how to use a completion handler to await the completion of a firestore request - swift

I'm slowly getting my head around completion handlers.
Kind of working backwards if I have a firestore query if I wanted to use a completion handler i'd have to use completion() when the firestore query finishes.
But it's setting up the function that still confuses me.
So if this is a function definition that takes a closure as a parameter:
func doSomethingAsync(completion: () -> ()) {
I don't quite get how to go from the above func definition and implementing it for something real like a firestore query and request.
query.getDocuments(){ (querySnapshot, err) in
if let err = err
print("Error getting documents: \(err)")
print("there's no document")
for document in querySnapshot!.documents
so for my example could i do something like
func getFirestoreData(userID: String, completion #escaping() -> ()){
//firestore code:
query.getDocuments(){ (querySnapshot, err) in
if let err = err
print("executed first")
print("executed first")
To call the function i'm doing:
getFirestoreData(userID: theUserID) {
print("executes second")
print("executes third") after function execution.
What i'd like to happen is the programming awaits the completion() before continuing to execute.
But "executes third" happens first, then "executes first", then "executes second".

Here is full example (With API Call)
Note that : status variable is just a key to finger out what is response from server
(0: error from server, 1: success, -1: something wrong in my code)
func logout(handlerBack: #escaping (_ error: Error?, _ status:Int?, _ error_message:String?)->())
Alamofire.request(url, method: .get, parameters: nil, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: nil)
.responseJSON { respons in
switch respons.result {
case .failure(let theError):
handlerBack(theError, 0, nil)
case .success(let data):
let json_data = JSON(data)
/// if couldn't fetch data
guard let status = json_data["status"].int else {
handlerBack(nil,-1, "can't find status")
/// if statuse == 0
guard status == 1 else {
handlerBack (nil, 0 , json_data["errorDetails"].string)
// that's means everything fine :)
handlerBack(nil, 1 , nil)
And here is the way to implement it :
// call func
self.logout { (error:error, status:Int, error_message:String) in
// if status not 1, figure out the error
guard status == 1 else {
// try to find error from server
guard let error_message = error_message else {
// else error something else
print ("Error at :: \(#function)")
// don't do anything ..just return
self.showMessageToUser(title: error_message, message: "", ch: {})
// this part do what ever you want, means every thing allright
You are looking for something wait unit execute "First" and "Second"
in this case use DispatchGroup() here is the example :
var _dispatch_group = DispatchGroup()
getFirestoreData(userID: theUserID) {
print("executes second")
_dispatch_group.notify(queue: .main) {
print("executes third")
output is :
executes First
executes Second
executes Third


Nested Cloudkit queries not printing in the right order

My code is not printing in the right order. I think its a problem with the way I'm using dispatch to main. I want to pass in a boss ID. Find the User with that ID then get their SubscribedBosses Array. For every ID in that array query that user and return that users screenName. Append those screenName to the userArray. After that Complete the GetBossSubs function and return userArray (array of screenNames).
Right now result of the .onAppear is running before the function in .onAppear is actually completed. User Appended prints before Found TestUserName
static func getBossSubs(bossID: String, completion: #escaping (Result<UserNames, Error>) ->
()) {
let pred = NSPredicate(format: "uniqueID = %#", bossID)
let sort = NSSortDescriptor(key: "creationDate", ascending: false)
let query = CKQuery(recordType: RecordType.Users, predicate: pred)
query.sortDescriptors = [sort]
let operation = CKQueryOperation(query: query)
operation.desiredKeys = ["subscribedBosses"]
operation.resultsLimit = 50
operation.recordFetchedBlock = { record in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
guard let subs = record["subscribedBosses"] as? [String] else {
print("Error at screenName")
let userArray = UserNames() //Error that it should be a LET is here.
for boss in subs{
CloudKitHelper.getBossScreenName(bossID: boss) { (result) in
switch result{
case .success(let name):
userArray.names.append(name) //works fine
print("Found \(userArray.names)") //Prints a name
case .failure(let er):
print("does this run?") // Only runs if No Name
completion(.success(userArray)) // contains no name or doesn't run?
operation.queryCompletionBlock = { (_, err) in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if let err = err {
I call the code like this:
.onAppear {
// MARK: - fetch from CloudKit
self.userList.names = []
let myUserID = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: self.signInWithAppleManager.userIdentifierKey)!
// get my subs projects
CloudKitHelper.getBossSubs(bossID: myUserID) { (results) in
switch results{
case .success(let user):
print("Users appended")
self.userList.names = user.names
case .failure(let er):
This is because you run an asynchronous function inside another asynchronous function.
// this just *starts* a series of asynchronous functions, `result` is not yet available
for boss in subs {
CloudKitHelper.getBossScreenName(bossID: boss) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let name):
userArray.names.append(name) // works fine
print("Found \(userArray.names)") // Prints a name
case .failure(let er):
// this will run before any `CloudKitHelper.getBossScreenName` finishes
A possible solution may be to check if all CloudKitHelper.getBossScreenName functions finish (eg. by checking the size of the userArray) and only then return the completion:
for boss in subs {
CloudKitHelper.getBossScreenName(bossID: boss) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let name):
if userArray.names.count == subs.count {
completion(.success(userArray)) // complete only when all functions finish
case .failure(let er):
// do not call completion here, wait for all functions to finish
// completion(.success(userArray))

RxSwift+Alamofire custom mapper error handling

RxSwift one more question about error handling:
I'm using Alamofire+RxAlamofire this way:
SessionManager.default.rx.responseJSON(.post, url, parameters:params)
func login() -> Observable<Int> {
let urlString = ...
let params = ...
return SessionManager.default.rx.responseJSON(.post, url, parameters:params)
.map({ (data) in
data["clientId"] as! Int
extension ObservableType where Element == (HTTPURLResponse, Any) {
func rxJsonDefaultResponse() -> Observable<Dictionary<String, Any>> {
return self.asObservable().map { data -> Dictionary<String, Any> in
if... //error chechings
throw NSError(domain: ..,
code: ...,
userInfo: ...)
return json
.flatMap{ _ in
}.subscribe(onNext: { id in
}, onError: { (er) in
ErrorPresentationHelper.showErrorAlert(for: er)
.disposed(by: bag)
So if error occurred everything works as intended: error alert shows and 'loginBtn.rx.tap' disposed, but I need it to be still alive, what's my strategy here if I want to use onError block?
You can use materialize function in rxSwift. It will convert any Observable into an Observable of its events. So that you will be listening to Observable<Event<Int>> than Observable<Int>. Any error thrown from the flatmap would be captured as error event in your subscription block's onNext and can be handled there. And your subscription would still be alive. Sample code would be as follows.
button.rx.tap.flatMap { _ in
return Observable.just(0)
.flatMap { _ -> Observable<Int> in
}.subscribe(onNext: { event in
switch event {
case .next:
if let value = event.element {
print(value) //You will be getting your value here
case .error:
if let error = event.error {
print(error.localizedDescription) //You will be getting your captured error here
case .completed:
print("Subscription completed")
}) {
print("Subscription disposed")
}.disposed(by: disposeBag)
Hope it helps. You can checkout the materialize extension here.

How to use the when function in Promisekit loop

I have an array of appointments and I'm trying to grab all of the photos for these appointments from our windows azure blob storage. First, I want to get the list of blobs with the associated appointmentId so I can download and store them properly afterwards.
I'm using PromiseKit but I'm not at all sure about how to use PromiseKit in a loop:
for appointment in appointments {
// Get blobs
Here's my code so far. Any help is greatly appreciated!
func getBlobsPromise(appointmentId: Int32) -> Promise<[BlobDownload]> {
return Promise { seal in
var error: NSError?
var blobDownloads = [BlobDownload]()
container = AZSCloudBlobContainer(url: URL(string: containerURL)!, error: &error)
if ((error) != nil) {
print("Error in creating blob container object. Error code = %ld, error domain = %#, error userinfo = %#", error!.code, error!.domain, error!.userInfo)
let prefix: String = "AppointmentFiles/\(appointmentId)"
container?.listBlobsSegmented(with: nil, prefix: prefix, useFlatBlobListing: true, blobListingDetails: AZSBlobListingDetails(), maxResults: 150) { (error : Error?, results : AZSBlobResultSegment?) -> Void in
if error != nil {
for blob in results!.blobs!
let blobInfo = blob as! AZSCloudBlob
if blobInfo.blobName.lowercased().contains("jpg") || blobInfo.blobName.lowercased().contains("jpeg") {
let blobDownload: BlobDownload = BlobDownload(appointmentId: Int(jobId), blob: blobInfo)
That returns the blobs as expected but I want to get all of the blobs for all of the appointments before proceeding. Here's what I tried (among other things):
func getBlobsForAllJobs(appointmentIds: [Int32]) -> Promise<[BlobDownload]> {
return Promise { seal in
let count = appointmentIds.count - 1
let promises = (0..<count).map { index -> Promise<[BlobDownload]> in
return getBlobsPromise(agencyCode: agencyCode, appointmentId: appointmentIds[index])
when(fulfilled: promises).then({ blobDownloads in
I solved this using a DispatchGroup and completion handler. Here's the code in case someone is interested. If there are alternate (better) ways of doing this I'd love to hear them. I'm a c# guy just getting into Swift.
func getBlobsToDownload(appointmentIds: [Int32], completion: #escaping ([BlobDownload]) -> Void) {
var myBlobsToDownload = [BlobDownload]()
let myGroup = DispatchGroup()
for apptId in appointmentIds {
getBlobs(appointmentId: apptId) { (blobDownloads) in
print("Finished request \(apptId)")
print("Blobs fetched from apptId \(apptId) is \(blobDownloads.count)")
for blobDownload in blobDownloads {
myGroup.notify(queue: .main) {
print("Finished all requests.")

RxSwift Chaining two signals in right order

So basically I have two actions I need to execute:
first is login
second is get user profile
They have to be done in right order because getting user profile cannot be done without logging in first.
So I had bunch of code that looked like this:
func signIn(signinParameters: SignInParameters) -> Observable<SignInResult> {
return Observable<SignInResult>.create { [unowned self] observer in
self.signinParameters = signinParameters
.signIn(with: signinParameters)
.do(onNext: { [weak self] signinResult in
.do(onNext: { user in
let realm = RealmManager.shared.newRealm()!
let realmUser = RealmUser()
realmUser.configure(with: user, in: realm)
try? realm.write {
realm.add(realmUser, update: true)
}, onError: { (error) in
}, onCompleted: {
}, onError: { error in
}, onCompleted: {
return Disposables.create()
I know this is not right because I cannot send onNext signal with signin result when both actions are finished. I've been reading and I figured out i need to flatmap both actions, combine them into one signal and then manipulate signinresult but I dont have a clue how to do that. So any help would be nice.
Thank you
so I've refactored code to look something like this, but there is still problem that I can't send signal when BOTH actions are finished, or am I wrong?
func signIn(signinParameters: SignInParameters) -> Observable<SignInResult> {
return Observable<SignInResult>.create { [unowned self] observer in
self.signinParameters = signinParameters
.signIn(with: signinParameters)
.do(onNext: { (result) in
}, onError: { (error) in
}, onCompleted: {
.flatMap({ (result) -> Observable<User> in
.do(onNext: { (user) in
}, onError: { (error) in
}, onCompleted: {
return Disposables.create()
Your code is not very clean and it is hard to understand what is going on (my opinion).
If you need two actions to be executed you can create two functions:
struct Parameters{}
struct Profile{}
struct User{}
func login(parameters: Parameters) -> Observable<User> {
// get user
func profile(user: User) -> Observable<Profile> {
// get profile
func serial(parameters: Parameters) -> Observable<Profile> {
return login(parameters: parameters).flatMap({ profile(user: $0) })
login function or profile function can be also split into smaller functions if required:
func profileStored(user: User) -> Observable<Profile?> {
// get stored profile
func profileRequested(user: User) -> Observable<Profile> {
// get profile from network
func profile(user: User) -> Observable<Profile> {
let observable = profileStored(user: user)
let observableStored = observable
.filter({ $0 != nil })
.map({ $0! })
let observableRequested = observable
.filter({ $0 == nil })
.flatMap({ _ in profileRequested(user: user) })
return Observable
.of(observableStored, observableRequested)
As a result you can mix smaller functions with flatMap or any other operator.
That is how I do it. Hope it'll be helpful

RXAlamofire not returning data ( error or not)

This is my non-reactive code that works just fine.
func getLatestHtml2 () {
Alamofire.request("").responseString { response in
if let html = response.result.value {
self.parseHTML(html: html)
However when I make it reactive using this code.
func getLatestHtml1() -> Observable<String> {
return Observable<String>.create { (observer) -> Disposable in
let request = Alamofire
.responseString { response in
return Disposables.create { request.cancel() }
I get no data in the print statement. I even used RxAlamofire, which I feel is the right way with this code and it has error checking:
func getLatestHtml() -> Observable<String?> {
return RxAlamofire
.requestData(.get,"" )
.catchError { error in
return Observable.never()
.map { (response, value) in
guard response.statusCode == 200 else { return nil }
return String(data: value, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)
which produced no data or errors anywhere. I need to know if my syntax is wrong or my thinking regarding reactive programming is wrong.
I cam calling it as .getLatestHTMLX(). Thanks !
Observable's are lazy, they don't do any work unless they are being watched (and will generally stop working as soon as nobody is watching.) This means you have to subscribe to an observable in order for it to start emitting values.
Also, unless you explicitly share the observable, it will start a new request for every subscriber.