mkdocs How to use German umlauts in combination with Mathjax? - special-characters

I want to type the following formula in mkdocs using Mathjax
$$\text{Volumenänderungsarbeit} & L_\text{vol} = -\int p \,dV$$
The problem is the German umlaut ä that I am using. If I remove it, then everything is fine. I tried to replace it but it does not work.


When copying code, U+00a0 (nbsp) characters creating problem with VS Code

In my Ubuntu machine recently i have installed vs code. But when i try to paste any code copied from website all the spaces and tabs are replaced by "U+00a0 (nbsp) characters"
It looks like this
Currently i'm doing: using Regular Expression (.*) and search for the unicode character with regex [\xa0] and replace by space. Can anyone suggest me how to solve this problem.

Character Encoding Issue - Characters Being Replaced with Random Characters after Saving in Textarea

I'm working with a third-party company and I'm trying/hoping to determine the cause of a character encoding issue before I bring it up with them.
This company has a custom drag and drop editor for designing websites on their platform. Within the editor they have a Raw HTML widget that I can drag in and add my own content too. The problem is that when I copy HTML from someones old website, using the inspector tool, and paste it into this widget of theirs, all of the apostrophe's & double quotes get replaced with 'jibberish'. I also have the same issue when I try pasting the content into notepad, notepad++, sublime editors and then pasting it into their Raw HTML editor.
Here's a recording of the issue and a few examples:
Here are the known characters that get replaced and what they get replaced
’ turns into â™
“ turns into âœ
” turns into â
+ turns into (a space)
Å turns into Ã…
" stays as "
' stays as '
Does anyone see a pattern with these characters or know what could be the cause of these characters being replaced?
The website probably has UTF-8 encoding, and the company's editor might be using something like Windows-1252 encoding. In your first example, the right single quote has UTF-8 encoding e2 80 99. When each of those bytes is read by a program using Windows-1252, you get "small latin letter a with circumflex" (e2), [undefined] 80 and "trademark" (99). I haven't checked the other transformations. If this is the problem, then you could do a workaround by first converting the copied characters to the destination encoding with iconv, before pasting into the company's editor.

Markdown: less sign and back slash interpretation

I'm writing a file on GitHub.
In my project explanation I would like to refer to a Windows user path, in particular:
I just see here on SO that the formatting is working fine. On Github, instead, that row is shown like this:
even if the md file contains the correct format. It seems that the \ and the < are (due to some rule I don't know) simply converted into <.
Do you have any clue why is happening?
Markdown allowd HTML entities in it, so '<' is <, '\' is e.g. \ (also \\ works for me on GitHub) and '>' is > etc.; search for HTML special characters if you need more. you can encode verything in UTF8 easily by the notation with &#dddd; where d stands for a digit.
unfortunately often in code segments or other interpreters it is different.
examples working in GitHub editor with preview:
all result to the same output.

How can Hungarian characters be used in translations of field labels within extension sr_feuser_register

Hungarian characters aren't displayed correctly when used in translations within sr_feuser_register. The characters are displayed correctly when used in regular content elements.
sr_feuser_register: 4.0.2
TYPO3: 6.2
PHP 5.6
MySQL 5.5
The website is a single tree, multilanguage site, languages are assigend to domains.
Here is the TS Setup for Hungarian language, other languages have been setup the same way:
[globalVar = GP:L = 15]
config.sys_language_uid = 15
config.language = hu
config.htmlTag_langKey = hu
config.locale_all = hu_HU.utf8
sr_feuser_register translations are defined through Typoscript the following way: {
username = Felhasználónév
When viewed in fronted, the sepcial characters are displayed incorrect. Output is something like: FelhasznĂĄlĂłnĂŠv
Same procedure works fine in other languages. Special characters are displayed correctly when viewing Chinese, German or Russian translation. Characters are stored correctly in the database (utf8_general_ci). Even more strange, when I use the characters in the same Typoscript for a language like french, the charachters are displayed correctly on the french frontend.
Example for french configuration in the same Typoscript Setup Template. {
username = Felhasználónév
All characters appear correct in french frontend. I have no idea at which point the characters get messed up and why the characters are displayed correctly when used in other languages.
Looks very strange indeed, I do not have a proper solution to provide, but are you able to debug the extension's core?
Could you try to modify these lines and see what happens?
Hmm... first it looks for me that the metaCharset ( is not set to utf-8.
Please check that.
Also check if the collation of your database it correct set to utf-8.
Are german umlauts like äöü correct displayed?

Encoding issue while converting text file to resx file using powershell cmd

I tried to convert the text file to resx file using powershell command as below,
Resgen myFile.txt myFile.resx
myFile.txt file consist of German language.
For example: text file consist of “Längsseitenzufuhr” word.
After converted to resx file, it consist the word “Längsseitenzufuhr” as “L�ngsseitenzufuhr” in resx file.
“ä” not supporting in resx file.
I think its encoding issue.
Also i tried by changing the text file encoding as utf-8. But same issue happening.
Is there any way to get correct word in resx?
As a German i know this problem. We have an international notation for our language specific characters. Here the List:
ä = ae
ö = oe
ü = ue
ß = ss (exists as lower case only)
Ä = Ae
Ö = Oe
Ü = Ue
If possible just replace the German characters on this way, it is allowed in our language.
I found some articles like this here to solve the problem on a technical way. To convert the file to UTF-8 seems to right.