I'm using leafletjs with geojson, but i can't draw a polyline with the markers at the same time, so my solution is draw first a polyline then add the markers.
I don't think it's a good ways, so is there any other solution?
there is my code
function DrawLine(mymap,topo){
var line={
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates" : topo.pointsForJson
// topo.pointsForJson is my data source like : [[5.58611,43.296665], [5.614466,43.190604], [5.565922,43.254726], [5.376992,43.302967]]
"properties": {
"ID": topo['OMS_IDTOPO'],
"color" : "blue"
var points=[];
for(var i in topo.pointsForJson){
var point = {
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates" : topo.pointsForJson[i]
//add markers
// add polyline
var polyline = L.geoJSON(line,{
style:function (feature) {
return {color: feature.properties.color}
}).bindPopup(function (layer) {
return layer.feature.properties.ID;
Thanks a lot
You really do not need to build a GeoJSON object first at runtime in order to display something on your Leaflet map.
Simply loop through your coordinates and build a marker at each pair.
Then build a polyline out of the coordinates array.
You will need to revert your coordinates in the process, since they are recorded as Longitude / Latitude (compliant with GeoJSON format), whereas Leaflet expects Latitude / Longitude when directly building Markers and Polylines (instead of using L.geoJSON factory).
var pointsForJson = [
[5.58611, 43.296665],
[5.614466, 43.190604],
[5.565922, 43.254726],
[5.376992, 43.302967]
var map = L.map('map');
pointsForJson.forEach(function(lngLat) {
var polyline = L.polyline(lngLatArrayToLatLng(pointsForJson)).addTo(map);
L.tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors'
function lngLatArrayToLatLng(lngLatArray) {
return lngLatArray.map(lngLatToLatLng);
function lngLatToLatLng(lngLat) {
return [lngLat[1], lngLat[0]];
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/leaflet#1.2.0/dist/leaflet.css">
<script src="https://unpkg.com/leaflet#1.2.0/dist/leaflet-src.js"></script>
<div id="map" style="height: 200px"></div>
Can you pass coordinate values as variables when trying to retreive an external GeoJSON data source? Ideally I'd like to pass something like this, but it doesn't work for me.
map.addSource('geojsonpoints', {
type: "geojson",
data: 'http://myexample.com/pins?lat={lat}&lon={long}'
I am able to pass Z, X, Y coordinates if I use Map Vector Tiles (mvt) as a source. i.e. This works:
map.addSource('mapvectortiles', {
'type': 'vector',
'tiles': ['http://myexample.com/{z}/{x}/{y}'],
But I haven't figured out how to do it for a GeoJSON source. Anyone have any ideas if it is possible in n Mapbox GL JS?
FYI, I am able to generate the URL using the method below, but the problem is it doesn't refresh when I move the map, unlike vector tiles.
var lng = map.getCenter().lng
var lat = map.getCenter().lat
var url = 'http://myexample.com/pins?lat='+lat+'&lon='+lng
map.addSource('EPC', {
type: "geojson",
data: url
I use GeoJSON to draw Tiles on the map
this is a sample GeoJSON:
{ "type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
{ "type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
[4.342254780676343, 50.89533552689166],
[4.342254780676343, 50.89443721160754],
[4.340830581474948, 50.89443721160754],
[4.340830581474948, 50.89533552689166],
[4.342254780676343, 50.89533552689166]
"properties": {}
after all you have to add the source and add the layer
add Source:
const sourceJson: GeoJSONSourceRaw = {
type: 'geojson',
data: data as FeatureCollection
map.addSource(sourceId, sourceJson)
data is your json file
add Layer:
const layer: FillLayer = {
id: sourceId,
source: sourceId,
type: 'fill',
paint: {
'fill-color': color,
'fill-opacity': opacity
There are two parts to your question:
Update the data source when the map is moved
Use the map's extent as part of the GeoJSON source's URL.
You have part 2 under control, so:
Update the data source when the map is moved
Use map.on('moveend', ...
Use map.getSource(...).setData(...)
I've been trying to get Leaflet to display a geojson file using the styles described in the geojson file, and I can't get it to work. The geojson below shows that I've got styles in there - OGR style pen etc, but I've tried extracting them using style function(styles) {return {colour : data.properties.pen}}, but it gives me an error on the console - but not enough errors to match the number of layers - so I can understand that some layers may not have a "pen" property, but none of the layers are coming up with the any differences.
"features": [
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "Layer": "Buildings", "SubClasses": "AcDbEntity:AcDb2dPolyline", "EntityHandle": "2ABF", "OGR_STYLE": "PEN(c:#ff7f00,p:"1.2g 0.72g 0.12g 0.72g")" }, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -1.386274792183286, 54.907452998026585, 0.0 ], [ -1.386201193400163,
In fact, as the above geojson shows, it's actually a geometry - but all that's showing up is a marker, which is my second problem. Can anyone point me to some example codes or anything which may help me?
$.getJSON(address, function(data) {
//add GeoJSON layer to the map once the file is loaded
layer[i] = L.geoJson(data, {style: function(styles) {
return {color: data.properties.pen,
weight: data.properites.weight
onEachFeature: onEachFeature
Change your code to:
function onEachFeature(feature, layer) {
if (feature.properties && layer instanceof L.Path) {
color: feature.properties.pen,
weight: feature.properites.weight
$.getJSON(address, function(data) {
//add GeoJSON layer to the map once the file is loaded
layer[i] = L.geoJson(data, {
onEachFeature: onEachFeature
Leaflet GeoJson Tutorial
I'm using the mapbox supercluster library to cluster a fairly large amount of point data and plotting it with leaflet inside a shiny app. At maxZoom the points are shown and are getting draggable for the user in case the location is wrong. Mapbox supercluster uses a static kdbush spatial index, so each time a L.marker is moved, the cluster will be reloaded (not a problem in my case, because supercluster is extremely fast).
However, it is only possible to drag an L.marker used with supercluster inside the visible map bounds. This makes sense, because the L.marker's are generated on the fly for only the visible map bounds. If the L.marker are defined with options {draggable:true,autoPan:true} an error occurs in case L.marker is dragged outside of the visible map extent:
Uncaught TypeError: t is null
leaflet 1.3.3/dist/leaflet.js:5
leaflet 1.3.3/dist/leaflet.js:5
at https://unpkg.com/leaflet#1.3.3/dist/leaflet.js:5
_adjustPan https://unpkg.com/leaflet#1.3.3/dist/leaflet.js:5
_adjustPan self-hosted:891
_adjustPan self-hosted:844
or in my shiny app I get the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property '_leaflet_pos' of null
at Object.Lt [as setPosition] (eval at <anonymous> (jquery.min.js:2), <anonymous>:5:9959)
at e._adjustPan (eval at <anonymous> (jquery.min.js:2), <anonymous>:5:71149)
It would be really cool to have some sort of autopan for L.marker's used with supercluster. I know the user could just zoom out to drag the point to the intended location. This is not really an option in my case, because there are quickly too many points in the visible map extent which will slow down map panning (that's why I use the clustering in the first place).
I tried to center the leaflet map during the drag event using panTo
//console.log('marker dragstart event');
var position=e.target.getLatLng();
map.panTo(new L.latLng(position.lat,position.lng));
but it seems that this somehow stops the drag event.
My question is: Is there a way to get an autopan for L.marker used with supercluster?
I set up a minimal reproducible example below. This example plots a single point (var marker) as well as three points (var markers) with supercluster. The single point can be dragged outside the visible map extent whereas the cluster points cannot.
var map = L.map('map').setView([51.505, -1.09], 9);
var marker = new L.marker([51.505, -1.09],{
draggable: true,
}).bindPopup('autopan working').addTo(map);
// Empty Layer Group that will receive the clusters data on the fly.
var markers = L.geoJson(null, {
pointToLayer: createClusterIcon,
onEachFeature: onEachFeature
var clusterData = {
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-1.0,51.5]
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-1.1,51.6]
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-0.9,51.4]
function onEachFeature(f, layer) {
//add drag event
//console.log('marker dragstart event');
//var position=e.target.getLatLng();
//map.panTo(new L.latLng(position.lat,position.lng));
//console.log('marker dragend event');
var changedPos = e.target.getLatLng();
//console.log('new location '+changedPos);
//load cluster again
// Update the displayed clusters after user pan / zoom.
map.on('moveend', update);
function update() {
if (!ready) return;
var bounds = map.getBounds();
var bbox = [bounds.getWest(), bounds.getSouth(), bounds.getEast(), bounds.getNorth()];
var zoom = map.getZoom();
var clusters = index.getClusters(bbox, zoom);
//console.log('clusters '+clusters);
// Zoom to expand the cluster clicked by user.
markers.on('click', function(e) {
//console.log('check data' + e.layer.feature.properties.cluster_id);
var clusterId = e.layer.feature.properties.cluster_id;
var center = e.latlng;
var expansionZoom;
if (clusterId) {
expansionZoom = index.getClusterExpansionZoom(clusterId);
map.flyTo(center, expansionZoom);
var ready = false;
//load data
const index = new Supercluster({
radius: 150,
ready= true;
function createClusterIcon(feature, latlng) {
if (!feature.properties.cluster){
return L.marker(latlng,{draggable:true,autoPan:true}); //add autoPan:true
var count = feature.properties.point_count;
var size =
count < 100 ? 'small' :
count < 1000 ? 'medium' : 'large';
var icon = L.divIcon({
html: '<div><span>' + feature.properties.point_count_abbreviated + '</span></div>',
className: 'marker-cluster marker-cluster-' + size,
iconSize: L.point(40, 40)
return L.marker(latlng, {
icon: icon
#map {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
<script src="https://unpkg.com/supercluster#7.1.0/dist/supercluster.min.js"></script>
<link href="https://cdn.rawgit.com/mapbox/supercluster/v4.0.1/demo/cluster.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/leaflet#1.3.3/dist/leaflet.js"></script>
<link href="https://unpkg.com/leaflet#1.3.3/dist/leaflet.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<div id="map"></div>
Here is the working JSFiddle
what I need is to add image to rect polygon and also don't want it to repeat itself as when zooming in or out and want it to be fixed. any suggestions will be appreciated and if there is any other way to achieve so.
If it can be placed in geojson that will be great as I have to give some properties to each polygon. And create all the rect polygon dynamically.
code is below
var osmUrl = 'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
osmAttrib = '© OpenStreetMap contributors',
osm = L.tileLayer(osmUrl, {maxZoom: 18, attribution: osmAttrib});
var map = new L.Map('map', {layers: [osm], center: new L.LatLng(24, 121), zoom: 9});
var states = [{
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {"party": "Republican"},
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [[
[-104.05, 48.99],
[-96.58, 45.94],
[-104.03, 45.94],
[-104.05, 48.99]
}, {
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {"party": "Democrat"},
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [[
[-109.05, 41.00],
[-102.03, 36.99],
[-109.04, 36.99],
[-109.05, 41.00]
var poly1 = [
[24, 121],
[24.5, 121],
[24.5, 121.9],
[24, 121.9]
L.polygon(poly1, {fill:'url(http://i.imgur.com/ktPFJKC.jpg)'}).addTo(map);
L.geoJson(states, {
style: function(feature) {
switch (feature.properties.party) {
case 'Republican': return {color:'#ff0000'};
case 'Democrat': return {color: "#0000ff"};
The best thing to do here is use an ImageOverlay, which is designed for precisely this case. You can use the coordinates of your polygon object to create both the image overlay and an invisible GeoJSON layer that sits on top of it. If you are dynamically creating the polygon objects in the same format as your example poly1, then you can reference the indices of the corner points like this when creating the image overlay:
var imageUrl = 'http://i.imgur.com/ktPFJKC.jpg';
var imageBounds = L.latLngBounds([
var imageLayer = L.imageOverlay(imageUrl, imageBounds).addTo(map).bringToBack();
The .bringToBack may be unnecessary if you always create the image before the GeoJSON polygon, but it does ensure that the image overlay doesn't interfere with other layer interactions. You can create a temporary GeoJSON object from the polygon object using .toGeoJSON, and set any GeoJSON properties you like:
var polyTemp = L.polygon(poly1).toGeoJSON();
polyTemp.properties.name = 'pineapple';
Then create an invisible L.GeoJSON layer to handle the interactions:
var boxOptions = {fillOpacity:0, opacity:0, onEachFeature: onEachBox};
var imageBox = L.geoJson(polyTemp, boxOptions).addTo(map);
function onEachBox(feature, layer) {
layer.bindPopup("Hello, I'm a " + polyTemp.properties.name);
The onEachBox function here is of course just an example to illustrate that you can access the GeoJSON properties. Here is an updated fiddle:
I understood that I can use the general Leaflet layer, and the more advanced map-box featureLayer, that provides useful functions as the filter.
However, I don't understand the difference between
marker = L.Marker (new L.LatLng(lat, lng),
icon: L.mapbox.marker.icon(
{'marker-color': 'fc4353'
'marker-size': 'large'
title: name,
var poijson = {
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [lng, lat]
"properties": {
"title": poi.name,
"marker-color": "#fc4353",
"marker-size": "large"
Is it just the same?
Moreover, if I had many markers, should I add a new layer for each marker? It seems not a good thing for performance..
For instance, If I do:
var pois; //loaded with pois info
var geojson=[]; //will contain geojson data
for (p=0; p< pois.length; p++)
var poi = pois[p];
var poijson =
"type": "Feature",
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [poi.lng, poi.lat]
Does it will create many layers for each poi, or just one layer with all the markers?
thank you
When you add a marker to a Leaflet map via map.addLayer(marker);, the marker is added to the 'leaflet-maker-pane'. The markers are plain images/icons.
You can use a geoJSON layer to draw GIS features: points, lines, polygons, etc.
See here: http://leafletjs.com/examples/geojson.html
Mapbox's featureLayers is just an extension to Leaflet's geoJSONLayer
To add multiple markers, call addMarker multiple times. Leaflet will create a new layer for each of the markers. Each marker will be added as an image element to the leaflet-marker-pane div:
Updated response:
If you add a GeoJSON layer with multiple features, Leaflet will create separate layer for each of the features. You can inspect the layers of the map by calling map._layers after adding the GeoJSON Layer.
marker.addTo(map) and map.addLayer(marker) are doing the same thing.
Here's the addTo function taken from the source
addTo: function (map) {
return this;