In Github, how to search repositories with multiple keywords? - github

Github search example
I want to search these repositories which's title contain 'keyword-1' or 'keyword-2' or 'keyword-3'.
I have read the Github search help documents and search api documents, But I still have no idea how to search with multiple keywords.

I think the best way to do that is the way you are demonstrating. I mean just use the tags separated by simple space. I have just tested that the first repositories that are shown are those containing all the tags that I am searching. Give it a try, it must be working just fine

for now you can use curl and jq to achieve this. Check out this gist


How to search github issues which does not have a particular label

I want to retrieve list of GitHub issue, which does not have "label_A".
What is should be the query part I need to be added to the searching bar.
Try adding this -label:"<label-name>" into user searching query.

In GitHub, is there a way to search for specific text in a particular team?

I'm currently inside an organisation in GitHub, which is divided into several teams. I have previously used the GitHub search bar to search for specific text inside a repository, and after starting to use GitHub Enterprise I also started searching by organisation as well.
However, in some scenarios I don't want to search inside the whole organisation, but only inside content owned by a particular team. I tried the syntax below:
org:<ORG> team:<TEAM> <text to search>
Which isn't referenced in any docs that I looked so far, but I got the result below:
Which make me think that is actually possible to do some searching based on a team, since the error was about the team's name, and not about the search syntax.
So, is there a way to search based on a team? If so, how should I do it?
In order to search with the team: or team-review-requested: filters you need to use the team's full name, which would be in the format of <org>/<team>, see GitHub's docs on using search to filter issues and pull requests. In your example, the following query should work:
org:<ORG> team:<ORG>/<TEAM> <text to search>

How to search on GitHub with OR/AND operators

How can I search an issue on GitHub that contains keywords "java" AND ("python" OR "C++")? Is it possible to represent a search with these logical operators like OR/AND?
It turns out GitHub does not provide functions to achieve the searching logics like ANR/OR. The solution I figured out is to write a crawler that implements the searching logics.
Well, GitHub does not work like StackOverflow, but there are some ways to achieve what you want to accomplish. Start by using the type label, like this type:issue, then you can use the in qualifier, like this python in:title,body, which will search titles that contain the word python. Here is a more detailed (reference) of GitHub's Docs, which might help you with your issue.
I hope this helps you, but as much as I searched I could not find conditional search features on GitHub's search, but there are some pretty useful labels (qualifiers) that you can benefit from.

Find all my contributions including issues

Is there any way to find all interactions between 2 users? For e.g. Here are 2 users...
I remember that I have raised an issue in one of repos of the user "kavgan". But is there a way to find that? What I expect is this...
You can use filter in an issue search for a given repository, as described in this article
is:issue author:shantanuo
See the results here.
But to apply the same to all repositories, you would need a graphql query, similar to this one.

Confluence Search by Excluding a Label

My company uses Confluence for our documentation, and one of the suggestions was to label a section of Archived documents; and then be able to search by excluding that label.
There seems to be no way that I've found to do that so far, I can label things, but it seems the Confluence itself does not allow for the exclusion of a label when searching. I tried to use the NOT command, with no luck.
Does anyone have a macro or any idea how this could be done?
So I looked into the problem and found out that CQL has a confusing syntax and was not able to figure out answer easily.
To exclude label you just need to put minus sign before the label.
Example -