Navigation controller to view controller that is not initial view controller - swift

Is it possible to add navigation contoller and tab bar to view controller that is not initial view controller?
My “Initial view controller” is Login screen. There’s no need for navigation controller and tab bar.
Navigation controller and tab bar wont appear when i just add them from “Editor -> Embed in -> … “
When Login is successful, then I use this code:
if let viewController = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "mainView") {
UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController = viewController
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
I use Xcode 9 and swift 4.
Thank you!

I think you may be looking at this wrong. Always having the login view as the root controller in the view hierarchy, even when not needed would be bad practice. And the LoginController should not own a MainController, but the MainController should own a LoginController. You should make your main view (with the nav controller/tab controller) your root view, and in the viewWillAppear method simply check if the user is authenticated; push the login controller modally if the user is not authenticated. That way your view hierarchy is a bit less complex.
You could have a provider class CurrentUser
class CurrentUser {
var user: User? {
guard let userData = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "user") as? Data,
let user = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObject(with: userData) as? User else {
return nil
return user
static let shared = CurrentUser()
And in MainController.viewWillAppear
override func viewWillAppear() {
guard let user = CurrentUser.shared.user else {
pushViewController(LoginController(), animated: true)
// do additional setup
Just my $0.02.

Just to answer your question, not only is it possible but it is common. You can put a navigation controller wherever you want. All that the navigation controller does is create a starting point for the progression of view controllers that are to follow by keeping that history of view controllers alive and in order. Therefore, if you had an app with 3 distinct sections, you may most likely want to put a navigation controller in each section so that the user would be able to drill down into each section independently.


How to do popViewController from another class?

My app has a TabBarController. Each tabBarItem relates to a ViewController embedded in a NavigationController.
When in first tabBarItem and selecting another tabBarItem I want to do some stuff before moving to the selected ViewController. Therefore I created a class for my tabBarController and made it UITabBarControllerDelegate.
What I want to do is present an alert with two buttons; button A cancels the move to the selected viewController and button B lets the move happen.
My problem is that when button B is pressed, I want to popToRootViewController. I gave the navigationController a storyboardID and tried to instantiate it like shown below.
func tabBarController(_ tabBarController: UITabBarController, shouldSelect viewController: UIViewController) -> Bool {
if let alert = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "ActiveSessionWarningAlert") as? ActiveSessionWarningAlert {
alert.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.overCurrentContext
alert.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyle.flipHorizontal
let alertWasDismissed: (Bool) -> Void = { userWantsToMoveToSelectedViewController in
if userWantsToMoveToSelectedViewController {
if let navContr = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "firstNavContr") as? UINavigationController {
navContr.popToRootViewController(animated: true)
tabBarController.selectedViewController = viewController
alert.alertWasDismissed = alertWasDismissed
self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)
return false
Everything works as expected, but the popToRootViewController doesn't seem to occur; when selecting the first tabBarItem again the same viewController that was 'active' when we left the item is still showing.
I checked so that the viewController I want to pop is actually in the navigation stack and that the navContr != nil.
What am I missing?
You don't say so, but I'm assuming that the alertWasDismissed closure you pass to your alert view controller gets invoked when the user dismisses the alert.
The problem with your closure is this bit:
if let navContr = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "firstNavContr") as? UINavigationController
Any time you call instantiateViewController(withIdentifier:), you are creating a brand new, never before seen instance of a view controller (a navigation controller in this case.) That navigation controller has nothing to do with the one that belongs to the current tab that you are trying to dismiss. It doesn't have anything in it's navigation stack other than the root view controller that is defined in the storyboard.
What you need to do is find the navigation controller of the current tab in your tab bar controller's tabBarController(_:shouldSelect:) method, and pass that navigation controller to your alertWasDismissed closure.
At the time the tabBarController(_:shouldSelect:) method is called, the tab bar controller's selectedViewController should contain the current view controller. Replace the line above with:
if let navContr = tabBarController.selectedViewController? as? UINavigationController {}
That should work.

Switch tab bar controller view controller after dismissing a modally presented view controller

In my project you can create a post from a modal view.
When the modal view is dismissed (user presses on save post) I want to switch the tab bar controller to the second tab (post feed screen).
This topic is similar to my problem. The only difference being this is presented from a modal view. I can't figure out how to implement it in my code (tab bar is nil)
Switch tab bar programmatically in Swift
I have added 3 images to make this issue clearer
code screenshot
console message
#objc func saveAction(sender: UIButton) {
print ("> save pressed")
presentingViewController?.tabBarController?.selectedIndex = 1
dismiss(animated: true)
edit: sorry stack overflow doesn't allow me to add images yet
You can do this using delegate pattern. But if you prefer not to add a delegate for this, you can do as shown below;
You can switch the tabbar by changing the selectedIndex property of tabBarController
if let presenter = presentingViewController as? LibraryViewController {
presenter.tabBarController?.selectedIndex = 1
dismiss(animated: true)
If you are presenting the modal on navigation controller in tabbar, use:
if let tabBar = presentingViewController as? UITabBarController {
tabBar.selectedIndex = 1
dismiss(animated: true)

How to decide what view to display based on global variable

I'm trying to implement an IOS swift app which starts off with a tab bar controller, and in one of the tab bar controllers is an item called "account".
When a user presses the account item, I want the app to decide (onclick event) whether the view that contains sign up/login is displayed or the profile view is displayed based on a global variable "loggedIn" (bool type).
(I've tried navigation controller but what I've understood from that is that it is a sequence of views which can't decide between views)
I want to know how can this be implemented, maybe some kind of "router" if you may that can switch between views...
If you didn't understand here's a picture of what I'm trying to implement
Basic Map of what I'm trying to explain
If you can suggest a more professional way of doing such design please don't hesitate to express your opinion.
I believe a good approach is updating the view controller when loggedIn status changes. If you don't already have, create a class inheriting from UITabBarController to manage your tabs. Here's the code:
class TabController: UITabBarController {}
In your storyboard, select your tab controller, go to the Identity Inspector and set TabController as the custom class. Now TabController will manage all the view controllers in your tab bar.
It's usually not a good approach to use global variables, so let's add loggedIn in the scope of TabController and listen for any of changes in it and update the corresponding view controller:
class TabController: UITabBarController {
var loggedIn = true {
didSet {
Now, whenever you change loggedIn, that change will update the proper tab. Now let's write updateProfileTab():
class TabController: UITabBarController {
func updateProfileTab() {
let viewController: UIViewController
if loggedIn {
viewController = makeProfileViewController()
} else {
viewController = makeLoginViewController()
setViewController(viewController, at: 2)
func makeProfileViewController() -> ProfileViewController {
// create and return the profile view controller
func makeLoginViewController() -> LoginViewController {
// create and return the profile view controller
Naturally, you might want to write the body of both makeProfileViewController and makeLoginViewController methods. The last thing for TabController is to write setViewController(_:at:) method:
class TabController: UITabBarController {
func setViewController(_ viewController: UIViewController, at index: Int) {
let tabBarItem = viewControllers?[index].tabBarItem
viewController.tabBarItem = tabBarItem
viewControllers?[index] = viewController
Now, since TabController manages your tab bar, you can access it from within any of its children view controllers:
guard let tabController = tabBarController as? TabController else { return }
tabController.loggedIn = ...
Also, it's important to select the initial state. So, in the viewDidLoad from one of your tabbed view controllers, you should perform the above code. The first tab (the one that displays first) is probably the best place to do that. Hope this helps!
To create your login and signup view controllers, the easiest way to go is by assigning ids in your storyboard. To do that, go to your storyboard, select the view controller, and in the Identity Inspector set a Storyboard ID, which you will use to instantiate the view controller:
func makeProfileViewController() -> ProfileViewController {
let controller = self.storyboard!.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "theStoryboardID")
return controller as! ProfileViewController
Note that I'm using force unwrap here (!). That's just for brevity. In a real case scenario you will want to use some if let or guard let statements to handle nil values.

View controller won't push

I have a function inside my app delegate which is supposed to push a View Controller when called from a Siri Shortcut.
func pushNewView() {
if let wind = UIApplication.shared.delegate?.window {
if let rootViewController = wind?.rootViewController {
let viewToPush = TripTableViewController()
if let alreadySomeOneThere = rootViewController.presentedViewController {
alreadySomeOneThere.navigationController?.pushViewController(viewToPush, animated: true)
} else {
rootViewController.navigationController?.pushViewController(viewToPush, animated: true)
When I called pushNewView() from my AppDelegate, nothing happens.
If I present the view controller instead of pushing it, that does work but I want the view controller pushed.
I'm not using any storyboards, all my code is programmatic.
Does anyone know how to make this function successfully push the View Controller?
Nothing is happening because neither alreadySomeOneThere nor rootViewController are embedded in a navigation controller.
In order to push another view controller, there needs to be an existing navigation controller in place.
You need to do one of two things. Either redo your setup such that alreadySomeOneThere and rootViewController are embedded in a navigation controller, or you need to present the new view controller from alreadySomeOneThere or rootViewController.
Please note that you can't push a navigation controller. If you choose to put alreadySomeOneThere and rootViewController in a navigation controller, then just push viewToPush. Don't create another navigation controller.
If you instead decide to present the new view controller from alreadySomeOneThere or rootViewController, then depending on the needs of viewToPush, you may or may not need viewToPush embedded its own navigation controller.

How to pop to root controller in app where root viewcontroller is of type UIViewController?

I have implemented SWRevealViewController class for revealing a rear (left and/or right) view controller behind a front controller. SWRevealViewController of type UIViewController is the entry point in the app.
What do I want?
In class AppDelegate when applicationDidEnterBackground is called, I want to pop all the view controllers on the stack except the root view controller and updates the display.
What I tried?
if let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate {
appDelegate.window?.rootViewController?.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
I know that if SWRevealViewController were embedded in a UINavigationController, I could simply do (appDelegate.window?.rootViewController as? UINavigationController)?.popToRootViewController(animated: true) , but it is not embedded in nav controller and if I embed it, then I will not get the same behaviour, so how can I sort this out?
I believe what you are trying to do is an "unwindSegue".
They are are documented in a technical note:
With that you should be able to identify your root view controller as the target of the unwind segue and, of needed, follow the unwind through various steps as it occurs.
You can also look at the documentation for the various methods of UIViewController that contain the term "unwind"
Try This:
let navVC = ((UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate)?.window)?.rootViewController as? UINavigationController
for VC: UIViewController in (navVC?.viewControllers)! {
if (VC is MYViewController) {
navVC?.popToViewController(VC, animated: true)