How do I set the schema for Azure Mobile App tables? - azure-mobile-services

Currently tables get created in the "dbo" schema, but I would like to set it to something different. Is this possible?

Currently tables get created in the "dbo" schema, but I would like to set it to something different. Is this possible?
For Node.js backend, you could add an app setting name MS_TableSchema with the value as your custom schema. You could log into Azure Portal and choose your app service, then click "All Settings > Application Settings", add the above setting under the App settings section. After created your new table via the Add button under "MOBILE > Easy tables" on Azure Portal, the new schema would be applied. For the existing table with the old schema, you may also need to alter your table with the newer schema. Moreover, you need to make sure your custom schema exists. Details you could follow this similar issue. Also, you could follow the Defining a Table section under TABLE CONTROLLER BASICS, and the Alternative Schema section under LINKING EXISTING TABLES.
For C# backend, you could follow adrian hall's book about Changing the Mobile Schema.


I addded a custom field in mdl_user in SQL, I want to show this custom field in the frontend, in profile edit page

I am using Moodle 3.8, I added a custom field called razon_social, I just want to show it in the profile edit page, in the optional section.
Custom field added in mdl_user
Section where I want to show my custom field
Does anyone know in which file in .php, do I have to call my custom field?
Thank you very much for your time
I want to do this, I have Moodle 3.8
enter image description here
Adding a custom field to the mdl_user table (or any other core table) is a really bad idea. There are all sorts of ways it can conflict with the core code (particularly for tables which Moodle uses with "persistent" classes, but still a problem in other situations).
Thankfully, Moodle already has a build in custom user field system (using the tables mdl_user_info_field and mdl_user_info_data) and fields defined this way automatically appear on the user profile page (unless you mark them as hidden).
It should be fairly easy to write a script that will transfer the data from the mdl_user field you created, into a custom user field. After that, you can drop the extra field you added.

How to access the Check Dialog in pgAdmin 4?

I'm using pgAdmin 4 and have used the ERD tool to create all tables, relationships and constraints so far.
I'm trying to add a check constraint via the dialogs ( but don't seem to be able to.
I'm using the pgerd file to generate the SQL required to generate my tables, which is why I'd like to keep everything in that file.
This question How to Add a Check Constraint in a Table in pgadmin 4? seems to show different options to what I see.
(I don't have the check option with the constraints tab)
Can anyone advise or point me in the right direction?
It appears you are not able to access the check dialog options when using the pgAdmin 4 erd tool
If you are not using the erd tool, you can access the check dialog options tab as stated by kashyap-neeraj in their answer
How to Add a Check Constraint in a Table in pgadmin 4?
(right click the table in the pgAdmin browser (the left column) and select properties)

Portal is empty in Filemaker?

I created a portal and added it to my form and added the fields I wanted to the "Add Fields to Portal" box. What I have in edit mode
However, after going into browse mode, the portal is empty. What I have in browse mode
Image of what I want to have
For a portal to show related data you need a relationship in place between the two tables.
On the Help menu in FileMaker you will find a link to the user guide. There you can find out how to easily set up relationships and other basic things to get you started.
You should have a relationship something like this, between Client and Order, based on the unique Client ID. (note this uses the 'anchor-buoy' method, which I prefer).
Relationship Graph
Then in your Client layout, you set-up the portal using that relationship.
Order portal on Client layout
You will typically do this by creating a relationship between the parent and child table records:
In this example, when a record is created in the child table (contacts), the ForeignKey field has a value equal to the PrimaryKey from the parent record (Companies):

How do you delete CloudKit "Field Names" programatically?

I've been looking around everywhere but all I can find is deleting a Zone though the Field Names stay. The only other way I found was you have to log into the CloudKit dashboard and do it manually. Is this the only way?
Thanks in advance for your help.
You must use the Dashboard to make any changes to your schema. It is not possible to modify the schema programatically.
Making schema changes is something you only need to do during development, and the schema is created on demand, so there's no need for client side API to manage the schema.
You don't need to send every possible field when updating a record, so you can just stop using the field you want to delete and clean it up later in the dashboard.

Facebook campaings structure changes

I'm using bulk import to Power Editor to create campaigns. How can I know, how my excel file should look like, when campaign structure changes ike it is said in these news:
There will be two extra columns "Targeting Level" and "Pricing Level" which determine if those settings live at ad or ad set level. If you don't include these columns, Power Editor will try to do it's best to guess the level correctly, i.e. if you're updating existing ad/ad set, it will keep targeting/pricing where it is; if you're creating new ad/ad set, it will set targeting/pricing at ad set level - if you already have access to the migration.
Good practice is to export the data after your ad account is migrated and use that spreadsheet for upload.