what tools use for GUI/functional testing of Eclipse RCP apps? - eclipse

We are developing RCP Eclipse based application,currently for functional/GUI tests we use RCPTT tool although we are not fully satisfied with it.
What are the other options beside SwtBot for GUI testing (on multiplatform Linux/Windows)? Abby,TFTP,Jubula are discontinued or not maintained any more.

Since i cannot write a comment yet:
Jubula is still in development and maintainedgit repository. Bugs are fixed and new Features are implemented. The last release was from may 2017 but the next release is planned before eastern 2018.
The Jubula ITE(Integrated Testing Environment) can be used or the newer Java API in which you also could write tests with java.


Why is FreeMarker IDE in Eclipse Oxygen JBoss Tools 4.5.2.Final deprecated?

I just followed the instructions on how to install the latest freemarker version for my Eclipse IDE. After following the steps given here: https://freemarker.apache.org/editors.html I see in the Red Hat Central window in eclipse under Add Tools That the FreeMarker IDE entry is deprecated.
What does that mean? Will the project not be continued? Is it replaced? If so, by what?
The JBoss Tools Freemarker plugin project was deprecated back in July 2017 [0] because no one was maintaining it, evolving it, or doing anything but infrequently rebuilding it with upversioned plugin/feature versions.
[0] https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-discovery/commit/4f7978ab1ee11dd2a0059b565b06c49b05bcb8df
You can see from the project's commit history [1] it's been very quiet in there for some time:
[1] https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-freemarker/commits/master
So, as of JBoss Tools 4.5.3, it's been removed entirely [2].
[2] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-25736
If you'd like to take ownership and start submitting PRs to keep it current against Eclipse Oxygen.3 (and soon Eclipse Photon.0 too), we could consider bringing it back from the dead. Or you could simply fork it, build it, publish it somewhere, and then submit a new Eclipse Marketplace entry for it, thus taking on the maintenance yourself.
The other reason for its deprecation is that it enjoys very low usage (according to the embedded Usage tracker in JBoss Tools. This might be because people using the Freemarker plugin ONLY install the Freemarker plugin, rather than also installing the rest of JBoss Tools, so that the usage tracking is not enabled. It could also be because Freemarker users opt out of having their usage tracked.
But because we have little data to suggest a thriving community of users, and because the code base itself hasn't changed significantly in over a year, we decided to remove it from JBoss Tools [2] in order to focus on what users actually, provably, use.

GWT Eclipse Plugin end of beta phase?

Background: The old official Eclipse plugin recommended for GWT development is the Google Plugin for Eclipse (aka GPE), which, according to their website, is reaching it's end of support:
"The Google Plugin for Eclipse is deprecated and will be removed in January 2018. Migrate to Cloud Tools for Eclipse and/or the GWT Eclipse Plugin as soon as possible to avoid disruption."
So, now they suggest using the GWT Eclipse Plugin instead, which is considered (drumroll) to be beta quality:
"This plugin is Beta Quality." (source)
"This plugin is of Beta quality." (source)
So, in summary: GPE support will be taken down in less than two months, and the suggested replacement is labeled "beta quality", huh?
Is there any reliable knowledge out there regarding the roadmap of the GWT Eclipse Plugin? When do they plan to start calling it production quality?
(Yes, I know that neither GPE or the GWT plugin is a hard prerequisite of GWT develpment in Eclipse. I'm just curious about what the official position of the GWT project will be about what to use post 2017.)

Test Framework for Eclipse RCP Application

I am new to Eclipse RCP and I'm looking for an open source framework to test my RCP application (especially the GUI). I want to run this tests as unit tests.
Can you suggest some good frameworks with which you made good experiences?
The eclipse platform builds come with an Junit Plug-in test framework that allows JUnit tests written as plugins to run in the context of an Eclipse or RCP app. The JUnit plugin tests could then use SWTBot as well as the standard platform API (open windows, show views, etc).
See http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-PDE-Automation/automation.html to get started.
See also Automating unit tests (junit) for Eclipse Plugin development
You may want to try SWTBot. It is made explicitly for the SWT UI. It is in incubation still but under active development.
I had a presentation on EclipseCon '11 about this subject: 10 Techniques to Test a Plug-in.
You coud try WindowTester Pro - this used to be a commercial product, but after Google bought it it open sourced it and now it it is free, it is good actually

Build and project management tool for iOs build and dependencies

I have a Java, Apache Maven and Android background and I am dabbling a bit with iOS. Now I am wondering if there is some sort of standard tool chain that helps with things like
managing scm details (svn, git, mercurial, branching, tagging..)
release management (version numbering, managing dev vs prod configuration...)
working with dependencies (e.g. centralized for multiple project and developers, remote access)
IDE independent build
CI build
testing libraries (unit testing, integration testing, ui testing, mocking)
static analysis
project health reporting
other IDEs
and a whole bunch of other things that the Maven ecosystem provides like public library repositories and so on. From my initial research there does not seem much around, but I might just be looking in the wrong places.
What are the must have tools and libraries for iOS development?
Also I have the impression that Xcode rules it all and if a feature is not there you end up out of luck (e.g. git or hg support) and add other tools. Thats fine but you will always have to use Xcode right?
We open-sourced our XCode Maven plug-in some weeks ago. At SAP we use it to build all our iOS apps and libraries centrally in a product standard compliant way with Maven on a Hudson. Libraries and apps are deployed to Nexus and dependencies (to libraries) are resolved automatically by Maven.
Some overview documentation and binaries on Maven central are still missing, but the sources and technical documentation are already available on Github. If you have questions please write to our mailing list. We will try to help you.
Kind regards, Alex
managing SCM details: Xcode has limited support for some SCMs. There are good third-party SVN interfaces around: I use Versions by Sofa.
dependencies: Xcode does a good job here.
IDE-independent build: there's a command-line tool called xcodebuild that builds Xcode projects. If you want to try compiling and linking an iOS app project without using Xcode at all, then good luck, and go to make or your favourite build tool. You could look at the gnustep-make to see how to build apps with make, then port that to iOS projects. Notice that you'll still need to install Xcode in order to build even if you use other tools, because you need the SDK.
CI build: I use CruiseControl.rb, some people use Hudson.
static analysis: Xcode. Hit "build and analyze".
You can build unit tests right into your project in Xcode and they'll be run during the build process. For anyone with familiarity with junit it'll seem very straightforward and natural. There were sessions at the 2010 WWDC about automated testing with Instruments as well that would likely fill an integration testing role for you. It was session 306 if you want to look for the video and materials in the Apple developer site. I've looked into it but haven't actually done any of the UI testing so I can't say how easy or complete it is.

How do I create an automated task in Eclipse? Maybe a plugin?

Using Eclipse 3.5 (FlashBuilder), I'm doing a bit of AS3 work.
With the in-house MVC framework I'm using, When I create a view - I need to make a change to quite a few files.
Its a simple process but its tedious and would work absolutely fine using some sort of automation.
Is there a plugin that allows me to do this? Monkey doesn't want to work anymore.
There doesn't seem to be any macro plugin out there. There wasn't in late 2008.
And the Practically macro may not be fully compatible with Galileo or Helios (3.5 or 3.6 Eclipse).
That leaves you only with some process which could involve external tools (Emacs), or Emacs-Eclipse integration, like a emacsplus (not tested, may also not be compatible with recent Eclipse edition).