database connection through spring boot in PostgreSQL - postgresql

I am connecting spring boot application to PostgreSQL database. I have created the table using "create query tool" of PostgreSQL. It has been put in the default public schema. But when I tried to insert values in table, it does not accept values.
I have used the following command:
Insert into User values(1,"ABC","pass_1");
What is the proper way to insert?


Azure Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL flexibleServers database collations

I tried to create new database with different (than en_US.utf8) collation on Azure Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL flexibleServers. CLI and Bicep gives "Internal Server Error" as a message and from Portal I cannot change the collation select input at all?
Is it really so that flexibleServers allow only en_US.utf8 collation or is there some properties that I am missing?
I tried creating azure database for PostgreSQL in Azure portal and I have not got the option to select the collation. Even when I tried to create new database, I cannot change character set and collation in portal.
Therefore, I tried to create a new database using SQL command in Azure Data Studio.
Connect postgreSQL server in Azure Data Studio. (Refer the MS document on Connect and query PostgreSQL using Azure Data Studio )
Run this query to list the supported collation and encoding.
select * from pg_collation
Once connected, enter the following SQL script to create a new database with one of the supported collations from the above query.
To check the collation of newly created Database, use the following query.
select datname,datcollate from pg_database;

Update to FederatedDatabaseInstance MongoDB from DBeaver

I created a Data Federation Database Instance like below:
I can connect to it from DBeaver, but when I tried to insert/update the data, it cause an error:
How can I update/insert mongodb from DBeaver?

Index are auto deleted after migration

Migrating data from IBM DB2 z/os to Postgresql in AWS RDS , using Attunity replicate.
Following these steps:
Create table DDL
Create Indexes
Migrate data
Create foreign keys
Before migration all Indexes are created in postgresql DB and visible but after MIGRATION all indexes are getting auto deleted and we have to recreate that indexes.
Why it is happening ?? any other suggestion

Create schema dynamically connected to PostgreSql in CakePHP 2.6

For my application I need to create a schema with company name in PostgreSQL database dynamically.
How to execute PostgreSQL query CREATE SCHEMA name in cakephp.

Insert records to Heroku Postgres database using a rails script

I need to update a dababase from an other database... For this I need to search in existing database if the records exists, if not add... One of the database is locally stored in my computer, and the other one is on heroku... But I don't know how to access heroku database from my computer to create the inserts and to query if I have to insert or not...
Any idea how can I do something like this?
You can connect via any DB tool, e.g. Oracle SQL Developer with Postgres JDBC connector, to a Heroku Postgres DB. The parameters are listed in the GUI of for your instance.