remove last part with cloudformation syntax - aws-cloudformation

I got an arn reference with Fn::GetAtt: [ logGroup, Arn ]
but i need:
So the last part (*) need be removed.
How can I use the reference to archive it? I can split and select the last session, but how to remove it? (I hard code the log group name as sample only)
{ "Fn::Select" : [ "8", { "Fn::Split": [":", {"Fn::ImportValue": "arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:123456789012:log-group:/log-group-1234:*"}]}] }
Thanks, #Miles. I made it work
- '0'
- Fn::Split:
- ":*"
- Fn::GetAtt: [ LogsGroup, Arn ]

You should be able to split by more than one character. Try:
Just as a side note, it doesn't make much sense to use ImportValue like that, but I guess you provided this just as a placeholder.


Capture text between two different char. Between the first{ and the last }

Capture text between two different char using PowerShell. Between the first{ and the last } . Basically there is text with Json in it and I want to capture the json from it. I have looked for examples but so far no luck.
PROJECT Description: Azure Test Project Description
"organization": "",
"projectName": "Test Project",
"projectDescription": "Azure Test Project Description",
"projectProcessType": "Agile",
"specialInstructions": "",
"adminMembers": [
"userSamAccountName": "jjohnson",
"userEmailAddress": "",
"userPrincipalName": "",
"projectGroupType": "projectAdministrator"
"contribMembers": [
"userSamAccountName": "jdoe",
"userEmailAddress": "",
"userPrincipalName": "",
"projectGroupType": "projectContributor"
Is this what you were looking for?
[Regex]::Match((Get-Content "sampleinputfile.txt" -Raw),
[Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::Multiline -bor
Basically this converts the input file to a single (newline-delimited) string (Get-Content -Raw), and then uses the .NET Framework's Match method to do a regular expression match for the lines of text between the { and } characters (inclusive).

Append with cloud-init write_files

When using write_files with cloud-init, is it possible to append content? If so, how?
write_files: [
"path": "/home/user/some-file",
"content": "\nLine to append!"
- path: /home/user/some-file
content: |
Line to append!
append: true
It was not possible, but I added the functionality and raised a merge request which was subsequently approved.
The functionality is available from 18.5 onwards.

Get TargetGroupArn from name?

You use TargetGroupArn in a CF template for ECS services. I have a situation where the target group has already been created and I want to make this a param for the template
But those arn's are awful:
That unique number at the end makes this almost impossible. Can I reference the target by name instead of full arn in the template?
Maybe i can use Fn::GetAtt here but not sure what that looks like
This doesn't work:
TargetGroupArn: !GetAtt mytarget.TargetGroupName
I get error: An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the CreateChangeSet operation: Template error: instance of Fn::GetAtt references undefined resource mytarget
Unfortunately with Target Groups, you won't be able to use convention to determine it's ARN due to the extra string at the end.
If the Target Group was created in Cloudformation, it's easy enough to get the ARN output by using !Ref myTargetGroup.
If the Target Group was created in another CF stack, try Exporting the Target Group ARN and use Fn::ImportValue when creating the ECS Service to input the Target Group ARN.
Type: "AWS::ECS::Service"
- ContainerName: MyContainer
ContainerPort: 1234
TargetGroupArn: !ImportValue myExportedTargetGroupARN
If you want to use the available Target-group, You pass the target group name as the default parameter to the Service CF template.
Internally refer the default parameter as the ref to the TargetGroupArn in the Action section of the LiestnerRule It will get the target group ARN.
Check this link:
"Parameters": {
"VPC": {
"TargetGroup": {
"Description": "TargetGroup name for ListenerRule",
"Type": "String",
"Default": "my-target"
"Resources": {
"Service": {
"TaskDefinition": {
"ListenerRule": {
"Actions": [
"TargetGroupArn": {
"Ref": "TargetGroup"
"Type": "forward"
"ServiceRole": {

how to setstorageclass for the latest gcloud storage

we use to follow instruction here! to set the bucket lifecycle policy, but with the latest gcloud components update, we are getting an error like this:
Failure: Unsupported tag SetStorageClass.
search the gcs storage lifecycle doc did not fund any update.
The command we used is gsutil lifecycle set <json file> gs://<bucket name>/
and gsutil version: 4.25
This was fixed in this GitHub commit, which has been included in the newest version (v4.26) of gsutil.
It looks like you actually uncovered a bug that occurs when using the XML API. I've opened a GitHub issue an will work on fixing this ASAP:
Thanks for the report!
Looking at the code in the Boto library, you're probably trying to specify SetStorageClass a JSON key:
"SetStorageClass": ...
rather than making it the value of the action's type attribute. Here's an example using your (fixed) sample from a question comment:
"lifecycle": {
"rule": [
"action": {
"type": "SetStorageClass",
"storageClass": "NEARLINE"
"condition": {

GCS Transfer via Source: URL list "errorCode": "UNKNOWN"

I'm trying to transfer 7,860,379 files, using the transfer system via URL list, however always encounter the same error:
{ //...
"errorBreakdowns": [
"errorCode": "UNKNOWN",
"errorCount": "1",
"errorLogEntries": [
"url": " or ",
"errorDetails": [
// ...
All the my URLs are valid and the file format as documented:
^([^ ]+)\t([0-9]+)\t([a-f0-9]{32})$
The error I find the API is very generic, someone went through the same problem?
Since, I thank you.
Based on your regex, I suspect you are not providing a base-64 encoded MD5, as it often contains '=' characters. To do this, you need to compute the binary version of your MD5 and then convert it to base64.
Example: Hk2gdsIpWTDz3kQssoTqKg==