kubernetes : dynamic persistent volume provisioning using iSCSI and NFS - kubernetes

I am using Kubernetes 1.4 persistent volume support, iSCSI/NFS PV and PVC successfully, in my containers. However it needs to first provision the storage by specifying the capacity both at PV creation and during claiming the storage.
My requirement is to just provide storage to cluster(and don't want to mention the capacity of storage) and let users/developers claim the storage based on their requirements. So need to use dynamic provisioning using StorageClass. Just declare the storage with details and let developers claim it based on their needs.
However got confused about using dynamic volume provisioning for iSCSI and NFS using Storage class and not getting exact steps to follow. As per documentation i need to use external volume plugin for both these types and it has already been made available as a part of incubator project - https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/external-storage/. But i am not getting how to load/run that external provisioner(i need to run it as a container itself??i guess) and then write storage class with details of iSCSI/NFS storage.
Can somebody who has already done/used it can guide/provide pointers on this?
Thanks in advance,

The project you pointed to is specific to iSCSI targets running targetd. You basically download the YAML files here https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/external-storage/tree/master/iscsi/targetd/kubernetes, modify them with your storage provider's parameters and deploy the pods using kubectl create. In your pods you need to specify the a storageclass. The storageclass then specifies a the iSCSI provisioner. There are more steps but that's the gist of it.
See this link for more detailed instructions https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/external-storage/tree/master/iscsi/targetd

the OpenEBS community has folks running this way afaik. There is a blog here for example explaining one approach supporting WordPress: https://blog.openebs.io/setting-up-persistent-volumes-in-rwx-mode-using-openebs-142632244cb2


How to backup PVC regularly

What can be done to backup kubernetes PVC regularly for GCP and AWS?
GCP has VolumeSnapshot but I'm not sure how to schedule it, like every hour or every day.
I also tried Gemini/fairwinds but I get the following error when for GCP. I installed the charts as mentioned in README.MD and I can't find anyone else encountering the same error.
error: unable to recognize "backup-test.yml": no matches for kind "SnapshotGroup" in version "gemini.fairwinds.com/v1beta1"
You can implement Velero, which gives you tools to back up and restore your Kubernetes cluster resources and persistent volumes.
Unfortunately, Velero only allows you to backup & restore PV, not PVCs.
Velero’s restic integration backs up data from volumes by accessing the node’s filesystem, on which the pod is running. For this reason, restic integration can only backup volumes that are mounted by a pod and not directly from the PVC.
Might wanna look into stash.run
Agree with #hdhruna - Velero is really the most popular tool for doing that task.
However, you can also try miracle2k/k8s-snapshots
Automatic Volume Snapshots on Kubernetes
How is it useful? Simply add
an annotation to your PersistentVolume or PersistentVolumeClaim
resources, and let this tool create and expire snapshots according to
your specifications.
Supported Environments:
Google Compute Engine disks,
AWS EBS disks.
I evaluated multiple solutions including k8s CSI VolumeSnapshots, https://stash.run/, https://github.com/miracle2k/k8s-snapshots and CGP disks snapshots.
The best one in my opinion, is using k8s native implementation of snapshots via CSI driver, that is if you have a cluster version > = 1.17. This allows snapshoting volumes while in use, doesn't require having a read many or write many volume like stash.
I chose gemini by fairwinds also to automate backup creation and deletion and restoration and it works like a charm.
I believe your problem is caused by that missing CRD from gemini in your cluster. Verify that the CRD is installed correctly and also that the version installed is indeed the version you are trying to use.
My installation went flawlessly using their install guide with Helm.

How can a file inside a pod be copied to the outside?

I have an audit pod, which has logic to generate a report file. Currently, this file is present in the pod itself. I have only one pod having only one replica.
I know, I can run kubectl cp to copy those files from my pod. This command has to be executed on the Kubernetes node itself, but the task is to copy the file from the pod itself due to many restrictions.
I cannot use a Persistent Volume due to restrictions. I checked the Kubernetes API, but couldn't find anything by which I can do a copy.
Is there another way to copy that file out of the pod?
This is a community wiki answer posted to sum up the whole scenario and for better visibility. Feel free to edit and expand on it.
Taking under consideration all the mentioned restrictions:
not supposed to use the Kubernetes volumes
no cloud storage
pod names not accessible to your user
no sidecar containers
the only workaround for your use case is the one you currently use:
the dynamic PV with the annotations."helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
use PVCs and explicitly mention the user to not to delete the
If any one has a better idea. Feel free to contribute.

Dynamic provisioning of Cinder volume and Persistent volume using Terraform through Kubernetes

I have been doing a research and I've been trying to find out if there is way to create Cinder and Persistent volumes dynamically using Terraform through Kubernetes. So I am taking info from here:
https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/kubernetes/r/persistent_volume.html https://docs.okd.io/latest/install_config/persistent_storage/persistent_storage_cinder.html
but looks like Cinder volume must be created manually before and then Persistent volume could be associated with already created "volume_id" .
However, I believe there is a way of dynamic creation of PV looking here
but I am not sure how should it looks like AND If it is possible using Terraform ?
Thank you !
I found the way .Here is the way to do that --> https://kubernetes.io/blog/2017/03/dynamic-provisioning-and-storage-classes-kubernetes/ and https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/kubernetes/r/storage_class.html and https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/storage-classes/#openstack-cinder
So when when you deploying with Terraform you must specify "storage_class_name = name_of_your_class" in your "resource "kubernetes_persistent_volume_claim"" in "spec" section .
Storage class must be created before tat in Kubernetes.

Persistent Volumes & Claims & Replicas in Helm recommended approach

I'm trying to get my head around Persistent Volumes & Persistent Volume Claims and how it should be done in Helm...
The TLDR version of the question is: How do I create a PVC in helm that I can attach future releases (whether upgrades or brand new installs) to?
My current understanding:
PV is an interface to a piece of physical storage.
PVC is how a pod claims the existence of a PV for its own use. When the pod is deleted, the PVC is also deleted, but the PV is maintained - and is therefore persisted. But then how I do use it again?
I know it is possible to dynamically provision PVs. Like with Google Cloud as an example if you create ONLY a PVC, it will automatically create a PV for you.
Now this is the part I'm stuck on...
I've created a helm chart that explicitly creates the PVC & thus has a dynamically created PV as part of a release. I then later delete the release, which will then also remove the PVC. The cloud provider will maintain the PV. On a subsequent install of the same chart with a new release... How do I reuse the old PV? Is there a way to actually do that?
I did find this question which kind of answers it... However, it implies that you need to pre-create PVs for each PVC you're going to need, and the whole point of the replicas & auto-scaling is that all of those should be generated on demand.
The use case is - as always - for test/dev environments where I want my data to be persisted, but I don't always want the servers running.
Thank you in advance! My brain's hurting a bit cause I just can't figure it out... >.<
It will be a headache indeed.
Let's start with how you should do it to achieve scalable deployments with RWO storages that are attached to your singular pods when they are brought up. This is where volumeClaimTemplates come into play. You can have PVC created dynamicaly as your Deployment scales. This however suits well situation when your pod needs storage that is attached to a pod, but not really needed any longer when pod goes away (volume can be reused following reclaim policy.
If you need the data like this reatached when pod fails, you should think of StatefulSets which solve that part at least.
Now, if you precreate PVC explicitly, you have more control over what happens, but dynamic scalability will have problems with this for RWO. This and manual PV management as in the response you linked can actually achieve volume reuse, and it's the only mechanism that would allow it that I can think of.
After you hit a wall like this it's time to think about alternatives. For example, why not use a StatefulSet that will give you storage retention in running cluster and instead of deleting the chart, set all it's replicas to 0, retaining non-compute resources in place but scaling it down to nothing. Then when you scale up a still bound PVC should get reattached to rescaled pods.

What prerequisites do I need for Kubernetes to mount an EBS volume?

The documentation doesn’t go into detail. I imagine I would at least need an iam role.
This is what we have done and it worked well.
I was on kubernetes 1.7.2 and trying to provision storage (dynamic/static) for kubernetes pods on AWS. Some of the things mentioned below may not be needed if you are not looking for dynamic storage classes.
Made sure that the DefaultStorageClass admission controller is enabled on the API server. (DefaultStorageClass is among the comma-delimited, ordered list of values for the --enable-admission-plugins flag of the API server component.)
I have given options --cloud-provider=aws and --cloud-config=/etc/aws/aws.config (while starting apiserver, controller-manager, kubelet)
(the file /etc/aws/aws.conf is present on instance with below contents)
$ cat /etc/aws/aws.conf
Zone = us-west-2a
Created IAM policy added to role (as in link below), created instance profile for it and attached to the instances. (NOTE: I missed attaching instance profile and it did not work).
For dynamic provisioning:
Created storage class and made it default.
Let me know it this did not work.
This is the one used by kubespray, and is very likely indicative of a rational default:
with the tl;dr of that link being to create an Allow for the following actions:
(although I would bet that s3:* is too wide, I don't have the information handy to provide a more constrained version; similar observation on the route53:*)
All of the Resource keys for those are * except the s3: one which restricts the resource to buckets beginning with kubernetes-* -- unknown if that's just an example, or there is something special in the kubernetes prefixed buckets. Obviously you might have a better list of items to populate the Resource keys to genuinely restrict attachable volumes (just be careful with dynamically provisioned volumes, as would be created by PersistentVolume resources)