Renaming multiple files in Windows - powershell

I have a folder containing multiple .txt files which have been created by another program. However the program outputs each file with "-Module" in the
filename. eg
I would like to know if there's a script or command (Powershell/cmd) that I can run which will iterate over each file and remove the "-Module" from each filename so I simply end up with
I have tried using cmd from the directory, with the following:
rename *-Module.txt *txt
This resulted in no change.

You can use get-childitem and pipe it into rename-item.
get-childitem -path 'c:\folderwherefilesarelocated' -recurse |
rename-item -newname {$_.Name -replace "-module", ""}

Relatively straightforward:
Get-ChildItem ComputerName\TestLocation\testfolder -filter "*-module*" | Rename-Item -NewName {$ -replace '-module', ''}
Get the items in the folder, look for filenames with "-module" in them, and then replace the "-module" text with an empty string. You can also append a -whatif to see the output before performing this action.


Rename parts of file names that match a pattern

Say I have a list of file names like this:
I need to change the file names that have my-project in them to have just that part renamed to $appname$.
So my-project-service.ts would become $appname$-service.ts
And I need to do this recursively from a root directory.
I seem to be to be hopeless at PowerShell so I thought I would ask here to see if anyone can help me out.
Use the Get-ChildItem cmdlet with the -recurse switch to get all items recursivly from a root directory. Filter all items containing my-project using the Where-Object cmdlet and finally rename them using the Rename-Item cmdlet:
Get-ChildItem "D:\tmp" -Recurse |
Where {$_.Name -Match 'my-project'} |
Rename-Item -NewName {$ -replace 'my-project','$appname$' }

rename file.jpg.jpg to file.jpg using powershell

I inadvertently named over a thousand files as filename.jpg.jpg. My desired end state is to have the file name as filename.jpg. How can I use PowerShell to fix this?
I have tried many examples from blogs and find that the first .jpg is apparently being seen as the file extension. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as my only alternative is to manually rename all the files.
Try this,
Get-childItem constant* | % {rename-item $ ($ -replace '.jpg.jpg','.jpg')}
it will replace .jpg.jpg to .jpg
You could use the Get-ChildItem cmdlet to retrieve the files and prefilter it using the -Filter parameter.
You should use the FullName property instead of the Name for the Rename-Item cmdlet whenever your working directory is a diffrent one.
The regexI use here escapes the periods (mentioned by Matt) and also ensures to match the end of the filename ($).
Get-ChildItem -Path 'YOUR_PATH_HERE' -Filter '*.jpg.jpg' |
foreach { Rename-Item $_.FullName ($_.FullName-replace '\.jpg\.jpg$','.jpg') }
Note: If you need to recursively rename the files, you just need to add -recurse to the Get-ChildItemcmdlet.

rename multiple files using substring of the filename

I have 100's of file in windows with names like
i want to rename all the files to its substring for example
My approach was to first replace "_T_*" with "" in powerShell something like
DIR| Rename-Item -NewName {$_.Name -replace "_T_*", ""}
this gives error
Rename-Item : Cannot rename because item at 'z' does not exist
i don't know whether it was a right approach and whether it is good to use PowerShell, batch file, java or simple "rename" command will do.
dir | Rename-Item -NewName {$_.Name -replace 'W-(.*)_T_.*','$1.jpg'}

Renaming files in multiple subfolders

I have 100 folders that are incremental. E.g.
'20D, 0.5B001'...'20D, 0.5B002'
...all the way to
'20D, 0.5B100'
Each of those folders contains files that have the same incremental names. E.g. 'Test_C1S0002001'...'Test_C1S0002002' etc.
I want to rename every file in each of these folders to '002001' I.e. just get rid of 'Test_C1S0' in every one of these subfolders. How can I do this?
gci 'c:\path\' -File -Recurse | ren -NewName { $_ -replace 'Test_C1S0', '' }
What TessellatingHeckler has should work perfectly fine. You don't need regex for this as you are removing a simple string from the beginning of the line. So using the same logic...
Get-ChildItem "C:\temp" -Recurse -File | Rename-Item {($_.Name).TrimStart("Test_C1S0")}
If you don't have PowerShell at least v3.0 then you would need to do this.
Get-ChildItem "C:\temp" -Recurse | Where-Object{!$_.PSIsContainer} | Rename-Item {($_.Name).TrimStart("Test_C1S0")}

How can I rename files in PowerShell?

I have 2 tasks that I'd like to use PowerShell for:
1 - I also need to rename all the index.asp to Default.aspx
2 - I have a directory C:\WWW where I need to rename all the .asp files to .aspx, recursively.
I have tried the Rename-Item command but always get errors.
Cannot create a file when that file already exists
How can I rename files in PowerShell?
Use the Get-ChildItem cmdlet to get all index.asp files. Pipe the result to the Rename-Item cmdlet and give the files the new name.
Get-ChildItem c:\www -Filter Index.asp -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.Extension -eq '.asp' } | Rename-Item -NewName Default.aspx
, that will get you index.aspx files as well so pipe the result to the `Where-Object' cmdlet and filter based on the file extension
Do the same for asp files, notice that now you will get .aspx files as well so pipe the result to the `Where-Object' cmdlet and filter based on the file extension. in the new name, take just the base name of each file (without extension) and append it '.aspx'
Get-ChildItem c:\www -Filter *.asp -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.Extension -eq '.asp' } | Rename-Item -NewName {$_.BaseName + '.aspx'}