Akka Actors: ask pattern vs Promise - scala

Lately I've found myself wrapping actors in classes so that I get back a little of the typesafety I lose when dealing with ActorRefs.
The problem is, at the end, that not only I need to send a specific message, I also need to cast the response to the expected result.
So I thought that I could send messages to actors that contain Promise so that they could report the result eventually.
Is that a bad idea? It looks pretty neat to me... Is typesafe and works just as good. Why hasn't anyone come with the idea? Is there anything wrong with it that I haven't noticed?
ask pattern based solution
case class GetUser(id:Long)
(actorRef ! GetUser(1l)).mapTo[User]
class UserRepoActor extends Actor{
def receive={
case GetUser(id)=>
sender() ! getUser(id)
Promise based solution
case class GetUser(id: Long, resp: Promise[User])
val req = GetUser(1l,Promise())
actorRef ! req
req.resp.future // No casting!!
class UserRepoActor extends Actor{
def receive={
case GetUser(id,resp)=>

There is nothing wrong. Very close approach is used in akka typed with the only difference: a single-use ActorRef[T] is being sent instead of Promise[T]

Promises won't work in distributed actor system.
At least, without additional efforts for that.

Ask pattern is definitely better.
1) Actors are supposed to share no state and interact with the outer world via messages. Fulfilling the promise is actually a mutating shared variable
2) Passing the stateful objects into actor's creator (e.g. promise) breaks actor's lifecycle in case of restarts
So promise-based approach works in simple cases. But if you use it just like that probably you don't need such complicated stuff like akka at all?


Akka Ask Pattern with many types of responses

I am writing a program that has to interact with a library that was implemented using Akka. In detail, this library exposes an Actor as endpoint.
As far as I know and as it is explained in the book Applied Akka Pattern, the best way to interact with an Actor system from the outside is using the Ask Pattern.
The library I have to use exposes an actor Main that accepts a Create message. In response to this message, it can respond with two different messages to the caller, CreateAck and CreateNack(error).
The code I am using is more or less the following.
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
def create() = (mainActor ? Create).mapTo[???]
The problem is clearly that I do not know which kind of type I have to use in mapTo function, instead of ???.
Am I using the right approach? Is there any other useful pattern to access to an Actor System from an outside program that does not use Actors?
In general it's best to leave Actors to talk between Actors, you'd simply receive a response then - simple.
If you indeed have to integrate them with the "outside", the ask pattern is fine indeed. Please note though that if you're doing this inside an Actor, this perhaps isn't the best way to go about it.
If there's a number of unrelated response types I'd suggest:
(1) Make such common type; this can be as simple as :
sealed trait CreationResponse
final case object CreatedThing extends CreationResponse
final case class FailedCreationOfThing(t: Throwable) extends CreationResponse
final case class SomethingElse...(...) extends CreationResponse
which makes the protocol understandable, and trackable. I recommend this as it's explicit and helps in understanding what's going on.
(2) For completely unrelated types simply collecting over the future would work by the way, without doing the mapTo:
val res: Future[...] = (bob ? CreateThing) collect {
case t: ThatWorked => t // or transform it
case nope: Nope => nope // or transform it to a different value
This would work fine type wise if the results, t and nope have a common super type, that type would then be the ... in the result Future. If a message comes back and does not match any case it'd be a match error; you could add a case _ => whatever then for example, OR it would point to a programming error.
See if CreateAck or CreateNack(error) inherit from any sort of class or object. If thats the case you can use the parent class or object in the .mapTo[CreateResultType].
Another solution is to use .mapTo[Any] and use a match case to find the resulting type.

Asynchronous Initialization of Akka Actors

I'm trying to find the proper pattern for initializing an actor asynchronously, so that I can look up dependent ActorRefs it needs. I want to avoid using ActorSelection, since it's
ambiguous as to the number of actors it points to, and
has some overhead that's undesirable for many tells
Looking at the Actor LifeCycle it seems to be all pretty much synchronous until the message loop starts, including preStart, etc., which leads me to think that I have only one of two choices:
Use a factory method with a signature of Future[ActorRef]
All dependencies for constructing the actor are resolved asynchronously and passed in via Props.
The main problem with this approach is that you cannot use this factory to construct an actor inside of another actor, since it then has the same problem, i.e. it's turtles all the way down, wiring up the hierarchy of all actors and their dependencies asynchronously.
Use become and stash to transition the actor
The actor is created with actorOf, immediately resulting in an ActorRef but it starts in an Initialization state, does it's dependency resolution, stashing incoming messages in the meantime, and finally becomeing the Running state and unstashAlling.
This feels a lot more idiomatic for actors, even though my dependencies will all be var instead of val.
Both seem like a lot of overhead, making me wondering if I these are the best options or if I just haven't found the proper pattern in the docs.
There's no reason your dependencies have to be vars when using become:
val initializing: Actor.Receive = {
case Dependencies(d1, d2) => context.become(working(d1, d2))
def working(d1: Dependency, d2: Dependency): Actor.Receive = {
case msg => d1.fetch(...) // whatever
def receive = initializing
Also, actorFor is a) deprecated and b) doesn't create an actor.

How can I gather state information from a set of actors using only the actorSystem?

I'm creating an actor system, which has a list of actors representing some kind of session state.
These session are created by a factory actor (which might, in the future, get replaced by a router, if performance requires that - this should be transparent to the rest of the system, however).
Now I want to implement an operation where I get some state information from each of my currently existing session actors.
I have no explicit session list, as I want to rely on the actor system "owning" the sessions. I tried to use the actor system to look up the current session actors. The problem is that I did not find a "get all actor refs with this naming pattern" method. I tried to use the "/" operator on the system, followed by resolveOne - but got lost in a maze of future types.
The basic idea I had was:
- Send a message to all current session actors (as given to my by my ActorSystem).
- Wait for a response from them (preferably by using just the "ask" pattern - the method calling this broadcaster request/response is just a monitoring resp. debugging method, so blocking is no probleme here.
- And then collect the responses into a result.
After a death match against Scala's type system I had to give up for now.
Is there really no way of doing something like this?
If I understand the question correctly, then I can offer up a couple of ways you can accomplish this (though there are certainly others).
Option 1
In this approach, there will be an actor that is responsible for waking up periodically and sending a request to all session actors to get their current stats. That actor will use ActorSelection with a wildcard to accomplish that goal. A rough outline if the code for this approach is as follows:
case class SessionStats(foo:Int, bar:Int)
case object GetSessionStats
class SessionActor extends Actor{
def receive = {
case GetSessionStats =>
println(s"${self.path} received a request to get stats")
sender ! SessionStats(1, 2)
case object GatherStats
class SessionStatsGatherer extends Actor{
context.system.scheduler.schedule(5 seconds, 5 seconds, self, GatherStats)(context.dispatcher)
def receive = {
case GatherStats =>
println("Waking up to gether stats")
val sel = context.system.actorSelection("/user/session*")
sel ! GetSessionStats
case SessionStats(f, b) =>
println(s"got session stats from ${sender.path}, values are $f and $b")
Then you could test this code with the following:
val system = ActorSystem("test")
system.actorOf(Props[SessionActor], "session-1")
system.actorOf(Props[SessionActor], "session-2")
system.actorOf(Props[SessionActor], "session-3")
So with this approach, as long as we use a naming convention, we can use an actor selection with a wildcard to always find all of the session actors even though they are constantly coming (starting) and going (stopping).
Option 2
A somewhat similar approach, but in this one, we use a centralized actor to spawn the session actors and act as a supervisor to them. This central actor also contains the logic to periodically poll for stats, but since it's the parent, it does not need an ActorSelection and can instead just use its children list. That would look like this:
case object SpawnSession
class SessionsManager extends Actor{
context.system.scheduler.schedule(5 seconds, 5 seconds, self, GatherStats)(context.dispatcher)
var sessionCount = 1
def receive = {
case SpawnSession =>
val session = context.actorOf(Props[SessionActor], s"session-$sessionCount")
println(s"Spawned session: ${session.path}")
sessionCount += 1
sender ! session
case GatherStats =>
println("Waking up to get session stats")
context.children foreach (_ ! GetSessionStats)
case SessionStats(f, b) =>
println(s"got session stats from ${sender.path}, values are $f and $b")
And could be tested as follows:
val system = ActorSystem("test")
val manager = system.actorOf(Props[SessionsManager], "manager")
manager ! SpawnSession
manager ! SpawnSession
manager ! SpawnSession
Now, these examples are extremely trivialized, but hopefully they paint a picture for how you could go about solving this issue with either ActorSelection or a management/supervision dynamic. And a bonus is that ask is not needed in either and also no blocking.
There have been many additional changes in this project, so my answer/comments have been delayed quite a bit :-/
First, the session stats gathering should not be periodical, but on request. My original idea was to "mis-use" the actor system as my map of all existing session actors, so that I would not need a supervisor actor knowing all sessions.
This goal has shown to be elusive - session actors depend on shared state, so the session creator must watch sessions anyways.
This makes Option 2 the obvious answer here - the session creator has to watch all children anyways.
The most vexing hurdle with option 1 was "how to determine when all (current) answers are there" - I wanted the statistics request to take a snapshot of all currently existing actor names, query them, ignore failures (if a session dies before it can be queried, it can be ignored here) - the statistics request is only a debugging tool, i.e. something like a "best effort".
The actor selection api tangled me up in a thicket of futures (I am a Scala/Akka newbie), so I gave up on this route.
Option 2 is therefore better suited to my needs.

Custom client/server protocol in Scala

Suppose I need to implement a custom message-oriented protocol in Scala. I need to implement also the client/server code.
I would define "cases classes" for protocol messages as follows:
trait Message
case class Request1(...) extends Message
case class Response1(...) extends Message
case class Request2(...) extends Message
case class Response2(...) extends Message
... // other requests/responses
Now I need functions to read/write the messages from/to input/output streams and handle the messages.
def read(in: InputStream): Message = {...}
def write(msg: Message, out: OutputStream) {...}
def handle(msg:Message): Message = msg match {
case req: Request1 = ... // handle Request1
case resp: Response1 = ... // handle Response1
... // cases for all other message types
I guess it works but I wonder if I can improve the solution. How would you correct or improve it ?
Have you had a look at Akka?
Akk makes it much simpler to develop distributed applications, no need to define input and output streams manually. Just have a look at the "Remoting" example on the homepage.
The benefits of this approach would be that you can focus on the protocol itself, i.e., in your case the development of one (or more) actors on the client side, and one (or more) actors on the server side.
Akka should provide you with all 'lower-level' functionality you need, taking care of the actual sending an receiving of the messages, multi-threading, and so on; so you don't have to re-invent the wheel. This should also make your code easier to maintain by others in the future, as Akka is a well-known toolkit.
To get a basic idea of how actors work, have a look at this book chapter, but note that it describes the Scala actors, which have been replaced by Akka actors in the meantime. If you want to dig deeper, I'd recommend Akka Concurrency, which is more up to date.

How to safely use reply and !? on a Scala Actor

Depending on a reply from a Scala Actor seems incredibly error-prone to me. Is this truly the idiomatic Scala way to have conversations between actors? Is there an alternative, or a safer use of reply that I'm missing?
(About me: I'm familiar with synchronization in Java, but I've never designed an actor-based system before and don't yet have a full understanding of the paradigm.)
Example mistakes
For a trivial demonstration, let's look at this silly integer-parsing Actor:
import actors._, Actor._
val a = actor {
loop {
react {
case s: String => reply(s.toInt)
We could intend to use this as
scala> a !? "42"
res0: Any = 42
But if the actor fails to reply (in this case because a careless programmer did not think to catch NumberFormatException in the actor), we'll be waiting forever:
scala> a !? "f"
We also make a mistake at the call site. This next example also blocks indefinitely, because the actor does not reply to Int messages:
scala> a !? 42
You could use !? (msec: Long, msg: Any) if the expected reply has some known reasonable time bound, but that is not the case in most circumstances I can think of.
Guaranteeing reply
One thought would be to design that actor such that it necessarily replies to every message:
import actors._, Actor._
val a = actor {
loop {
react {
case m => reply {
try {
m match {
case s: String => reply(s.toInt)
case _ => None
} catch {
case e => e
This feels better, although there is still a little fear of accidentally invoking !? on an actor is no longer acting.
I can see your concerns, but I would actually argue that this is not any worse than the synchronization you are used to. Who guarantees that the locks will ever be released again?
Using !? is at your own risk, so no there are no 'safer' uses that I am aware of. Threads can block or die and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. Except for providing safety-valves that can soften the blow.
The event-based acting actually gives you alternatives to receiving replies synchronously. The timeout is one of them but another thing such as Futures via the !! method. They are designed to handle deadlocks such as that. The method immediately returns a future that can be handled later.
For inspiration and more in-depth design decisions see:
Futures (in scala 2.10):
Don't bother with old local actors - learn Akka. Also it's good that you know about synchronized, but personally me - almost never use such a word, even in Java code. Imagine synchronized is deprecated, learn Java memory model, learn CAS.
I am not familiar with the Actor system in the Scala standard library myself, but I highly recommend checking out the Akka toolkit (http://akka.io/) which has "replaced" the Scala Actors and comes with the Scala distribution as of Scala 2.10.
In terms of Actor system design in general, some of the key ideas are asynchronous (non-blocking), isolated mutability, and communication via message passing. Each Actor encapsulates it's own state, nobody else is allowed to touch it. You can send an Actor a message that may "ask" it to change state, but the Actor implementation is free to ignore it. Messages are sent asynchronously (you CAN make it blocking, not recommended). If you want to have some sort of "response" (so that you can associate a message with a previously sent message), the Future API in Scala 2.10 and ask of Akka can help.
Regarding your error format exception and the problem in general, consider looking at the ask and Future API in Scala 2.10 and Akka 2.1. It will handle exceptions and is non-blocking.
Scala 2.10 also has a new Try that is intended as an alternative to the old-fashioned try-catch clauses. The Try has an apply method that you would use like any try (minus the catch and finally). Try has two sub-classes Success and Failure. An instance of Try[T] will have subclasses Success[T] and Failure[Throwable]. It is easier to explain by example:
>>> val x: Try[Int] = Try { "5".toInt } // Success[Int] with encapsulated value 5
>>> val y: Try[Int] = Try { "foo".toInt } // Failure(java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "foo")
Since Try does not throw the actual exception and the subclasses are conveniently case-classes, you could easily use the result as a message to an Actor.