so I need to maintain a table with results and input information into it every certain amount of time, as JDBC and spark have no built in option for UPSERT and as I can not allow myself for the table to be vacant while I input the results or for them to be double, I built an UPSERT function of my own. The problem is that I have a WrappedArray of ints in my dataFrame and I can not seem to be able to translate it to a java object that will let me insert it into the PreparedStatement.
The relevant part from my code looks like this:
import java.sql._
val st: PreparedStatement = dbc.prepareStatement("""
INSERT INTO """ + table + """ as tb """ + sliced_columns + """
VALUES"""+"(" + "?, " * (columns.size - 1) + "?)"+"""
DO UPDATE SET """ + column_name + """= CAST (? AS _int4), count_win=?, occurrences=?, "sumOccurrences"=?, win_rate=? Where;
As you can see I tried to write the WrappedArray as a string and then cast it in the SQL code itself, but that feels like a very bad solution.
I made this as the input part, doing different actions depending on which column type it is:
for (single_type <- types){
single_type._2 match {
case "IntegerType" => st.setInt(counter + 1, x.getInt(counter))
case "StringType" => st.setString(counter + 1, x.getString(counter))
case "DoubleType" => st.setDouble(counter + 1, x.getDouble(counter))
case "LongType" => st.setLong(counter + 1, x.getLong(counter))
case _ => st.setArray(counter + 1, x.getList(counter).toArray().asInstanceOf[Array])
This returns an error that Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to java.sql.Array. I'd really appreciate any help!
Array is a type constructor not type:
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
Row(Seq(1, 2, 3)).getList(0).toArray.asInstanceOf[Array[_]]
but toArray (with type) should be sufficient
Row(Seq(1, 2, 3)).getList[Int](0).toArray
The problem eventually was solved by the command createArrayOf
st.setArray(counter + 1, conn.createArrayOf("int4", x.getList[Int](4).toArray()))
My probleme is i have a code that gives filter column and values in a list as parameters
val vars = "age IN ('0')"
val ListPar = "entered_user,2014-05-05,2016-10-10;"
//val ListPar2 = "entered_user,2014-05-05,2016-10-10;revenue,0,5;"
val ListParser : List[String] = ListPar.split(";").map(_.trim).toList
val myInnerList : List[String] = ListParser(0).split(",").map(_.trim).toList
if (myInnerList(0) == "entered_user" || myInnerList(0) == "date" || myInnerList(0) == "dt_action"){
responses.filter(vars +" AND " + responses(myInnerList(0)).between(myInnerList(1), myInnerList(2)))
responses.filter(vars +" AND " + responses(myInnerList(0)).between(myInnerList(1).toInt, myInnerList(2).toInt))
well for all the fields except the one that contains date the functions works flawless but for fields that have date it throws an error
Note : I'm working with parquet files
here is the error
when i try to write it manually i get the same
here is how the query it sent to the sparkSQL
the first one where there is revenue it works but the second one doesn't work
and when i try to just filter with dates without the value of "vars" which contains other columns, it works
Well my issue is that i was mixing between sql and spark and when i tried to concatenate sql query which is my variable "vars" whith df.filter() and especially when i used between operator it was giving an output format unrocognised by sparksql which is
age IN ('0') AND ((entered_user >= 2015-01-01) AND (entered_user <= 2015-05-01))
it might seems correct but after looking in sql documentation it was missing parenthesese(in vars) it needed to be
(age IN ('0')) AND ((entered_user >= 2015-01-01) AND (entered_user <= 2015-05-01))
well the solution is i needed to concatenate those correctly so to do that i must to add " expr " to the variable vars which will result the desire syntaxe
responses.filter(expr(vars) && responses(myInnerList(0)).between(myInnerList(1), myInnerList(2)))
I have below case statement in sql file
note - it is just a sample statement and i saved it as col_sql.sql
In spark scala code
Im getting the col_sql.sql as per below
val col_file = "dir/path/col_sql.sql"
val col_query = readFile(col_file) --- It is internal converted as string using .mkString
Then passing it to my select query in spark code
.selectExpr("*", col_query )
Expectation --
My expectation is when my spark job is running the case statement should be passed in .selectExpr() function as it is given in sql file, like below it should be passed.
When manually running in spark2-shell it is working correctly but in spark2-summit job it throwing parserDriver error .
Kindly assit me on this.
Each argument in selectExpr should resolve to one column (see examples in the doc). In this case you will have to split the expression read from the file, e.g.:
// Example given the complete string, you could split already when reading the file
val col_query = "\"CASE WHEN a = 1 THEN ONE END AS INT_VAL\", \"CASE WHEN a = 'DE' THEN 'APHABET' AS STR_VAL\""
val cols_queries = col_query.split(",").map(x => x.trim().stripPrefix("\"").stripSuffix("\""))
df.selectExpr("*", cols_queries: _*) // to expand the list into arguments
What I want here is to replace a value in a specific column to null if it's empty String.
The reason is I am using org.apache.spark.sql.functions.coalesce to fill one of the Dataframe's column based on another columns, but I have noticed in some rows the value is empty String instead of null so the coalesce function doesn't work as expected.
val myCoalesceColumnorder: Seq[String] = Seq("xx", "yy", "zz"),
val resolvedDf =
lower(org.apache.spark.sql.functions.coalesce( => adjust(x)): _*)).as("resolved_id")
In the above example, I expected to first fill resolved_id with column xx if it' not null and if it's null with column yy and so on. But since sometime column xx is filled with "" instead of null I get "" in 'resolved_id'.
I have tried to fix it with"resolved_id", Map("" -> null))
But based on the na.replace documentation it only works if both key and value are either Bolean or String or Double so I can not use null here.
I don't want to use UDF because of the performance issue, I just want to know is there any other trick to solve this issue?
One other way I can fix this is by using when but not sure about the performance
.withColumn("resolved_id", when(col("resolved_id").equalTo(""), null).otherwise(col("resolved_id")))
This is the right way with better performance
resolvedDf.withColumn("resolved_id", when($"resolved_id" =!= "", $"resolved_id"))
Basically no need to use otherwise method.
You can check sources:::
* Evaluates a list of conditions and returns one of multiple possible result expressions.
* If otherwise is not defined at the end, null is returned for unmatched conditions.
* {{{
* // Example: encoding gender string column into integer.
* // Scala:
*"gender") === "male", 0)
* .when(people("gender") === "female", 1)
* .otherwise(2))
* // Java:
*"gender").equalTo("male"), 0)
* .when(col("gender").equalTo("female"), 1)
* .otherwise(2))
* }}}
* #group expr_ops
* #since 1.4.0
def when(condition: Column, value: Any): Column = this.expr match {
case CaseWhen(branches, None) =>
withExpr { CaseWhen(branches :+ ((condition.expr, lit(value).expr))) }
case CaseWhen(branches, Some(_)) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"when() cannot be applied once otherwise() is applied")
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"when() can only be applied on a Column previously generated by when() function")
In python 3+, I want to insert values from a dictionary (or pandas dataframe) into a database. I have opted for psycopg2 with a postgres database.
The problems is that I cannot figure out the proper way to do this. I can easily concatenate a SQL string to execute, but the psycopg2 documentation explicitly warns against this. Ideally I wanted to do something like this:
cur.execute("INSERT INTO table VALUES (%s);", dict_data)
and hoped that the execute could figure out that the keys of the dict matches the columns in the table. This did not work. From the examples of the psycopg2 documentation I got to this approach
cur.execute("INSERT INTO table (" + ", ".join(dict_data.keys()) + ") VALUES (" + ", ".join(["%s" for pair in dict_data]) + ");", dict_data)
from which I get a
TypeError: 'dict' object does not support indexing
What is the most phytonic way of inserting a dictionary into a table with matching column names?
Two solutions:
d = {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2'}
insert = 'insert into table (%s) values %s'
l = [(c, v) for c, v in d.items()]
columns = ','.join([t[0] for t in l])
values = tuple([t[1] for t in l])
cursor = conn.cursor()
print cursor.mogrify(insert, ([AsIs(columns)] + [values]))
keys = d.keys()
columns = ','.join(keys)
values = ','.join(['%({})s'.format(k) for k in keys])
insert = 'insert into table ({0}) values ({1})'.format(columns, values)
print cursor.mogrify(insert, d)
insert into table (k2,k1) values ('v2', 'v1')
insert into table (k2,k1) values ('v2','v1')
I sometimes run into this issue, especially with respect to JSON data, which I naturally want to deal with as a dict. Very similar. . .But maybe a little more readable?
def do_insert(rec: dict):
cols = rec.keys()
cols_str = ','.join(cols)
vals = [ rec[k] for k in cols ]
vals_str = ','.join( ['%s' for i in range(len(vals))] )
sql_str = """INSERT INTO some_table ({}) VALUES ({})""".format(cols_str, vals_str)
cur.execute(sql_str, vals)
I typically call this type of thing from inside an iterator, and usually wrapped in a try/except. Either the cursor (cur) is already defined in an outer scope or one can amend the function signature and pass a cursor instance in. I rarely insert just a single row. . .And like the other solutions, this allows for missing cols/values provided the underlying schema allows for it too. As long as the dict underlying the keys view is not modified as the insert is taking place, there's no need to specify keys by name as the values will be ordered as they are in the keys view.
[Suggested answer/workaround - better answers are appreciated!]
After some trial/error I got the following to work:
sql = "INSERT INTO table (" + ", ".join(dict_data.keys()) + ") VALUES (" + ", ".join(["%("+k+")s" for k in dict_data]) + ");"
This gives the sql string
"INSERT INTO table (k1, k2, ... , kn) VALUES (%(k1)s, %(k2)s, ... , %(kn)s);"
which may be executed by
with psycopg2.connect(database='deepenergy') as con:
with con.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute(sql, dict_data)
using %(name)s placeholders may solve the problem:
dict_data = {'key1':val1, 'key2':val2}
cur.execute("""INSERT INTO table (field1, field2)
VALUES (%(key1)s, %(key2)s);""",
you can find the usage in psycopg2 doc Passing parameters to SQL queries
Here is another solution inserting a dictionary directly
Product Model (has the following database columns)
digital - (defaults to False)
created_at - (defaults to current date)
data = {
"name": "product_name",
"description": "product_description",
"price": 1,
"image": "https",
"quantity": 2,
cur = conn.cursor()
"INSERT INTO products (name,description,price,image,quantity) "
"VALUES(%(name)s, %(description)s, %(price)s, %(image)s, %(quantity)s)", data
Note: The columns to be inserted is specified on the execute statement .. INTO products (column names to be filled) VALUES ..., data <- the dictionary (should be the same **ORDER** of keys)
I have below columns in my table [col1,col2,key1,col3,txn_id,dw_last_updated]. Out of these txn_id , key1 are primary key columns. In my dataset I can have multiple records for the combination of (txn_id,key). Out of those records , I need to pick the latest one one based on dw_last_updated..
I'm using a logic this. I'm consistently hitting memory issue and I believe its partly because of groupByKey()... Is there a better alternate for this ?
case class Fact(col1: Int,
col2: Int,
key1: String,
col3: Int,
txn_id: Double,
dw_last_updated: Long)
sc.textFile(s3path).map { row =>
val parts = row.split("\t")
}).map { t => ((t.txn_id, t.key1), t) }.groupByKey(512).map {
case ((txn_id, key1), sequence) =>
val newrecord = sequence.maxBy {
case Fact_Cp(col1, col2, key1, col3, txn_id, dw_last_updated) => dw_last_updated.toLong
(newrecord.col1 + "\t" + newrecord.col2 + "\t" + newrecord.key1 +
"\t" + newrecord.col3 + "\t" + newrecord.txn_id + "\t" + newrecord.dw_last_updated)
Appreciate your thoughts / suggestions...
rdd.groupByKey collects all values per key, requiring the necessary memory to hold the sequence of values for a key on a single node. Its use is discouraged. See [1].
Given that we are interested in only 1 value per key: max(dw_last_updated), a more memory efficient way would be to use rdd.reduceByKey where the reduce function here is to pick up the max of the two records for the same key using that timestamp as discriminant.
rdd.reduceByKey{case (record1,record2) => max(record1, record2)}
Applied to your case, it should look like this:
case class Fact(...)
object Fact {
def parse(s:String):Fact = ???
def maxByTs(f1:Fact, f2:Fact):Fact = if (f1.dw_last_updated.toLong > f2.dw_last_updated.toLong) f1 else f2
val factById = sc.textFile(s3path).map{row => val fact = Fact.parse(row); ((fact.txn_id, fact.key1),fact)}
val maxFactById = factById.reduceByKey(Fact.maxByTs)
Note that I've defined utility operations on the Fact companion object to keep the code tidy. I also advice to give named variables to each transformation step or logical group of steps. It makes it the program more readable.