series of a function - matlab

i have problem solving a series of a function.
how should i solve series like Σ F(k)*F(k-1) ?
actually i want to solve the below series in Matlab
"image of the function"
it's only dependent of K variable.
i tried by defining a function as bellow and saving it as an .m file (for testing i simplified it by neglecting B)
function out = teta(x)
if x==9./5
and wrote this in the main file:
as i want a sum of the serie from k=18/5 to 72/5
when i run it i get these errors:
Not enough input arguments.
Error in teta (line 2)
if x==9./5
Out of memory. The likely cause is an infinite recursion within the program.
Error in teta (line 5)
so where i'm wrong and "how should i solve these kind of series?"

For a start, you shouldn't an equality test on a floating double precision number, but instead compare the difference to a small threshold value.
Not using a vectorised approach (feel free to vectorise if you so desire), the following works:
function out = teta(x)
if abs(x-9/5)<1e-3
and then use it as such:
kk = 18/5:9/5:72/5;
teta_vec = zeros(size(kk));
for k=1:length(kk)
teta_vec(k) = teta(kk(k));
which gives me:
>> sum(teta_vec)
ans = 0.17714


Why does Matlab factorial function perceives an integer as a non-integer?

I'm trying to build a function in Matlab which generates a Taylor series around 0 for sine and the user can insert x (the value for which the sine is approximated) and a maximum error. Thus I want the function to check the maximum error and from this maximum it generates the amount of elements in the Taylor series.
I get the following error:
Error using factorial (line 20)
N must be an array of real non-negative integers.
Error in maxError (line 19)
y(x) = y(x) + (-1)^(j) * x^(2j+1)/factorial(2j+1)
Below my code.
function [n] = maxError(x,e);
%Computes number of iterations needed for a given absolute error.
while abs(x)^(n+1)/factorial(n+1) >= e
n = n+1;
if mod(n,2) == 0
y=#(x) x;
while j<n
y(x) = y(x) + (-1)^(j) * x^(2j+1)/factorial(2j+1)
I think I get the error because the factorial function can only take up integers, but the way I see it, I am feeding it an integer. Since j=1; and then gets larger by one per iteration, I don't see how Matlab can perceive this as something else than a integer.
Any help is appreciated.
You are using j as an indexing variable, which is also the complex number in Matlab, and your are forgetting a * multiply.
You can use j as a variable (not recommended!) but when you are putting a number in front of it, Matlab will stil interpret is as the complex number, and not as the variable.
Adding the multiplication symbol will solve the issue, but using i and j as variables will give you these hard to debug errors. If you had used a, the error would have been easier to understand:
>> a=10;
>> 2a+1
Error: Invalid expression. Check for missing multiplication operator, missing or
unbalanced delimiters, or other syntax error. To construct matrices, use brackets
instead of parentheses.

How to write a MATLAB code for this kind of Heaviside step function?

To solve one dimensional advection equation denoted by
u_t+u_x = 0, u=u(x,t), and i.c. u(x,0)= 1+H(x+1)+H(x-1)
using Lax Wanderoff method,
I need to write a Heaviside step function H(x) and it needs to be zero when x <= 0, 1 when x>0 . The problem is I also need to use that function writing H(x-t+1), H(x-t-1) as I will compare what I find by the exact solution:
u(x,t) =1 + H(x-t+1) -H(x-t-1)
Here, the "x" and "t" are vectors such that;
I wrote the Heaviside step function as the following; however, I need it without the for loop.
function H_X= heavisidefunc(x,L)
for i= 1:L
if x(i)<= 0
I get "Dimensions must agree." error if I write
H_X3 = heavisidefunc(x-t+1,L);
H_X4 = heavisidefunc(x-t-1,L);
The Heavyside function is really easy to program in Matlab
Heavyside=#(x) x>= 0;
The easiest way to get rid of the dimensions must agree error is to transpose one of the vectors. This will cause Matlab to construct a matrix of length(x1) by length(x2)
I came up with a solution. My new Heaviside function is;
function H_X= heavisidefunc(x)
if x<= 0
The problem I had was because I was storing the output as a vector and it just complicated things.
Now,writing H(x-t+1), H(x-t-1) is easier. Just put "heavisidefunc(x(i)-t(j)-1)" and loop from 1 to the length of x and l in two loops. Thanks to everyone!

Getting conversion error while using solve function on an expression generated using for loop in MATLAB?

I am trying to find the first term 'p' of a geometric series with common ratio 1.05 in MATLAB as follows. However the solve function is giving the error as below (posted right after the code). I can't seem to figure out the reason for this error, because when I display the expression for 'sum', it is correctly showing an expression in terms of'p', but the problem arises when I try to equate that to a value, and solve for 'p'. Any insights would be appreciated! Thanks.
clear all;
t=20; %no. of terms in geometric series
sum =0;
jackpot = 1000; %sum of geometric series
%p is first term
syms p
for x=1:t
sum = sum + p*((1.05)^(x-1));
eqn1 = sum == jackpot;
??? Error using ==> char
Conversion to char from logical is not possible.
Error in ==> solve>getEqns at 169
vc = char(v);
Error in ==> solve at 67
[eqns,vars] = getEqns(varargin{:});
Error in ==> geometric_trial at 13
So, I got the answer for this from a user Walter Roberson on another forum. Posting here, from his answer.
I was trying this on a version of MATLAB which is really old i.e. R2010a. In this, using 'symbolic_expression == symbolic_expression' does not set up an equation for later solving, but instead compares the two expressions for literal equality and returns a logical value immediately.
In versions that old, the easiest fix is to change
eqn1 = sum == jackpot
eqn1 = (sum) - (jackpot)
and let solve() deal with the implicit equality to 0.

matlab help in finding dimensions

Can anybody help me with this assignment please?
I am new to matlab, and passing this year depends on this assignment, i don't have much time to explore matlab and i already wasted alot of time trying to do this assignment in my way.
I have already wrote the equations on the paper, but transfering the equations into matlab codes is really hard for me.
All i have for now is:
syms h
l = (0.75-h.^2)/(3*sqrt((5*h.^2)/4)); %h is h_max
V_default = (h.^2/2)*l;
dv = diff(V_default); %it's max. when the derivative is max.
h1 = solve( dv ==0);
h_max = (h1>0);
l_max = (0.75-h_max.^2)/(3*sqrt((h_max/2).^2+(h_max.^2)));
V_max = ((h_max.^2)./(2.*l_max));
but it keep give me error "Error using ./
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in triangle (line 9)
V_max = ((h_max.^2)./(2.*l_max)); "
Not really helping with the assignment here, but with the Matlab syntax. In the following line:
l_max = (0.75-h_max.^2)/(3*sqrt((h_max/2).^2+(h_max.^2)));
you're using / that is a matrix divide. You might want to use ./ which will divide the terms element by element. If I do this
l_max = (0.75-h_max.^2) ./ (3*sqrt((h_max/2).^2+(h_max.^2)));
then your code doesn't return any error. But I have no idea if it's the correct solution of your assignment, I'll leave that to you!
In line 5, the result h1 is a vector of two values but the variable itself remains symbolic, from the Symbolic Math Toolbox. MATLAB treats such variables slightly different. For that reason, the line h_max = (h1>0) doesn't really do what you expect. As I think from this point, you are interested in one value h_max, I would convert h1 to a regular MATLAB variable and change your code to the following:
h1 = double(solve( dv ==0)); % converts symbolic to regular vectors
h_max = h1(h1>0); % filters out all negative and zero values
l_max = (0.75-h_max.^2)/(3*sqrt((h_max/2).^2+(h_max.^2)));
V_max = ((h_max.^2)./(2.*l_max));
If you still have error, it means solve( ...) returns more than 1 positive values. In this case, as suggested, use dotted operations, such as ./ but the results in l_max and V_max will not be a single value but vectors of the same size as h_max. Which means you don't have one max Volume.

Octave fminsearch: Problems with minimization and options

I am trying to use Octave's fminsearch function, which I have used in MATLAB before. The function seems not sufficiently documented (for me at least), and I have no idea how to set to options such that it would actually minimize.
I tried fitting a very simple exponential function using the code at the end of this message. I want the following:
I want the function to take as input the x- and y-values, just like MATLAB would do. Furthermore, I want some control over the options, to make sure that it actually minimizes (i.e. to a minimum!).
Of course, in the end I want to fit functions that are more complicated than exponential, but I want to be able to fit exponentials at least.
I have several problems with fminsearch:
I tried handing over the x- and y-value to the function, but a matlab-style thing like this:
[xx,fval]=fminsearch(#exponential,[1000 1],x,y);
[xx,fval]=fminsearch(#exponential,[33000 1],options,x,y)
produces errors:
error: options(6) does not correspond to known algorithm
error: called from:
error: /opt/local/share/octave/packages/optim-1.0.6/fmins.m at line 72, column 16
error: /opt/local/share/octave/packages/optim-1.0.6/fminsearch.m at line 29, column 4
Or, respectively (for the second case above):
error: `x' undefined near line 4 column 3
error: called from:
error: /Users/paul/exponential.m at line 4, column 2
error: /opt/local/share/octave/packages/optim-1.0.6/nmsmax.m at line 63, column 6
error: /opt/local/share/octave/packages/optim-1.0.6/fmins.m at line 77, column 9
error: /opt/local/share/octave/packages/optim-1.0.6/fminsearch.m at line 29, column 4
Apparently, the order of arguments that fminsearch takes is different from the one in MATLAB. So, how is this order??
How can I make fminsearch take values and options?
I found a workaround to the problem that the function would not take values: I defined the x- and y values as global. Not elegant, but at least then the values are available in the function.
Nonetheless, fminsearch does not minimize properly.
This is shown below:
Here is the function:
function f=exponential(coeff)
global x
global y
a= coeff(1);
b= coeff(2);
Y_fun = a .* exp(-X.*b);
DIFF = Y_fun - Y;
Here is the code:
global x
global y
[cc,fval]=fminsearch(#exponential,[5000 0.01])
This is the output:
cc =
4930.0 5184.6
fval = 2.5571e+08
Why does fminsearch not find the solution?
There is an fminsearch implementation in the octave-forge package "optim".
You can see in its implementation file that the third parameter is always an options vector, the fourth is always a grad vector, so your ,x,y invocations will not work.
You can also see in the implementation that it calls an fmins implementation.
The documentation of that fmins implementation states:
if options(6)==0 && options(5)==0 - regular simplex
if options(6)==0 && options(5)==1 - right-angled simplex
Comment: the default is set to "right-angled simplex".
this works better for me on a broad range of problems,
although the default in nmsmax is "regular simplex"
A recent problem of mine would solve fine with matlab's fminsearch, but not with this octave-forge implementation. I had to specify an options vector [0 1e-3 0 0 0 0] to have it use a regular simplex instead of a 'right-angled simplex'. The octave default makes no sense if your coefficients differ vastly in scale.
The optimization function fminsearch will always try to find a minimum, no matter what the options are. So if you are finding it's not finding a minimum, it's because it failed to do so.
From the code you provide, I cannot determine what goes wrong. The solution with the globals should work, and indeed does work over here, so something else on your side must be going awry. (NOTE: I do use MATLAB, not Octave, so those two functions could be slightly different...)
Anyway, why not do it like this?
function f = exponential(coeff)
x = 0:1:200;
y = 4930*exp(-0.0454*x);
a = coeff(1);
b = coeff(2);
Y_fun = a .* exp(-x.*b);
f = sum((Y_fun-y).^2);
Or, if you must pass x and y as external parameters,
x = [0:1:200];
y = 4930*exp(-0.0454*x);
[cc,fval] = fminsearch(#(c)exponential(c,x,y),[5000 0.01])
function f = exponential(coeff,x,y)
a = coeff(1);
b = coeff(2);
Y_fun = a .* exp(-x.*b);
f = sum((Y_fun-y).^2);