Using OAuth with Facebook as provider with an IBM Cloud Functions managed API - facebook

I am playing around with IBM Cloud Functions (OpenWhisk) and trying to setup authentication through OAuth with Facebook as the provider. I have setup an app with Facebook, I am able to successfully connect with this and fetch my token and I am able to verify this by fetching basic profile information (name and userID).
My problems starts when I enable OAuth in the IBM Cloud Functions API. I get a HTTP code 500 back from the call with very little information about what actually went wrong.
{"code":500, "message":"Oops. Something went wrong. Check your URI and try again."}
The only thing that is stated in the dashboard is:
You can control access to your API through the OAuth 2.0 standard. First require an end user to log in via IBM Cloud App ID, Facebook, GitHub, or Google. Then include the corresponding OAuth token in the Authorization header of each API request. The authenticity of the token will be validated with the specified token provider. If the token is invalid, the request will be rejected and response code 401 will be returned.
With this information I got that I need pass the token with the Authorization header. My best guess is that the call fails somewhere when the token is being validated.
I am using Vue and Vue-axios to perform the API call. My current call looks like this:
this.$http.get(API_URL+"?user_id="+localStorage.user_id,{headers :{'authorization':localStorage.token}}).then((response) => {
I have tried adding bearer/Bearer or token/Token in front of the token (some posts I read indicated that you should do this), but this had no impact on the response.
If I disable the OAuth authentication from the Cloud Functions side, the code above works and correctly retrieves the data (with or without the header option).
From the Chrome Dev tools it looks to me like the token is added correctly to the request, since the request headers have the Authorization header with the token.
I am not that familiar with OAuth or IBM Cloud Functions, so the problem might have a very easy fix. However, I am unable to find documentation which clearly shows me how I am supposed set this up. I am also unable to find any logs or more information about what actually fails here. Am I missing something obvious here?


How best to validate a JWT from Auth0

I'm currently having users login to my site using Auth0's redirect functionality. It's great, but my past experince with google's oAuth tells me there's a problem. With my other site, we do the same login, the user gets a JWT and posts that to my API server. My API server then takes that token and contacts google to ensure this is actually a token that they made. And THEN, I give them a Bearer code that they can use for when they want to access the database.
With Auth0, I can't seem to find any way to contact them from my API server and say, "Hey, someone sent me this token, it checks out that it isn't corrupted, is for a data that is in the future and it says you are the issuer and it has the proper Auth0 client id. So, did you issue this?"
I must be missing something.
Thanks everyone.

How to consume the RSA Archer REST API to fetch Report?

Unable to retrieve ANY data when I try to fetch simple content from Archer via REST API calls through Postman or Mule.
1. Is URL below correct? What am I missing?
2. How to get Reports via Archer REST API i.e what API resource to use.
Have seen the Archer REST documentation but do not find it clear enough.
Have tried GET & POST, with Authorization configured, through Postman:
https://hostname/platformapi/core/security/login https://hostname/platformapi/core/content/123
I get 'Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.' error although I am told to have access.
Please suggest proper API call/path to be used and if any specific settings is to be made to retrieve data?
Archer version: 6.5
Note: Through POSTMAN and Mule, I have successfully consumed REST API from other secured applications. Struggling with Archer.
Thank you.
The documentation for Archer REST API was mentioned in a previous answer and seems to require a login into their site:
This KB article shows examples on how to use the API from Powershell: It should be easy to adapt to Postman, Mule or whatever other language/tools.
I recently had the same issue. The company had anonymous authentication disabled on the api directory. The user account running postman must have access to the api directory. If you are still getting a 401, see if you anonymous access can be enabled to rule out other non-access related issues. If you are able to generate a security token when calling core/security/login when anonymous authentication is enabled, then you know the issue is that your account did not have access to the api directory. If you are not able to make the request successfully with anonymous authentication enabled, then you know the issue is likely with the way you've structured your REST call. Hope this helps!
Authentication to any Archer API is two step process. First you have to call an authentication resource or method. That will return a session token. You must then add that token to the request headers for subsequent requests. Your header would look something like this:
Authorization: Archer session-id=439C730FF83F68EFDC017ED705D9908E
Without this header, you'll get a 401 for any request other than an authentication request.

How should a Facebook user access token be consumed on the server-side?

I'm developing several web services and a handful of clients (web app, mobile, etc.) which will interface with said services over HTTP(s). My current work item is to design an authentication and authorization solution for the product. I have decided to leverage external identity providers, such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Twitter, and the like for authentication.
I'm trying to solve the problem of, "when a request comes to my server, how do I know who the user is and how can I be sure?". More questions below as well...
Rely on external identities to indicate who I'm dealing with ('userId' essentially is all I care about).
The system should use token-based authentication (as opposed to cookies for example or basic auth).
I believe this is the right choice for scaling across multiple clients and servers while providing loose coupling.
Based on my reading and understanding of token-based authentication, the following is how I imagine the workflow to be. Let's focus for now on Facebook in a web browser. My assumption is that other external identity providers should have similar capabilities, though I have not confirmed just yet.
Note, as of writing, I'm basing the following off of Facebook login version 2.2
Client: Initiates login to Facebook using the JavaScript SDK
Facebook: User authenticates and approves app permissions (to access user's public profile for example)
Facebook: Sends response to client which contains user’s access token, ID, and signed request
Client: Stores user access token in browser session (handled by SDK conveniently)
Client: Makes a request to my web service for a secure resource by sending along the user’s access token in the authorization header + the user’s ID (in custom header potentially)
Server: Reads user access token from request header and initiates verification by sending a request to the debug_token graph API provided by Facebook
Facebook: Responds back to the server with the user access token info (contains appId and userId)
Server: Completes verification of the token by comparing the appId to what is expected (known to itself) and the userId to what was sent on the client request
Server: Responds to the client with the requested resource (assuming the happy authorization path)
I’m imagining steps 5-9 would be repeated for subsequent requests to the server (while the user’s access token is valid – not expired, revoked from FB side, app permissions changed, etc.)
Here's a diagram to help go along with the steps. Please understand this system is not a single page application (SPA). The web services mentioned are API endpoints serving JSON data back to clients essentially; they are not serving HTML/JS/CSS (with the exception of the web client servers).
First and foremost, are there any glaring gaps / pit falls with the described approach based on my preface and requirements?
Is performing an outbound request to Facebook for verifying the access token (steps 6-8 above) per client request required / recommended?
I know at the very least, I must verify the access token coming from the client request. However, the recommended approach for subsequent verifications after the first is unknown to me. If there are typical patterns, I’m interested in hearing about them. I understand they may be application dependent based on my requirements; however, I just don’t know what to look for yet. I’ll put in the due diligence once I have a basic idea.
For instance, possible thoughts:
Hash the access token + userId pair after first verification is complete and store it in a distributed cache (accessible by all web servers) with expiry equal to access tokens. Upon subsequent requests from the clients, hash the access token + userId pair and check its existence in the cache. If present, then request is authorized. Otherwise, reach out to Facebook graph API to confirm the access token. I’m assuming this strategy might be feasible if I’m using HTTPS (which I will be). However, how does performance compare?
The accepted answer in this StackOverflow question recommends creating a custom access token after the first verification of the Facebook user token is complete. The custom token would then be sent to the client for subsequent requests. I’m wondering if this is more complex than the above solution, however. This would require implementing my own Identity Provider (something I want to avoid because I want to use external identity providers in the first place…). Is there any merit to this suggestion?
Is the signedRequest field present on the response in step #3 above (mentioned here), equivalent to the signed request parameter here in the ‘games canvas login’ flow?
They seem to be hinted as equivalent since the former links to the latter in the documentation. However, I’m surprised the verification strategy mentioned on the games page isn’t mentioned in the ‘manually building a login flow’ page of the web documentation.
If the answer to #3 is ‘Yes’, can the same identity confirmation strategy of decoding the signature and comparing to what is expected to be used on the server-side?
I’m wondering if this can be leveraged instead of making an outbound call to the debug_token graph API (step #6 above) to confirm the access token as recommended here:
Of course, in order to make the comparison on the server-side, the signed request portion would need to be sent along with the request to the server (step #5 above). In addition to feasibility without sacrificing security, I’m wondering how the performance would compare to making the outbound call.
While I’m at it, in what scenario / for what purpose, would you persist a user's access token to a database for example?
I don’t see a scenario where I would need to do this, however, I may be overlooking something. I’m curious was some common scenarios might be to spark some thoughts.
From what you describe I'd suggest to use a server-side login flow as described in
so that the token is already on your server, and doesn't need to be passed from the client. If you're using non-encrypted connections, this could be a security risk (e.g. for man-in-the-middle attacks).
The steps would be:
(1) Logging people in
You need to specify the permission you want to gather from the users in the scope parameter. The request can be triggered just via a normal link:
(2) Confirm the identitity
(3) Inspect the access token
You can inspect the token as you already said in your question via
GET /debug_token?input_token={token-to-inspect}
This should only be done server-side, because otherwise you'd make you app access token visible to end users (not a good idea!).
(4) Extending the access token
Once you got the (short-lived) token, you can do a call to extend the token as described in
like the following:
GET /oauth/access_token?grant_type=fb_exchange_token
(5) Storing of access tokens
Concerning the storing of the tokens on the server, FB suggests to do so:
(6) Handling expired access tokens
As FB doesn't notify you if a token has expired (and if you don't save the expiry date and compare this to the current timestamp before making a call), it's possible that you receive error messages from FB if the token got invalid (after max. 60 days). The error code will be 190:
"error": {
"message": "Error validating access token: Session has expired at unix
time SOME_TIME. The current unix time is SOME_TIME.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 190
If the access token becomes invalid, the solution is to have the person log in again, at which point you will be able to make API calls on their behalf once more. The login flow your app uses for new people should determine which method you need to adopt.
I dont' see any glaring gaps / pit falls, but I'm not a security expert.
Once your server has verified the given token (step 8), as you said:
The accepted answer in this StackOverflow question recommends creating a custom access token after the first verification of the Facebook user token is complete. The custom token would then be sent to the client for subsequent requests. I’m wondering if this is more complex than the above solution, however. This would require implementing my own Identity Provider (something I want to avoid because I want to use external identity providers in the first place…). Is there any merit to this suggestion?
IMHO is the way to go. I would use which allows you to encode values (the userId for example) using a secret key.
Then your client attach this token to every request. So you can verify the request without need to a third party (you don't need database queries neither). The nice thing here is there is no need to store the token on your DB.
You can define an expiration date on the token, to force the client authenticate with the third party again when you want.
Let's say you want your server be able to do some action without the client interaction. For example: Open graph stories. In this scenario because you need to publish something in the name of the user you would need the access token stored on your DB.
(I can not help with the 3 and 4 questions, sorry).
Problem with Facebook is that they do not use OpenId connect on top of Oauth (
Thus resulting in their custom ways of providing Oauth authentification.
Oauth2 with OpenId connect identity services usually provide issuer endpoint where you can find URL (by appending ".well-known/openid-configuration") for jwk's which can be used to verify that JWT token and its contents were signed by the same identity service. (i.e access token originated from the same service that provided you jwk's)
For example some known openid connect identity providers:
(btw it is not a coincidence that Attlasian provides only these two services to perform external login)
Now as you mentioned, you need to support multiple oauth providers and since like Facebook not all providers use same configuration of oauth (they use different JWT attribute names, toke verification methods, etc. (Openid connect tries to unify this process)) i would suggest you to use some middleware identity provider like Oauth0 (service not protocol) or Keycloak. These can be used with external identity providers (Social pages as you mentioned) and also provides you with custom user store.
Advantage is that they unify authentication process under one type (e.g both support openid connect). Whereas when using multiple oauth providers with not unified authentication workflow you will end up with redudant implementations and need for merging different information's under one type (this is basically what mentioned middle-ware identity providers solve for you).
So if you will use only Facebook as identity provider in your app then go for it and make implementation directly for Facebook Oauth workflow. But with multiple identity providers (which is almost always case when creating public services) you should stick with mentioned workaround or find another one (or maybe wait till all social services will support Openid connect, which they probably wont).
There may be hope.. This year, Facebook have announced a "limited login" feature, which, if they were to add to their javascript sdks would certainly make my life easier:
At the time of writing, I can only find reference to iOS and Unity SDKs, but it does seem to return a normal JWT, which is all I want!

"Developer Inactive" on Beats Music server-side auth token request

I'm working on a project and a new Beats Music API library for Clojure, but in my testing I'm finding it difficult to get write access authentication, but read-only user authentication works fine.
In testing my library I set up a HTML page to do the OAuth and get the OAuth code and then feed that code in to my library to fetch the actual authentication token. The first part works flawlessly, the second part has the dreaded "Developer Inactive" error:
URL: /oauth/token
PARAMS: client_secret, client_id, redirect_uri, code, grant_type=authorization_code
METHOD: post (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)
I've double checked my redirect_uri is the same as defined in my app settings and is the url of the HTML page I generated the code with. I even checked with the support folks to double check that my application wasn't throttled or something, but that took too long and I made a second application and had the exact same results. I've looked at other support questions like this and nothing has helped, so unless I'm missing something in my auth request, my only other thought was that my user account is still on it's 14-day trail and maybe that is affecting my auth token in some way?
Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
"The scope of an access token using the implicit flow is limited to read only since client side applications cannot keep a secret. You'll need to request the authorization grant flow via the Web Server Authentication for write permissions, such as updating a playlist."
I hope this helps.
As #jsd pointed out in a comment on my question, there was a typo in the url endpoint. The correct endpoint is (which I had in the other function and that's why it was working correctly):

OAuth access token for internal calls

I'm currently tyring to build an API driven symfony2 web applicaiton.Just a basic application to learn symfony2 and REST.
It would be based on a RESTful api. Calls to the API will be authenticated using OAuth.
For e.g.:
if a client application wants to get data (information about all the fruits) through API it will need to make a GET request to the url and pass the access token as a parameter.So the url will look something like this.<access token>
Now the problem is that i would be needing the same data in one of my actions as well.
I need some help here.In order to get get data from above url in one of my actions i will also need to send an access token in the url.
How do i get this access token??
Should there be a fixed token which will be used for all such calls within my application??
You basic application project will grow manifold if you try to do what you want here.
Basically, you need to implement an Authentication Server for this.
i) First, the app should be registered for a scope;
ii) Using the app the user logs in to the authentication/authorization server.
iii) The server verifies if the app has access to the scope and if the user is registered in your system.
iv) Server creates an access token (which is a HMAC signed string) and returns to your app.
v) The app then hits the endpoint (restful API) with the token.
vi) The RESTful service then internally sends the token to the server and fetches the customerID for which the call is made and performs the actions that it's supposed to.
I wrote an answer once on how to create a OAuth Service/Provider - How would an efficient OAuth2.0 server / provider work?
Also, OAuth was designed such that client apps/3rd party software can access a user's resources on his behalf. A very simple example is = An app posting something on your facebook wall on your behalf. It is actually accessing a resource that you own (the wall) and posting to it. You do not need OAuth just to get some data - there are other ways to secure the API.