JPA entity proxy issue comparing with null value - jpa

Some JPA provider like Hibernate uses Proxy to handle lazy initialization. Consider the following example:
public class Person {
private Long id;
private House house;
public class House {
private Long id;
private Address address;
When fetching a Person entity, its house property is set to a Proxy (lazy).
Person person = em.find(Person.class, 1);
House house = person.getHouse(); // Proxy
if (house == null)
System.out.println("has no house);
System.out.println("has a house");
If the person does not have a house, the person object has a Proxy of house (not null). The code above will print wrong message. Is this an issue for JPA proxy?

As a matter of fact, I'm surprised you're facing this issue. According to this question: Making a OneToOne-relation lazy, lazy optional many-to-one associations should work just fine; it is the one-to-one associations that cause problems. The issue here is that without enhancement, Hibernate cannot automagically turn the proxy into a null reference. Are you actually seeing this behavior in Hibernate?
In any case, you should be able to resolve the issue by enabling enhancement. This way, Hibernate is able to overwrite the getter method to return null if the initialized proxy does not represent a valid House. Not sure how the issue is resolved by other providers, though.


Spring Mongo DB #DBRef(lazy=true) - How to lazy Load

I have a model like the one below (assume as pseudo code )
class Student {
private String id;
private String firstname;
private College college
// getters and setters
class College {
private String id;
private String name;
// other attributes.
// getters and setters
I am using #DBRef(lazy=true) so that I do not load the college associated with the student. For example: if I have a repository method for Student called findByFirstname(String firstname), I can load the student without the college.
However, at times I would also want to load the student with college. Is it possible to write a repository method with a custom query using the #Query annotation ( where I can load the student (all fields) and also the associated college instance ?
#Query( what should go here ?)
Student findStudentWithCollege(String firstname)
If no, then what would be a suggested way to load lazy documents on demand ?
As per the documentation
"DBRefs can also be resolved lazily. In this case the actual Object or Collection of references is resolved on first access of the property. Use the lazy attribute of #DBRef to specify this. Required properties that are also defined as lazy loading DBRef and used as constructor arguments are also decorated with the lazy loading proxy making sure to put as little pressure on the database and network as possible." I guess this may not be suitable for cases where one would want to load a student whose last name is "Smith" along with the college instance for each of the students retrieved.

Will my Spring Data Jpa method return all foreign fields?

If I have a table like this :
private Long int;
private String name;
private Address addresses;
And I Create a repository that extends JPA Repository. Given the name of the client, I want to get as results also the Address Table fields.
Using the method
Client findByName(String name)
Will my this also return all the fields that are on the Address Table ?
private Long id;
private String city;
private Int code;
private String street;
From the docs
The Hibernate recommendation is to statically mark all associations
lazy and to use dynamic fetching strategies for eagerness. This is
unfortunately at odds with the JPA specification which defines that
all one-to-one and many-to-one associations should be eagerly fetched
by default. Hibernate, as a JPA provider, honors that default.
So Hibernate behaves the same as JPA:
OneToMany: LAZY
ManyToOne: EAGER
ManyToMany: LAZY
Also take a look at the JPA sepcifications here.

Improving the design of a JPA polymorphic association

I have the following JPA entity hierarchy:
Upon logging in to the application a user has an instance of UserAccount in session; then depending on the concrete type of the organization associated to that UserAccount (Admin, Business or Family), a different dashboard/screen is displayed to the user e.g. if the user is a Business, then the dashboard for that business is displayed.
My concern with that design is that I have to do a instanceof check each time a user logs in so that I know which type of dashboard to display. I could also avoid that instanceof check by having a property in UserAccount such as organizationType (which would take one of three values) but then there would be redundant information.
Is there a way to improve my design? If so how?
Be greedy and get both, without redundancy.
Depending on the inheritance strategy, you may already have the organizationType info and you can expose it for free.
#Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
#DiscriminatorColumn(name = "DTYPE")
public abstract class AbstractOrganization implements Serializable
protected Long id;
#Column(name = "DTYPE", insertable = false, updatable = false)
protected String organizationType;
the same applies also to the JOINED strategy.
Do not implement the setOrganizationType method.
Since a discriminator is required for simulating hierarchies with tables (except TABLE_PER_CLASS strategy), there's no redundancy and JPA provider will handle this attribute for you.

How to properly use Locking or Transactions to prevent duplicates using Spring Data

What is the best way to check if a record exists and if it doesn't, create it (avoiding duplicates)?
Keep in mind that this is a distributed application running across many application servers.
I'm trying to avoid these:
Race Conditions
A simple example:
public class Person {
private long id;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
//Getters and Setters Omitted
public interface PersonRepository extends CrudRepository<Person, Long>{
public Person findByFirstName(String firstName);
Some Method
public void someMethod() {
Person john = new Person();
if(personRepo.findByFirstName(john.getFirstName()) == null){;
//Don't Save Person
Clearly as the code currently stands, there is a chance that the Person could be inserted in the database in between the time I checked if it already exists and when I insert it myself. Thus a duplicate would be created.
How should I avoid this?
Based on my initial research, perhaps a combination of
But the exact configuration is what I'm unsure of. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. To reiterate, this application will be distributed across multiple servers so this must still work in a highly-available, distributed environment.
For Inserts: if you want to prevent same recordsto be persisted, than you may want to take some precoutions on DB side. In your example, if firstname should be unique, then define a unique index on that column, or a agroup of colunsd that should be unique, and let the DB handle the check, you just insert & get exception if you're inserting a record that's already inserted.
For updates: use #Version (javax.persistence.Version) annotation like this:
private long version;
Define a version column in tables, Hibernate or any other ORM will automatically populate the value & also verison to where clause when entity updated. So if someone try to update the old entity, it prevent this. Be careful, this doesn't throw exception, just return update count as 0, so you may want to check this.

JPA Simple ForeignKey relationship

Is it possible to create a basic FK relationship in JPA without involving the full entity target object?
As an example, imagine I have an entity:
#Entity(name = "Mechanic")
public class Mechanic {
private Long id;
and a Car that I want to reference a
#Entity(name = "Car")
public class Car {
private Long mechanic_id;
From an Object perspective, this would be a unidirectional, one to one relationship with the Car requiring a and the Mechanic not needing any back reference to Car.
All I want out of this is to store the ONLY. For the purposes of this question it is not useful to have a #OneToOne (or #OneToMany etc) relationship with the entity reference, I'm explicitly trying to avoid that but still retain the underlying integrity that a FK will provide.
JPA 2 and I'm using EclipseLink.