Guice and Injection within Objects or Case Classes - scala

This is probably not a good design I guess, but I have inherited it nonetheless.
The code pattern is as follows
case class XYZ(id: String, name: String) {
import XYZ._
def someUserDef: String = {
preprocess(id, name)
object XYZ {
val someConfiguration = GlobalContext.injector.instanceOf[ApplicationConfigurationWrapper].someProperty
def preprocess(id: String, name: String) = {
// Do some stuff using `someConfiguration` value.
The GlobalContext here is a pattern I used from this answer here.
The issue at core is how to cleanly inject dependencies into objects or case classes. As depicted here, the case class depends on some configuration level item.
There are drawbacks, imo, to how this approach causes problems in writing clean specs.
It seems to me that it is better to remove this dependency/logic and move it to an external class or object similar to GlobalContext.
Is there a better approach than this?


Playframework, where to put Json Writes and Reads for reuse?

I have two controllers who writes and reads the same AccountModel case class. This class is an adapter for my "domain" object Account who flatten some collections and transform objects references (Map[Role, Auth]) to a explicit key reference (Set[AuthModel(rolekey:String, level:Int)]).
I would like to reuse this AccountModel and his implicits Writes and Reads but don't know how the achieve that 'the scala way'.
I would say in an object Models with my case classes as inner classes and all the related implicits but I think that this would become unreadable soon.
What are you used to do, where do you put your reusable Json classes, do you have some advices ?
Thanks a lot
There are two main approaches.
Approach 1: Put them on a companion object of your serializable object:
// in file AccountModel.scala
class AccountModel(...) {
object AccountModel {
implicit val format: Format[AccountModel] = {...}
This way everywhere you import AccountModel, the formatters will be also available, so everything will work seamlessly.
Approach 2: Prepare a trait with JSON formatters:
// in a separate file AccountModelJSONSupport.scala
trait AccountModelJsonSupport {
implicit val format: Format[AccountModel] = {...}
With this approach whenever you need serialization, you have to mix the trait in, like this:
object FirstController extends Controller with AccountModelJsonSupport {
// Format[AccountModel] is available now:
def create = Action(parse.json[AccountModel]) { ... }
EDIT: I forgot to add a comparison of the two approaches. I usually stick to approach 1, as it is more straightforward. The JSONSupport mixin strategy is however required when you need two different formatters for the same class or when the model class is not your own and you can't modify it. Thanks for pointing it out in the comments.

How can I shield implementation level classes, traits and objects from Scala public APIs?

I'd like to reduce implementation level details from leaking out into my Scala public APIs, and there are so many knobs available for tuning visibility that my head is spinning from trying to figure out:
What is the best way to shield implementation level classes, traits
and objects from Scala public APIs ?
The best thing I can come up with is to do this:
package restaurant {
trait Service {
acceptOrder(dish: String, quantity: Int)
package impl {
private class ServiceImpl { // mark this & everything else in package as private
acceptOrder(dish: String, quantity: Int) = println("order accepted")
private class ServiceHelper { // mark this & everything else in package as private
def helpDoStuff() = ???
But note that I have to mark everything in the impl package with 'private',
which gets very tedious (and easy to forget) as the number of things in the package increases. It would be great if Scala had an option to declare a > package < to be private, or at least set the default visibility of all things in a package to be private to that package. But that does not seem to exist.
I'm sure there are best practice patterns for doing this... Please let me know if you are aware of one.
Update: I did read about package objects in the Programming Scala book. And that seems like a nice way to centralize everything in one's public API. But package objects don't seem to provide a convenient way of hiding visibility of all the objects that are NOT in the package object.
Side note for IDEA users:
One issue with my nested approach is that it seems to mess up auto-indentation in IDEA. A separate question for me is to find out a work-around for that. I filed a bug with Intellij (if any of you are facing this issue and want to vote on it:
Good question!
What about using a private object? Of course this will only work if you can
implement your service in a single file. Otherwise I think the impl namespace approach is the best you can do.
package restaurant
sealed trait Service {
def acceptOrder(dish: String, quantity: Int): Unit
object Service {
def create: Service = new Impl.ServiceImpl()
private object Impl {
class ServiceImpl extends Service {
def acceptOrder(dish: String, quantity: Int) = println("order accepted")
class ServiceHelper {
def helpDoStuff() = ???
The standard way is just
package restaurant {
trait Service {
acceptOrder(dish: String, quantity: Int)
private[restaurant] class ServiceImpl {
acceptOrder(dish: String, quantity: Int) = println("order accepted")
private[restaurant] class ServiceHelper {
def helpDoStuff() = ???
But yes, this is quite tedious to repeat.

Scala cake pattern for objects with different lifetimes

I tried to use cake pattern in my project and liked it very much, but there is one problem which bothers me.
Cake pattern is easy to use when all your components have the same lifetime. You just define multiple traits-components, extend them by traits-implementation and then combine these implementations within one object, and via self-types all dependencies are automatically resolved.
But suppose you have a component (with its own dependencies) which can be created as a consequence of user action. This component cannot be created at the application startup because there is no data for it yet, but it should have automatic dependency resolution when it is created. An example of such components relationship is main GUI window and its complex subitems (e.g. a tab in notebook pane) which are created on user request. Main window is created on application startup, and some subpane in it is created when user performs some action.
This is easily done in DI frameworks like Guice: if I want multiple instances of some class I just inject a Provider<MyClass>; then I call get() method on that provider, and all dependencies of MyClass are automatically resolved. If MyClass requires some dynamically calculated data, I can use assisted inject extension, but the resulting code still boils down to a provider/factory. Related concept, scopes, also helps.
But I cannot think of a good way to do this using cake pattern. Currently I'm using something like this:
trait ModelContainerComponent { // Globally scoped dependency
def model: Model
trait SubpaneViewComponent { // A part of dynamically created cake
trait SubpaneControllerComponent { // Another part of dynamically created cake
trait DefaultSubpaneViewComponent { // Implementation
self: SubpaneControllerComponent with ModelContainerComponent =>
trait DefaultSubpaneControllerComponent { // Implementation
self: SubpaneViewComponent with ModelContainerComponent =>
trait SubpaneProvider { // A component which aids in dynamic subpane creation
def newSubpane(): Subpane
object SubpaneProvider {
type Subpane = SubpaneControllerComponent with SubpaneViewComponent
trait DefaultSubpaneProvider { // Provider component implementation
self: ModelContainerComponent =>
def newSubpane() = new DefaultSubpaneControllerComponent with DefaultSubpaneViewController with ModelContainerComponent {
val model = self.model // Pass global dependency to the dynamic cake
Then I mix DefaultSubpaneProvider in my top-level cake and inject SubpaneProvider in all components which need to create subpanes.
The problem in this approach is that I have to manually pass dependencies (model in ModelContainerComponent) down from the top-level cake to the dynamically created cake. This is only a trivial example, but there can be more dependencies, and also there can be more types of dynamically created cakes. They all require manual passing of dependencies; moreover, simple change in some component interface can lead to massive amount of fixes in multiple providers.
Is there a simpler/cleaner way to do this? How is this problem resolved within cake pattern?
Have you considered the following alternatives:
Use inner classes in Scala, as they automatically have access to their parent class member variables.
Restructuring your application in an actor based one, because you will immediately benefit of:
Hierarchy / supervision
Listening for creation / death of components
Proper synchronization when it comes to access mutable state
It will probably be helpful having some more code to provide a better solution, can you share a compiling subset of your code?
Let's say we have a program that has only two components: one contains the business logic of our program and the other one contains the dependency of this program, namely printing functionality.
we have:
trait FooBarInterface {
def printFoo: Unit
def printBar: Unit
trait PrinterInterface {
//def color: RGB
def print(s: String): Unit
For injecting the fooBar logic, the cake-pattern defines:
trait FooBarComponent {
//The components being used in this component:
self: PrinterComponent =>
//Ways for other components accessing this dependency.
def fooBarComp: FooBarInterface
//The implementation of FooBarInterface
class FooBarImpl extends FooBarInterface {
def printFoo = printComp.print("fOo")
def printBar = printComp.print("BaR")
Note that this implementation does not leave any field unimplemented and when it comes to mixing all these components together, we would have:
val fooBarComp = new FooBarImpl. For the cases where we only have one implementation, we don't have to leave fooBarComp unimplemented. we can have instead:
trait FooBarComponent {
//The components being used in this component:
self: PrinterComponent =>
//Ways for other components accessing this dependency.
def fooBarComp: new FooBarInterface {
def printFoo = printComp.print("fOo")
def printBar = printComp.print("BaR")
Not all components are like this. For example Printer, the dependency used for printing foo or bar needs to be configured and you want to be able to print text in different colours. So the dependency might be needed to change dynamically, or set at some point in the program.
trait PrintComponent {
def printComp: PrinterInterface
class PrinterImpl(val color: RGB) extends PrinterInterface {
def print(s:String) = ...
For a static configuration, when mixing this component, we could for example have, say:
val printComp = PrinterImpl(Blue)
Now, the fields for accessing the dependencies do not have to be simple values. They can be functions that take some of the constructor parameters of the dependency implementation to return an instance of it. For instance, we could have Baz with the interface:
trait BazInterface {
def appendString: String
def printBar(s: String): Unit
and a component of the form:
trait BazComponent {
//The components being used in this component:
self: PrinterComponent =>
//Ways for other components accessing this dependency.
def bazComp(appendString: String) : Baz = new BazImpl(appendString)
//The implementation of BazInterface
class BazImpl(val appendString: String) extends BazInterface {
def printBaz = printComp.print("baZ" + appendString)
Now, if we had the FooBarBaz component, we could define:
trait FooBarBazComponent {
//The components being used in this component:
self: BazComponent with FooBarComponent =>
val baz = bazComp("***")
val fooBar = fooBarComp
//The implementation of BazInterface
class BazImpl(val appendString: String) extends BazInterface {
def PrintFooBarBaz = {
So we have seen how a component can be configured:
statically. (mostly the very low level dependencies)
from inside another component. (usually it's one business layer configuring another business layer, see "DEPENDENCIES THAT NEED USER DATA
" in here)
What differed in these two cases is simply the place where the configuration is taking place. One is for the low level dependencies at the very top level of the program, the other is for an intermediate component being configured inside another component. Question is, where should the configuration for a service like Print take place? The two options we have explored so far are out of the question. The way I see it, the only options we have is adding a Components-Configurer that mixes in all the components to be configured and returns the dependency components by mutating the implementations. Here is a simple version:
trait UICustomiserComponent {
this: PrintComponent =>
private var printCompCache: PrintInterface = ???
def printComp: PrintInterface = printCompCache
obviously we can have multiple such configurer components and do not have to have only one.

How to share behavior over case classes in scala

Implementing my domain model in scala using case classes I got
abstract class Entity {
val _id: Option[BSONObjectID]
val version: Option[BSONLong]
and several case classes defining the different entities like
case class Person (
_id: Option[BSONObjectID],
name: String,
version: Option[BSONLong]
) extends Entity
What I need is a way to set the _id and version later on from a generic method which operates on an Entity because I have to share this behavior over all Entities and want to avoid writing it down hundreds of times ;-). I would love to be able to
def createID(entity: Entity): Entity = {
entity.copy(_id = ..., version = ...)
...but of course this does not compile since an Entity has no copy-method. It is generated for each single case class by the compiler...
What is the best way to achieve this in scala?
To prevent somebody asking: I have to use case classes since this is what the third-party-library is extracting for me from the requests I get and the case class instances are what is serialized back to BSON / MongoDB later on...
Indeed one can find a way to implement something like this at
Create common trait for all case classes supporting copy(id=newId) method
but since it is quite complicated for my use case I would prefer just to create two new classes
class MongoId(var id : BSONObjectID = null) {
def generate = {
id = BSONObjectID.generate
class MongoVersion(var version: Long = 0) {
def update = {
version = System.currentTimeMillis
and implemented the shared behavior regarding these fields there. Of course you have to change the definition of your base class accordingly:
abstract class Entity {
def _id: MongoId
def version: MongoVersion
To make it clear: This works only if the behavior you want to share over several case classes does only affect (in my case changes) one attribute ...
Would implementing a trait work?
trait MongoIdHandler {
def createId(entity : Entity) : Option[BSONObjectID] = { ..}
def setVersion(version : String) : Unit = { ..}
case class Person (..) with MongoIdHandler ..
If any of the instances require specialized versions of the id generator they can override the 'default' impl provided by the trait.

Define custom serialization with Casbah / Salat - or delegate serialization to member?

I'm in the process of learning Scala for a new project having come from Rails. I've defined a type that is going to be used in a number of my models which can basically be thought of as collection of 'attributes'. It's basically just a wrapper for a hashmap that delegates most of its responsibilities to it:
case class Description(attributes: Map[String, String]) {
override def hashCode: Int = attributes.hashCode
override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
case that: Description => this.attributes == that.attributes
case _ => false
So I would then define a model class with a Description, something like:
case class Person(val name: String, val description: Description)
However, when I persist a Person with a SalatDAO I end up with a document that looks like this:
name : "Russell",
hair: "brown",
favourite_color: "blue"
When in actual fact I don't need the nesting of the attributes tag in the description tag - what I actually want is this:
name : "Russell",
hair: "brown",
favourite_color: "blue"
I haven't tried, but I reckon I could get that to work if I made Description extend a Map rather than contain one, but I'd rather not, because a Description isn't a type of Map, it's something which has some of the behaviour of a Map as well as other behaviour of its own I'm going to add later. Composition over inheritance and so on.
So my question is, how can I tell Salat (or Casbah, I'm actually a bit unclear as to which is doing the conversion as I've only just started using them) how to serialize and deserialize the Description class? In the casbah tutorial here it says:
It is also possible to create your own custom type serializers and
deserializers. See Custom Serializers and Deserializers.
But this page doesn't seem to exist. Or am I going about it the wrong way? Is there actually a really simple way to indicate this is what I want to happen, an annotation or something? Or can I simply delegate the serialization to the attributes map in some way?
EDIT: After having a look at the source for the JodaTime conversion helper I've tried the following but have had no luck getting it to work yet:
import org.bson.{ BSON, Transformer }
import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.conversions.MongoConversionHelper
object RegisterCustomConversionHelpers extends Serializers
with Deserializers {
def apply() = {
trait Serializers extends MongoConversionHelper
with DescriptionSerializer {
override def register() = {
override def unregister() = {
trait Deserializers extends MongoConversionHelper {
override def register() = {
override def unregister() = {
trait DescriptionSerializer extends MongoConversionHelper {
private val transformer = new Transformer {
def transform(o: AnyRef): AnyRef = o match {
case d: Description => d.attributes.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
case _ => o
override def register() = {
BSON.addEncodingHook(classOf[Description], transformer)
When I call RegisterCustomConversionHelpers() then save a Person I don't get any errors, it just has no effect, saving the document the same way as ever. This also seems like quite a lot to have to do for what I want.
Salat maintainer here.
I don't understand the value of Description as a wrapper here. It wraps a map of attributes, overrides the default equals and hashcode impl of a case class - which seems unnecessary since the impl is delegated to the map anyhow and that is exactly what the case class does anyway - and introduces an additional layer of indirection to the serialized object.
Have you considered just:
case class Person(val name: String, val description: Map[String, String])
This will do exactly what you want out of box.
In another situation I would recommend a simple type alias but unfortunately Salat can't support type aliases right now due to some issues with how they are depicted in pickled Scala signatures.
(You probably omitted this from your example from brevity, but it is best practice for your Mongo model to have an _id field - if you don't, the Mongo Java driver will supply one for you)
There is a working example of a custom BSON hook in the salat-core test package (it handles It could be that your hook is not working simply because you are not registering it in the right place? But still, I would recommend getting rid of Description unless it is adding some value that is not evident from your example above.
Based on #prasinous' answer I decided this wasn't going to be that easy so I've changed my design a bit to the following, which pretty much gets me what I want. Rather than persisting the Description as a field I persist a vanilla map then mix in a Described trait to the model classes I want to have a description, which automatically converts the map to Description when the object is created. Would appreciate it if anyone can point out any obvious problems to this approach or any suggestions for improvement.
class Description(val attributes: Map[String, String]){
//rest of class omitted
trait Described {
val attributes: Map[String, String]
val description = new Description(attributes)
case class Person(name: String, attributes: Map[String, String]) extends Described