Remove Daemonset pod from a node - kubernetes

I have a running DaemonSet which is running on all nodes. I want to remove it from a node in order to completely drain it, as kubectl drain doesn't get rid of them. Without deleting my DaemonSet, what's a good way to temporarily remove those pods from the node? I've tried draining it and deleting the DaemonSet pods, but the DaemonSet will still reschedule them, disregarding that the node is set as Unschedulable: true.

You need to use --ignore-daemonsets key when you drain kubernetes node:
--ignore-daemonsets=false: Ignore DaemonSet-managed pods.
So, in order to drain kubernetes node with DaemonSets in cluster, you need to execute:
kubectl drain <node_name> --ignore-daemonsets
If you need to Remove DaemonSet pod from a node completely, you can specify a .spec.template.spec.nodeSelector in DaemonSet (the DaemonSet controller will create Pods on nodes which match that node selector) and set that label to all nodes except the one you need to completely drain.


Why do we need PodDisruptionBudget on AKS?

I am going to implement PDB on AKS. Can someone please tell me why do we need it when we can use node autoscaler.
Also, does PDB allow zero unavailability by creating a node when one of the nodes fails?
PDB allows you to set rules before evicting your pods from a node.
Let's say you have a 2 nodes cluster and a deployment with 1 replica and you want to update your nodes.
kubectl drain will cordon node 1 so no pods can be schedule on that node
kubectl drain will remove the pod schedule on node 1
kubelet will then deploy your pod over node 2
Now if you set a PDB with a minAvailable: 50%, that drain command would fail as it would violates the rule.
The pods is killed and then kubelet tries to schedule it somewhere.
PDB allows you to prevent downtime by budgeting pods before evicting them.
Scenario without PDB
You perform node 1 update and node 2 cannot host the evicted pod :
pod is killed on node 1
kubelet cannot schedule pod anywhere
autoscaling provisions a third node
pod is scheduled on that new node
During that whole time your evicted pod was not running anywhere and your application was down.

How to reschedule the pod from node in kubernetes ( baremetal servers )?

Kubernetes nodes are getting unscheduled while i initiate the drain or cordon but the pods which is available on the node are not getting moved to different node immediately ?
i mean, these pods are not created by daemonset.
So, how come, Application running pod can make 100% available when a node getting faulty or with some issues ?
any inputs ?
command used :
To drain / cordon to make the node unavailable:
kubectl drain node1
kubectl cordon node1
To check the node status :
kubectl get nodes
To check the pod status before / after cordon or drain :
kubectl get pods -o wide
kubectl describe pod <pod-name>
Surprising part is , even node is unavailable, the pod status showing always running. :-)
Pods by itself doesn't migrate to another node.
You can use workload resources to create and manage multiple Pods for you. A controller for the resource handles replication and rollout and automatic healing in case of Pod failure. For example, if a Node fails, a controller notices that Pods on that Node have stopped working and creates a replacement Pod. The scheduler places the replacement Pod onto a healthy Node.
Some examples of controllers are:
Check this link to more information.

Kubernetes StatefulSets - run pod on every worker node

What is the easiest way to run a single Pod on every available worker node as part of the StatefulSet. So, a one to one mapping.
Am I right to say every Pod will run on a different Node by default with a StatefulSet? In which case is it sufficient to add x pods to the SS where x Worker nodes exist in the cluster?
Use DaemonSet instead.
A DaemonSet ensures that all (or some) Nodes run a copy of a Pod. As nodes are added to the cluster, Pods are added to them. As nodes are removed from the cluster, those Pods are garbage collected. Deleting a DaemonSet will clean up the Pods it created.
If you really want to use statefulSet, you can take a look at features like nodeSelector or Affinity and Anti-affinity.

Does kubectl drain remove pod first or create pod first

Kubernetes version 1.12.3. Does kubectl drain remove pod first or create pod first.
You can use kubectl drain to safely evict all of your pods from a node before you perform maintenance on the node (e.g. kernel upgrade, hardware maintenance, etc.)
When kubectl drain return successfuly it means it has removed all the pods successfully from that node and it is safe to bring that node down(physically shut off, or start maintainence)
Now if you turn on the machine and want to schedule pods again on that node you need to run:
kubectl uncordon <node name>
So, kubectl drain removes pods from the node and don't schedule any pods on that until you uncordon that node
kubectl drain will ignore certain system pods on the node that cannot be killed.
The given node will be marked unscheduled to prevent new pods from arriving.
When you are ready to put the node back into service, use kubectl uncordon, which will make the node schedulable again.
For for details use command:
kubectl drain --help
With this I hope you will get information which you are looking.

Kubernetes: How to gracefully delete pods in daemonset?

If there is an update in the docker image, rolling update strategy will update all the pods one by one in a daemonset, similarly is it possible to restart the pods gracefully without any changes the daemonset config or can it be triggered explicitly?
Currently, I am doing it manually by
kubectl delete pod <pod-name>
One by one until each pod gets into running state.
You could try and use Node maintenance operations:
Use kubectl drain to gracefully terminate all pods on the node while marking the node as unschedulable (with --ignore-daemonsets, from Konstantin Vustin's comment):
kubectl drain $NODENAME --ignore-daemonsets
This keeps new pods from landing on the node while you are trying to get them off.
Make the node schedulable again:
kubectl uncordon $NODENAME
To trigger restart of all pods managed by deamonset in namespace [namespace_name]:
kubectl rollout restart de -n [namespace_name]