem, it seems like the debounce operator is more suitable than throttle. debounce only emits an element if a certain time, in which nothing has been emitted, has passed, whereas throttle ensures that elements are emitted at least a certain time interval apart.
I can confirm that your code using throttle is working as I'd expect - if I type very quickly, the "Response from API" messages appear roughly every 1 second. If I type very slowly, slower than 1 keystroke per second, then the messages come whenever I press a key. In other words, whenever there is an editing changed event, throttle checks to see if there was a previous one less than 1 second ago. If there is, ignore this new one.
If you use debounce however (the same code, just replace throttle with debounce), then after each keystroke, it would wait for 1 second to see if the text field is going to change again. It would only emit the editing changed event if it has waited and there is no more editing changed events. So if you keep typing at a pace higher than 1 keystroke per second, no elements will ever be emitted by the observable. This seems to be what you want.
You can compare these two operators on RxMarbles (they are called slightly different names there):
When I initiate auto-landing in the DJI Fly app I sometimes get the following message, especially under bad lighting conditions:
Now, in my own code, when I call DJIFlightController.startLandingWithCompletion, the drone would not land and the completion block gets executed without any error.
My question is, how can I intercept the equivalent to DJIs error message as shown above? What code is relevant for that?
I am also checking if a landing confirmation is needed with the following code:
func observeConfirmLanding() {
guard let confirmLandingKey = DJIFlightControllerKey(param: DJIFlightControllerParamConfirmLanding) else { return }
DJISDKManager.keyManager()?.startListeningForChanges(on: confirmLandingKey, withListener: self) { (oldValue: DJIKeyedValue?, newValue: DJIKeyedValue?) in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if let oldBoolValue = oldValue?.boolValue,
let newBoolValue = newValue?.boolValue,
oldBoolValue != newBoolValue {
self.landingConfirmationNeeded = newBoolValue
self.logger.debug("Landing confirmation is needed")
It never enters the closure.
As I understood the landing confirmation might be needed at a height of 0.3m, but in my case, the landing process gets interrupted at different heights that are more than 0.3m, e.g. already at 2m or 1.5m
I have changed the surface below the drone in my basement by adding a bright carpet with a distinct pattern. This improves the whole stability of the drone AND even more important: The drone just lands without being interrupted. I do not get the warning message in the DJI Fly app any more.
I check for isLandingConfirmation the way Brien suggests in his comment, I finally get true when testing this in the simulator.
extension FlightControllerObserver: DJIFlightControllerDelegate {
func flightController(_ fc: DJIFlightController, didUpdate state: DJIFlightControllerState) {
if (landingConfirmationNeeded != state.isLandingConfirmationNeeded) {
landingConfirmationNeeded = state.isLandingConfirmationNeeded
But, when I test this in my basement (flight mode "OPTI") and outside (flight mode "GPS") the drone just lands without waiting for any confirmation.
While I learned a lot, it is still a miracle to me which class in the DJI Mobile SDK is responsible for "throwing" that warning message.
If the completion handler completes without any error you might need to check if isLandingConfirmationNeeded in DJIFlightControllerState is set to true. If thats the case then you will need to implement the function confirmLandingWithCompletion.
Sounds relevant to your experience looking at the documentation
(void)confirmLandingWithCompletion:(DJICompletionBlock)completion Confirms continuation of landing action. When the clearance between
the aircraft and the ground is less than 0.3m, the aircraft will pause
landing and wait for user's confirmation. Can use
isLandingConfirmationNeeded in DJIFlightControllerState to check if
confirmation is needed. It is supported by flight controller firmware and above.
The landingProtectionState property of the DJIVisionControlState class could be a good place to look for the cause of that error message. One of the potential states that sounds relevant is
DJIVisionLandingProtectionStateNotSafeToLand -> Landing area is not flat
enough to be considered safe for landing. The aircraft should be moved
to an area that is more flat and an auto-land should be attempted
again or the user should land the aircraft manually.
Also within a section of DJI's documentation there is a section on an article about flight control that talks about landing protection and forcing a landing. I couldn't see any functions in the SDK to force a landing.
You should be aware of that the fly app does not use the sdk internally. It uses the middlelayer directly.
You often get different behaivor when using the SDK compared to the app. Some functions are not available at all.
I usually disable it completly, I want it to land when I say so :-)
(exit_landing_ground_not_smooth_enable g_config.landing.exit_landing_ground_not_smooth_enable)
What I'm wanting to accomplish is save a score to firebase that has two values attached to it. Here's the code that writes the score to firebase.
func writeToFirebase() { .userInteractive).async {
self.ref = Database.database().reference()
if GameManager.instance.getTopScores().contains(GameManager.instance.getGameScore()) {
.updateChildValues( [
"vehicle": GameManager.instance.getVehicleSelected()
The issue I'm having is when a new score is saved with its values it sometimes overwrites the other scores. This seems to be random and its not when they're the same score or anything like that. Sometimes it will only overwrite one score and sometimes multiple. I'm watching firebase and I can see it being overwritten, it turns red and then is deleted. Sometimes the new score being added will be red and get deleted. The score doesn't need to be a child, but I don't know how to attach values to it if it's not. Any help is appreciated
This issue seems to happen occasionally so I am going to post my comment as an answer.
There are situations where an observer may be added to a node and when data changes in that node, like a write or update, it will fire that observer which may then overwrite the existing data with nil.
You can see this visually in the console as when the write occurs, you can see the data change/update, then it turns red and then mysteriously vanishes.
As suggested in my comment, add a breakpoint to the function that performs the write and run the code. See if that function is called twice (or more). If that's the case, the first write is storing the data properly but upon calling it a second time, the values being written are probably nil, which then makes the node 'go away' as Firebase nodes cannot exist without a value.
Generally speaking if you see your data turn red and vanish, it's likely caused by nil values being written to the node.
I'm running an mlmodel that is coming from keras on an iPhone 6. The predictions often fails with the error Error computing NN outputs. Does anyone know what could be the cause and if there is anything I can do about it?
do {
return try model.prediction(input1: input)
} catch let err {
fatalError(err.localizedDescription) // Error computing NN outputs error
EDIT: I tried apple's sample project and that one works in the background so it seems it's specific to either our project or model type.
I got the same error myself at similar "seemingly random" times. A bit of debug tracing established that it was caused by the app sometimes trying to load its coreml model when it was sent to background, then crashing or freezing when reloaded into foreground.
The message Error computing NN outputs error was preceded by:
Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution. Insufficient Permission (to submit GPU work from background) (IOAF code 6)
I didn't need (or want) the model to be used when the app was in background, so I detected when the app was going in / out of background, set a flag and used a guard statement before attempting to call the model.
Detect when going into background using applicationWillResignActive within the AppDelegate.swift file and set a Bool flag e.g. appInBackground = true. See this for more info: Detect iOS app entering background
Detect when app re-enters foreground using applicationDidBecomeActive in the same AppDelegate.swift file, and reset flag appInBackground = false
Then in the function where you call the model, just before calling model, use a statement such as:
guard appInBackground == false else { return } // new line to add
guard let model = try? VNCoreMLModel(for modelName.model) else { fatalError("could not load model") // original line to load model
I doubt this is the most elegant solution, but it worked for me.
I haven't established why the attempt to load the model in background only happens sometimes.
In the Apple example you link to, it looks like their app only ever calls the model in response to a user input, so it will never try to load the model when in background. Hence the difference in my case ... and possibly yours as well?
In the end it was enough for us to set the usesCPUOnly flag. Using the GPU in the background seems prohibited in iOS. Apple actually wrote about this in their documentation as well. To specify this flag we couldn't use the generated model class anymore but had to call the raw coreml classes instead. I can imagine this changing in a future version however. The snippet below is taken from the generated model class, but with the added MLPredictionOptions specified.
let options = MLPredictionOptions()
options.usesCPUOnly = true // Can't use GPU in the background
// Copied from from the generated model class
let input = model_input(input: mlMultiArray)
let output = try generatedModel.model.prediction(from: input, options: options)
let result = model_output(output: output.featureValue(for: "output")!.multiArrayValue!).output
I'm seeing crashes that either shouldn't be possible, or are very much possible and the documentation just isn't clear enough as to why.
Although I disagree with the comment below asking me to separate this into multiple SO questions, if someone could focus on this one I think it would help greatly:
When are notifications delivered to the main thread? Is it possible that the results on the main thread are different than they were in a previous runloop without being notified yet of the difference?
If the answer to this question is yes the results could be different than a previous runloop without notifying then I would argue it is CRUCIAL to get this into the documentation somewhere.
Background Writes
First I think it's important to go over what I am already doing for writes. All of my writes are performed through a method that essentially looks like this (error handling aside):
func write(block: #escaping (Realm) -> ()) {
somePrivateBackgroundSerialQueue.async {
autoreleasepool {
let realm = try! Realm()
try? realm.write { block(realm) }
Nothing crazy here, pretty well documented on your end.
Notifications and Table Views
The main question I have here is when are notifications delivered to the main thread after being written from a background thread? I have a complex table view (multiple sections, ads every 5th row) backed by realm results. My main data source looks like:
enum StoryRow {
case story(Story) // Story is a RealmSwift.Object subclass
case ad(Int)
class StorySection {
let stories: Results<Story>
var numberOfRows: Int {
let count = stories.count
return count + numberOfAds(before: count)
func row(at index: Int) -> StoryRow {
if isAdRow(at: index) {
return .ad(index)
} else {
let storyIndex = index - numberOfAds(before: index)
return .story(stories[storyIndex])
var sections: [StorySection]
... sections[indexPath.section].row(at: indexPath.row) ...
Before building my sections array I fetch the realm results and filter them based on the type of stories for the particular screen, sort them so they are in the proper order for their sections, then I build up the sections by passing in results.filter( query...) to the section constructor. Finally, I results.observe(...) the main results object (not any of the results passed into the section) and reload the table view when the notification handler is called. I don't bother observing the results in the sections because if any of those results changed then the parent had to change as well and it should trigger a change notification.
The ad slots have callbacks when an ad is filled or not filled and when that happens instead of calling tableView.reloadData() I am doing something like:
guard tableView.indexPathsForVisibleRows?.contains(indexPath) == true else { return }
tableView.reloadRows(at: [indexPath], with: .automatic)
The problem is, I very rarely see a crash either around an index being out of bound when accessing the realm results or an invalid table view update.
Is it possible the realm changed on the main thread before any notifications were delivered?
Should table view updates other than reloadData() simply not be used anywhere outside of a realm notification block?
Anything else crucial I am missing?
There's nothing in your code snippets or description of what you're doing that jumps out at me as obviously wrong. Having a separate callback mechanism that updates specific slots independent of Realm change notifications has a lot of potential for timing related bugs, but since you're explicitly checking if the indexPath is visible before reloading the row, I would expect that to at worst manifest as reloading the wrong row and not a crash.
The intended behavior is that refreshing the Realm and delivering notifications is an atomicish operation: anything that causes the read version to advance will deliver all notifications before returning. In simple cases, this means that you'll never see the new data without the associated notification firing first. However, there's some caveats to this:
Nested notification delivery doesn't work correctly, so beginning a write transaction from within a notification block can result in a notification being skipped (merely calling refresh() can't cause this, as it's just a no-op within a notification). If you're performing all writes on background threads you shouldn't be hitting this.
If you have multiple notification blocks, then obviously anything which gets invoked from the first one will run before the second notification block gets a chance to do things, and a call to tableView.reloadData() may result in quite a lot of things happening within the notification block. If this is the source of problems, you would hopefully see exceptions being thrown with a stack trace coming from within a notification block.