RESTful API: How to organize nested resources - rest

I have question about how to organize API route structure. Have read many books about building RESTful APIs and couldn't find answer for that.
Every book tells about simple CRUD actions, and nested resources in one level.
Like /users and /users/1/posts. No problem with that.
But let's look at more difficult real life example:
GET /cars // List of cars
GET /cars/{car_id} // Get single car
POST /cars // Add new car
PUT /cars/{car_id} // Update existing car
DELETE /cars/{car_id} // Delete car by specified ID
Structure for database table of cars would be
Table "cars"
- id
- uuid
- make
- model
- year
- created_at
- updated_at
- deleted_at
No problems so far, but then I need to add nested resource.
All repairs that were done with specified car.
GET /cars/{car_id}/repairs // List of repairs that were done with car
GET /cars/{car_id}/repairs/{repair_id} // Get single repair
POST /cars/{car_id}/repairs // Add new repair for specified car
PUT /cars/{car_id}/repairs/{repair_id} // Update existing repair for specified car
DELETE /cars/{car_id}/repairs/{repair_id} // Delete repair by specified ID
Structure for database table would be
Table "car_repairs"
- id
- uuid
- car_id ( foreign key to cars )
- title
- description
- repair_started_at
- repair_ended_at
- created_at
- updated_at
- deleted_at
So far no problem. Like in all books. a /users route and nested route /users/1/posts. But then here starts problem, when I need to add another level of nesting.
I need CRUD routes for all defects that were found when car was on repair
GET /cars/{car_id}/repairs/{repair_id}/defects // List of all defects that were found for specified repair for speicified car
GET /cars/{car_id}/repairs/{repair_id}/defects/{defect_id} // Get single defect
POST /cars/{car_id}/repairs/{repair_id}/defects // Add new defect
PUT /cars/{car_id}/repairs/{repair_id}/defects/{defect_id} // Update existing defect
DELETE /cars/{car_id}/repairs/{repair_id}/defects/{defect_id} // Delete existing defect
Table structure would be:
Table "car_repair_defects"
- id
- uud
- car_id
- repair_id
- name
- description
- created_at
- updated_at
- deleted_at
What to do here, is level of .../defects normal practice or not ?
Consider situation if I need to add another, 4th level of nesting, at example, all parts that were used for found defect
What best practice when nesting resources in RESTful API's
One can say that this can be done without nesting. Example /cars /repairs /defects /parts But then, what about RESTful examples with nested resources. Then what is maximal level of nesting resource 0, 1, 2, 3 ?
Also if it will be done without nesting, at example, you need to create dictionary route /defects that just lists all possible car defects. So there would be name collision.
Also, if there is no nesting, how would you filter items, that you would filter with nesting ?
Like this ? This looks ugly.
Please can someone point to a book or article, or give answer about maximal level of nesting and questions listed before.
Thank you.

Here's the key point: REST doesn't care what spelling you use for your identifiers.
Which is to say, REST considers each of these URI to be equally good.
As far as the client is concerned, the identifier is opaque; encoding information into the URI is done at the discretion of the server for its own exclusive use.
Beyond that, identifier spelling conventions are effectively code style conventions; use spellings that are consistent with the local style.
From the client's perspective, the identifier does not describe the semantics of the resource; that's the job of the hypermedia representation.


Feedback about my database design (multi tenancy)

The idea of the SaaS tool is to have dynamic tables with dynamic custom fields and values of different types, we were thinking to use "" example but is seems to be too complicated to maintain moving forward, also making some reports to create with a huge abstraction level, so we came up with simple idea but we have to be sure that this is kinda good approach.
This is the architecture we have today (in few steps).
Each tenant has it own separate database on the cluster (Postgres 12).
TABLE table, used to keep all of those tables as reference, this entity has ManyToOne relation to META table and OneToMany relation with DATA table.
META table is used for metadata configuration, has OneToMany relation with FIELDS (which has name of the fields as well as the type of field e.g. TEXT/INTEGER/BOOLEAN/DATETIME etc. and attribute value - as string, only as reference).
DATA table has ManyToOne relation to TABLES and 50 character varying columns with names like: attribute1...50 which are NULL-able.
Example flow today:
When user wants to open a TABLE DATA e.g. "CARS", we load the META table with all the FIELDS (to get fields for this query). User specified that he want to query against: Brand, Class, Year, Price columns.
We are checking by the logic, the reference for Brand, Class, Year and Price in META>FIELDS table, so we know that Brand = attribute2, Class = attribute 5, Year = attribute6 and Price = attribute7.
We parse his request into a query e.g.: SELECT [attr...2,5,6,7] FROM DATA and then show the results to user, if user decide to do some filters on it, based on this data e.g. Year > 2017 AND Class = 'A' we use CAST() functionality of SQL for example SELECT CAST(attribute6 AS int) AND attribute5 FROM DATA WHERE CAST(attribute6 AS int) > 2017 AND attribute5 = 'A';, so then we can actually support most principles of SQL.
However moving forward we are scared a bit:
Manage such a environment for more tenants while we are going to have more tables (e.g. 50 per customer, with roughly 1-5 mil per TABLE (5mil is maximum which we allow, for bigger data we have BigQuery) which is giving us 50-250 mil rows in single table DATA_X) which might affect performance of the queries, especially when we gave possibilities to manage simple WHERE statements (less,equal,null etc.) using some abstraction language e.g. GET CARS [BRAND,CLASS,PRICE...] FILTER [EQ(CLASS,A),MT(YEAR,2017)] developed to be similar to JQL (Jira Query Language).
Transactions lock, as we allow to batch upload CSV into the DATA_X so once they want to load e.g. 1GB of the data, it kinda locks the table for other systems to access the DATA table.
Keeping multiple NULL columns which can affect space a bit (for now we are not that scared as while TABLE creation, customer can decide how many columns he wants, so based on that we are assigning this TABLE to one of hardcoded entities DATA_5, DATA_10, DATA_15, DATA_20, DATA_30, DATA_50, where numbers corresponds to limitations of the attribute columns, and those entities are different, we also support migration option if they decide to switch from 5 to 10 attributes etc.
We are on super early stage, so we can/should make those before we scale, as we knew that this is most likely not the best approach, but we kept it to run the project for small customers which for now is working just fine.
We were thinking also about JSONB objects but that is not the option, as we want to keep it simple for getting the data.
What do you think about this solution (fyi DATA has PRIMARY key out of 2 tables - (ID,TABLEID) and built in column CreatedAt which is used form most of the queries, so there will be maximum 3 indexes)?
If it seem bad, what would you recommend as the alternative to this solution based on the details which I shared (basically schema-less RDBMS)?
IMHO, I anticipate issues when you wanted to join tables and also using cast etc.
We had followed the approach below that will be of help to you
We have a table called as Cars and also have a couple of tables like CarsMeta, CarsExtension columns. The underlying Cars table will have all the common fields for a ll tenant's. Also, we will have the CarsMeta table point out what are the types of columns that you can have for extending the Cars entity. In the CarsExtension table, you will have columns like StringCol1...5, IntCol1....5, LongCol1...10
In this way, you can easily filter for data also like,
If you have a filter on the base table, perform the search, if results are found, match the ids to the CarsExtension table to get the list of exentended rows for this entity
In case the filter is on the extended fields, do a search on the extension table and match with that of the base entity ids.
As we will have the extension table organized like below
id - UniqueId
entityid - uniqueid (points to the primary key of the entity)
StringCol1 - string,
IntCol1 - int,
In this case, it will be easy to do a join for entity and then get the data along with the extension fields.
In case you are having the table metadata and data being inferred from separate tables, it will be a difficult task to maintain this over long period of time and also huge volume of data.

REST API structure for multiple countries

I'm designing a REST API where you can search for data in different countries, but since you can search for the same thing, at the same time, in different countries (max 4), am I unsure of the best/correct way to do it.
This would work to start with to get data (I'm using cars as an example):
That request could return different ids for the different countries (uk=1,us=2,nl=3), so what do I do when data is requested for those 3 countries?
For a nice structure I could get the data one at the time:
But that is not very efficient since it hits the backend 3 times.
I could do this:
But that doesn't work very well if I want to add to that path:
Because that would then turn into:
Which doesn't look good.
Anyone got suggestions on how to structure this in a good way?
I answered a similar question before, so I will stick to that idea:
You have a set of elements -cars- and you want to filter it in some way. My advice is add any filter as a field. If the field is not present, then choose one country based on the locale of the client:,us,nl
This field should dissapear when you look for a specific car or its owner
because the country is not needed (unless the car ID 1 is reused for each country)
I really did not expect the id of the car can be shared by several cars, an ID should be unique (like a primary key in a database). Then, it makes sense to keep the country parameter with the owner's search:,us
This should return a list of people who own a car with the id 1... but for me this makes little sense as a functionality, in this search I'll only allow one country:

Lucene - Index and search entites with unique attributes

I am implemeting Lucene for an ecommerce system and need to index the products along with their attributes. However, I'm not sure how to approach this as every product will have a totally unique attribute list.
Most examples online show a lucene access layer with a product structure such as Name / Title / Description, sometimes even with a custom field which just gets added for every product.
An example of two products that would need to be indexed are shown below. As you can see in this case (although not always) there are similar attributes, but also unique ones.
ID - 1
Product - Electric Shower
Name - Triton t80Z
Description - Details about shower here...
Color - Black
Power Rating - 7.5Kw
Temperature Control - Manual
Water Entry - Top Left
ID - 2
Product - Digital Shower
Name - Grohe Grotherm
Description - Details about shower here...
Color - Chrome
Temperature Control - Thermostatic
Water Entry - Top Left
Flow Limit - 8 Litre/min
LCD Display - True
Control Panel - Wireless
Control Panel Range - 10m
Given this situation, how would I index the above products and create a query in lucence to find any products across the site that contain a Temperature Control attribute which is Thermostatic?
Unlike with databases, Lucene has no schema (at least in the classical DB sense) so you are free to add any attributes (they're called fields) at any given time. Just create a new Field, with the relevant name/value, add it to the Document and that's it.
Q> how would I <..> create a query in lucence to find any products across the site that contain a Temperature Control attribute which is Thermostatic?
A> something along the lines of the following should just work, providing you will use the same analyzer which is used for indexing the document:
Query q = new AnalyzingQueryParser(<params>).parse("temperature_control:Thermostatic");
Going deeper into details, it depends if values for Temperature Control come from a pre-defined list, and how you want them to be searchable (exact match VS separate words, etc.). These will define settings for your analyzer.

Need a good database design for this situation

I am making an application for a restaurant.
For some food items, there are some add-ons available - e.g. Toppings for Pizza.
My current design for Order Table-
FoodId || AddOnId
If a customer opts for multiple addons for a single food item (say Topping and Cheese Dip for a Pizza), how am I gonna manage?
Solutions I thought of -
Ids separated by commas in AddOnId column (Bad idea i guess)
Saving Combinations of all addon as a different addon in Addon Master Table.
Making another Trans table for only Addon for ordered food item.
Please suggest.
PS - I searched a lot for a similar question but cudnt find one.
Your relationship works like this:
(1 Order) has (1 or more Food Items) which have (0 or more toppings).
The most detailed structure for this will be 3 tables (in addition to Food Item and Topping):
Order to Food Item
Order to Food Item to Topping
Now, for some additional details. Let's start flushing out the tables with some fields...
Order to Food Item
Order to Food Item to Topping
Notice how much information you can now store about an order that is not dependent on anything except that particular order?
While it may appear to be more work to maintain more tables, the truth is that it structures your data, allowing you many added advantages... not the least of which is being able to more easily compose sophisticated reports.
You want to model two many-to-many realtionships by the sound of it.
i.e. Many products (food items) can belong to many orders, and many addons can belong to many products:
Option 1 is certainly a bad idea as it breaks even first normal form.
why dont you go for many-to-many relationship.
situation: one food can have many toppings, and one toppings can be in many food.
you have a food table and a toppings table and another FoodToppings bridge table.
this is just a brief idea. expand the database with your requirement
You're right, first one is a bad idea, because it is not compliant with normal form of tables and it would be hard to maintain it (e.g. if you remove some addon you would need to parse strings to remove ids from each row - really slow).
Having table you have already there is nothing wrong, but the primary key of that table will be (foodId, addonId) and not foodId itself.
Alternatively you can add another "id" not to use compound primary key.

Searches (and general querying) with HBase and/or Cassandra (best practices?)

I have User model object with quite few fields (properties, if you wish) in it. Say "firstname", "lastname", "city" and "year-of-birth". Each user also gets "unique id".
I want to be able to search by them. How do I do that properly? How to do that at all?
My understanding (will work for pretty much any key-value storage -- first goes key, then value)
u:123456789 = serialized_json_object
("u" as a simple prefix for user's keys, 123456789 is "unique id").
Now, thinking that I want to be able to search by firstname and lastname, I can save in:
f:Steve = u:384734807,u:2398248764,u:23276263
f:Alex = u:12324355,u:121324334
so key is "f" - which is prefix for firstnames, and "Steve" is actual firstname.
For "u:Steve" we save as value all user id's who are "Steve's".
That makes every search very-very easy. Querying by few fields (properties) -- say by firstname (i.e. "Steve") and lastname (i.e. "l:Anything") is still easy - first get list of user ids from "f:Steve", then list from "l:Anything", find crossing user ids, an here you go.
Problems (and there are quite a few):
Saving, updating, deleting user is a pain. It has to be atomic and consistent operation. Also, if we have size of value limited to some value - then we are in (potential) trouble. And really not of an answer here. Only zipping the list of user ids? Not too cool, though.
What id we want to add new field to search by. Eventually. Say by "city". We certainly can do the same way "c:Los Angeles" = ..., "c:Chicago" = ..., but if we didn't foresee all those "search choices" from the very beginning, then we will have to be able to create some night job or something to go by all existing User records and update those "c:CITY" for them... Quite a big job!
Problems with locking. User "u:123" updates his name "Alex", and user "u:456" updates his name "Alex". They both have to update "f:Alex" with their id's. That means either we get into overwriting problem, or one update will wait for another (and imaging if there are many of them?!).
What's the best way of doing that? Keeping in mind that I want to search by many fields?
P.S. Please, the question is about HBase/Cassandra/NoSQL/Key-Value storages. Please please - no advices to use MySQL and "read about" SELECTs; and worry about scaling problems "later". There is a reason why I asked MY question exactly the way I did. :-)
Being able to query properties directly is one of the features you lose when moving away from SQL, so you need a way to maintain your own index to let you find records.
If your datastore does not have built in indexing or atomic list operations, you will need to deal with the locking issues you mention. However, indexing doesn't necessarily need to be synchronous - maintain a queue of updated records to be reindexed and you have a solution for 3 that can be reused to solve 2 also.
If the index list for a particular value becomes too large for the system to handle in a single list, you can replace the list of users with a list of lists. However, if you have that many records with the same value it probably isn't a particularly useful search criteria anyway.
Another option that is useful in some cases is to use a seperate system for the indexing - for example you could set up lucene to index the records in your main datastore.
I guess i would have implemented this as a MapReduce job, which would run on schedule.
Each search word, would be a row-key with lookup to UID.
profile:firstName: Joe
profile:lastName: Doe
profile:nick: DoeMaster
Rowkey: uid2
profile:firstName: Jane
profile:lastName: Doe
profile:nick: SuperBabe
MapReduse indexes all searchable properties and add them with search word as row key
Rowkey: Jane
lookup:uid: uid2
Rowkey: Doe
lookup:uid: uid2, uid1
Rowkey: DoeMaster
lookup:uid: uid1
Now, if you need to update the index list on the fly as a user change, you would write the change directly to the index base, by remove uid value from index and add to another row key. In case of this happens at the same time, temporary locking could be implemented.
For users being removed, an additional attribute telling the state of the user could be use to filter them out from search.
Adding additional search word isn't very hard, since its just about which name:value you want to index. you could filter search more also by adding type attribute to your row key/keyword. i.e boston - lookup:type: city.
The idea is to maintain your own row key based search index inside hbase.