Postgresql: query on jsonb column - index doesn't make it quicker - postgresql

There is a table in Postgresql 9.6, query on jsonb column is slow compared to a relational table, and adding a GIN index on it doesn't make it quicker.
-- create table
create table dummy_jsonb (
id serial8,
data jsonb,
primary key (id)
-- create index
CREATE INDEX dummy_jsonb_data_index ON dummy_jsonb USING gin (data);
-- CREATE INDEX dummy_jsonb_data_index ON dummy_jsonb USING gin (data jsonb_path_ops);
Generate data:
-- generate data,
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dummy_jsonb_gen_data(n integer) RETURNS integer AS $$
i integer:=1;
name varchar;
create_at varchar;
json_str varchar;
name:='dummy_' || i::text;
create_at:=EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM date_trunc('milliseconds', now())) * 1000;
"name": "' || name || '",
"size": ' || i || ',
"create_at": ' || create_at || '
insert into dummy_jsonb(data) values
i:= i + 1;
return n;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-- call function,
select dummy_jsonb_gen_data(1000000);
-- drop function,
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS dummy_jsonb_gen_data(integer);
select * from dummy_jsonb
where data->>'name' like 'dummy_%' and data->>'size' >= '500000'
order by data->>'size' desc
offset 50000 limit 10;
Test result:
The query takes 1.8 seconds on a slow vm.
Adding or removing the index, don't make a difference.
Changing to index gin with jsonb_path_ops, also don't make a difference.
Is it possible to make the query quicker, either improve index or sql?
If not, the does it means, within pg a relational table is more proper in this case?
And, in my test, mongodb performs better, does that means mongodb is more proper for such storage & query?

Quote from the manual
The default GIN operator class for jsonb supports queries with top-level key-exists operators ?, ?& and ?| operators and path/value-exists operator #> [...] The non-default GIN operator class jsonb_path_ops supports indexing the #> operator only.
Your query uses LIKE and string comparison with > (which is probably not correct to begin with), neither of those are supported by a GIN index.
But even an index on (data ->> 'name') wouldn't be used for the condition data->>'name' like 'dummy_%' as that is true for all rows because every name starts with dummy.
You can create a regular btree index on the name:
CREATE INDEX ON dummy_jsonb ( (data ->> 'name') varchar_pattern_ops);
Which will be used if the condition is restrictive enough, e.g.:
where data->>'name' like 'dummy_9549%'
If you need to query for the size, you can create an index on ((data ->> 'size')::int) and then use something like this:
where (data->>'size')::int >= 500000
However your use of limit and offset will always force the database to read all rows, sort them and the limit the result. This is never going to be very fast. You might want to read this article for more information why limit/offset is not very efficient.
JSON is a nice addition to the relational world, but only if you use it appropriately. If you don't need dynamic attributes for a row, then use standard columns and data types. Even though JSON support is Postgres is extremely good, this doesn't mean one should use it for everything, just because it's the current hype. Postgres is still a relational database and should be used as such.
Unrelated, but: your function to generate the test data can be simplified to a single SQL statement. You might not have been aware of the generate_series() function for things like that:
insert into dummy_jsonb(data)
select jsonb_build_object('name', 'dummy_'||i,
'size', i::text,
'created_at', (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM date_trunc('milliseconds', clock_timestamp())) * 1000)::text)
from generate_series(1,1000000) as t(i);

While a btree index (the standard PostgreSQL index based on binary trees) is able to optimize ordering-based queries like >= '500000', the gin index, using an inverted index structure, is meant to quickly find data containing specific elements (it is quite used e.g. for text search to find rows containing given words), so (AFAIK) it can't be used for the query you provide.
PostgreSQL docs on jsonb indexing indicates on which WHERE conditions the index may be applied. As pointed out there, you can create a btree index on specific elements in a jsonb column: indexes on the specific elements referenced in the WHERE clause should work for the query you indicate.
Also, as commented above, think whether you actually need JSON for your use case.


ILIKE query with indexing for jsonb array data in postgres

I have table in which has city as jsonb column which has json array like below
now I want to query table on "name" column with ILIKE query.
I have tried with below but it is not working for me
select * from data where city->>'name' ILIKE '%man%'
while i know, I can search with exact match by below query
select * from data where city->>'name' #> 'manchester'
Also I know we can jsonb functions to make it flat data and search but it will not use than indexing.
is there anyway to search data with ilike in a way it also use indexing?
Index support will be difficult; for that, a schema that adheres to the first normal form would be beneficial.
Other than that, you can use the JSONPATH language from v12 on:
WITH t(c) AS (
SELECT '[{"name":"manchester"},{"name":"liverpool"}]'::jsonb
SELECT jsonb_path_exists(
'$.**.name ? (# like_regex "man" flag "i")'::jsonpath
(1 row)
You should really store your data differently.
You can do the ilike query "naturally" but without index support, like this:
select * from data where exists (select 1 from jsonb_array_elements(city) f(x) where x->>'name' ILIKE '%man%');
You can get index support like this:
create index on data using gin ((city::text) gin_trgm_ops);
select * from data where city::text ilike '%man%';
But it will find matches within the text of the keys, as well as the values, and using irrelevant keys/values of any are present. You could get around this by creating a function that returns just the values, all banged together into one string, and then use a functional index. But the index will get less effective as the length of the string gets longer, as there will be more false positives that need to be tracked down and weeded out.
create or replace function concat_val(jsonb, text) returns text immutable language sql as $$
select string_agg(x->>$2,' ') from jsonb_array_elements($1) f(x)
$$ parallel safe;
create index on data using gin (concat_val(city,'name') gin_trgm_ops);
select * from data where concat_val(city,'name') ilike '%man%';
You should really store your data differently.

PostgreSQL index for comparison of JSONB values

We're experimenting with JSONB on PostgreSQL 12/13 to see whether it's better alternative for customizable extension attributes than a bunch of extension tables (EAV, I guess) and so far I'm impressed by the results, although using GIN indexes is more tricky than it seems at first.
Experimental table is simple enough:
create TABLE jtest (
text text,
ext jsonb
CREATE INDEX jtest_ext_gin_idx ON jtest USING gin (ext);
I'm inserting some various data with (a bigger version of) this monstrous block (quoted only for db-fiddle):
FOR r IN 1..100000 LOOP
IF r % 10 <= 3 THEN
-- some entries have no extension
INSERT INTO jtest (text, ext) VALUES (''json-'' || LPAD(r::text, 10, ''0''), NULL);
ELSEIF r % 10 = 7 THEN
-- let''s add some numbers and wannabe "dates"
INSERT INTO jtest (text, ext)
VALUES (''json-'' || LPAD(r::text, 10, ''0''), (''{'' ||
''"hired": "'' || current_date - width_bucket(random(), 0, 1, 1000) || ''",'' ||
''"rating": '' || width_bucket(random(), 0, 1, 10) || ''}'')::jsonb);
INSERT INTO jtest (text, ext)
VALUES (''json-'' || LPAD(r::text, 10, ''0''), (''{"email": "user'' || r || ''", "other-key-'' || r || ''": "other-value-'' || r || ''"}'')::jsonb);
Various exact value match operations are easy an GIN works very well for these. But we also need < and LIKE, but let's just focus on comparison for now.
The example query is:
select * from jtest
where ext->>'hired' >= '2020-06-01' -- not using function index on its own
But if I add semantically useless AND the index kicks in:
select * from jtest
where ext->>'hired' >= '2020-06-01'
and ext?'hired';
Here is a fiddle example.
Question #1: I have no problem to implement a query interpreter in our application to make it work, but is it expected behavior? Can't PG figure out that when >= is used the left side is indeed not null?
I also experimented with functional index on (ext->>'hired') - fiddle here:
CREATE INDEX jtest_ext_hired1_idx ON jtest ((ext->>'hired'));
CREATE INDEX jtest_ext_hired2_idx ON jtest ((ext->>'hired')) WHERE ext ? 'hired';
The second index is MUCH smaller than the first and I'm not sure what the first one is good.
Question #2: When I execute the query with ext->>'hired' >= '2020-06-01' it uses the first one in the fiddle - but not in my tests with 15M of rows (only 18k of them returned). So that's the first confusion - my internal tests I don't want to recreate on fiddle (it would execute for far too long) should be more specific - yet use sequential scan for whatever reason. Why does it use sequential scan on much bigger table?
Answer #2: After running ANALYZE it did and it became fast. As this is not the most important question I answer it directly here.
Finally, not a question, with additional AND ext ? 'hired' it uses jtest_ext_hired2_idx index just fine (both in the fiddle and in my much bigger table).
Question #3: Rather generic, is this even the right approach? If I expect using comparison and LIKE operations on values from JSONB, can I just cover it with additional functional indexes? It's still seems more flexible for our case than adding custom columns or joining extension tables, but can't it bite us in the future?
As documented in the manual GIN index only supports the operators: ?, ?&, ?|, #>, #?, ##. So by adding the (seemingly useless) ext?'hired' condition you enable the optimizer to use the GIN index (not the functional index).
To index the hire date, I would create a function that extracts the value as a proper date. You can't do that with a cast in the index expression as the cast is not immutable. But as we know that a cast from a yyyy-mm-dd is indeed immutable, there is nothing wrong with creating a function that is marked immutable.
create function hire_date(p_input jsonb)
returns date
select (p_input ->> 'hired')::date;
language sql
Then you can use:
CREATE INDEX jtest_ext_hired1_idx ON jtest ( (hire_date(ext)) );
And that index is used directly when the function is used in the where clause:
select *
from jtest
where hire_date(ext) >= '2020-06-01';
Of course that will fail if key 'hire_date' doesn't actually contain a proper DATE value (but it will fail during insert already as the index can't be updated).
Indexing LIKE expressions is in general tricky, but if you only have left anchored search strings (like 'foo%') a regular b-tree index can be used:
create index jtest_email on jtest ( (ext ->> 'email') varchar_pattern_ops);
To index a LIKE expression with a right anchored search string ( like '%foo%') you would need a trigram index.

What PostgreSQL type is good for stroring array of strings and offering fast lookup afterwards

I am using PostgreSQL 11.9
I have a table containing a jsonb column with arbitrary number of key-values. There is a requirement when we perform a search to include all values from this column as well. Searching in jsonb is quite slow so my plan is to create a trigger which will extract all the values from the jsonb column:
select t.* from app.t1, jsonb_each(column_jsonb) as t(k,v)
with something like this. And then insert the values in a newly created column in the same table so I can use this column for faster searches.
My question is what type would be most suitable for storing the keys and then searchin within them. Currently the search looks like this:
WHEN something IS NOT NULL
THEN EXISTS(SELECT value FROM jsonb_each(column_jsonb) WHERE value::text ILIKE search_term)
where the search_term is what the user entered from the front end.
This is not going to be pretty, and normalizing the data model would be better.
You can define a function
CREATE FUNCTION jsonb_values_to_string(
j jsonb,
separator text DEFAULT ','
AS 'SELECT string_agg(value->>0, $2) FROM jsonb_each($1)';
Then you can query like
WHERE jsonb_values_to_string(column_jsonb, '|') ILIKE 'search_term'
and you can define a trigram index on the left hand side expression to speed it up.
Make sure that you choose a separator that does not occur in the data or the pattern...

Indexing on jsonb keys in postgresql

I'm using PostgreSQL.
Is there any way to create index just on dictionary keys, not values.
For example imagine a jsonb column like:
select data from tablename where id = 0;
answer: {1:'v1', 2:'v2'}
I want to index on the key set (or key list) which is [1, 2]. To speed up queries like:
select count(*) from tablename where data ? '2';
As you can see in docs, there is a way for indexing the column entirely (keys + values):
CREATE INDEX idxgin ON api USING GIN (jdoc);
This is not good for me, considering that I store a large amount of data in values.
I tried this before:
CREATE INDEX test ON tablename (jsonb_object_keys(data));
The error was:
ERROR: set-returning functions are not allowed in index expressions
Also, I don't want to store keys in the dictionary as a value.
Can you help me?
Your example doesn't make much sense, as your WHERE clause isn't specifying a JSON operation, and your example output is not valid JSON syntax.
You can hide the set-returning function (and the aggregate) into an IMMUTABLE function:
create function object_keys(jsonb) returns text[] language SQL immutable as $$
select array_agg(jsonb_object_keys) from jsonb_object_keys($1)
create index on tablename using gin ( object_keys(data));
If you did it this way, you could then query it formulated like this:
select * from tablename where object_keys(data) #> ARRAY['2'];
You could instead make the function return a JSONB containing an array rather than returning a PostgreSQL text array, if you would rather query it that way:
select * from tablename where object_keys_jsonb(data) #> '"2"';
You can't use a ? formulation, because in JSONB that is specifically for objects not arrays. If you really wanted to use ?, you could instead write a function which keeps the object as an object, but converts all the values to JSON null or to empty string, so they take up less space.

Postgres: Can I create an index to use in the SELECT clause?

I have defined a function that determines the timezone from table tz_world for a set of lon, lat values:
create function get_timezone(numeric, numeric)
returns character varying(30) as $$
select tzid from tz_world where ST_Contains(geom, ST_MakePoint($1, $2));
$$ language SQL immutable;
Now I would like to use this function in the SELECT clause of a query on a different table:
select get_timezone(lon, lat) from event where...;
The function is rather slow, so I tried using an index to speed things up:
create index event_timezone_idx on event (get_timezone(event.lon,;
While this speeds up queries where the function is used in the WHERE clause, it has no effect on the variant above where get_timezone(lon, lat) is used in the SELECT clause.
Is it possible to rephrase the query and/or index to speed up the timezone determination?
Thank you for the answers!! I decided to include an extra column for the timezone in the end and populate it when creating/updating the events.
I would recommend you create a local temporary table of the part of the select where you want to create the index on and then create an index on the temporary one:
CREATE INDEX temp_table idx
ON temp_table
USING btree
Otherwise write what you want your WHERE condition to be, indexes only work on WHERE clauses and values for the index should be exactly the ones you are trying to filter on.