Did anyone tried installing Oracle weblogic & Soa on K8s - kubernetes

Need some suggestions & tips, Please let me know if anyone build the infrastructure on K8s with Oracle Weblogic, DB & SOA (OSB, BIPEL, B2B, BAM).
If anyone build the infrastructure please let me know the benefits & drawbacks. Is it recommended to build it.

If you follow best practices; do not install these on Kubernetes. Kubernetes is very good at for micro-services and stateless applications. Of course Kubernetes support stateful applications like cassandra / nodejs ..etc applications you have a chance to deploy applications on Kubernetes using StatefullSets. Kubernetes treats statefull sets different than other resource objects. A StetfullSet Pod is always scheduled on the same machine as long as you do not delete them.Please take a look at the link https://kubernetes.io/docs/tutorials/stateful-application/cassandra/ You can deploy stateful applications on Kubernetes using the link above
We ran weblogic applications on docker swarm but not on kubernetes. All the configuration on kubernetes for stateful applications is pretty easy compared to docker swarm.


Application Migration from Red Hat Open Shift cluster to Azure Kubernetes Service

I have straight forward use case in which I have to migrate an web application running on redhat openshift cluster which needs to be migrated to Azure kubernetes Service.
I have experience working with AKS but not with Openshift cluster.
Can you guys give me any feedback on this, I am not sure of what I should be considering for this migration & there is no online resource I could find to study on it.
Please share your thoughts on this use case regarding any prerequisites that are required for this migration or anything else I should consider for this migration any resource would be highly appreciated.

How to run SCDF using weblogic?

I am trying to use Weblogic instead of Tomcat to bring up SCDF locally. I am unable to find the respective guide on spring.io. Any pointer would help.
Spring Cloud Data Flow builds on the Spring Boot foundation. We ship the uber-jar binary through Maven Central and/or as a container image in DockerHub or Bitnami.
You would start/run the shipped binary stand alone either in the bare-metal VMs or in a container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes.
Weblogic doesn't fit any of the functional and non-functional requirements that we expect (in SCDF) to be useful for a production setting. Simply put, you won't be able to run SCDF in Weblogic.
Please consider experimenting with SCDF using Docker Compose or Kubernetes instead.

Can new Rancher version be used for local cluster only?

I have been working with kubernetes in a staging environment for a couple of month and want to switch to production, I came across a tool called Rancher almost 2 weeks ago and since then am going through their documents.
It was recommended by the developers and also in the community not to use rancher in production kubernete and preferably create a separated cluster for that and add an agent to your main production cluster from that one.
However in the latest stable version, there is actually an option you can tick to use the rancher only for local cluster so this question came to my mind that:
If the latest stable version of rancher is modified to be deployed on production cluster itself rather than having dedicated cluster? and if there is any security or restarting issues can happen that deletes all the configurations for other components on cluster
Note: on another staging environment I installed on the local clustor an instance of wordpress and ghost and both were working fine.
I still think the best option for you would be to have fully accessible own cluster and you wont be dependent to rancher cloud solutions. I am not saying Rancher is bad - no. Just If you are talking about PRODUCTION environment - my personal opinion cluster should be own. Sure arguable topic.
What I can mention also here - you can use any of Useful Interactive Terminal and Graphical UI Tools for Kubernetes . for example Octant
Octant is a browser-based UI aimed at application developers giving
them visibility into how their application is running. I also think
this tool can really benefit anyone using K8s, especially if you
forget the various options to kubectl to inspect your K8s Cluster
and/or workloads. Octant is also a VMware Open Source project and it
is supported on Windows, Mac and Linux (including ARM) and runs
locally on a system that has access to a K8S Cluster. After installing
Octant, just type octant and it will start listening on localhost:7777
and you just launch your web browser to access the UI.

The best practice for developing app locally which then be deployed to Kubernetes

Let's say I have a flask app, a PostgreSQL, and a Redis app. what is the best practice way to develop those apps locally which then later be deployed to Kubernetes.
Because, I have tried to develop in minikube with ksync, but I get difficulties in getting detailed debug log information.
Any ideas?
What we do with our systems is that we develop and test them locally. I am not very knowledgeable with Flask and ksyncy, but say for example, you are using Lagom Microservices Framework in Java, you run you app locally using the SBT shell where you can view all your logs. We then automate the deployment using LightBend Orchestration.
When you then decide to test the app on Kubernetes, you can choose to use minikube, but you have to configure the logging properly. You can configure centralised logging for Kubernetes using the EFK stack. This will collect all the logs from the various components of your app and store them in Elastic Search. You can then view these logs using The Kibana Dashboard. You can do a lot with the dashboard, you can view logs for a given period, or search logs by k8s namespace, or by container.
There are multiple solutions for this (aka GitOps with Kubernetes):
Flux - IMO the most mature.
Argo - A bit more of a workflow engine.
Metaparticle - Deploy with actual code.
I think the solution is using skaffold

How to deploy Hyperledger Fabric V1.0 network in production level?

I have setup a Hyperledger Fabric V1.0 Network by following the Hyperledger-fabric docs and using fabric-sdk-java client I am able to communicate with the network from my java application. Now everything is working fine in the development setup. But still I am not getting the clear picture about its production level implemenation. Looking for some valuable suggestions for the following points to make it production live.
Will it be possible to use this setup for production? then how can I build my network using this docker-compose setup? Which are the options available for production hosting of the network?
If it is possible to setup in production, should I run this docker-compose set up and all in all the peer system's, then how will I configure the docker-compose.yaml to define each of the peers/organisations which are in different system?
I have found Bluemix Blockchain Service as an alternative, but it is having high monthly charges. So is there any alternative to deploy myown Hyperledger Fabric V1.0 network by defining myown peers and organization?
I think that for a production deployment, you'd likely want to implement Swarm or Kubernetes. See Hyperledger Cello for instance. You will also want to have a process and automation for managing the code going forward. Updating images, chaincode, etc. Further, you might want to further automate some of the on-boarding process which at present is rather bare bones.
As noted above, the Docker Compose is designed for a single system. You'd likely want to use Swarm or Kubernetes to manage nodes on different systems and you want decentralized operations when you are engaging multiple entities into a consortia where the members want to choose where they run their nodes.
There is a developer sandbox offering that you can deploy to IBM's Container service (Kubernetes) but you won't be getting the benefits of the crypto acceleration, HSM, and added security of the LinuxOne platform on which IBM deploys the IBM Blockchain Platform. The good things in life may be free, but I would want to have the added value of a vendor provided cloud offering like IBM Blockchain Platform for my production system. YMMV.