How can I click the link in a Toaster message in Sahi Script - sahi

Upon completion of filling up a form , and clicking submit , a toaster message is generated (visible for only a few seconds)
How can I click the link in a Toaster message in Sahi Script ?


Capture form field without click submit button?

I have a form on my landing page
When my customers fill up my form, then clickout/leave page/refresh/after seconds but without click submit button, could I capture those informations?
I hear that we could do with Google Analytics/Tag Manager, but I don't know the method. Please help

Choosing Fax Attachment during DocuSign Embedded Signing results in "cancel" event

I am making API calls to create an embedded signing URL token that enables our end user to see a DocuSign document. One of the tabs on the document is a file attachment. The file attachment appears when the user clicks on the tab, giving the option to "Choose File" or "Send By Fax".
If the user clicks on "Send By Fax", he/she gets a message saying that a cover sheet will be printed at the end of the signing process. The user can click on "OK".
After all of the tabs are validated a "FINISH" button appears. The user clicks on "FINISH" and then a "Send Attachment By Fax" message appears. The user clicks on "Print Cover Page" which downloads the cover page PDF. The user prints the PDF.
Then the user clicks on DONE, to close the dialog. Control is returned to the ReturnURL along with the parameter "event=cancel".
According to the documentation (, the event parameter should be "event=fax_pending".
Is there any way to get the correct event parameter ("event=fax_pending" rather than "event=cancel") when awaiting a fax? Without the correct parameter, when we parse the response parameters we are lead to believe that the user canceled when in fact he/she is just planning to fax the attachment.
I just tried to repro this and was not able to repro. It is possible that you are on the older signing experience and experiencing a bug.
My experience:
1) Send envelope from a template
2) Create recipient view with respective information
3) access recipient view
4) Click Continue
5) Click "Other Actions" dropdown
6) Select "Print & Sign"
7) Click "Fax"
8) Click Download to download the PDF
9) Click "Finish"
10) Get result: default URL &?event=fax_pending appended
My result was:
I did post a support request to, and after a few days got a definitive answer. This event result is a known bug. However support told me of a work-around that is satisfactory for our purposes, which is to suppress the fax option during the attachment process. Here are the steps I followed:
log in to ( for production)
click on preferences (drop-down in upper right)
click on branding (at left)
click on edit (to edit the brand)
click on resources
under signing resource click on Download Master
That downloads an XML file.
Add the following element as the last sub-element of : false
Save the file.
Click on Upload Captive Resource and upload the changed file

Why does Selenium IDE sometimes fail to click the submit button?

I have a Selenium IDE (version 1.7.2) test that I use to test the registration flow on my site.
In this test, I simulate signing up for several different accounts. To do this, I recorded myself signing up for several accounts.
When I play the tests back, some of the accounts are registered ok, but other times the Submit button is clicked (the action turns yellow in the IDE) but it hangs, refusing to fail (turn red) or go on. However, if I manually click the submit button in the browser window again during the test, the test will continue and it will mark the submit button green as if it passed correctly.
How can I get it to click the submit button correctly the first time? Or is there a way to automatically get it to re-click if it times out?
Are you using clickAndWait??if yes then change it to click and put pause after click command.Or try to locate element by different ways, or hit enter to submit form as
`keyDown | locator of element/last field | \13`
as twall suggested
Did you use the command waitForElementPresent before calling the click command ?
I have found out that is more secure to just sendKeys("\n") (simulationg an 'enter' key press) instead of using click() when filling out forms. Don't ask me why, but it was a big relieve to me, after I had found out.

Facebook Style Message Popup?

My site has a Send Message button next to the link to a users profile. When the user clicks on it (using the onClick handler) I want to open a Facebook-style message window, instead of a new window ( method).
It doesn't have to be exactly the same as Facebook's, but I want a similar kind of thing.
Check out Jquery-UI. they have a lot of popuppable windows. Probably want to couple that with some Ajax, and bam, dynamic message popups.

iPhone safari asks confirmation to submit form again when back button is pressed

I have a form. When I click on the submit button the form is submitted and result is loaded in the next page. In this page I have a hyperlink. On click of that hyperlink, I am going to another page. At this point if I click 'Back' button of the browser, I get a confirmation whether I should submit the form or not. How do I disable this ? I am storing results in sessionStorage so I do not need to submit form again.
Use the PRG pattern, which can be described as:
Never show pages in response to POST
Always load pages using GET
Navigate from POST to GET using REDIRECT
See and links from there