Foldable "foldMap" that take a partial function: foldCollect? - scala

Say, I have the following object:
case class MyFancyObject(a: String, b: Int, c : Vector[String])
And what I needed is to get a single Vector[String] containing all 'c's that match a given partial function.
val xs = Vector(
val partialFunction1 : PartialFunction[MyFancyObject,Vector[String]] = {
case MyFancyObject(_,b,c) if b > 2 => c
What I need to get is: Vector("test3-1","test3-2","test3-3","test4-1","test4-2","test4-3").
I solved this doing the following:
val res1 = xs.foldMap{
case MyFancyObject(_,b,c) if b > 2 => c
case _ => Vector.empty[String]
However, this made me curious. What I am doing here seemed to be a pretty common and natural thing: for each element of a foldable collection, try to apply a partial function and, should that fail, default to the Monoid's empty (Vector.empty in my case). I searched in the library and I did not find anything doing this already, so I ended up adding this extension method in my code:
implicit class FoldableExt[F[_], A](foldable : F[A]) {
def foldCollect[B](pF: PartialFunction[A, B])(implicit F : Foldable[F], B : Monoid[B]) : B = {
F.foldMap(foldable)(pF.applyOrElse(_, (_ : A) => B.empty))
My question here is:
Is there any reason why such a method would not be in available already? Is it not a generic and common enough scenario, or am I missing something?

I think that if you really need the partial function, you don't want it to leak outside, because it's not very nice to use. The best thing to do, if you want to reuse your partialFunction1, is to lift it to make it a total function that returns Option. Then you can provide your default case in the same place you use your partial function. Here's the approach:
val res2 = xs.foldMap(partialFunction1.lift).getOrElse(Vector.empty)
The foldMap(partialFunction1.lift) returns Some(Vector(test3-1, test3-2, test3-3, test4-1, test4-2, test4-3)). This is exactly what you have in res1, but wrapped in Option.


Is it possible to pattern match on type in a Scala for expression?

I'm trying to use a for expression to map over an Option, but I only want to match if the contents of the Option are of a specific type. What I thought would work is this:
for {
vcs: Mercurial <- maybeVcs
} yield vcs
But that yields the following compile error:
<console>:76: error: type mismatch;
found : sbtrelease.Mercurial => sbtrelease.Mercurial
required: sbtrelease.Vcs => ?
vcs: Mercurial <- get (releaseVcs in Compile)
Is it possible to pattern match on type in a for expression?
It's really straightforward if you use collect instead of for:
trait A
case class B(x: Int) extends A
case class C(y: Int) extends A
val someB: Option[A] = Some(B(2))
val someC: Option[A] = Some(C(2))
val noneA: Option[A] = None
someB.collect { case n: B => n } // Some(B(2))
someC.collect { case n: B => n } // None
noneA.collect { case n: B => n } // None
The fact that this pattern match does not work is actually a bug (at least its not in accordance with the spec). See
However, there is a simple workaround.
Define somewhere the following object:
object Id { def unapply[T](x:T) = Some(x) }
Now you can use Id(x) as a pattern match that matches everything, and just binds x to whatever it matched. So basically a pointless construct, since Id(pattern) is the same as pattern.
However, it has one effect: A type annotation inside Id(...) will not be interpreted as a type annotation, but as a type pattern. Thus
for {
Id(vcs: Mercurial) <- maybeVcs
} yield vcs
will have the effect you desire. (And differently from Bob's answer, the overall expression will have type Seq[Mercurial] and not Seq[Vcs].)
You can use an ugly test:
for {
vcs <- maybeVcs
if vcs.instanceof[Mercurial]
} yield vcs

Scala operator overloading with multiple parameters

In short: I try to write something like A <N B for a DSL in Scala, for an integer N and A,B of Type T. Is there a nice possibility to do so?
Longer: I try to write a DSL for TGrep2 in Scala. I'm currently interested to write
A <N B B is the Nth child of A (the rst child is <1).
in a nice way and as close as possible to the original definition in Scala. Is there a way to overload the < Operator that it can take a N and a B as a argument.
What I tried: I tried two different possibilities which did not make me very happy:
scala> val N = 10
N: Int = 10
scala> case class T(n:String) {def <(i:Int,j:T) = println("huray!")}
defined class T
scala> T("foo").<(N,T("bar"))
scala> case class T(n:String) {def <(i:Int) = new {def apply(j:T) = println("huray!")}}
defined class T
scala> (T("foo")<N)(T("bar"))
warning: there were 1 feature warnings; re-run with -feature for details
Id suggest you use something like nth instead of the < symbol which makes the semantics clear. A nth N is B would make a lot of sense to me at least. It would translate to something like
case class T (label:String){
def is(j:T) = {
label equals j.label
case class J(i:List[T]){
def nth(index:Int) :T = {
You can easily do:
val t = T("Mice")
val t1 = T("Rats")
val j = J(List(t1,t))
j nth 1 is t //res = true
The problem is that apply doesn't work as a postfix operator, so you can't write it without the parantheses, you could write this:
case class T(n: String) {
def <(in: (Int, T)) = {
in match {
case (i, t) =>
println(s"${t.n} is the ${i} child of ${n}")
implicit class Param(lower: Int) {
def apply(t: T) = (lower, t)
but then,
T("foo") < 10 T("bar")
would still fail, but you could work it out with:
T("foo") < 10 (T("bar"))
there isn't a good way of doing what you want without adding parenthesis somewhere.
I think that you might want to go for a combinational parser instead if you really want to stick with this syntax. Or as #korefn proposed, you break the compatibility and do it with new operators.

Method parameters validation in Scala, with for comprehension and monads

I'm trying to validate the parameters of a method for nullity but i don't find the solution...
Can someone tell me how to do?
I'm trying something like this:
def buildNormalCategory(user: User, parent: Category, name: String, description: String): Either[Error,Category] = {
val errors: Option[String] = for {
_ <- Option(user).toRight("User is mandatory for a normal category").right
_ <- Option(parent).toRight("Parent category is mandatory for a normal category").right
_ <- Option(name).toRight("Name is mandatory for a normal category").right
errors : Option[String] <- Option(description).toRight("Description is mandatory for a normal category").left.toOption
} yield errors
errors match {
case Some(errorString) => Left( Error(Error.FORBIDDEN,errorString) )
case None => Right( buildTrashCategory(user) )
If you're willing to use Scalaz, it has a handful of tools that make this kind of task more convenient, including a new Validation class and some useful right-biased type class instances for plain old scala.Either. I'll give an example of each here.
Accumulating errors with Validation
First for our Scalaz imports (note that we have to hide scalaz.Category to avoid the name conflict):
import scalaz.{ Category => _, _ }
import syntax.apply._, syntax.std.option._, syntax.validation._
I'm using Scalaz 7 for this example. You'd need to make some minor changes to use 6.
I'll assume we have this simplified model:
case class User(name: String)
case class Category(user: User, parent: Category, name: String, desc: String)
Next I'll define the following validation method, which you can easily adapt if you move to an approach that doesn't involve checking for null values:
def nonNull[A](a: A, msg: String): ValidationNel[String, A] =
The Nel part stands for "non-empty list", and a ValidationNel[String, A] is essentially the same as an Either[List[String], A].
Now we use this method to check our arguments:
def buildCategory(user: User, parent: Category, name: String, desc: String) = (
nonNull(user, "User is mandatory for a normal category") |#|
nonNull(parent, "Parent category is mandatory for a normal category") |#|
nonNull(name, "Name is mandatory for a normal category") |#|
nonNull(desc, "Description is mandatory for a normal category")
Note that Validation[Whatever, _] isn't a monad (for reasons discussed here, for example), but ValidationNel[String, _] is an applicative functor, and we're using that fact here when we "lift" Category.apply into it. See the appendix below for more information on applicative functors.
Now if we write something like this:
val result: ValidationNel[String, Category] =
buildCategory(User("mary"), null, null, "Some category.")
We'll get a failure with the accumulated errors:
Parent category is mandatory for a normal category,
Name is mandatory for a normal category
If all of the arguments had checked out, we'd have a Success with a Category value instead.
Failing fast with Either
One of the handy things about using applicative functors for validation is the ease with which you can swap out your approach to handling errors. If you want to fail on the first instead of accumulating them, you can essentially just change your nonNull method.
We do need a slightly different set of imports:
import scalaz.{ Category => _, _ }
import syntax.apply._, std.either._
But there's no need to change the case classes above.
Here's our new validation method:
def nonNull[A](a: A, msg: String): Either[String, A] = Option(a).toRight(msg)
Almost identical to the one above, except that we're using Either instead of ValidationNEL, and the default applicative functor instance that Scalaz provides for Either doesn't accumulate errors.
That's all we need to do to get the desired fail-fast behavior—no changes are necessary to our buildCategory method. Now if we write this:
val result: Either[String, Category] =
buildCategory(User("mary"), null, null, "Some category.")
The result will contain only the first error:
Left(Parent category is mandatory for a normal category)
Exactly as we wanted.
Appendix: Quick introduction to applicative functors
Suppose we have a method with a single argument:
def incremented(i: Int): Int = i + 1
And suppose also that we want to apply this method to some x: Option[Int] and get an Option[Int] back. The fact that Option is a functor and therefore provides a map method makes this easy:
val xi = x map incremented
We've "lifted" incremented into the Option functor; that is, we've essentially changed a function mapping Int to Int into one mapping Option[Int] to Option[Int] (although the syntax muddies that up a bit—the "lifting" metaphor is much clearer in a language like Haskell).
Now suppose we want to apply the following add method to x and y in a similar fashion.
def add(i: Int, j: Int): Int = i + j
val x: Option[Int] = users.find( == "John").map(_.age)
val y: Option[Int] = users.find( == "Mary").map(_.age) // Or whatever.
The fact that Option is a functor isn't enough. The fact that it's a monad, however, is, and we can use flatMap to get what we want:
val xy: Option[Int] = x.flatMap(xv =>, _)))
Or, equivalently:
val xy: Option[Int] = for { xv <- x; yv <- y } yield add(xv, yv)
In a sense, though, the monadness of Option is overkill for this operation. There's a simpler abstraction—called an applicative functor—that's in-between a functor and a monad and that provides all the machinery we need.
Note that it's in-between in a formal sense: every monad is an applicative functor, every applicative functor is a functor, but not every applicative functor is a monad, etc.
Scalaz gives us an applicative functor instance for Option, so we can write the following:
import scalaz._, std.option._, syntax.apply._
val xy = (x |#| y)(add)
The syntax is a little odd, but the concept isn't any more complicated than the functor or monad examples above—we're just lifting add into the applicative functor. If we had a method f with three arguments, we could write the following:
val xyz = (x |#| y |#| z)(f)
And so on.
So why bother with applicative functors at all, when we've got monads? First of all, it's simply not possible to provide monad instances for some of the abstractions we want to work with—Validation is the perfect example.
Second (and relatedly), it's just a solid development practice to use the least powerful abstraction that will get the job done. In principle this may allow optimizations that wouldn't otherwise be possible, but more importantly it makes the code we write more reusable.
I completely support Ben James' suggestion to make a wrapper for the null-producing api. But you'll still have the same problem when writing that wrapper. So here are my suggestions.
Why monads why for comprehension? An overcomplication IMO. Here's how you could do that:
def buildNormalCategory
( user: User, parent: Category, name: String, description: String )
: Either[ Error, Category ]
= Either.cond(
!Seq(user, parent, name, description).contains(null),
Error(Error.FORBIDDEN, "null detected")
Or if you insist on having the error message store the name of the parameter, you could do the following, which would require a bit more boilerplate:
def buildNormalCategory
( user: User, parent: Category, name: String, description: String )
: Either[ Error, Category ]
= {
val nullParams
= Seq("user" -> user, "parent" -> parent,
"name" -> name, "description" -> description)
.collect{ case (n, null) => n }
"Null provided for the following parameters: " +
nullParams.mkString(", ")
If you like the applicative functor approach of #Travis Brown's answer, but you don't like the Scalaz syntax or otherwise just don't want to use Scalaz, here is a simple library which enriches the standard library Either class to act as an applicative functor validation:
For example:
import com.youdevise.eithervalidation.EitherValidation.Implicits._
def buildNormalCategory(user: User, parent: Category, name: String, description: String): Either[List[Error], Category] = {
val validUser = Option(user).toRight(List("User is mandatory for a normal category"))
val validParent = Option(parent).toRight(List("Parent category is mandatory for a normal category"))
val validName = Option(name).toRight(List("Name is mandatory for a normal category"))
Right(Category)(validUser, validParent, validName). => Error(Error.FORBIDDEN, errorString)))
In other words, this function will return a Right containing your Category if all of the Eithers were Rights, or it will return a Left containing a List of all the Errors, if one or more were Lefts.
Notice the arguably more Scala-ish and less Haskell-ish syntax, and a smaller library ;)
Lets suppose you have completed Either with the following quick and dirty stuff:
object Validation {
var errors = List[String]()
implicit class Either2[X] (x: Either[String,X]){
def fmap[Y](f: X => Y) = {
errors = List[String]()
//println(s"errors are $errors")
x match {
case Left(s) => {errors = s :: errors ; Left(errors)}
case Right(x) => Right(f(x))
def fapply[Y](f: Either[List[String],X=>Y]) = {
x match {
case Left(s) => {errors = s :: errors ; Left(errors)}
case Right(v) => {
if (f.isLeft) Left(errors) else Right(f.right.get(v))
consider a validation function returning an Either:
def whenNone (value: Option[String],msg:String): Either[String,String] =
if (value isEmpty) Left(msg) else Right(value.get)
an a curryfied constructor returning a tuple:
val me = ((user:String,parent:String,name:String)=> (user,parent,name)) curried
You can validate it with :
whenNone(None,"bad user")
whenNone(Some("parent"), "bad parent")
whenNone(None,"bad name")
.fmap(me )
Not a big deal.

Implementing ifTrue, ifFalse, ifSome, ifNone, etc. in Scala to avoid if(...) and simple pattern matching

In Scala, I have progressively lost my Java/C habit of thinking in a control-flow oriented way, and got used to go ahead and get the object I'm interested in first, and then usually apply something like a match or a map() or foreach() for collections. I like it a lot, since it now feels like a more natural and more to-the-point way of structuring my code.
Little by little, I've wished I could program the same way for conditions; i.e., obtain a Boolean value first, and then match it to do various things. A full-blown match, however, does seem a bit overkill for this task.
obj.isSomethingValid match {
case true => doX
case false => doY
vs. what I would write with style closer to Java:
if (obj.isSomethingValid)
Then I remembered Smalltalk's ifTrue: and ifFalse: messages (and variants thereof). Would it be possible to write something like this in Scala?
obj.isSomethingValid ifTrue doX else doY
with variants:
val v = obj.isSomethingValid ifTrue someVal else someOtherVal
// with side effects
obj.isSomethingValid ifFalse {
numInvalid += 1
println("not valid")
Furthermore, could this style be made available to simple, two-state types like Option? I know the more idiomatic way to use Option is to treat it as a collection and call filter(), map(), exists() on it, but often, at the end, I find that I want to perform some doX if it is defined, and some doY if it isn't. Something like:
val ok = resultOpt ifSome { result =>
println("Obtained: " + result)
updateUIWith(result) // returns Boolean
} else {
numInvalid += 1
println("missing end result")
To me, this (still?) looks better than a full-blown match.
I am providing a base implementation I came up with; general comments on this style/technique and/or better implementations are welcome!
First: we probably cannot reuse else, as it is a keyword, and using the backticks to force it to be seen as an identifier is rather ugly, so I'll use otherwise instead.
Here's an implementation attempt. First, use the pimp-my-library pattern to add ifTrue and ifFalse to Boolean. They are parametrized on the return type R and accept a single by-name parameter, which should be evaluated if the specified condition is realized. But in doing so, we must allow for an otherwise call. So we return a new object called Otherwise0 (why 0 is explained later), which stores a possible intermediate result as a Option[R]. It is defined if the current condition (ifTrue or ifFalse) is realized, and is empty otherwise.
class BooleanWrapper(b: Boolean) {
def ifTrue[R](f: => R) = new Otherwise0[R](if (b) Some(f) else None)
def ifFalse[R](f: => R) = new Otherwise0[R](if (b) None else Some(f))
implicit def extendBoolean(b: Boolean): BooleanWrapper = new BooleanWrapper(b)
For now, this works and lets me write
someTest ifTrue {
But, without the following otherwise clause, it cannot return a value of type R, of course. So here's the definition of Otherwise0:
class Otherwise0[R](intermediateResult: Option[R]) {
def otherwise[S >: R](f: => S) = intermediateResult.getOrElse(f)
def apply[S >: R](f: => S) = otherwise(f)
It evaluates its passed named argument if and only if the intermediate result it got from the preceding ifTrue or ifFalse is undefined, which is exactly what is wanted. The type parametrization [S >: R] has the effect that S is inferred to be the most specific common supertype of the actual type of the named parameters, such that for instance, r in this snippet has an inferred type Fruit:
class Fruit
class Apple extends Fruit
class Orange extends Fruit
val r = someTest ifTrue {
new Apple
} otherwise {
new Orange
The apply() alias even allows you to skip the otherwise method name altogether for short chunks of code:
// equivalently:
Finally, here's the corresponding pimp for Option:
class OptionExt[A](option: Option[A]) {
def ifNone[R](f: => R) = new Otherwise1(option match {
case None => Some(f)
case Some(_) => None
}, option.get)
def ifSome[R](f: A => R) = new Otherwise0(option match {
case Some(value) => Some(f(value))
case None => None
implicit def extendOption[A](opt: Option[A]): OptionExt[A] = new OptionExt[A](opt)
class Otherwise1[R, A1](intermediateResult: Option[R], arg1: => A1) {
def otherwise[S >: R](f: A1 => S) = intermediateResult.getOrElse(f(arg1))
def apply[S >: R](f: A1 => S) = otherwise(f)
Note that we now also need Otherwise1 so that we can conveniently passed the unwrapped value not only to the ifSome function argument, but also to the function argument of an otherwise following an ifNone.
You may be looking at the problem too specifically. You would probably be better off with the pipe operator:
class Piping[A](a: A) { def |>[B](f: A => B) = f(a) }
implicit def pipe_everything[A](a: A) = new Piping(a)
Now you can
("fish".length > 5) |> (if (_) println("Hi") else println("Ho"))
which, admittedly, is not quite as elegant as what you're trying to achieve, but it has the great advantage of being amazingly versatile--any time you want to put an argument first (not just with booleans), you can use it.
Also, you already can use options the way you want:
Option("fish").filter(_.length > 5).
map (_ => println("Hi")).
Just because these things could take a return value doesn't mean you have to avoid them. It does take a little getting used to the syntax; this may be a valid reason to create your own implicits. But the core functionality is there. (If you do create your own, consider fold[B](f: A => B)(g: => B) instead; once you're used to it the lack of the intervening keyword is actually rather nice.)
Edit: Although the |> notation for pipe is somewhat standard, I actually prefer use as the method name, because then def reuse[B,C](f: A => B)(g: (A,B) => C) = g(a,f(a)) seems more natural.
Why don't just use it like this:
val idiomaticVariable = if (condition) {
} else {
IMO, its very idiomatic! :)

Issues with maps and their entries in Scala

I have a recursive function that takes a Map as single parameter. It then adds new entries to that Map and calls itself with this larger Map. Please ignore the return values for now. The function isn't finished yet. Here's the code:
def breadthFirstHelper( found: Map[AIS_State,(Option[AIS_State], Int)] ): List[AIS_State] = {
val extension =
(s, v) <- found;
next <- this.expand(s) if (! (found contains next) )
) yield (next -> (Some(s), 0))
if ( extension.exists( (s -> (p,c)) => this.isGoal( s ) ) )
breadthFirstHelper( found ++ extension )
In extension are the new entries that shall get added to the map. Note that the for-statement generates an iterable, not a map. But those entries shall later get added to the original map for the recursive call. In the break condition, I need to test whether a certain value has been generated inside extension. I try to do this by using the exists method on extension. But the syntax for extracting values from the map entries (the stuff following the yield) doesn't work.
How do I get my break condition (the boolean statement to the if) to work?
Is it a good idea to do recursive work on a immutable Map like this? Is this good functional style?
When using a pattern-match (e.g. against a Tuple2) in a function, you need to use braces {} and the case statement.
if (extension.exists { case (s,_) => isGoal(s) } )
The above also uses the fact that it is more clear when matching to use the wildcard _ for any allowable value (which you subsequently do not care about). The case xyz gets compiled into a PartialFunction which in turn extends from Function1 and hence can be used as an argument to the exists method.
As for the style, I am not functional programming expert but this seems like it will be compiled into a iterative form (i.e. it's tail-recursive) by scalac. There's nothing which says "recursion with Maps is bad" so why not?
Note that -> is a method on Any (via implicit conversion) which creates a Tuple2 - it is not a case class like :: or ! and hence cannot be used in a case pattern match statement. This is because:
val l: List[String] = Nil
l match {
case x :: xs =>
Is really shorthand/sugar for
case ::(x, xs) =>
Similarly a ! b is equivalent to !(a, b). Of course, you may have written your own case class ->...
Note2: as Daniel says below, you cannot in any case use a pattern-match in a function definition; so while the above partial function is valid, the following function is not:
(x :: xs) =>
This is a bit convoluted for me to follow, whatever Oxbow Lakes might think.
I'd like first to clarify one point: there is no break condition in for-comprehensions. They are not loops like C's (or Java's) for.
What an if in a for-comprehension means is a guard. For instance, let's say I do this:
for {i <- 1 to 10
j <- 1 to 10
if i != j
} yield (i, j)
The loop isn't "stopped" when the condition is false. It simply skips the iterations for which that condition is false, and proceed with the true ones. Here is another example:
for {i <- 1 to 10
j <- 1 to 10
if i % 2 != 0
} yield (i, j)
You said you don't have side-effects, so I can skip a whole chapter about side effects and guards on for-comprehensions. On the other hand, reading a blog post I made recently on Strict Ranges is not a bad idea.
So... give up on break conditions. They can be made to work, but they are not functional. Try to rephrase the problem in a more functional way, and the need for a break condition will be replaced by something else.
Next, Oxbow is correct in that (s -> (p,c) => isn't allowed because there is no extractor defined on an object called ->, but, alas, even (a :: b) => would not be allowed, because there is no pattern matching going on in functional literal parameter declaration. You must simply state the parameters on the left side of =>, without doing any kind of decomposition. You may, however, do this:
if ( extension.exists( t => val (s, (p,c)) = t; this.isGoal( s ) ) )
Note that I replaced -> with ,. This works because a -> b is a syntactic sugar for (a, b), which is, itself, a syntactic sugar for Tuple2(a, b). As you don't use neither p nor c, this works too:
if ( extension.exists( t => val (s, _) = t; this.isGoal( s ) ) )
Finally, your recursive code is perfectly fine, though probably not optimized for tail-recursion. For that, you either make your method final, or you make the recursive function private to the method. Like this:
final def breadthFirstHelper
def breadthFirstHelper(...) {
def myRecursiveBreadthFirstHelper(...) { ... }
On Scala 2.8 there is an annotation called #TailRec which will tell you if the function can be made tail recursive or not. And, in fact, it seems there will be a flag to display warnings about functions that could be made tail-recursive if slightly changed, such as above.
Regarding Oxbow's solution using case, that's a function or partial function literal. It's type will depend on what the inference requires. In that case, because that's that exists takes, a function. However, one must be careful to ensure that there will always be a match, otherwise you get an exception. For example:
scala> List(1, 'c') exists { case _: Int => true }
res0: Boolean = true
scala> List(1, 'c') exists { case _: String => true }
scala.MatchError: 1
at $anonfun$1.apply(<console>:5)
... (stack trace elided)
scala> List(1, 'c') exists { case _: String => true; case _ => false }
res3: Boolean = false
scala> ({ case _: Int => true } : PartialFunction[AnyRef,Boolean])
res5: PartialFunction[AnyRef,Boolean] = <function1>
scala> ({ case _: Int => true } : Function1[Int, Boolean])
res6: (Int) => Boolean = <function1>
The solution Oxbow proposes does use pattern matching, because it is based on function literals using case statements, which do use pattern matching. When I said it was not possible, I was speaking of the syntax x => s.