I planning to use loopback for my back end. Is it possible to have three way data binding feature in loopback(like firebase).
Unless I'm mistaken, Loopback doesn't provide that out of the box, so the simple answer is no.
However, you could accomplish a similar outcome using websockets or a real-time network like pubnub or pusher for example. Here's a walkthrough with angular for three-way data binding from pubnub as a reference.
Could you suggest a portable library for creating realtime bi-directional sockets that do not rely on the HTTP/S or any other plain text protocol? I'd like to send data up and down in the smallest chunks possible.
The protocol must support TLS
Everything to do with WebSockets is off the list.
Though portable, I'm specifically looking for something that will work in Python and Java (Android)
If you google RTP you might find some interesting resources. Among other things, this is what ip-telephony likes to use.
I am eager to know the working flow of the XMPP, SIP and Web RTC.
I have researched a lot about this, but frankly saying couldn't get a proper idea of their working flow.
I want to know which one is best and why? Are they all using the same kind of architecture or workflow?
Please help me to get the clear picture of it.
On a humble note you are trying to cover many oceans in one stroke. I would like to help in simplest possible manner :
XMPP, SIP and webRTC are all related to IP telephony and communications world. Communication world is majorly categorized in two parts : 1.Signaling 2.Media
XMPP and SIP are categorized as signaling protocols ie the type of protocols which controls and govern media related features while webRTC is one type of media protocol which actually exchanges communication data securely,adaptively and seamlessly based on the parameters exchanged during any signaling protocol.
Depending upon the features like simple call,call forwarding,call hold, SIP trunking etc call flow differs but in general difference remain the same. For more details kindly refer the RFCs of all three protocols.
Is SignalR the same thing is Reactive Extensions? Can you explain why or why not?
No, they are absolutely not the same thing.
Reactive Extensions is a library for creating and composing observable streams of data or events (which are actually quite similar). It basically knows nothing about client-server connections or other things. It is focused solely on Observables and is capable of wrapping any collection, stream, event, async method, etc. into the common Observable interface.
SignalR is a toolkit for creating persistent (i.e. alive) duplex connections between client and server. It works over HTTP and its purpose is wrapping 3 low-level techniques: long-polling, server-side events and web sockets into a high-level API for comfortable development. So, it's focused on the communication.
So, the components themselves are quite independent from each other, and they have completely different concerns.
On the other hand, these 2 great libraries are complementary to each other: one might use SignalR to push events from server to clients and then wrap the server-side events into RX's Observables to create complex reactive user experiences.
Rx is like LINQ, it helps you specify 'what happens', it doesn't get into the details of 'how'. SignalR is a library to implement the 'how' for real-time network communication – Paul Betts
The difference between 'LINQ to Objects' and RX is that in 'LINQ to Objects' you pull next items from an enumerable thing, while in RX they are pushed to you from an observable thing.
I was wondering if it is possible to have a RESTful web service and a bidirectional communication with the clients and server.
In my case the state on the server can change, so the server should send a message to the clients to update themself. Perhaps that's totally against the RESTful idea.
Can I AJAX help me with this issue?
Not really possible under the standard http paradigm, but check out Comet for a possible workaround on that problem and there is alway polling.
The functionality you are after is treated by the concept of web sockets, but they are not mainstream yet.
To keep your solution RESTful you can have the clients poll your service. You can optimize any number of ways, like implementing a special method that lets clients query for changes given a timestamp, then the client just keeps track of when it last checked.
You should take a look at BOSH. BOSH is similar to Comet, but more specific, and I think, there are more reliable implementations.
Though, you will have problems serving multiple users at the same time if you want to use a standard REST service. You should think of some other implementation using nonblocking IO.
There are probably more questions about bosh. Of course, there are websockets now too, but if you need to serve old Browsers, you cannot rely on them.
I'm looking for a server side component, preferably java, that will allow me to subscribe to pubsubhubbub feeds through javascript. I understand that subscribers are server side applications in the standard rest/pubsubhubbub format, but Google seems to have created a ajax bridge that looks quite handy.
Unfortunately, I'm dealing with data that simply cannot leave our servers, let alone go through Google's.
Is anyone aware of a (preferably free) server side proxy for pseudo javascript pubsubhubbub subscribers?
Reference: http://code.google.com/apis/feed/push/docs/index.html#hiworld
I know for a fact that Kwwika and Pusherapp are working on this. I can intro you with these guys if you want.
If not, I believe this should be relatively easy to build with stuff like Node.JS for example. This code on Github should be a good first start. Things like this have been built with it.
We (superfeedr) are trying to get more people building similar things...
I'm looking for a server side
component, preferably java, that will
allow me to subscribe to pubsubhubbub
feeds through javascript
There is a java implementation]1 of the subscribe part available. But the hub-part hasn't yet been implemented in java which is needed to subscribe to the feed which should be private. For the javascript(jquery) part I would just use simple long-polling.
Is anyone aware of a (preferably free)
server side proxy for pseudo
javascript pubsubhubbub subscribers?
I don't think a free solution like that exists (yet). Even google's push API isn't open yet.
Unfortunately, I'm dealing with data
that simply cannot leave our servers,
let alone go through Google's.
There isn't yet an implementation of the HUB-part of the pubsubhubbub protoccol. But if it is internally I also don't think you need this kind of fan-out the hub(specification) is offering(broadcast to other servers).
I think you could just use A comet framework like Atmosphere to suspend connection and broadcast feed diff. I think this can be written quick with the Atmosphere framework(1 day you will have a working prototype).
You can see an example using a combination of Superfeedr and Kwwika within a web application that lets you subscribe to any RSS feed or track keywords within RSS feeds here:
And you can get the source code in GitHub here: