postgres: Composite fulltext / btree index - postgresql

I want to do a fulltext search on one column and sort in a different column. If I index these two columns separately postgres can't use both indexes in this query. Is there a way to create a composite index that could be used in this scenario?

Unfortunately not.
While you can attach scalar columns to a GIN index via the btree_gin contrib module, Postgres can't use a GIN index for sorting. From the docs:
Of the index types currently supported by PostgreSQL, only B-tree can
produce sorted output — the other index types return matching rows in
an unspecified, implementation-dependent order.

I report as answer my previous comment with example on it
In a similar scenario I build a GiST index on a tsvector column and on
another tetxt colum with gist_trgm_ops operator so I actually did a
full-text search with the tsvector column and then ordered on the
other text column with trigram distance value using only one index.
I created an index on "title" and "search":
CREATE INDEX docs_docume_search_title_gist
ON public.docs_document
USING gist
(title COLLATE pg_catalog."default" gist_trgm_ops, search);
In this query the full-text search is on "search" and the ordering is on "title" with trigram:
SELECT "title", ("title" <-> 'json') AS "distance"
FROM "docs_document"
WHERE ("release_id" = 22 AND "search" ## (plainto_tsquery('json')) = true)
ORDER BY "distance" ASC
This is the explain:
Limit (cost=0.40..71.99 rows=10 width=29)
Output: title, (((title)::text <-> 'json'::text))
-> Index Scan using docs_docume_search_title_gist on public.docs_document (cost=0.40..258.13 rows=36 width=29)
Output: title, ((title)::text <-> 'json'::text)
Index Cond: ( ## plainto_tsquery('json'::text))
Order By: ((docs_document.title)::text <-> 'json'::text)
Filter: (docs_document.release_id = 22)


How to create index for postgresql jsonb field (array data) and text field

Please let me know how to create index for below query.
SELECT * FROM customers
WHERE identifiers #>
'[{"systemName": "SAP", "systemReference": "33557"}]'
AND country_code = 'IN';
identifiers is jsonb type and data is as below.
[{"systemName": "ERP", "systemReference": "TEST"}, {"systemName": "FEED", "systemReference": "2733"}, {"systemName": "SAP", "systemReference": "33557"}]
country_code is varchar type.
Either create a GIN index on identifiers ..
CREATE INDEX customers_identifiers_idx ON customers
USING GIN(identifiers);
.. or a composite index with identifiers and country_code.
CREATE INDEX customers_country_code_identifiers_idx ON customers
USING GIN(identifiers,country_code gin_trgm_ops);
The second option will depend on the values distribution of country_code.
Demo: db<>fiddle
You can create gin index for jsonb typed columns in Postgresql. gin index has built-in operator classes to handle jsonb operators. Learn more about gin index here
For varchar types, btree index is good enough.

Index created for PostgreSQL jsonb column not utilized

I have created an index for a field in jsonb column as:
create index on Employee using gin ((properties -> 'hobbies'))
Query generated is:
CREATE INDEX employee_expr_idx ON public.employee USING gin (((properties -> 'hobbies'::text)))
My search query has structure as:
SELECT * FROM Employee e
WHERE #> '{"hobbies": ["trekking"]}'
AND e.department = 'Finance'
Running EXPLAIN command for this query gives:
Seq Scan on employee e (cost=0.00..4452.94 rows=6 width=1183)
Filter: ((properties #> '{"hobbies": ["trekking"]}'::jsonb) AND (department = 'Finance'::text))
Going by this, I am not sure if index is getting used for search.
Is this entire setup ok?
The expression you use in the WHERE clause must match the expression in the index exactly, your index uses the expression: ((properties -> 'hobbies'::text)) but your query only uses on the left hand side.
To make use of that index, your WHERE clause needs to use the same expression as was used in the index:
FROM Employee e
WHERE (properties -> 'hobbies') #> '["trekking"]'
AND e.department = 'Finance'
However: your execution plan shows that the table employee is really tiny (rows=6). With a table as small as that, a Seq Scan is always going to be the fastest way to retrieve data, no matter what kind of indexes you define.

Postgres similarity function not appropriately using trigram index

I have a simple person table with a last_name column that I've added a GIST index with
CREATE INDEX last_name_idx ON person USING gist (last_name gist_trgm_ops);
According to the docs at, the <-> operator should utilize this index. However, when I actually try to use this difference operator using this query:
explain verbose select * from person where last_name <-> 'foobar' > 0.5;
I get this back:
Seq Scan on public.person (cost=0.00..290.82 rows=4485 width=233)
Output: person_id, first_name, last_name
Filter: ((person.last_name <-> 'foobar'::text) < '0.5'::double precision)
And it doesn't look like the index is being used. However, if I use the % operator with this command:
explain verbose select * from person where last_name % 'foobar';
It seems to use the index:
Bitmap Heap Scan on public.person (cost=4.25..41.51 rows=13 width=233)
Output: person_id, first_name, last_name
Recheck Cond: (person.last_name % 'foobar'::text)
-> Bitmap Index Scan on last_name_idx (cost=0.00..4.25 rows=13 width=0)
Index Cond: (person.last_name % 'foobar'::text)
I also noticed that if I move the operator to the select portion of the query, the index gets ignored again:
explain verbose select last_name % 'foobar' from person;
Seq Scan on public.person (cost=0.00..257.19 rows=13455 width=1)
Output: (last_name % 'foobar'::text)
Am I missing something obvious about how the similarity function uses the trigram index?
I am using Postgres 10.5 on OSX.
As per Laurenz's suggestion, I tried setting enable_seqscan = off but unfortunately, the query with the <-> operator still seems to ignore the index.
show enable_seqscan;
explain verbose select * from person where last_name <-> 'foobar' < 0.5;
Seq Scan on public.person (cost=10000000000.00..10000000290.83 rows=4485 width=233)
Output: person_id, first_name, last_name
Filter: ((person.last_name <-> 'foobar'::text) < '0.5'::double precision)
This behavior is normal for all kinds of indexes.
The first query is not in a form that can use the index. For that, a condition would have to be of the form
<indexed expression> <operator supported by the index> <quasi-constant>
where the last expressions remains constant for the duration of the index scan and the operator returns a boolean value. Your expression ´last_name <-> 'foobar' > 0.5` is not of that form.
The <-> operator has to be used in an ORDER BY clause to be able to use the index.
The third query doesn't use the index because the query affects all rows of the table. An index does not speed up the evaluation of an expression, it is only useful to quickly identify a subset of the table (or to get rows in a certain sort order).

How to use jsonb index in postgres

My pg is 9.5+.
I have a jsonb data in column 'body':
And I create index for body and key:
CREATE INDEX scheduledjob_request_id_idx ON "ScheduledJob" USING gin ((body -> 'JobName'));
CREATE INDEX test_index ON "ScheduledJob" USING gin (body jsonb_path_ops)
This are my queries:
SELECT body FROM "ScheduledJob" WHERE body #> '{"JobName": "analytics_import_transaction_job"}';
SELECT body FROM "ScheduledJob" WHERE (body#>'{JobName}' = '"analytics_import_transaction_job"') LIMIT 10;
Those are return correct data, but no one use index.
I saw the explain:
-> Seq Scan on public."ScheduledJob" (cost=0.00..4.55 rows=1 width=532)
So, I don't know why didn't use the index, and how to use the index for jsonb correctly.
I create index before insert data, the query can use index.
But I create index after insert the first data, the query will be
scan all records.
This is so strange, and how can I make the index useful when I insert data first.
So, I do some research and test that:
SELECT body FROM "ScheduledJob" WHERE (body#>'{JobName}' = '"analytics_import_transaction_job"') LIMIT 10;
This kind of query will never use the index.
And only the table have enough data, index can be available anytime.

Postgres jsonb query missing index?

We have the following json documents stored in our PG table (identities) in a jsonb column 'data':
"email": {
"main": "",
"prefix": "aliasPrefix",
"prettyEmails": ["stuff1", "stuff2"]
I have the following index set up on the table:
CREATE INDEX ix_identities_email_main
ON identities
((data -> 'email->main'::text) jsonb_path_ops);
What am I missing that is preventing the following query from hitting that index?? It does a full seq scan on the table... We have tens of millions of rows, so this query is hanging for 15+ minutes...
SELECT * FROM identities WHERE data->'email'->>'main'='';
If you use JSONB data type for your data column, in order to index ALL "email" entry values you need to create following index:
CREATE INDEX ident_data_email_gin_idx ON identities USING gin ((data -> 'email'));
Also keep in mind that for JSONB you need to use appropriate list of operators;
The default GIN operator class for jsonb supports queries with the #>,
?, ?& and ?| operators
Following queries will hit this index:
SELECT * FROM identities
WHERE data->'email' #> '{"main": ""}'
-- OR
SELECT * FROM identities
WHERE data->'email' #> '{"prefix": "aliasPrefix"}'
If you need to search against array elements "stuff1" or "stuff2", index above will not work , you need to explicitly add expression index on "prettyEmails" array element values in order to make query work faster.
CREATE INDEX ident_data_prettyemails_gin_idx ON identities USING gin ((data -> 'email' -> 'prettyEmails'));
This query will hit the index:
SELECT * FROM identities
WHERE data->'email' #> '{"prettyEmails":["stuff1"]}'