Error in MATLAB colorbar tick labeling? - matlab

I am plotting 9 subplots as shown in figure below with one color bar for three subplots.
Here I want to show the highest value in color bar as > value, surprisingly when I manually edit the tick label as h.TickLabels{end} = ['>' h.TickLabels{end}]; the color bar starts repeating the value.
When I remove h.TickLabels{end} = ['>' h.TickLabels{end}]; the color bar show no problem. When I change the figure size in set(gcf, 'PaperUnits', 'inches', 'PaperPosition', [0 0 8 8]) as [0 0 5 5] colorbar labeling again changes.
How to resolve this error?
Below are my working example and output image:
data = [1 2 3; 5 7 3; 12 29 14; 1 7 3; 2 8 3; 5 4 1; 2 2 1; 2 3 1; 1 5 2];
for i=1:9
subplot(3, 3, i)
if ismember(i, [1:3])
caxis([0 20])
if i==3
h = colorbar('Fontsize', 6, 'LineWidth', 0.15, 'TickDirection', 'out',...
'TickLength', 0.02);
set(h, 'Position', [.935 .6867 .01 .2533])
h.TickLabels{end} = ['>' h.TickLabels{end}];
if ismember(i, [4:6])
caxis([0 6])
if i==6
h = colorbar('Fontsize', 6, 'LineWidth', 0.15, 'TickDirection', 'out',...
'TickLength', 0.02);
set(h, 'Position', [.935 .3733 .01 .2533])
h.TickLabels{end} = ['>' h.TickLabels{end}];
if ismember(i, [7:9])
caxis([0 4])
if i==9
h = colorbar('Fontsize',6, 'LineWidth', 0.15, 'TickDirection', 'out',...
'TickLength', 0.02);
set(h, 'Position', [.936 .06 .01 .2533])
h.TickLabels{end} = ['>' h.TickLabels{end}];
set(gcf, 'PaperUnits', 'inches', 'PaperPosition', [0 0 8 8])
print('test', '-djpeg', '-r300')
close all

Why is this happening?
Manually changing the TickLabels changes the TickLabelsMode property to manual and the control gets lost for zooming/panning/resizing the figure window.
How can this be fixed?
Use a listener that will adjust the ticks itself. It may require undocumented features. You can take ideas on implementing a listener for colorbar from Yair Altman's this utility. This is for ticklabels of axes and would require some tweaking to work for colorbar.
or a relatively simpler approach would be to:
Change the 'TicksMode' to manual i.e.:
Before this line h.TickLabels{end} = ['>' h.TickLabels{end}];, include
this line:
set(h, 'Ticks', get(h,'Ticks')); %or h.Ticks = h.Ticks; for >= R2014b
This ensures that the ticks remain the same and hence the number of ticks also remains the same and therefore ticklabels will not malfunction on zooming/panning/resizing the figure window.
If you want to have more or less ticks than you originally get then set them as:
%Adjust the increment as desired. I set it as 1 (default)
set(h, 'Ticks', in1:1:in2); %or h.Ticks = in1:1:in2; for >= R2014b
%where in1 and in2 are the 1st and 2nd input args you used for caxis respectively
or if you're only concerned with the output jpeg file and your ticklabels are malfunctioned in the output image file then:
Set the PaperUnits / PaperPosition at the beginning of the plotting instead of doing that at the end. This will not automate the ticklabels but will only make the temporary adjustment.

As Sardar wrote, the only option to solve this automatically, and not lose the auto-scaling of the ticks when the figure window size is changed is to add a listener. This is how to do it:
Copy the following function to an m-file, and save it in the folder you work on this figure (i.e. your current path):
function set_cb_lables
% add '>' to the last tick label in all colorbars
h = findobj(gcf,'Type','Colorbar'); % get all colorbars handels
set(h,{'TickLabelsMode'},{'auto'}); % change thier mode to 'auto'
tiklbl = get(h,{'TickLabels'}); % get all tick labels after the change
for k = 1:numel(tiklbl)
tiklbl{k}{end} = ['>' tiklbl{k}{end}]; % add '>' to the last tick
set(h,{'TickLabels'},tiklbl); % replace the current ticklabels with tiklbl
Then, in your code, add this line after the loop:
set(gcf,'SizeChangedFcn','set_cb_lables'); % aplly the function 'set_cb_lables' upon any size change
This will add '>' automatically to the last tick label upon any resizing of the figure.
This solution is better than just getting the ticks before adding the '>' because now if the window gets bigger, the colorbar is populated automatically with more ticks.


Creating surface map in Matlab with 2-3 user defined break point colorbar

I'm trying to create a code in Matlab that will produce a surface map that has a colorbar defined at 2 or 3 different break points, for example below 0.8 it will be white, from 0.8-1.2 it will be green, and greater than 1.2 will be blue (or 0.6, 0.8, 1 for 3 breakpoint). I have a code that will run with one defined breakpoint but am having troubles figuring out how to run it for multiple breakpoints. They need to be a defined singular color without a gradient transition in the colorbar. Any tips on what I can do to define the 2-3 breakpoint colorbar at user defined breaks?
%% Two Toned Map
% define colormap and breakpoint
cmap = [0 0 1 ; 1 1 1; 1 0 1];
breakpoint = [0.7 ; 1.2]; %CHANGE VALUE
%create a color matrix with only 2 values:
% where Profile < breakpoint => ColorData=0
% where Profile > breakpoint => ColorData=1
ColorData= zeros(size(Profile)) ;
ColorData(Profile>=breakpoint(2)) = 2 ;
ColorData(Profile<=breakpoint(1)) = 1 ;
%Plot the surface, specifying the color matrix we want to have applied
hs = surf( xa, ya, Profile, ColorData, 'EdgeColor','none' ) ;
colormap(cmap) ;
hb = colorbar ;
set (gca, 'xdir', 'reverse')
set (gca, 'ydir', 'reverse')
set (gca, 'DataAspectRatio',[1 1 1])
xlim([0 80+deltax])
ylim([0 100+deltay])
%Now adjust colorbar ticks and labels
cticks = [0.25 0.5 0.75] ; % positions of the ticks we keep
% build labels
bpstr = num2str(breakpoint) ;
cticklabels = {['<' bpstr] ; bpstr ; ['>' bpstr]}
% apply
hb.Ticks = cticks ;
hb.TickLabels = cticklabels ;
title('Sheared 4mm') %CHANGE VALUE
You need to modify the label-constructing code to handle more than one breakpoint.
%Now adjust colorbar ticks and labels
cticks = (1:numel(breakpoint))*(numel(breakpoint)/(numel(breakpoint)+1));
cticklabels = breakpoint;
% apply
hb.Ticks = cticks ;
hb.TickLabels = cticklabels ;

Consulting waterfall chart matlab

I was trying to create "consulting" waterfall chart in matlab, and I am having a really difficult time in creating it. I was expecting actually that there would be a built in way of doing that.
Given this data:
x = [5, 2, -5, 8, 2, 12];
total = [1, 0, 0 ,0 ,0, 1];
I want to make a waterfall chart.
Basically, the vector x has the values for the chart and the vector total indicates whether the corresponding column is a total column or not.
So the first column, is a 5 and is a total column. The second column is a two and it is not (so it adds up). The third column is minus five so it subtracts, and so on and so forth until the last column which is a total again. Below how the figure would look like.
1) How to get this figure?
2) How to color increases, decreases and totals with different colors?
3) How to include the connecting lines?
Method 1
Here's one possible solution using MATLAB's bar function.
The total columns are always the first and last columns.
The basic idea is to use the 'Baseline' property of a Bar object, which allows a particular bar to start from a specific value. For example, bar([1,3,5], 'BaseValue', 2) produces 3 bars that start from the value 2: the first going down by 1 unit, the second going up by 1 unit, and the last going up by 3 units.
From testing on R2019b, unfortunately it appears that all Bar objects on an Axes must share the same BaseValue. Thus, for each Bar object to have its own Baseline value, each of them must be on a separate Axes object. We can workaround this by overlaying a bunch of Axes (one for each Bar) on top of each other, making all but one of them transparent. This way all bars will be visible.
Anyways, here's the function. The inputs are
ax (optional): a handle to an existing Axes object. You may want to do this if you have other things plotted already, or if you want to manually set various properties of an Axes.
y: a vector of all the incremental values. Note: the final value is NOT required, i.e. to reproduce the plot in the question, use y=[5, 2, -5, 8, 2];
The function outputs the handles to each Bar object created. You may want this to further change the EdgeColor of the Bars.
function h = wfall(ax, y)
if nargin == 1
y = ax;
ax = gca;
if ~strcmp(ax.NextPlot, 'add')
fprintf('hold on not set for current axes. Overriding.\n');
hold(ax, 'on');
y = y(:); % column vector
n = length(y);
cumy = cumsum(y);
set(ax, 'XLim', [0, n+1]+0.5, 'YLim', [min(min(cumy), 0), max(max(cumy), 0)]);
% colors:
% decrease - red - code as -1
% total - black - code as 0
% increase - blue - code as 1
set(ax, 'CLim', [-1, 1], 'ColorMap', [1 0 0; 0 0 0; 0 0 1]);
% copy a bunch of axes
for i = 1:n
ax(i+1) = copyobj(ax(1), ax(1).Parent);
% Make all subsequent axes invisible
% Make sure all axes will always be the same size by linking properties
set(ax(2:end), 'Color', 'none', 'XColor', 'none', 'YColor', 'none');
linkprop(ax, {'XLim', 'YLim', 'Position', 'DataAspectRatio'});
% define from/to of each bar (except 1st and last)
from = cumy(1:n-1);
to = cumy(2:n);
% color of each bar (except 1st and last)
c = double(y>0) - double(y<0);
c(1) = [];
% first total bar
h = bar(ax(1), 1, from(1), 'CData', 0, 'BaseValue', 0);
% 2nd to 2nd last bars
for i = 1:n-1
h(end+1) = bar(ax(i+1), i+1, to(i), 'CData', c(i), 'BaseValue', from(i), 'ShowBaseLine', 'off');
% last total bar
h(end+1) = bar(ax(1), n+1, cumy(n), 'CData', 0);
% setting FaceColor flat makes the Bars use the CData property
set(h, 'FaceColor', 'flat')
Run the code as follows to produce the following plot.
close all;
ax = gca;
h = wfall(ax, y(1:end-1));
Method 2
Here's another solution if you prefer not to stack Axes objects on top of each other.
In this case, we make an additional assumption:
The cumulative value is never negative (this would apply, for example, the cash in my pocket)
Simply, each bar we draw can be considered as one colored bar (either blue/red) that is partially covered by a shorter white bar.
function h = wfall2(ax, y)
if nargin == 1
y = ax;
ax = gca;
if ~strcmp(ax.NextPlot, 'add')
fprintf('hold on not set for current axes. Overriding.\n');
hold(ax, 'on');
y = y(:); % column vector
n = length(y);
cumy = cumsum(y);
from = cumy(1:n-1);
to = cumy(2:n);
% color values:
% 1 - blue (increase)
% 0 - white
% -1 - red (decrease)
c = double(y>0) - double(y<0);
c(1) = [];
upper = max(cumy(1:n-1), cumy(2:n));
lower = min(cumy(1:n-1), cumy(2:n));
h(1) = bar(ax, 2:n, upper, 'FaceColor', 'flat', 'CData', c);
h(2) = bar(ax, 2:n, lower, 'FaceColor', 'w');
h(3) = bar(ax, 1, cumy(1), 'FaceColor', 'k');
h(4) = bar(ax, n+1, cumy(n), 'FaceColor', 'k');
set(h, 'EdgeColor', 'none')
set(ax, 'CLim', [-1, 1], 'ColorMap', [1 0 0; 0 0 0; 0 0 1]);
Run the function as follows:
close all;
ax = gca;
h = wfall2(ax, y(1:end-1));
The resulting plot:
The result, however, is a bit ugly by my personal standards, since the white bar will partially cover the x-axis. You can fix this, however, by setting the lower YLim to a negative value, i.e. set(ax, 'YLim', [-0.5 inf])

Text on x-axis ticks for scatterplot with standard-error bars

I am trying to plot scatterplots which have an error-bar each. See code below:
dfs = [0 5 10];
Accuracies = [63.1681 49 56];
SE = [0.0142 0.065 0.04 ]*100;
errorbar(dfs, Accuracies, SE, 'ro');
hold on
hold off;
ylim([40 70])
names = {'Cond1'; 'Cond2'; 'Cond3'};
However, the x-axis labels are not properly aligned. What is the solution for this situation?
You need to set xticks to dfs. Setting them to [1:3] keeps only [1 2 3] and removes the rest.
set(gca, 'xtick', dfs, 'xticklabel', names);
xlim([-1 11]); %just for better visualisation

How to fix the legend of this boxplot in matlab?

The legend of this boxplot comes with the same color! How can I fix this? How can I move the x-axis lable a little bit lower ?Thanks for your help.
close all
position_O = 5:5:25;
g = [ones(10,1); 2*ones(10,1); 3*ones(10,1) ;4*ones(10,1);5*ones(4,1)];
box_O = boxplot(Temp_O,g,'colors','b','positions',position_O,'width',0.8);
set(gca,'XTickLabel',{' '})
hold on
position_S = 6.8:5:26.8;
box_S = boxplot(Temp_S,g,'colors','r','positions',position_S,'width',0.8);
set(gca,'XTickLabel',{' '}) ;
hold off
% set(get(gca, 'XLabel'), 'Position', [0 .2 0]); %
ylim([-10.5 7.8]);
The issue is that you're only displaying the legend for the first two boxes (yours has a total of 10 boxes) and both of these are red. The first 5 boxes that are found are red and the last 5 are blue. Instead you could use the first and last box.
%// Create the box plot
box_S = boxplot(Temp_S, g, 'colors', 'r', 'positions', position_S, 'width', 0.8);
%// Get all of the box plot objects
boxes = findobj(gca, 'Tag', 'Box');
legend(boxes([end 1]), 'Group1', 'Group2')
You could do this more robustly though with the following:
boxes = findobj(gca, 'Tag', 'box');
%// Sort by xposition
[~, ind] = sort(cellfun(#mean, get(boxes, 'XData')));
%// Apply legends to one red and one blue one.
legend(boxes(ind(1:2)), 'Group1', 'Group2');
And to move the xlabel a little lower, you can simply adjust it's Position property.
yrange = diff(get(gca, 'YLim'));
XL = get(gca, 'XLabel');
original = get(XL, 'Position');
%// Add an extra 1% padding
set(XL, 'Position', original - [0 0.01*yrange 0])
Here is a small example (I only kept the necessary stuff):
x1 = randn(44,1);
x2 = randn(44,1);
pos1 = (5:5:25)';
pos2 = (6.8:5:26.8)';
g = repelem([1 2 3 4 5], [10 10 10 10 4]);
h1 = boxplot(x1, g, 'Colors','b', 'Positions',pos1, 'Width',0.8);
hold on
h2 = boxplot(x2, g, 'Colors','r', 'Positions',pos2, 'Width',0.8);
hold off
legend([h1(5,1),h2(5,1)], {'Group1','Group2'})
To quote help boxplot:
% H = BOXPLOT(...) returns the handle H to the lines in the box plot.
% H has one column per box, consisting of the handles for the various
% parts of the box. For the traditional plotstyle, the rows correspond
% to: upper whisker, lower whisker, upper adjacent value, lower adjacent
% value, box, median, and outliers. For the compact plotstyle, the rows
% correspond to: whiskers, box, median outer, median inner, and outliers.
% If median comparison intervals are indicated with markers, H will have
% two more rows for notch lo and notch hi. If medianstyle or boxstyle
% have been set explicitly, the meaning of the rows will adjust
% accordingly.

MATLAB update waitbar

I am trying to implement a "percent complete" bar in a MATLAB program, using the waitbar function. However, I am having trouble with it. Here is the code that I have currently:
in my GUI
POSITION = [53.3333 20 188.5446 20];
H = uiwaitbar(POSITION);
for percentageDone = 0;
function h = uiwaitbar(varargin)
if ishandle(varargin{1})
ax = varargin{1};
value = varargin{2};
p = get(ax,'Child');
x(3:4) = value;
pos = varargin{1};
bg_color = [1 1 1];
fg_color = [0 .5 0];
h = axes('Units','pixels',...
'XLim',[0 100],'YLim',[0 1],...
patch([0 0 0 0],[0 1 1 0],fg_color,...
Elsewhere in the script, I have a KeyPressFcn callback, in which the user inputs the answer to their questions. At the end of this callback, for every correct answer I want the waitbar to fill up a little. However, no matter what values I assign to percentageDone variable the waitbar in the GUI does not change at all.
Can anybody help me with this?
I'm confused, you say you are using the builtin function WAITBAR, but then you seem to be implementing one yourself..
Anyway, here is a rather useless example that shows a custom progress bar. Just keep pressing "next" :)
function progressBarDemo()
%# a figure and a plot area
hFig = figure('Menubar','none');
hAxPlot = axes('Parent',hFig, 'Box','on', ...
'Units','normalized', 'Position',[0.1 0.2 0.8 0.6]);
hLine = line('Parent',hAxPlot, 'XData',1:1000, 'YData',nan(1,1000), ...
%# next button
uicontrol('Style','pushbutton', 'String','next', ...
%# progress bar axis
x = linspace(0, 1, 13+1); %# steps
hAx = axes('Parent',hFig, 'XLim',[0 1], 'YLim',[0 1], ...
'XTick',[], 'YTick',[], 'Box','on', 'Layer','top', ...
'Units','normalized', 'Position',[0 0.9 1 0.1]);
hPatch = patch([0 0 x(1) x(1)], [0 1 1 0], 'r', 'Parent',hAx, ...
'FaceColor','r', 'EdgeColor','none');
hText = text(0.5, 0.5, sprintf('%.0f%%',x(1)*100), ...
'Parent',hAx, 'Color','w', 'BackgroundColor',[.9 .5 .5], ...
'HorizontalAlign','center', 'VerticalAlign','middle', ...
'FontSize',16, 'FontWeight','bold');
counter = 2;
%# next button callback function
function buttonCallback(src,evt)
%# draw another random plot
set(hLine, 'YData',cumsum(rand(1000,1)-0.5))
%# update progress bar
set(hPatch, 'XData',[0 0 x(counter) x(counter)])
set(hText, 'String',sprintf('%.0f%%',x(counter)*100))
%# terminate if we have reached 100%
counter = counter + 1;
if counter > numel(x)
set(src, 'Enable','off', 'String','Done')
You're probably just missing a drawnow call after setting the XData property, to force a flush of the graphics events queue. If this does not fix your problem, then include enough code to reproduce the symptoms.
Have you tried using Progressbar from the File Exchange? It might save you a lot of hassle. I've always had good results with it.
Do you first create the waitbar? Something like this:
h = waitbar(0, '1', 'Name', 'My progress bar', 'CreateCancelBtn', 'setappdata(gcbf, ''canceling'', 1)');
After that, to update the waitbar:
Edit: fixed bug with text output: percentageDone must be multiplied by 100.
waitbar(percentageDone, h, sprintf('Already %d percent ready!', 100*percentageDone));