Does using a function as a closure retain self? - swift

I'm having trouble tracking down a retain cycle. I think it's to do with the way I subscribe to events. Pseudo code is like this:
override func viewDidLoad() {
func handleEvent() {
subscribe("eventName", block: handleEvent)
deinit {
Will this create a retain cycle to self / my ViewController? And if so, how can I get around it? If I was using a closure, I could use [weak self], but since I'm passing a function, is there anyway to use a [weak self] equivalent?

Long story short, your code does retain a reference. (handleEvent->viewDidLoad->self), has some general strategies to avoid the issue. My recommendation would be to create a function reference, rather than declaring a function:
let eventHandler: () -> () = { [weak self] in
subscribe("eventName", block: eventHandler)

If you reference a property or method from inside your class it'll create a retain cycle.
class SomeClass {
val a: (block: (() -> ()) -> ()) = ...
func run() {
func b() {
print("Hello, World!")
func c() {
func d() { [weak self]
a(block: b) // no retain cycle
a(block: c) // retain cycle
a(block: d) // no retain cycle
func someMethod() {
print("Hello, World!")


Swift: Assign a class method to a handler and handling weak self

I just went memory-leak hunting in the app I am working on, and noticed that the following produces a memory leak:
class SubClass {
var didCloseHandler: (() -> Void)?
class MainClass {
var subClass = SubClass()
func setup {
subClass.didCloseHandler = self.didCloseSubClass
func didCloseSubClass() {
This produces a retain cycle, and for good reason - didCloseHandler captures MainClass strongly, and MainClass captures SubClass strongly.
My Question: Is there a way in Swift that allows me to assign a class method to a handler without a retain cycle?
And yes, I am aware that I can do this using subClass.didCloseHandler = { [weak self] self?.didCloseSubClass() }. I'm wondering, though, if it can be done without introducing a new closure.
make a weak reference of subClass in MainClass
If you don't have strong reference to SubClass instance somewhere else - you may try wrapper like this:
func WeakPointer<T: AnyObject>(_ object: T, _ method: #escaping (T) -> () -> Void) -> (() -> Void) {
return { [weak object] in
Then use it like this:
func setup() {
subClass.didCloseHandler = WeakPointer(self, MainClass.didCloseSubClass)
If you don't need properties from MainClass instance in didCloseSubClass implementation - you can make this method static, which will also solve your problem.
If you have strong reference to SubClass instance somewhere else and it won't be deallocated immediately - weak var subClass will do, as was already mentioned.
I've come up with another idea. It may look a bit more complicated, but maybe it would help.
import Foundation
class SubClass {
#objc dynamic func didCloseHandler() {
deinit {
print(" \(self) deinit")
class MainClass {
var subClass = SubClass()
func setup() {
if let implementation = class_getMethodImplementation(MainClass.self, #selector(didCloseSubClass)),
let method = class_getInstanceMethod(SubClass.self, #selector(SubClass.didCloseHandler)) {
method_setImplementation(method, implementation)
#objc func didCloseSubClass() {
deinit {
print(" \(self) deinit")
You change closure for #objc dynamic method and set it's implementation to the one from MainClass in setup().

Do I need [weak self] or [unowned self] for a Singleton in the Closure?

class Test {
private init() {}
static let shared = Test()
func test() {
let closure: ()->Void = {
The code above is simple. But i want to know if I have to mark weak or unowned to the Singleton. And why?
No, because self is not used (explicitly or implicitly) in that closure.

Do capture lists of inner closures need to redeclare `self` as `weak` or `unowned`?

If I have a closure passed to a function like this:
someFunctionWithTrailingClosure { [weak self] in
anotherFunctionWithTrailingClosure { [weak self] in
If I declare self as [weak self] in someFunctionWithTrailingClosure's capture list without redeclaring it as weak again in the capture list of anotherFunctionWithTrailingClosure self is already becoming an Optional type but is it also becoming a weak reference as well?
The [weak self] in anotherFunctionWithTrailingClosure is not needed.
You can empirically test this:
class Experiment {
func someFunctionWithTrailingClosure(closure: #escaping () -> Void) {
print("starting", #function)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) {
print("finishing", #function)
func anotherFunctionWithTrailingClosure(closure: #escaping () -> Void) {
print("starting", #function)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) {
print("finishing", #function)
func doSomething() {
func testCompletionHandlers() {
someFunctionWithTrailingClosure { [weak self] in
self?.anotherFunctionWithTrailingClosure { // [weak self] in
// go ahead and add `deinit`, so I can see when this is deallocated
deinit {
And then:
func performExperiment() { {
let obj = Experiment()
// sleep long enough for `anotherFunctionWithTrailingClosure` to start, but not yet call its completion handler
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 1.5)
If you do this, you will see that doSomething is never called and that deinit is called before anotherFunctionWithTrailingClosure calls its closure.
That having been said, I might still be inclined to use the [weak self] syntax on anotherFunctionWithTrailingClosure to make my intent explicit.
Although using [weak self] once in the outer block is fine (EX1), if you change this reference to strong (e.g. guard let self = self), you'll need a [weak self] in the inner block as well (EX3).
Also using [weak self] only once on the inner block is typically an error (EX2_B). Unfortunately, this is a common mistake to make when refactoring code, and can be hard-to-spot when it is made.
A good rule of thumb is to always use weak if the object is strong immediately outside of the closure.
Examples that don't retain self (i.e. typically these are the "good" scenarios):
// EX1
fn { [weak self] in
// EX2
fn { [weak self] in
fn2 {
// self is weak inside fn, thus adding an extra `[weak self]` inside fn2 is unnecessary
// EX3
fn { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
fn2 { [weak self] in
Examples that DO retain self (i.e. typically the "bad" scenarios):
// EX1_B
fn {
// fn retains self
// EX2_B
fn {
fn2 { [weak self] in
// fn retains self (this is a common, hard-to-spot mistake)
// EX3_B
fn { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
fn2 {
// fn2 retains self
As Hamish alludes to, there are two main reasons weak is useful:
To prevent retain cycles.
To prevent objects living longer than they should be.
More on #2 (preventing long lived objects)
In Rob's example, the function is not retaining the closure (beyond dispatch_async which is all but guaranteed to fire the closure at some point in the future), thus you'll never end up with a retain cycle. So using weak in this case, then, is to prevent #2 from happening.
As Hamish mentions, weak is not actually needed in this example to prevent retain cycles, as there are no retain cycles. weak, in this case, is used to prevent an object living longer than needed. It depends entirely on your use-case as to when you consider an object living longer than needed. Thus there are times when you would want to use weak only outside (EX2), and other times when you would want to use the weak outer, strong inner, weak inner dance (EX3), for example.
More on #1 (preventing retain cycles)
To examine the retain cycle problem, let's say a function is storing a reference to the block (i.e. heap) instead of referencing the function directly (i.e. stack). Many times we don't know the internals of a class/function, so it's safer to assume that the function is retaining the block.
Now you can easily create a retain cycle using weak outer, and only using strong inner (EX3_B):
public class CaptureListExperiment {
public init() {
var _someFunctionWithTrailingClosure: (() -> ())?
var _anotherFunctionWithTrailingClosure: (() -> ())?
func someFunctionWithTrailingClosure(closure: #escaping () -> ()) {
print("starting someFunctionWithTrailingClosure")
_someFunctionWithTrailingClosure = closure .now() + 1) { [weak self] in
print("finishing someFunctionWithTrailingClosure")
func anotherFunctionWithTrailingClosure(closure: #escaping () -> ()) {
print("starting anotherFunctionWithTrailingClosure")
_anotherFunctionWithTrailingClosure = closure .now() + 1) { [weak self] in
print("finishing anotherFunctionWithTrailingClosure")
func doSomething() {
public func testCompletionHandlers() {
someFunctionWithTrailingClosure { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.anotherFunctionWithTrailingClosure { // [weak self] in
// go ahead and add `deinit`, so I can see when this is deallocated
deinit {
func performExperiment() {
let obj = CaptureListExperiment()
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 1.3)
/* Output:
starting someFunctionWithTrailingClosure
starting anotherFunctionWithTrailingClosure
finishing someFunctionWithTrailingClosure
finishing anotherFunctionWithTrailingClosure
Notice that deinit is not called, since a retain cycle was created.
This could be fixed by either removing the strong reference (EX2):
public func testCompletionHandlers() {
someFunctionWithTrailingClosure { [weak self] in
//guard let self = self else { return }
self?.anotherFunctionWithTrailingClosure { // [weak self] in
Or using the weak/strong/weak dance (EX3):
public func testCompletionHandlers() {
someFunctionWithTrailingClosure { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.anotherFunctionWithTrailingClosure { [weak self] in
Updated for Swift 4.2:
public class CaptureListExperiment {
public init() {
func someFunctionWithTrailingClosure(closure: #escaping () -> ()) {
print("starting someFunctionWithTrailingClosure") .now() + 1) {
print("finishing someFunctionWithTrailingClosure")
func anotherFunctionWithTrailingClosure(closure: #escaping () -> ()) {
print("starting anotherFunctionWithTrailingClosure") .now() + 1) {
print("finishing anotherFunctionWithTrailingClosure")
func doSomething() {
public func testCompletionHandlers() {
someFunctionWithTrailingClosure { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.anotherFunctionWithTrailingClosure { // [weak self] in
// go ahead and add `deinit`, so I can see when this is deallocated
deinit {
try it Playgorund:
func performExperiment() {
let obj = CaptureListExperiment()
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 1.3)

Unowned self in a closure in a closure

If I have a closure in another closure is it enough to use unowned/weak once in the outer closure to avoid retain cycles?
foo.aClosure({[unowned self] (allowed: Bool) in
if allowed {
self.something.anotherClosure({ (s:String) -> (Void) in
Only declaring weak or unowned self in the capture list of the outer closure is enough to avoid retain cycles if you don't create a strong reference to self within the outer closure (e.g. by doing: guard let strongSelf = self else { return }).
If you do create a strong reference within the closure, you must add a capture list to the inner closure to ensure that it captures your strong reference to self weakly.
Here are some examples:
import Foundation
import PlaygroundSupport
class SomeObject {
typealias OptionalOuterClosure = ((Int) -> Void)?
typealias InnerClosure = () -> Void
var outerClosure: OptionalOuterClosure
func setup() {
// Here are several examples of the outer closure that you can easily switch out below
// All of these outer closures contain inner closures that need references to self
// optionalChecks
// - has a capture list in the outer closure
// - uses the safe navigation operator (?) to ensure that self isn't nil
// this closure does NOT retain self, so you should not see the #2 calls below
let optionalChecks: OptionalOuterClosure = { [weak self] callNumber in
print("outerClosure \(callNumber)")
self?.delayCaller { [weak self] in
print("innerClosure \(callNumber)")
self?.doSomething(callNumber: callNumber)
// copiedSelfWithInnerCaptureList
// - has a capture list in the outer closure
// - creates a copy of self in the outer closure called strongSelf to ensure that self isn't nil
// - has a capture list in the inner closure
// - uses the safe navigation operator (?) to ensure strongSelf isn't nil
// this closure does NOT retain self, so you should not see the #2 calls below
let copiedSelfWithInnerCaptureList: OptionalOuterClosure = { [weak self] callNumber in
guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
print("outerClosure \(callNumber)")
strongSelf.delayCaller { [weak strongSelf] in
print("innerClosure \(callNumber)")
strongSelf?.doSomething(callNumber: callNumber)
// copiedSelfWithoutInnerCaptureList
// - has a capture list in the outer closure
// - creates a copy of self in the outer closure called strongSelf to ensure that self isn't nil
// - does NOT have a capture list in the inner closure and does NOT use safe navigation operator
// this closure DOES retain self, so you should see the doSomething #2 call below
let copiedSelfWithoutInnerCaptureList: OptionalOuterClosure = { [weak self] callNumber in
guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
print("outerClosure \(callNumber)")
strongSelf.delayCaller {
print("innerClosure \(callNumber)")
strongSelf.doSomething(callNumber: callNumber)
// retainingOuterClosure
// - does NOT have any capture lists
// this closure DOES retain self, so you should see the doSomething #2 call below
let retainingOuterClosure: OptionalOuterClosure = { callNumber in
print("outerClosure \(callNumber)")
self.delayCaller {
print("innerClosure \(callNumber)")
self.doSomething(callNumber: callNumber)
// Modify which outerClosure you would like to test here
outerClosure = copiedSelfWithInnerCaptureList
func doSomething(callNumber: Int) {
print("doSomething \(callNumber)")
func delayCaller(closure: #escaping InnerClosure) {
delay(seconds: 1, closure: closure)
deinit {
// Handy delay method copied from:
func delay(seconds: Int, closure: #escaping () -> Void) {
let time = + .seconds(seconds)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: time) {
var someObject: SomeObject? = SomeObject()
// Keep a reference to the outer closure so we can later test if it retained someObject
let copiedOuterClosure = someObject!.outerClosure!
// Call the outer closure once just to make sure it works
// Wait a second before we destroy someObject to give the first call a chance to work
delay(seconds: 1) {
// Run the outerClosure again to check if we retained someObject
// Get rid of our reference to someObject before the inner closure runs
print("de-referencing someObject")
someObject = nil
// Keep the main run loop going so our async task can complete (need this due to how playgrounds work)
PlaygroundPage.current.needsIndefiniteExecution = true
Yes, however I would use weak over unowned because self.doStuff() with throw an exception if nil while if you use weak and its self?.doStuff() there won't be an exception thrown and it just won't execute.
You can test this in the playground with the following code:
typealias Closure = () -> Void
class ClosureObject {
var closure:Closure?
func saveClosure(closure:Closure?) {
self.closure = closure
let mainClosureObject = ClosureObject()
class TestObject {
let closureObject = ClosureObject()
func log() {
func run() {
mainClosureObject.saveClosure() {[weak self] in
self?.closureObject.saveClosure() {
var testObject:TestObject? = TestObject()
let closureObject = testObject?.closureObject
testObject = nil
and compare it with:
typealias Closure = () -> Void
class ClosureObject {
var closure:Closure?
func saveClosure(closure:Closure?) {
self.closure = closure
let mainClosureObject = ClosureObject()
class TestObject {
let closureObject = ClosureObject()
func log() {
func run() {
mainClosureObject.saveClosure() {
self.closureObject.saveClosure() {
var testObject:TestObject? = TestObject()
let closureObject = testObject?.closureObject
testObject = nil

Is self captured within a nested function

With closures I usually append [weak self] onto my capture list and then do a null check on self:
func myInstanceMethod()
let myClosure =
[weak self] (result : Bool) in
if let this = self
How do I perform the null check on self if I'm using a nested function in lieu of a closure (or is the check even necessary...or is it even good practice to use a nested function like this) i.e.
func myInstanceMethod()
func nestedFunction(result : Bool)
Unfortunately, only Closures have "Capture List" feature like [weak self]. For nested functions, You have to use normal weak or unowned variables.
func myInstanceMethod() {
weak var _self = self
func nestedFunction(result : Bool) {
Does not seem to be the case anymore. This is valid in swift 4.1:
class Foo {
var increment = 0
func bar() {
func method1() {
DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {
func method2() {
increment += 1
func otherMethod() {
The question remains: How is self captured ?