Make barWidth fix in barchart - ios-charts

I am using Charts library. I want to keep chart max width fix. I didn't find any way to restrict to some width.

There is a way to make sure the width of a bar is never more than a certain proportion of the screen width. For example setting the setVisibleXRangeMinimum to 10 means each bar will be around 1/10 of the screen width
You can also set the maximum:

Finally, I am able to find the problem in my code. I was adding long value for X, which was creating the problem. I corrected the X value and everything is perfect :)
BarChartDataEntry(x: Double(x_Value), y: Double(y_Value))


How to adjust bar absolute width in MATLAB

I'm confused with the bar with adjustment in MATLAB, for example, when use bar like:
I get an image like this:
It seems like the bar is too thin to have a good look. After searching for help, I can use the code like:
and I get this:
Seems much better. But if I change the sample number from 100 to 10, the same code won't work.
I hope I have explained my issue clear. It seems like the third parameter of the bar function is a relative width, which correlates to the input size of the first and second parameter. Can I fix the absolute bar width no matter how many data points input? or there is a better function to draw figures like this? Thanks a lot for any help!
user #am304 is right about the width parameter
What happened in your code is that you set x values to results from randsample(0:0.0001:1,10)
If you give your plot a width of 1 it means that 2 bars which are directly next to each other would touch each other with an equally spaced x.
In your case, you have an irregular x spacing.
The width of the bar is determined by the minimum distance between two x values (which you get from randsample()). Sometimes this space - and therefore the width of your bar - is very tiny. Sometimes it is broader.
Change the with to 1 and make multiple plots. You will notice that two are always touching each other and no one is overlapping and all the others have spaces in between. If you change the width to 50 the plots will somethimes overlap heavily (depending on the randomness from randsample) because your bars are 50 times bigger then the minimum width between two x values.
In case of your randsample(0:0.0001:1,100) example it is just more likely that two values are close to each other, therefore increasing the width helps you see something (because the bars overlap).
From the documentation:
bar(___,width) sets the relative bar width, which controls the
separation of bars within a group. Specify width as a scalar value.
Use this option with any of the input argument combinations in the
previous syntaxes.
The example provided is as follows:
Set the width of each bar to 40 percent of the total space available
for each bar.
y = [75 91 105 123.5 131 150 179 203 226 249 281.5];
So bottom line is: the width is specified as a % of the total space available for each bar. Yoru problem comes from the fact that you have far too many bars, so the space available for each bar is tiny. Setting the width to 50 or 5000% of the space available just means that each bar will overlap quite substantially on the neighbouring bars. Because you have so many, the middle plot looks "reasonable" as I suspect a lot of the bars are overlapped and a lot of them are at zero, so you just can't see them. If you go down to a sensible number of bars, as in your last example, then setting the width to 5000% looks ridiculous as you found out.
So to summarise: reduce the number of bars and specify the bar width between >0 and 1 (1 being no gap, all the bars touching each other).
A better way to plot things with random x locations is to use stem. By default, it draws a line from the zero line to the datum, with a circle representing each datum. But this can be modified. For example:
stem(randsample(0:0.0001:1,100),randn(100,1), 'Marker','none', 'LineWidth',4)
creates a plot similar to your second attempt, but with bars of a fixed width (4 points).

Stack view constraints changes top-layer's view width

I have a stack view holding 2 images.
One image's width to be lower or equal to 140 and 1:1 ratio
Stack view top constraint 20 and trailing constraint 5
When I want to set the stack view leading constraint to 5 (looking at the safe area leading) it enlarges the safe area to a width of 1920 and I have no idea why it does that.
It might have something to do with that the total width of the stack view (including the constraints) is smaller than the width of the safe area so it's ignoring the images width constraint and enlarging it to the default size (1920)? Because, when I change the stack view's distribution to fill proportionally instead of fill equally it does obey to the image's width constraint and the safe view's width stays normal.
If I am thinking correctly, how can I find a workaround for this?
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: I was trying to think logically and I found a solution by changing the image's width to GREATER or equal to instead of SMALLER or equal to. I was following a devslopes guide and in that Xcode version (Beta XCode9) it did work, it just gave a warning it wasn't obeying that constraint anymore (I think it was saying that, I just saw the width being red). So it works now, if anyone has this problem following their guide, just do what I said and it will work.

Use iOS-Charts How to set the label position of the X axis and the position of the bar, line

I want need to be done like this,
but I made this after I do not know how to do it.
I want understand the attributes of the IOS chart, the first picture on both sides of the column does not show completely, I would like to two columns and X axis of the label indentation, how to set up?
Can who help me?
Thank you!
If I understand your question, you want to see the whole width of the yellow bar for April. This should force the bar to be shown:
chartView.xAxis.axisMinimum = 0.0
chartView.setVisibleXRange(minXRange: 3.0, maxXRange: 3.0)
If you change the 0.0 to a bigger number it should move the yellow bar more to the right.
You can also try changing the number 3.0 to a bigger number and see what effect it gives you. charts: Legend overlapping with X-axis

I am creating a Chart (DataVisualization.Charting.Chart) programmatically, which is a Stacked Bar chart.
I am also adding Legend entries programmatically to it. I want to show the Legend at the bottom of the chart.
But, while doing so, the Legend overlapps with the X-axis of the chart.
Here is the code I am using:
Private Function GetLegend(ByVal legendName As String, ByVal s As Single) As System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Legend
Dim objLegend As System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Legend = New System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Legend()
objLegend.Name = legendName
objLegend.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Verdana", s)
objLegend.IsDockedInsideChartArea = False
objLegend.Docking = Docking.Bottom
Return objLegend
End Function
Below statement adds that Legend to the chart
_msChart.Legends.Add(GetLegend("SomeValue1", 10.0F))
Any idea, what is missing? I want to show the legend at the bottom only, but it should not overlapp with the X-axis.
I had the same problem today. Try adding:
objLegend.Position.Auto = true
objLegend.DockedToChartArea = "yourChartAreaName"
That did not help me but I found on the net that this might be helpful (and clean solution).
What actually worked for me was moving chart area to make space for legend so it no longer overlaps. My legend was on top so this code worked for me:
chart.ChartAreas[0].Position.Y = 15
You can try resizing it instead, forcing it to be for example 20 pixels shorter than chart.Size.
Hope this helps.
I had an overlapping legend/chart area problem as well but none of the other suggestions here seemed to make any difference. I think the problem stems from legend text wrapping to two lines and the sizing algorithms not taking account of this.
The ideas here got me thinking more clearly about the problem though, and I was able control the size and position of the chart area using the following.
Chart1.ChartAreas[0].InnerPlotPosition = new ElementPosition(15, 5, 90, 75);
There's not much intellisense on those parameters, but as well as I could deduce, the parameters are all percentages of the total chart area (I initially thought they might be pixel values and got some very odd results). So what I've written above would set the plot area to start at 15% in from the left edge of the chart image and 5% down from the top, and have a width of 90% and a height of 75%.

CPBarPlot Width/Spacing

I am modifying the width of bars in a graph by using (CPBarPlot *)barPlot.barWidth, but the spacing between bars does not change and they now overlap each other. barPlot.barOffset works great for the initial offset, but I haven't been able to figure out how to change the spacing between subsequent bars. It seems like I have to change something with the spacing of intervals on the axis, but I don't see anything related to interval spacing in CPBarPlot. Anyone know how this can be accomplished?
Here's a post that might help out with this issue:
Good luck!