In Google's People API, is it possible to access/change contact's notes?
Person definition
When a contact is created, it is possible to set the field "Notes", that's what I'm looking for.
As of now, I'm using the official NodeJS API and the "UserDefined" for this purpose.
Thanks in advance,
The notes field in corresponds to the biography field on the person.
I'm using the Outlook REST API 2.0. The API works good and I can retrieve the contact data.
But you also have an option within outlook to make "contact lists". Now I would like to retrieve these lists, but cannot find it in the API. Is it just not possible or am I seeing it wrong? Weird to not include this data in the API calls.
Thanks in advance,
I think you are referring to "distribution lists". The question has been possibly answered here...
Create a mailing distribution group by outlook office365 API REST
I'm currently developing an app that fetches my contacts in my Microsoft account.
The problem is, unlike Google, when I send or receive an email to/from a new contact, it isn't copied into My Contacts, so I can't get it through
However, when I wrote a new email, it appears as a suggestion, so I guess it is stored somewhere else.
The question is: is there a way to access to my suggested contacts through the API to get their emails? And how?
Thank you 😊
This feature is only available in beta version for now, please see the following api:$select=EmailAddresses,GivenName,Surname,DisplayName
This api will return all the contacts that you have received an email from or sent an email to :)
The closest thing to what you're looking for is the People API. As that page says:
The People API returns relevent person entities with each request. A person aggregates information from across mail, contacts and social networks. The results are ordered by their relevance, which is determined by the criteria specified in the request and ranked based on multiple communication, collaboration and business relationships.
discoverAndAddAccounts will create customers and deleteCustomer will remove them. As I was testing I created customers and now I don't have their IDs so I can't delete them.
I don't see a method for that on
No, there is not an API to get this information. You will need to keep track of them.
Please submit a support ticket and we will have to get the information for you.
Have you tried using getCustomerAccounts.
I want to get item sold notification for items listed on amazon marketplace programmatically. Is there a way to do this using MWS APIs? I looked through the documentation and didn't quite find anything close.
Hi I know that this is old and the user that asked the question is probably inactive.
Though just in case someone lands here I would to say that at the moment of writing this MWS does not support item sold notifications (the might do in the future) for now the only notification supported is "AnyOfferChanged".
more info
The way to get the orders will be by making a call to the ListOrders service, more info
Hope this helps anyone
You have to use MWS service from Amazon.
You will find all docs, api and information on this website :
You have to code the call to their webservice and treat response.
There is an "order" call than you can load, using a cron for example, to get any new orders. This is the order api call.
I hope this help.
Have a look at the description of FulfillmentOrderStatus notification type
I have a website with a "contact me" form. Users can leave their name, email, and message and I'll get an email containing their data.
I've set up a goal on Google Analytics for the registration and everything works fine.
Now, the question is: Can I see their names and emails on my Analytics? Is there any way to make Google Analytics save that data and show it to me?
Thanks in advance,
Theoretically this can be done using custom variables. See:
However, I believe that name and email address are considered Personally Identifiable Information so sending it to Google Analytics is most likely against their Terms of Service. See section 7:
You would need to use another tracking system such as Piwik:
You can try using event tracking.