Is there a way to set the find options in Xcode9 via keyboard? - find

If you want to search for something in Xcode9, ⌘F opens the find bar, ⇧⌘F opens Find in Project in the Navigator.
However, I often want to switch between contains, matches and regex, but the dropdowns (see image) to set this are not reachable via keyboard, only mouse.
For Xcode7, there seemed to be a way (see here), but this doesn't work any more.
Does anyone know how to set these options via keyboard in Xcode9?

In macOS System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts, you have to set Full Keyboard Access to All Controls.
After that you can Tab to all the options.
This has worked for Find in Project (⇧⌘F) since Xcode 9.0. For the "normal" find (⌘F) it was buggy util apple fixed it in Xcode 9.3.
Resolved Issues
The source editor find and replace control now
supports Full Keyboard Access. (33666790)


How to enable again the tooltip/hint in VSC?

My VSC shows the wavy underlines when something's wrong with my code, but does not display the hint overlay when I hover my mouse on it.
This happens whatever the language used (from CSS to Typescript) and whatever the type of irregularity (e.g. notice, warn, danger)
I'd say that's a setting I may have changed at some point, but can't find which one. Any idea?
More details:
I do have the message displayed in the Problems tab besides to the Terminal, but it forces me to switch from tab to tab ;
I do have other overlays like autocomplete/autosuggest ;
No extensions in my setup could have led to that situation (only a few installed, widely downloaded, nothing fancy or dodgy).
Actual behavior (nothing happens):
Expected behavior (from google images)
Go to File > Preferences > Settings.
Search for 'hover.enabled' (See below photo).
Toggle it.
If your editor still does not pick up the change, close all tabs, close all VSCode windows, and reopen it.
If it's still not working, try uninstalling VSCode and reinstalling it (make sure you don't have setting sync on).
Also, this question has been answered in at least one other place (Disable tooltip hint in Visual Studio Code)

How to turn on snippet preview in adjacent window using vscode?

Can't find a setting to show description on the right side. Default user settings on MacOS.
toggleSuggestionDetails command gives details (if you won't hide it, details will appear every time). Default keybinding for this command on Mac is ctrl+space, which prevents to expand a widget (cause language changing uses the same keybinding). I just chose other keys to show more without changing user settings (but added "editor.suggest.showStatusBar": true since it seemed useful to me).

iOS 6: Turn off keyboard shortcuts

Is there is any way to turn off keyboard shortcuts in iOS 6 for particular textfield/textview?
I want to turn off keyboard shortcut for my app only and not from 'Settings app' of iOS.
I started writing my own text editor to achieve it.
You could try turning off autocorrection for your text field or text view with its autocorrectionType property—if the shortcut functionality is included in that (which seems likely), then it should get disabled as well. I’m pretty sure there’s no way to control the shortcut system itself; you might consider filing an enhancement request for it.
There is no standard way to turn off keyboard shortcuts on application level (For non jailbroken iOS).
To achieve this I stated with implementation of custom TextView with Core Text and UITextInput protocol.
Add #property for keyBoardShortCuts,
Override "tokenizer" getter method by following way to turn off shortcuts.
- (id <UITextInputTokenizer>)tokenizer {
return _tokenizer;
return nil;
If we remove tokenizer, there is be no keyboard shortcuts in custom view, even though shortcut are turned on from iOS setting.
Note: Take care of one thing, as we are not depending on tokenizer, now, in this case, use enumerateSubstringsInRange:range options:NSStringEnumerationByWords/Lines block to find out selection range for word or line.
To try this add above code in EGOTextView project to turn off default shortcuts.
From what I know, if you iphone is not jailbroken then you cannot turn it off for particular apps. It is more like a "master setting" that if changed, change applies to everything within iOS.
If it jailbroken, i know there are utility apps you can download that allow you to tweak the OS in that fashion...
Settings > General > Shortcuts. There are ready-made ones and any that you may have set up. They apply across all your iOS devices including your desktop Mac.

Eclipse, Git - Keyboard Shortcut, How to use?

What keyboard shortcut is commit bound to here (see image below)? (alternatively, how do I enter a # without using shift?).
I know how to update shortcuts in eclipse, but it is already bound to this default, and I'd prefer to just use that. :)
The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+# only works for me after activating command group in Window > Customize Perspective > Command Groups Availability > Git
Sometimes what happens is that the shortcut it s not binded to a key.
So to bind the shortcut with a key you have to go (as #Janning and #Nateowami said):Window > Customize Perspective > Tool Bar Visibility > Git
After that if you select Git in Available command groups go to the Toolbar details (as in picture):
There you have to select key bindings and complete the binding:
That should put a bind to your shortcut. Otherway is just searching on Windows > Preferences
Buy another keyboard with a different keyboard layout than your current one (or just switch your keyboard layout in the OS).
Judging from your profile, you might be using a Canadian Multilangual Standard keyboard. The egit developers are probably used to the standard English or German layouts (looking at the core committers), where # can be accessed without Shift.
I recommend using the Staging View for committing, it's much more convenient. Find it using Ctrl+3 (or Command+3 on OS X) and typing "Staging View". Also see the user guide.
In EGit 2.1, it's now also possible to commit in the Staging view when you are finished writing the commit message, using Ctrl+Enter (or Command+Enter on OS X). (That was implemented in bug 382936.)
Thanks to the poke from #Evan commenting on the question.
In Juno, ctrl+shift+3 (ie. you are doing literally ctrl+#) does NOT work.
(which, is why this was opened, since the obvious combination didn't seem to do the trick.).
I have tested now in Kepler and Luna, and the shortcut does work.
So, I am considering this closed.

Is it possible to work in Eclipse with keyboard only?

as most of us surely do every now and then, I try to improve my workflow. As Eclipse is my main IDE, I wondered if it may be possible to use it without mouse. I browsed the available shortcuts and tried to use them instead of my mouse. I found interesting features like Ctrl+3 which opens something like the Apple spotlight.
I know there are a lot of questions concerning favorite shortcuts etc. but I'd like to know if it works because at the moment it feels a bit squishy 100% without mouse.
So is anyone out there using Eclipse like that? And are there some hints to ease the change?
Yes, it is possible. For a start, check out 10 Eclipse navigation shortcuts every java programmer should know. When you use these 10 shortcuts and some of the shortcuts of the comments, you will already see a big performance boost.
The "open type" and "open resource" dialogs are CamelCase-sensitive, so when typing "NPE" in the open type dialog, I get two matching items NoPermissionException and NullPointerException. So using good names with consistent spelling is a must.
Ctrl+F11 starts a program, F11 debugs it. Note howewer to check if in Window-Preferences-Run/Debug-Launching the value of "Launch Operation" is set to your needs.
You may want to customize the search dialog (Ctrl+h) to only show the file search (default is to context sensitively present you with different search tabs).
Ctrl+n allows you to create something new (opens a wizard with an initial filter text to filter the possible next pages).
I'm a blind programmer who uses eclipse. While there are plenty of shortcuts I find people often overlook using menus from the keyboard. If there's a function you use a lot that doesn't appear to be supported with keyboard shortcuts you can either create a shortcut to it in prefferences or use keyboard shortcuts such as alt+f to access the file menu and a one letter combination that allows you to access the item. For example hit alt+f then a to access the save as dialog. The underlined letter is the one you want to hit once in the menu.
There are a couple of things you can do to improve your keyboard:mouse usage ratio with Eclipse.
First off, if you push Ctrl-Shift-L, it shows you a master list of all the shortcuts you can use. If you know what you want to do, this is usually a quicker way of doing it without having to dig through menus, and as a bonus, you will learn some shortcuts you didn't know before.
The other thing you can try is a plugin called MouseFeed which looks promising. It tells you the shortcut for any menu item you use and if there isn't one, reminds you to create one. It essentially acts as training wheels until you become as close to 100% keyboard use as possible. I'm not sure how well it works in 3.4, but you can give it a shot.
Hope that helps.
Here you get an Eclipse Shortcut Overview PDF file of all key bindings. This file you can print and put beside your keyboard if you wish.