Facebook Graph API not return email and id properly (06/01/2018) - facebook

i'm using graph api FB.init with
cookie : true, xfbml : true, version : 'v2.11'
FB.api("/me/taggable_friends?fields=id,name,email&limit=100", function(response){
if(response && !response.error){
But the outpus just like this:
why id and email did not show up properly
Please help me.

taggable_friends is for tagging only, so you just get the name and a tagging token. You can only get the email of a user if that user authorized your App. You cannot get the email of friends if they did not authorize your App.
The API call: /me/friends?fields=id,name,email
Again, this only returns emails of friends who authorized your App with the email permission. There is no other way to get emails, you would not even be allowed to store the emails without the permission of each single user anyway.


Facebook Graph /me missing email

We have issues with our web app and Facebook.
I'm doing the Login with scope email
FB.login(function(response) {
// my code
}, {scope: 'email', auth_type: 'rerequest', return_scopes: true});
I got the popup asking permission for the email, and other fields
I accept it, but then after getting the access_token, I call
The email field is not in the response
What I don't understand is that user is a test user created on Facebook app page. One in Two users I create have this issue. For some other users, I have the email with the same exact procedure
Do you know what could happen?
We are experiencing the same issue.
WizKid is right. Try using https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/ and you'll see that when you get no email, this tool shows "The email field was not returned. This may be because the email was missing, invalid or hasn't been confirmed." message.

Why is the Facebook login modal not prompting users for access to their email address?

I'm trying to integrate the Facebook login flow into a website (as per this page: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/web), and I'm having issues with trying to force the login modal to request access to the user's Facebook email address.
Specifically, I'm executing the following code from my JS:
FB.login((response) => {
if (response.status === 'connected' &&
response.authResponse) {
// Do something with the response here.
}, {
scope: 'email',
return_scopes: true
The response is coming back as connected when the user successfully logs in, and I am getting the user's user ID, access token, etc., but when they click on the button in my UI that calls FB.login, the modal that pops up for Facebook does not ask the user if they want to grant access to their email address. Why?
For the site I'm building, I need access to the user's Facebook email address. If they were to be asked and deny access, that's one thing, but the modal that pops up isn't even asking them for access to their email address, and I don't get their email address back in the response.
Furthermore, if I make a subsequent call to the following, the email permission comes back as declined:
FB.api(`/${response.authResponse.userID}/permissions`, (response) => {
Does anyone know why I can't prompt the user for access to their email address? Thanks.
Edit: It might be worth mentioning that I'm testing this on localhost, and I wonder if that's having an effect. In the Facebook for Developers dashboard, I did set my localhost virtual host (e.g., site-name.test) as an allowed URL for redirects, and it does let me log in with Facebook and get the user ID, etc., but it just never prompts the user for access to their email address. Thanks.
Thanks again to misorude for the answer. Without that, I would have never figured this out. To sum everything up, the problem was that during testing, I had apparently already once declined the request to provide access to my email address, and after that, it no longer asked me for permission to access it.
As such, you have to pass an extra parameter to FB.login in order to force it to re-ask the user for access to their email address. Specifically, it's the authType parameter, and here's how you pass it:
FB.login((response) => {
if (response.status === 'connected' &&
response.authResponse) {
// Do something with the response here.
}, {
scope: 'email',
authType: 'rerequest'
That will give you access to the email address (assuming a user has one registered; again, thanks to misorude for noting that), but it doesn't actually return the email address. To get that, you then have to send an API request to /me with a fields parameter requesting the email address to get it. I figured out how to get that via the following SO answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/31763373/1992973
Specifically, a full solution is something like the following:
FB.login((response) => {
if (response.status === 'connected' &&
response.authResponse) {
FB.api('/me?fields=email', (response) => {
// The email should be in the response, assuming the user has one registered with FB.
}, {
scope: 'email',
authType: 'rerequest'

Can I post reviews on Facebook through an API?

Is it possible to post user reviews to a FB page via an API?
I want to have an app on a phone that will let users review my business when they walk in to my store.
Edit:- This is what I've tried so far.
I used the passport module in Nodejs for authentication and was able to retrieve the access token from FB, including manage_pages, publish_pages and read_insights.
app.get('/auth/facebook', passport.authenticate('facebook', { scope : ['email', 'manage_pages','publish_pages','read_insights' ]}));
My passport strategy has this
clientID : configAuth.facebookAuth.clientID, //my app's client id
clientSecret : configAuth.facebookAuth.clientSecret, //my app's client secret
callbackURL : configAuth.facebookAuth.callbackURL, //the callback URL after authentication
profileFields: ["emails", "displayName"]
I am able to post as the page using the NPM FBGraph module.
var graph = require('fbgraph');
graph.post("{My page's ID}/feed", "Message test", function(err, res) {
console.log(res); // { id: xxxxx}
This lets me post the "Message test" to my page's feed.
I am not able to find a reference to post reviews for the page through the Graph API though and was wondering if that is possible.
You can't perform this operation on this endpoint.
Meaning, it´s not possible. Not sure what you would do with publish_pages though, because ratings/reviews are made by users, not by pages...If it would be possible, then only with publish_actions.

Problems with facebook api posting to company page using application id: (#200) The user hasn't authorized the application to perform this action

I am stuck with access rights in trying to post on facebook company page.
I have created an application and gotten appId and secret.
I have linked the application to the existing facebook page.
I have retrieved an accessToken for the appId.
But get the response: "(#200) The user hasn't authorized the application to perform this action."
Which user does the error statement refer to? the AppId user? The administrators of the page (me)? And where can I grant these missing rights?
I am trying to achieve that the post functionality is not facebook-user-dependent, but is company (or appID) dependent.
I am really confused about this...
Off course we could create a bogus user (kept in the company files) and post as this user - but that goes against the Facebook policy, and that is not the road we want to go down...
function FB_doPost(link, message, accessToken) {
FB.api('/pageid/feed', 'post', {
access_token: accessToken,
message: message,
link: link
}, function (response) { if (!response || response.error) { console.info('error occured: ' + response.error.message) } else { console.info(' post id: ' + response.id) }; }
In order to post to a Page "as Page", you need to do the following:
Authorize a Page Admin with publish_pages and manage_pages
Use the /me/accounts endpoint to get a Page Token for that Page
Use that Page Token with the /pageid/feed endpoint to post as Page
Make sure you know about the difference between Access Tokens, here are some links about that:

How to authenticate Facebook User after receiving response.status === 'connected'?

Perhaps I am going about this the wrong way but I have a website that allows facebook login.
If the user has already registered on my website
and is logged into facebook but not logged into my site
when visiting the login page i check for their facebook login status and get response.status === 'connected' via-
FB.Event.subscribe('auth.authResponseChange', function (response)
if (response.status === 'connected')
var s = JSON.stringify(response.authResponse);
LogMeIn(s, function(response)
HandleAjaxError(response, function(msg)
window.location = '/_/';
I then want to pass their authResponse object to the server and confirm that this userid works with this token before I log them in as this user
I have read to simply grab the json contents of -
and if it does not return an error then it is good! But when testing this method I noticed that the same access_token worked for two different user ids (meaning it did not return an error for the userid that was not logged in on my computer). Instead it returned the facebook user object with name , location etc.
This really surprised me, as I expected the access_token to work only with a single user id.
In an effort to prevent someone from simply changing the user id before continuing the script I need to authenticate via server side. What is a way to accomplish this?
Proof, go to these links to see profile information
My profile-
Another userid with same access_token-
Nothing to be surprised. You can fetch the basic details of any user of the facebook using the access token of any user of the facebook.. So this isnt really good way to validate the token. Moreover, that confirmation of token part isnt required.
If you want the authorization through server side go through.this link