Ionic Native - InAppPurchase2 - When calling store.when().approved() it runs the callback before the confirmation is complete - ionic-framework

I'm setting up in app purchases in my Ionic app and I've been having some trouble getting the test purchases working correctly. It would seem that as soon as I execute this particular function, it automatically runs the code as if it was approved, even though the confirmation to get the subscription hasn't occurred yet:
this.platform.ready().then(() => {
// Register the products for consumption
this.products.forEach(product => {{
alias: product.alias,
type: product.type
// When a purchase is approved, see what we get here => {
// Purchase was successful, setup the appropriate subscription
this._subscriptions.updateSubscription(, this.selectedPlan.amount, 'activate').then(() => {
if(this.selectedPlan.amount === 1) {
this.subscriptionGrammar = 'month';
} else if(this.selectedPlan.amount > 1) {
this.subscriptionGrammar = 'months';
I was under the impression that utilizing the .when().approved() would only fire once the payment "goes through". Since I'm using test transactions, I'm not sure how that would affect it, but I would suspect it should only do that once I hit "Confirm" on the Google dialog that pops up in my app?
Is there something I'm missing here?


Braintree Google Pay sandbox opens live domain

I'm trying to integrate Google Pay at my page, as expected doing that first at Sandbox environment but I face a problem that when I click the Google Pay button it opens the live domain and asks me to enter a real card, although I setup up all related to Sandbox environment.
Here is the code following BT documentation.
var createGooglePaymentComponent = function(clientInstance){
var button = document.querySelector('#google-pay-button');
var paymentsClient = new google.payments.api.PaymentsClient({
environment: 'TEST' // Or 'PRODUCTION'
client: clientInstance,
googlePayVersion: 2,
}, function (googlePaymentErr, googlePaymentInstance) {
apiVersion: 2,
apiVersionMinor: 0,
allowedPaymentMethods: googlePaymentInstance.createPaymentDataRequest().allowedPaymentMethods,
}).then(function(response) {
if (response.result) {
button.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
var paymentDataRequest = googlePaymentInstance.createPaymentDataRequest({
transactionInfo: {
currencyCode: 'USD',
totalPriceStatus: 'FINAL',
totalPrice: '100.00',
var cardPaymentMethod = paymentDataRequest.allowedPaymentMethods[0];
cardPaymentMethod.parameters.billingAddressRequired = true;
paymentsClient.loadPaymentData(paymentDataRequest).then(function(paymentData) {
googlePaymentInstance.parseResponse(paymentData, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
// Handle parsing error
// Send result.nonce to your server
}).catch(function (err) {
}).catch(function (err) {
Here is a screenshot of what I get:
Any idea why does that happen?
Using Google Pay in the TEST environment will return a TEST payment credential which won't actually charge the payment method that you provide. It's understandable that you don't want to be using real payment details.
If you want to be able to choose from a list of predefined test cards, follow the instructions here:
In short, you will need to join the googlepay-test-mode-stub-data Google Group which will then display a list of test accounts when accessing the Google Pay payment sheet with that user.

How to close Camera using phonegap-barcode-scanner plugin within service IONIC

I am using phonegap-barcodescanner-plugin to read qr while a service is reading instant payments on background.
I am detecting a new instant payment in the service and launching an event subscribed in the page where the barcodeScanner is launched
event.subscribe('instant-payment', (val) => {
console.log("Hi--------------", val)
the event is correctly fired and the log is ok but I'm trying to do a navCtrl.pop() and the Activity is never closed, I thought was going to work same way like cancelling scanner
scan() {
this.barcodeScanner.scan(this.options).then(barcodeData => {
if (barcodeData.cancelled == true) {
} else {
}).catch(err => {
console.log('Error', err);
Is there anyway to force close barcodeScanner and go back to the last "IonicPage".
Thanks for any help.

How to test payments in Facebook Instant Game?

I cannot seem to make a test dialog appear. When I call payments.purchaseAync, I am always presented with a real Checkout dialog as opposed to a test dialog.
I've already added the test user to the Testers. Am I missing anything? Or is this feature not supported yet at this time?
Temporary code I'm using:
let supportedAPIs:any = FBInstant.getSupportedAPIs();
console.log('payments supported...');
FBInstant.payments.onReady(() => {
console.log('payments ready...');
productID: 'test_product',
developerPayload: 'foobar',
}).then(function (purchase) {
console.log('payments not supported...');

Ionic FCM push notifications observable does not emit

I am doing the following in an ionic application:
When a user is logged in, subscribe to their user ID topic
When a push notification arrives, console.log something.
this.authState.subscribe((state) => {
if (state) {
this.fcmPush.onNotification().subscribe(notification => {
if (notification.wasTapped) {
console.log('Received in background', notification);
} else {
console.log('Received in foreground', notification);
Sending a notification to my own topic arrives (after a few minutes), but I never see anything in console, both from outside the app, and inside the app.
What am I doing wrong?
Sending a notification from firebase messaging does not work.
However, using the sdk I must add:
click_action: "FCM_PLUGIN_ACTIVITY",
Which is in the usage guide but I missed

On subscription run a "callback" function once

I'm working with cordova's BLE (bluetooth low energy)
After I subscribe to notifications of BLE (which returns Observable), I want to send some message to the ble device, what is the best way to perform this, basically I need to run a function once after the subscription is made so that once device responds back to me, the code in the subscription is run.
ble.startNotification(deviceId, uuid1, uuid2).subscribe(bufferData=> {
//do something with bufferData
now after this, I want to run something like a callback,
.then(()=> {
//send message to device (only once), after the message is sent, the device will respond back and the `do something with bufferData` code will be run
I could easily do a setTimeout and send a message to the device after few seconds, and of course it works, but I want to do it cleanly, after I'm sure the subscription happened (subscription to the Observable of course)
You can wrap existing method using create operator and add custom code that will be executed on every new subscription.
See the example:
// emulate cordova with "dummy" bluetooth interface
const BLE = {
startNotification: () => Rx.Observable.interval(1000)
const wrappedBLE = (...params) =>
Rx.Observable.create(observer => {
// constructor fn will be executed on every new subscribtion
const disposable = BLE.startNotification(...params).subscribe(observer);
// place code to send notification here, instead of console log
console.log('New subscriber for BLE with params: ', params);
return disposable;
wrappedBLE("param1", "param2", "param3")
.subscribe(e => console.log("received notification: ", e));
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